# Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) # See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission id name user_id description username type title userid group_id first_name itemid category_id firstname code pno nextval hostid table_name cid email smtp_helo platformid dept_id album_id key_ the child_cfg jid platform expression functionid smtp_server uid clock alarmid alertid private_key actionid triggerid triggertemplateid local_spi delay sid mediaid peer_cfg smtp_email order_id shared_secret itemtemplateid certificate insertid role_id song_id item_id product_id blob_id distip artist_id empno customer_name grade branch_name portal_id deptno data rid app_id class loan_number countryid enabled fname country ename object_id idtype groupid rowid accno account_number event passwd sequence_id datarow owner_id display pid venue locked eno serviceid alias categoryid canoccupantsinvite keyword channel_id loginrestrictedtonickname registrationenabled logenabled ip maxnumber tag_id alert_id cananyonediscoverjid address sumdatarow emp_id ono anyone surname subdomain maxusers ccc datacol os status_id node_id essn last_name iteration canchangenickname canoccupantschangesubject membersonly created_by succ_rate dnumber service_id mid publicroom propvalue empty_days moderated customer_id wdatarow persistent authorid patch_status_id submitted_by resolution_id osvendor routeid arch fid assigned_to ns event_id problem_code city note channel element_id cat_id position_id schema_id area bug_category_id session_id project_id random nsprefix archive_id nsschema view_id pname bug_group_id lastname link_id langid catname bug_id magic_string m_id zip patch_category_id custno idcountry stopid identifier category isbn group_project_id extension_id state password page extension spellid dno instanceof network priority aname person_id ncbofile student_number term_id uno path_id aid location_id propertyno course_number tid langug_code variable dept_desc orderno ownerno partof clientno white macaddr jobtypeid direction md5sum orga_id parentcategoryid beginstateid mname qno src featurename client_id route_id ticker version modulename maty_id currentstateid userinfo_id column_id imageinfo_id staffno lid metadatainfoid context app_title dest attributecategory_id operation_type dnum pers_id_registerer datasource connectorid our_loc country_name dname capital search_id statechangeid rightid endstateid distconnectorid walnut distmacaddr pixsize jobid revid match_cid branchno prepend_digits stockno ncbofileid object_type type_id pubid qagent office db_name bank dummy storyname col petty qname store_id inv_id inventory gift cno item c_sec_id row_id price loc_id ssn c_id sname parent allowance color group_name accounts vendorid gifi_accno movie_id rate company subid commentpath protocol_action_id topic_id s_id config_id long link copyright vehicle customerid customer f_id chart_id url host loans charttype imagefile data_set_id guest_ip biosample_id affiliation_id os_id street_id book_code object_name start_date form_id itemno provincial confid ratingid drinker qname_id whatsdom config_name ship_id investigator_id smilies_id cal_id license_id conf contact_id procedure_id column_name chromosome_id tf_key agent_specialtyid users_id gid publisher_code setting format_id word slogan superssn product referredby operationid ban_ip p_id lbl_aom_unaccessible_shipmethod origin comment_id product_version probe_id orderdate ordernumber data_type_id publisherid lake_id course_id questionid student_id user_name answerid hashtag preference_id author_num branch_num derived_id factoryid filterid log pnumber specialtyid plugin_id aa file dept_number action_attribute_id cpr storeid progenitor_id staff_number deptid semester poi_id part_id cell_line_id transaction_id agentid regionid token serial_no experimental_data_set_id cp_id the_geom model o_id personid display_name salesperson_id dependent_name license tablename employee_id e_id id_group location bb languageid int4 msg_id department book_id ingredientid action_type_id maker app id_customer this entry_id county_id protocol_type_id empnbr unit_number bar studentid dbid title_id cname emp_num owner course_name editionnumber sessionid mealid com_id text chip_layout_id watchlistid qty data_set_type_id orderid module_id c1 dlocation domainid course_no mgrssn id_log access_control_type_id account_id checking protocol_id request_id settingsid lname sale_date module_addr