#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Copyright 2008 Jose Fonseca # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # '''Visualize dot graphs via the xdot format.''' __author__ = "Jose Fonseca et al" import os import sys import subprocess import math import colorsys import time import re import optparse import sys import gobject import gtk import gtk.gdk import gtk.keysyms import cairo import pango import pangocairo if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): xrange = range # See http://www.graphviz.org/pub/scm/graphviz-cairo/plugin/cairo/gvrender_cairo.c # For pygtk inspiration and guidance see: # - http://mirageiv.berlios.de/ # - http://comix.sourceforge.net/ class Pen: """Store pen attributes.""" def __init__(self): # set default attributes self.color = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.fillcolor = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) self.linewidth = 1.0 self.fontsize = 14.0 self.fontname = "Times-Roman" self.dash = () def copy(self): """Create a copy of this pen.""" pen = Pen() pen.__dict__ = self.__dict__.copy() return pen def highlighted(self): pen = self.copy() pen.color = (1, 0, 0, 1) pen.fillcolor = (1, .8, .8, 1) return pen class Shape: """Abstract base class for all the drawing shapes.""" def __init__(self): pass def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): """Draw this shape with the given cairo context""" raise NotImplementedError def select_pen(self, highlight): if highlight: if not hasattr(self, 'highlight_pen'): self.highlight_pen = self.pen.highlighted() return self.highlight_pen else: return self.pen def search_text(self, regexp): return False class TextShape(Shape): LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT = -1, 0, 1 def __init__(self, pen, x, y, j, w, t): Shape.__init__(self) self.pen = pen.copy() self.x = x self.y = y self.j = j self.w = w self.t = t def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): try: layout = self.layout except AttributeError: layout = cr.create_layout() # set font options # see http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/cairo/2007-February/009688.html context = layout.get_context() fo = cairo.FontOptions() fo.set_antialias(cairo.ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT) fo.set_hint_style(cairo.HINT_STYLE_NONE) fo.set_hint_metrics(cairo.HINT_METRICS_OFF) try: pangocairo.context_set_font_options(context, fo) except TypeError: # XXX: Some broken pangocairo bindings show the error # 'TypeError: font_options must be a cairo.FontOptions or None' pass # set font font = pango.FontDescription() font.set_family(self.pen.fontname) font.set_absolute_size(self.pen.fontsize*pango.SCALE) layout.set_font_description(font) # set text layout.set_text(self.t) # cache it self.layout = layout else: cr.update_layout(layout) descent = 2 # XXX get descender from font metrics width, height = layout.get_size() width = float(width)/pango.SCALE height = float(height)/pango.SCALE # we know the width that dot thinks this text should have # we do not necessarily have a font with the same metrics # scale it so that the text fits inside its box if width > self.w: f = self.w / width width = self.w # equivalent to width *= f height *= f descent *= f else: f = 1.0 if self.j == self.LEFT: x = self.x elif self.j == self.CENTER: x = self.x - 0.5*width elif self.j == self.RIGHT: x = self.x - width else: assert 0 y = self.y - height + descent cr.move_to(x, y) cr.save() cr.scale(f, f) cr.set_source_rgba(*self.select_pen(highlight).color) cr.show_layout(layout) cr.restore() if 0: # DEBUG # show where dot thinks the text should appear cr.set_source_rgba(1, 0, 0, .9) if self.j == self.LEFT: x = self.x elif self.j == self.CENTER: x = self.x - 0.5*self.w elif self.j == self.RIGHT: x = self.x - self.w cr.move_to(x, self.y) cr.line_to(x+self.w, self.y) cr.stroke() def search_text(self, regexp): return regexp.search(self.t) is not None class ImageShape(Shape): def __init__(self, pen, x0, y0, w, h, path): Shape.__init__(self) self.pen = pen.copy() self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.w = w self.h = h self.path = path def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): cr2 = gtk.gdk.CairoContext(cr) pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(self.path) sx = float(self.w)/float(pixbuf.get_width()) sy = float(self.h)/float(pixbuf.get_height()) cr.save() cr.translate(self.x0, self.y0 - self.h) cr.scale(sx, sy) cr2.set_source_pixbuf(pixbuf, 0, 0) cr2.paint() cr.restore() class EllipseShape(Shape): def __init__(self, pen, x0, y0, w, h, filled=False): Shape.__init__(self) self.pen = pen.copy() self.x0 = x0 self.y0 = y0 self.w = w self.h = h self.filled = filled def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): cr.save() cr.translate(self.x0, self.y0) cr.scale(self.w, self.h) cr.move_to(1.0, 0.0) cr.arc(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 2.0*math.pi) cr.restore() pen = self.select_pen(highlight) if self.filled: cr.set_source_rgba(*pen.fillcolor) cr.fill() else: cr.set_dash(pen.dash) cr.set_line_width(pen.linewidth) cr.set_source_rgba(*pen.color) cr.stroke() class PolygonShape(Shape): def __init__(self, pen, points, filled=False): Shape.__init__(self) self.pen = pen.copy() self.points = points self.filled = filled def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): x0, y0 = self.points[-1] cr.move_to(x0, y0) for x, y in self.points: cr.line_to(x, y) cr.close_path() pen = self.select_pen(highlight) if self.filled: cr.set_source_rgba(*pen.fillcolor) cr.fill_preserve() cr.fill() else: cr.set_dash(pen.dash) cr.set_line_width(pen.linewidth) cr.set_source_rgba(*pen.color) cr.stroke() class LineShape(Shape): def __init__(self, pen, points): Shape.__init__(self) self.pen = pen.copy() self.points = points def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): x0, y0 = self.points[0] cr.move_to(x0, y0) for x1, y1 in self.points[1:]: cr.line_to(x1, y1) pen = self.select_pen(highlight) cr.set_dash(pen.dash) cr.set_line_width(pen.linewidth) cr.set_source_rgba(*pen.color) cr.stroke() class BezierShape(Shape): def __init__(self, pen, points, filled=False): Shape.__init__(self) self.pen = pen.copy() self.points = points self.filled = filled def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): x0, y0 = self.points[0] cr.move_to(x0, y0) for i in xrange(1, len(self.points), 3): x1, y1 = self.points[i] x2, y2 = self.points[i + 1] x3, y3 = self.points[i + 2] cr.curve_to(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) pen = self.select_pen(highlight) if self.filled: cr.set_source_rgba(*pen.fillcolor) cr.fill_preserve() cr.fill() else: cr.set_dash(pen.dash) cr.set_line_width(pen.linewidth) cr.set_source_rgba(*pen.color) cr.stroke() class CompoundShape(Shape): def __init__(self, shapes): Shape.__init__(self) self.shapes = shapes def draw(self, cr, highlight=False): for shape in self.shapes: shape.draw(cr, highlight=highlight) def search_text(self, regexp): for shape in self.shapes: if shape.search_text(regexp): return True return False class Url(object): def __init__(self, item, url, highlight=None): self.item = item self.url = url if highlight is None: highlight = set([item]) self.highlight = highlight class Jump(object): def __init__(self, item, x, y, highlight=None): self.item = item self.x = x self.y = y if highlight is None: highlight = set([item]) self.highlight = highlight class Element(CompoundShape): """Base class for graph nodes and edges.""" def __init__(self, shapes): CompoundShape.__init__(self, shapes) def is_inside(self, x, y): return False def get_url(self, x, y): return None def get_jump(self, x, y): return None class Node(Element): def __init__(self, id, x, y, w, h, shapes, url): Element.__init__(self, shapes) self.id = id self.x = x self.y = y self.x1 = x - 0.5*w self.y1 = y - 0.5*h self.x2 = x + 0.5*w self.y2 = y + 0.5*h self.url = url def is_inside(self, x, y): return self.x1 <= x and x <= self.x2 and self.y1 <= y and y <= self.y2 def get_url(self, x, y): if self.url is None: return None if self.is_inside(x, y): return Url(self, self.url) return None def get_jump(self, x, y): if self.is_inside(x, y): return Jump(self, self.x, self.y) return None def __repr__(self): return "<Node %s>" % self.id def square_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2): deltax = x2 - x1 deltay = y2 - y1 return deltax*deltax + deltay*deltay class Edge(Element): def __init__(self, src, dst, points, shapes): Element.__init__(self, shapes) self.src = src self.dst = dst self.points = points RADIUS = 10 def is_inside_begin(self, x, y): return square_distance(x, y, *self.points[0]) <= self.RADIUS*self.RADIUS def is_inside_end(self, x, y): return square_distance(x, y, *self.points[-1]) <= self.RADIUS*self.RADIUS def is_inside(self, x, y): if self.is_inside_begin(x, y): return True if self.is_inside_end(x, y): return True return False def get_jump(self, x, y): if self.is_inside_begin(x, y): return Jump(self, self.dst.x, self.dst.y, highlight=set([self, self.dst])) if self.is_inside_end(x, y): return Jump(self, self.src.x, self.src.y, highlight=set([self, self.src])) return None def __repr__(self): return "<Edge %s -> %s>" % (self.src, self.dst) class Graph(Shape): def __init__(self, width=1, height=1, shapes=(), nodes=(), edges=()): Shape.__init__(self) self.width = width self.height = height self.shapes = shapes self.nodes = nodes self.edges = edges def get_size(self): return self.width, self.height def draw(self, cr, highlight_items=None): if highlight_items is None: highlight_items = () cr.set_source_rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) cr.set_line_cap(cairo.LINE_CAP_BUTT) cr.set_line_join(cairo.LINE_JOIN_MITER) for shape in self.shapes: shape.draw(cr) for edge in self.edges: edge.draw(cr, highlight=(edge in highlight_items)) for node in self.nodes: node.draw(cr, highlight=(node in highlight_items)) def get_element(self, x, y): for node in self.nodes: if node.is_inside(x, y): return node for edge in self.edges: if edge.is_inside(x, y): return edge def get_url(self, x, y): for node in self.nodes: url = node.get_url(x, y) if url is not None: return url return None def get_jump(self, x, y): for edge in self.edges: jump = edge.get_jump(x, y) if jump is not None: return jump for node in self.nodes: jump = node.get_jump(x, y) if jump is not None: return jump return None BOLD = 1 ITALIC = 2 UNDERLINE = 4 SUPERSCRIPT = 8 SUBSCRIPT = 16 STRIKE_THROUGH = 32 class XDotAttrParser: """Parser for xdot drawing attributes. See also: - http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html#d:xdot """ def __init__(self, parser, buf): self.parser = parser self.buf = buf self.pos = 0 self.pen = Pen() self.shapes = [] def __nonzero__(self): return self.pos < len(self.buf) def read_code(self): pos = self.buf.find(" ", self.pos) res = self.buf[self.pos:pos] self.pos = pos + 1 while self.pos < len(self.buf) and self.buf[self.pos].isspace(): self.pos += 1 return res def read_int(self): return int(self.read_code()) def read_float(self): return float(self.read_code()) def read_point(self): x = self.read_float() y = self.read_float() return self.transform(x, y) def read_text(self): num = self.read_int() pos = self.buf.find("-", self.pos) + 1 self.pos = pos + num res = self.buf[pos:self.pos] while self.pos < len(self.buf) and self.buf[self.pos].isspace(): self.pos += 1 return res def read_polygon(self): n = self.read_int() p = [] for i in range(n): x, y = self.read_point() p.append((x, y)) return p def read_color(self): # See http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html#k:color c = self.read_text() c1 = c[:1] if c1 == '#': hex2float = lambda h: float(int(h, 16)/255.0) r = hex2float(c[1:3]) g = hex2float(c[3:5]) b = hex2float(c[5:7]) try: a = hex2float(c[7:9]) except (IndexError, ValueError): a = 1.0 return r, g, b, a elif c1.isdigit() or c1 == ".": # "H,S,V" or "H S V" or "H, S, V" or any other variation h, s, v = map(float, c.replace(",", " ").split()) r, g, b = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v) a = 1.0 return r, g, b, a elif c1 == "[": sys.stderr.write('warning: color gradients not supported yet\n') return None else: return self.lookup_color(c) def lookup_color(self, c): try: color = gtk.gdk.color_parse(c) except ValueError: pass else: s = 1.0/65535.0 r = color.red*s g = color.green*s b = color.blue*s a = 1.0 return r, g, b, a try: dummy, scheme, index = c.split('/') r, g, b = brewer_colors[scheme][int(index)] except (ValueError, KeyError): pass else: s = 1.0/255.0 r = r*s g = g*s b = b*s a = 1.0 return r, g, b, a sys.stderr.write("warning: unknown color '%s'\n" % c) return None def parse(self): s = self while s: op = s.read_code() if op == "c": color = s.read_color() if color is not None: self.handle_color(color, filled=False) elif op == "C": color = s.read_color() if color is not None: self.handle_color(color, filled=True) elif op == "S": # http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/attrs.html#k:style style = s.read_text() if style.startswith("setlinewidth("): lw = style.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] lw = float(lw) self.handle_linewidth(lw) elif style in ("solid", "dashed", "dotted"): self.handle_linestyle(style) elif op == "F": size = s.read_float() name = s.read_text() self.handle_font(size, name) elif op == "T": x, y = s.read_point() j = s.read_int() w = s.read_float() t = s.read_text() self.handle_text(x, y, j, w, t) elif op == "t": f = s.read_int() self.handle_font_characteristics(f) elif op == "E": x0, y0 = s.read_point() w = s.read_float() h = s.read_float() self.handle_ellipse(x0, y0, w, h, filled=True) elif op == "e": x0, y0 = s.read_point() w = s.read_float() h = s.read_float() self.handle_ellipse(x0, y0, w, h, filled=False) elif op == "L": points = self.read_polygon() self.handle_line(points) elif op == "B": points = self.read_polygon() self.handle_bezier(points, filled=False) elif op == "b": points = self.read_polygon() self.handle_bezier(points, filled=True) elif op == "P": points = self.read_polygon() self.handle_polygon(points, filled=True) elif op == "p": points = self.read_polygon() self.handle_polygon(points, filled=False) elif op == "I": x0, y0 = s.read_point() w = s.read_float() h = s.read_float() path = s.read_text() self.handle_image(x0, y0, w, h, path) else: sys.stderr.write("error: unknown xdot opcode '%s'\n" % op) sys.exit(1) return self.shapes def transform(self, x, y): return self.parser.transform(x, y) def handle_color(self, color, filled=False): if filled: self.pen.fillcolor = color else: self.pen.color = color def handle_linewidth(self, linewidth): self.pen.linewidth = linewidth def handle_linestyle(self, style): if style == "solid": self.pen.dash = () elif style == "dashed": self.pen.dash = (6, ) # 6pt on, 6pt off elif style == "dotted": self.pen.dash = (2, 4) # 2pt on, 4pt off def handle_font(self, size, name): self.pen.fontsize = size self.pen.fontname = name def handle_font_characteristics(self, flags): # TODO if flags != 0: sys.stderr.write("warning: font characteristics not supported yet\n" % op) def handle_text(self, x, y, j, w, t): self.shapes.append(TextShape(self.pen, x, y, j, w, t)) def handle_ellipse(self, x0, y0, w, h, filled=False): if filled: # xdot uses this to mean "draw a filled shape with an outline" self.shapes.append(EllipseShape(self.pen, x0, y0, w, h, filled=True)) self.shapes.append(EllipseShape(self.pen, x0, y0, w, h)) def handle_image(self, x0, y0, w, h, path): self.shapes.append(ImageShape(self.pen, x0, y0, w, h, path)) def handle_line(self, points): self.shapes.append(LineShape(self.pen, points)) def handle_bezier(self, points, filled=False): if filled: # xdot uses this to mean "draw a filled shape with an outline" self.shapes.append(BezierShape(self.pen, points, filled=True)) self.shapes.append(BezierShape(self.pen, points)) def handle_polygon(self, points, filled=False): if filled: # xdot uses this to mean "draw a filled shape with an outline" self.shapes.append(PolygonShape(self.pen, points, filled=True)) self.shapes.append(PolygonShape(self.pen, points)) EOF = -1 SKIP = -2 class ParseError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg=None, filename=None, line=None, col=None): self.msg = msg self.filename = filename self.line = line self.col = col def __str__(self): return ':'.join([str(part) for part in (self.filename, self.line, self.col, self.msg) if part != None]) class Scanner: """Stateless scanner.""" # should be overriden by derived classes tokens = [] symbols = {} literals = {} ignorecase = False def __init__(self): flags = re.DOTALL if self.ignorecase: flags |= re.IGNORECASE self.tokens_re = re.compile( '|'.join(['(' + regexp + ')' for type, regexp, test_lit in self.tokens]), flags ) def next(self, buf, pos): if pos >= len(buf): return EOF, '', pos mo = self.tokens_re.match(buf, pos) if mo: text = mo.group() type, regexp, test_lit = self.tokens[mo.lastindex - 1] pos = mo.end() if test_lit: type = self.literals.get(text, type) return type, text, pos else: c = buf[pos] return self.symbols.get(c, None), c, pos + 1 class Token: def __init__(self, type, text, line, col): self.type = type self.text = text self.line = line self.col = col class Lexer: # should be overriden by derived classes scanner = None tabsize = 8 newline_re = re.compile(r'\r\n?|\n') def __init__(self, buf = None, pos = 0, filename = None, fp = None): if fp is not None: try: fileno = fp.fileno() length = os.path.getsize(fp.name) import mmap except: # read whole file into memory buf = fp.read() pos = 0 else: # map the whole file into memory if length: # length must not be zero buf = mmap.mmap(fileno, length, access = mmap.ACCESS_READ) pos = os.lseek(fileno, 0, 1) else: buf = '' pos = 0 if filename is None: try: filename = fp.name except AttributeError: filename = None self.buf = buf self.pos = pos self.line = 1 self.col = 1 self.filename = filename def next(self): while True: # save state pos = self.pos line = self.line col = self.col type, text, endpos = self.scanner.next(self.buf, pos) assert pos + len(text) == endpos self.consume(text) type, text = self.filter(type, text) self.pos = endpos if type == SKIP: continue elif type is None: msg = 'unexpected char ' if text >= ' ' and text <= '~': msg += "'%s'" % text else: msg += "0x%X" % ord(text) raise ParseError(msg, self.filename, line, col) else: break return Token(type = type, text = text, line = line, col = col) def consume(self, text): # update line number pos = 0 for mo in self.newline_re.finditer(text, pos): self.line += 1 self.col = 1 pos = mo.end() # update column number while True: tabpos = text.find('\t', pos) if tabpos == -1: break self.col += tabpos - pos self.col = ((self.col - 1)//self.tabsize + 1)*self.tabsize + 1 pos = tabpos + 1 self.col += len(text) - pos class Parser: def __init__(self, lexer): self.lexer = lexer self.lookahead = next(self.lexer) def match(self, type): if self.lookahead.type != type: raise ParseError( msg = 'unexpected token %r' % self.lookahead.text, filename = self.lexer.filename, line = self.lookahead.line, col = self.lookahead.col) def skip(self, type): while self.lookahead.type != type: self.consume() def consume(self): token = self.lookahead self.lookahead = next(self.lexer) return token ID = 0 STR_ID = 1 HTML_ID = 2 EDGE_OP = 3 LSQUARE = 4 RSQUARE = 5 LCURLY = 6 RCURLY = 7 COMMA = 8 COLON = 9 SEMI = 10 EQUAL = 11 PLUS = 12 STRICT = 13 GRAPH = 14 DIGRAPH = 15 NODE = 16 EDGE = 17 SUBGRAPH = 18 class DotScanner(Scanner): # token regular expression table tokens = [ # whitespace and comments (SKIP, r'[ \t\f\r\n\v]+|' r'//[^\r\n]*|' r'/\*.*?\*/|' r'#[^\r\n]*', False), # Alphanumeric IDs (ID, r'[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*', True), # Numeric IDs (ID, r'-?(?:\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)', False), # String IDs (STR_ID, r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"', False), # HTML IDs (HTML_ID, r'<[^<>]*(?:<[^<>]*>[^<>]*)*>', False), # Edge operators (EDGE_OP, r'-[>-]', False), ] # symbol table symbols = { '[': LSQUARE, ']': RSQUARE, '{': LCURLY, '}': RCURLY, ',': COMMA, ':': COLON, ';': SEMI, '=': EQUAL, '+': PLUS, } # literal table literals = { 'strict': STRICT, 'graph': GRAPH, 'digraph': DIGRAPH, 'node': NODE, 'edge': EDGE, 'subgraph': SUBGRAPH, } ignorecase = True class DotLexer(Lexer): scanner = DotScanner() def filter(self, type, text): # TODO: handle charset if type == STR_ID: text = text[1:-1] # line continuations text = text.replace('\\\r\n', '') text = text.replace('\\\r', '') text = text.replace('\\\n', '') # quotes text = text.replace('\\"', '"') # layout engines recognize other escape codes (many non-standard) # but we don't translate them here type = ID elif type == HTML_ID: text = text[1:-1] type = ID return type, text class DotParser(Parser): def __init__(self, lexer): Parser.__init__(self, lexer) self.graph_attrs = {} self.node_attrs = {} self.edge_attrs = {} def parse(self): self.parse_graph() self.match(EOF) def parse_graph(self): if self.lookahead.type == STRICT: self.consume() self.skip(LCURLY) self.consume() while self.lookahead.type != RCURLY: self.parse_stmt() self.consume() def parse_subgraph(self): id = None if self.lookahead.type == SUBGRAPH: self.consume() if self.lookahead.type == ID: id = self.lookahead.text self.consume() if self.lookahead.type == LCURLY: self.consume() while self.lookahead.type != RCURLY: self.parse_stmt() self.consume() return id def parse_stmt(self): if self.lookahead.type == GRAPH: self.consume() attrs = self.parse_attrs() self.graph_attrs.update(attrs) self.handle_graph(attrs) elif self.lookahead.type == NODE: self.consume() self.node_attrs.update(self.parse_attrs()) elif self.lookahead.type == EDGE: self.consume() self.edge_attrs.update(self.parse_attrs()) elif self.lookahead.type in (SUBGRAPH, LCURLY): self.parse_subgraph() else: id = self.parse_node_id() if self.lookahead.type == EDGE_OP: self.consume() node_ids = [id, self.parse_node_id()] while self.lookahead.type == EDGE_OP: node_ids.append(self.parse_node_id()) attrs = self.parse_attrs() for i in range(0, len(node_ids) - 1): self.handle_edge(node_ids[i], node_ids[i + 1], attrs) elif self.lookahead.type == EQUAL: self.consume() self.parse_id() else: attrs = self.parse_attrs() self.handle_node(id, attrs) if self.lookahead.type == SEMI: self.consume() def parse_attrs(self): attrs = {} while self.lookahead.type == LSQUARE: self.consume() while self.lookahead.type != RSQUARE: name, value = self.parse_attr() attrs[name] = value if self.lookahead.type == COMMA: self.consume() self.consume() return attrs def parse_attr(self): name = self.parse_id() if self.lookahead.type == EQUAL: self.consume() value = self.parse_id() else: value = 'true' return name, value def parse_node_id(self): node_id = self.parse_id() if self.lookahead.type == COLON: self.consume() port = self.parse_id() if self.lookahead.type == COLON: self.consume() compass_pt = self.parse_id() else: compass_pt = None else: port = None compass_pt = None # XXX: we don't really care about port and compass point values when parsing xdot return node_id def parse_id(self): self.match(ID) id = self.lookahead.text self.consume() return id def handle_graph(self, attrs): pass def handle_node(self, id, attrs): pass def handle_edge(self, src_id, dst_id, attrs): pass class XDotParser(DotParser): XDOTVERSION = '1.6' def __init__(self, xdotcode): lexer = DotLexer(buf = xdotcode) DotParser.__init__(self, lexer) self.nodes = [] self.edges = [] self.shapes = [] self.node_by_name = {} self.top_graph = True def handle_graph(self, attrs): if self.top_graph: # Check xdot version try: xdotversion = attrs['xdotversion'] except KeyError: pass else: if float(xdotversion) > float(self.XDOTVERSION): sys.stderr.write('warning: xdot version %s, but supported is %s\n' % (xdotversion, self.XDOTVERSION)) # Parse bounding box try: bb = attrs['bb'] except KeyError: return if bb: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = map(float, bb.split(",")) self.xoffset = -xmin self.yoffset = -ymax self.xscale = 1.0 self.yscale = -1.0 # FIXME: scale from points to pixels self.width = max(xmax - xmin, 1) self.height = max(ymax - ymin, 1) self.top_graph = False for attr in ("_draw_", "_ldraw_", "_hdraw_", "_tdraw_", "_hldraw_", "_tldraw_"): if attr in attrs: parser = XDotAttrParser(self, attrs[attr]) self.shapes.extend(parser.parse()) def handle_node(self, id, attrs): try: pos = attrs['pos'] except KeyError: return x, y = self.parse_node_pos(pos) w = float(attrs.get('width', 0))*72 h = float(attrs.get('height', 0))*72 shapes = [] for attr in ("_draw_", "_ldraw_"): if attr in attrs: parser = XDotAttrParser(self, attrs[attr]) shapes.extend(parser.parse()) url = attrs.get('URL', None) node = Node(id, x, y, w, h, shapes, url) self.node_by_name[id] = node if shapes: self.nodes.append(node) def handle_edge(self, src_id, dst_id, attrs): try: pos = attrs['pos'] except KeyError: return points = self.parse_edge_pos(pos) shapes = [] for attr in ("_draw_", "_ldraw_", "_hdraw_", "_tdraw_", "_hldraw_", "_tldraw_"): if attr in attrs: parser = XDotAttrParser(self, attrs[attr]) shapes.extend(parser.parse()) if shapes: src = self.node_by_name[src_id] dst = self.node_by_name[dst_id] self.edges.append(Edge(src, dst, points, shapes)) def parse(self): DotParser.parse(self) return Graph(self.width, self.height, self.shapes, self.nodes, self.edges) def parse_node_pos(self, pos): x, y = pos.split(",") return self.transform(float(x), float(y)) def parse_edge_pos(self, pos): points = [] for entry in pos.split(' '): fields = entry.split(',') try: x, y = fields except ValueError: # TODO: handle start/end points continue else: points.append(self.transform(float(x), float(y))) return points def transform(self, x, y): # XXX: this is not the right place for this code x = (x + self.xoffset)*self.xscale y = (y + self.yoffset)*self.yscale return x, y class Animation(object): step = 0.03 # seconds def __init__(self, dot_widget): self.dot_widget = dot_widget self.timeout_id = None def start(self): self.timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(int(self.step * 1000), self.tick) def stop(self): self.dot_widget.animation = NoAnimation(self.dot_widget) if self.timeout_id is not None: gobject.source_remove(self.timeout_id) self.timeout_id = None def tick(self): self.stop() class NoAnimation(Animation): def start(self): pass def stop(self): pass class LinearAnimation(Animation): duration = 0.6 def start(self): self.started = time.time() Animation.start(self) def tick(self): t = (time.time() - self.started) / self.duration self.animate(max(0, min(t, 1))) return (t < 1) def animate(self, t): pass class MoveToAnimation(LinearAnimation): def __init__(self, dot_widget, target_x, target_y): Animation.__init__(self, dot_widget) self.source_x = dot_widget.x self.source_y = dot_widget.y self.target_x = target_x self.target_y = target_y def animate(self, t): sx, sy = self.source_x, self.source_y tx, ty = self.target_x, self.target_y self.dot_widget.x = tx * t + sx * (1-t) self.dot_widget.y = ty * t + sy * (1-t) self.dot_widget.queue_draw() class ZoomToAnimation(MoveToAnimation): def __init__(self, dot_widget, target_x, target_y): MoveToAnimation.__init__(self, dot_widget, target_x, target_y) self.source_zoom = dot_widget.zoom_ratio self.target_zoom = self.source_zoom self.extra_zoom = 0 middle_zoom = 0.5 * (self.source_zoom + self.target_zoom) distance = math.hypot(self.source_x - self.target_x, self.source_y - self.target_y) rect = self.dot_widget.get_allocation() visible = min(rect.width, rect.height) / self.dot_widget.zoom_ratio visible *= 0.9 if distance > 0: desired_middle_zoom = visible / distance self.extra_zoom = min(0, 4 * (desired_middle_zoom - middle_zoom)) def animate(self, t): a, b, c = self.source_zoom, self.extra_zoom, self.target_zoom self.dot_widget.zoom_ratio = c*t + b*t*(1-t) + a*(1-t) self.dot_widget.zoom_to_fit_on_resize = False MoveToAnimation.animate(self, t) class DragAction(object): def __init__(self, dot_widget): self.dot_widget = dot_widget def on_button_press(self, event): self.startmousex = self.prevmousex = event.x self.startmousey = self.prevmousey = event.y self.start() def on_motion_notify(self, event): if event.is_hint: x, y, state = event.window.get_pointer() else: x, y, state = event.x, event.y, event.state deltax = self.prevmousex - x deltay = self.prevmousey - y self.drag(deltax, deltay) self.prevmousex = x self.prevmousey = y def on_button_release(self, event): self.stopmousex = event.x self.stopmousey = event.y self.stop() def draw(self, cr): pass def start(self): pass def drag(self, deltax, deltay): pass def stop(self): pass def abort(self): pass class NullAction(DragAction): def on_motion_notify(self, event): if event.is_hint: x, y, state = event.window.get_pointer() else: x, y, state = event.x, event.y, event.state dot_widget = self.dot_widget item = dot_widget.get_url(x, y) if item is None: item = dot_widget.get_jump(x, y) if item is not None: dot_widget.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.HAND2)) dot_widget.set_highlight(item.highlight) else: dot_widget.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.ARROW)) dot_widget.set_highlight(None) class PanAction(DragAction): def start(self): self.dot_widget.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.FLEUR)) def drag(self, deltax, deltay): self.dot_widget.x += deltax / self.dot_widget.zoom_ratio self.dot_widget.y += deltay / self.dot_widget.zoom_ratio self.dot_widget.queue_draw() def stop(self): self.dot_widget.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.ARROW)) abort = stop class ZoomAction(DragAction): def drag(self, deltax, deltay): self.dot_widget.zoom_ratio *= 1.005 ** (deltax + deltay) self.dot_widget.zoom_to_fit_on_resize = False self.dot_widget.queue_draw() def stop(self): self.dot_widget.queue_draw() class ZoomAreaAction(DragAction): def drag(self, deltax, deltay): self.dot_widget.queue_draw() def draw(self, cr): cr.save() cr.set_source_rgba(.5, .5, 1.0, 0.25) cr.rectangle(self.startmousex, self.startmousey, self.prevmousex - self.startmousex, self.prevmousey - self.startmousey) cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgba(.5, .5, 1.0, 1.0) cr.set_line_width(1) cr.rectangle(self.startmousex - .5, self.startmousey - .5, self.prevmousex - self.startmousex + 1, self.prevmousey - self.startmousey + 1) cr.stroke() cr.restore() def stop(self): x1, y1 = self.dot_widget.window2graph(self.startmousex, self.startmousey) x2, y2 = self.dot_widget.window2graph(self.stopmousex, self.stopmousey) self.dot_widget.zoom_to_area(x1, y1, x2, y2) def abort(self): self.dot_widget.queue_draw() class DotWidget(gtk.DrawingArea): """PyGTK widget that draws dot graphs.""" __gsignals__ = { 'expose-event': 'override', 'clicked' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_STRING, gtk.gdk.Event)) } filter = 'dot' def __init__(self): gtk.DrawingArea.__init__(self) self.graph = Graph() self.openfilename = None self.set_flags(gtk.CAN_FOCUS) self.add_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self.connect("button-press-event", self.on_area_button_press) self.connect("button-release-event", self.on_area_button_release) self.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK | gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK | gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self.connect("motion-notify-event", self.on_area_motion_notify) self.connect("scroll-event", self.on_area_scroll_event) self.connect("size-allocate", self.on_area_size_allocate) self.connect('key-press-event', self.on_key_press_event) self.last_mtime = None gobject.timeout_add(1000, self.update) self.x, self.y = 0.0, 0.0 self.zoom_ratio = 1.0 self.zoom_to_fit_on_resize = False self.animation = NoAnimation(self) self.drag_action = NullAction(self) self.presstime = None self.highlight = None def set_filter(self, filter): self.filter = filter def run_filter(self, dotcode): if not self.filter: return dotcode p = subprocess.Popen( [self.filter, '-Txdot'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, universal_newlines=True ) xdotcode, error = p.communicate(dotcode) sys.stderr.write(error) if p.returncode != 0: dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format=error, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) dialog.set_title('Dot Viewer') dialog.run() dialog.destroy() return None return xdotcode def set_dotcode(self, dotcode, filename=None): self.openfilename = None if isinstance(dotcode, unicode): dotcode = dotcode.encode('utf8') xdotcode = self.run_filter(dotcode) if xdotcode is None: return False try: self.set_xdotcode(xdotcode) except ParseError as ex: dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format=str(ex), buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) dialog.set_title('Dot Viewer') dialog.run() dialog.destroy() return False else: if filename is None: self.last_mtime = None else: self.last_mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime self.openfilename = filename return True def set_xdotcode(self, xdotcode): parser = XDotParser(xdotcode) self.graph = parser.parse() self.zoom_image(self.zoom_ratio, center=True) def reload(self): if self.openfilename is not None: try: fp = file(self.openfilename, 'rt') self.set_dotcode(fp.read(), self.openfilename) fp.close() except IOError: pass def update(self): if self.openfilename is not None: current_mtime = os.stat(self.openfilename).st_mtime if current_mtime != self.last_mtime: self.last_mtime = current_mtime self.reload() return True def do_expose_event(self, event): cr = self.window.cairo_create() # set a clip region for the expose event cr.rectangle( event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height ) cr.clip() cr.set_source_rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) cr.paint() cr.save() rect = self.get_allocation() cr.translate(0.5*rect.width, 0.5*rect.height) cr.scale(self.zoom_ratio, self.zoom_ratio) cr.translate(-self.x, -self.y) self.graph.draw(cr, highlight_items=self.highlight) cr.restore() self.drag_action.draw(cr) return False def get_current_pos(self): return self.x, self.y def set_current_pos(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y self.queue_draw() def set_highlight(self, items): if self.highlight != items: self.highlight = items self.queue_draw() def zoom_image(self, zoom_ratio, center=False, pos=None): # Constrain zoom ratio to a sane range to prevent numeric instability. zoom_ratio = min(zoom_ratio, 1E4) zoom_ratio = max(zoom_ratio, 1E-6) if center: self.x = self.graph.width/2 self.y = self.graph.height/2 elif pos is not None: rect = self.get_allocation() x, y = pos x -= 0.5*rect.width y -= 0.5*rect.height self.x += x / self.zoom_ratio - x / zoom_ratio self.y += y / self.zoom_ratio - y / zoom_ratio self.zoom_ratio = zoom_ratio self.zoom_to_fit_on_resize = False self.queue_draw() def zoom_to_area(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): rect = self.get_allocation() width = abs(x1 - x2) height = abs(y1 - y2) if width == 0 and height == 0: self.zoom_ratio *= self.ZOOM_INCREMENT else: self.zoom_ratio = min( float(rect.width)/float(width), float(rect.height)/float(height) ) self.zoom_to_fit_on_resize = False self.x = (x1 + x2) / 2 self.y = (y1 + y2) / 2 self.queue_draw() def zoom_to_fit(self): rect = self.get_allocation() rect.x += self.ZOOM_TO_FIT_MARGIN rect.y += self.ZOOM_TO_FIT_MARGIN rect.width -= 2 * self.ZOOM_TO_FIT_MARGIN rect.height -= 2 * self.ZOOM_TO_FIT_MARGIN zoom_ratio = min( float(rect.width)/float(self.graph.width), float(rect.height)/float(self.graph.height) ) self.zoom_image(zoom_ratio, center=True) self.zoom_to_fit_on_resize = True ZOOM_INCREMENT = 1.25 ZOOM_TO_FIT_MARGIN = 12 def on_zoom_in(self, action): self.zoom_image(self.zoom_ratio * self.ZOOM_INCREMENT) def on_zoom_out(self, action): self.zoom_image(self.zoom_ratio / self.ZOOM_INCREMENT) def on_zoom_fit(self, action): self.zoom_to_fit() def on_zoom_100(self, action): self.zoom_image(1.0) POS_INCREMENT = 100 def on_key_press_event(self, widget, event): if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Left: self.x -= self.POS_INCREMENT/self.zoom_ratio self.queue_draw() return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Right: self.x += self.POS_INCREMENT/self.zoom_ratio self.queue_draw() return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Up: self.y -= self.POS_INCREMENT/self.zoom_ratio self.queue_draw() return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Down: self.y += self.POS_INCREMENT/self.zoom_ratio self.queue_draw() return True if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Page_Up, gtk.keysyms.plus, gtk.keysyms.equal, gtk.keysyms.KP_Add): self.zoom_image(self.zoom_ratio * self.ZOOM_INCREMENT) self.queue_draw() return True if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Page_Down, gtk.keysyms.minus, gtk.keysyms.KP_Subtract): self.zoom_image(self.zoom_ratio / self.ZOOM_INCREMENT) self.queue_draw() return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape: self.drag_action.abort() self.drag_action = NullAction(self) return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.r: self.reload() return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.f: win = widget.get_toplevel() find_toolitem = win.uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/Find') textentry = find_toolitem.get_children() win.set_focus(textentry[0]) return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.q: gtk.main_quit() return True if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.p: self.on_print() return True return False print_settings = None def on_print(self, action=None): print_op = gtk.PrintOperation() if self.print_settings != None: print_op.set_print_settings(self.print_settings) print_op.connect("begin_print", self.begin_print) print_op.connect("draw_page", self.draw_page) res = print_op.run(gtk.PRINT_OPERATION_ACTION_PRINT_DIALOG, self.parent.parent) if res == gtk.PRINT_OPERATION_RESULT_APPLY: print_settings = print_op.get_print_settings() def begin_print(self, operation, context): operation.set_n_pages(1) return True def draw_page(self, operation, context, page_nr): cr = context.get_cairo_context() rect = self.get_allocation() cr.translate(0.5*rect.width, 0.5*rect.height) cr.scale(self.zoom_ratio, self.zoom_ratio) cr.translate(-self.x, -self.y) self.graph.draw(cr, highlight_items=self.highlight) def get_drag_action(self, event): state = event.state if event.button in (1, 2): # left or middle button if state & gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK: return ZoomAction elif state & gtk.gdk.SHIFT_MASK: return ZoomAreaAction else: return PanAction return NullAction def on_area_button_press(self, area, event): self.animation.stop() self.drag_action.abort() action_type = self.get_drag_action(event) self.drag_action = action_type(self) self.drag_action.on_button_press(event) self.presstime = time.time() self.pressx = event.x self.pressy = event.y return False def is_click(self, event, click_fuzz=4, click_timeout=1.0): assert event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE if self.presstime is None: # got a button release without seeing the press? return False # XXX instead of doing this complicated logic, shouldn't we listen # for gtk's clicked event instead? deltax = self.pressx - event.x deltay = self.pressy - event.y return (time.time() < self.presstime + click_timeout and math.hypot(deltax, deltay) < click_fuzz) def on_click(self, element, event): """Override this method in subclass to process click events. Note that element can be None (click on empty space).""" return False def on_area_button_release(self, area, event): self.drag_action.on_button_release(event) self.drag_action = NullAction(self) x, y = int(event.x), int(event.y) if self.is_click(event): el = self.get_element(x, y) if self.on_click(el, event): return True if event.button == 1: url = self.get_url(x, y) if url is not None: self.emit('clicked', unicode(url.url), event) else: jump = self.get_jump(x, y) if jump is not None: self.animate_to(jump.x, jump.y) return True if event.button == 1 or event.button == 2: return True return False def on_area_scroll_event(self, area, event): if event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_UP: self.zoom_image(self.zoom_ratio * self.ZOOM_INCREMENT, pos=(event.x, event.y)) return True if event.direction == gtk.gdk.SCROLL_DOWN: self.zoom_image(self.zoom_ratio / self.ZOOM_INCREMENT, pos=(event.x, event.y)) return True return False def on_area_motion_notify(self, area, event): self.drag_action.on_motion_notify(event) return True def on_area_size_allocate(self, area, allocation): if self.zoom_to_fit_on_resize: self.zoom_to_fit() def animate_to(self, x, y): self.animation = ZoomToAnimation(self, x, y) self.animation.start() def window2graph(self, x, y): rect = self.get_allocation() x -= 0.5*rect.width y -= 0.5*rect.height x /= self.zoom_ratio y /= self.zoom_ratio x += self.x y += self.y return x, y def get_element(self, x, y): x, y = self.window2graph(x, y) return self.graph.get_element(x, y) def get_url(self, x, y): x, y = self.window2graph(x, y) return self.graph.get_url(x, y) def get_jump(self, x, y): x, y = self.window2graph(x, y) return self.graph.get_jump(x, y) class FindMenuToolAction(gtk.Action): __gtype_name__ = "FindMenuToolAction" def __init__(self, *args, **kw): gtk.Action.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.set_tool_item_type(gtk.ToolItem) class DotWindow(gtk.Window): ui = ''' <ui> <toolbar name="ToolBar"> <toolitem action="Open"/> <toolitem action="Reload"/> <toolitem action="Print"/> <separator/> <toolitem action="ZoomIn"/> <toolitem action="ZoomOut"/> <toolitem action="ZoomFit"/> <toolitem action="Zoom100"/> <separator/> <toolitem name="Find" action="Find"/> </toolbar> </ui> ''' base_title = 'Dot Viewer' def __init__(self, widget=None): gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.graph = Graph() window = self window.set_title(self.base_title) window.set_default_size(512, 512) vbox = gtk.VBox() window.add(vbox) self.widget = widget or DotWidget() # Create a UIManager instance uimanager = self.uimanager = gtk.UIManager() # Add the accelerator group to the toplevel window accelgroup = uimanager.get_accel_group() window.add_accel_group(accelgroup) # Create an ActionGroup actiongroup = gtk.ActionGroup('Actions') self.actiongroup = actiongroup # Create actions actiongroup.add_actions(( ('Open', gtk.STOCK_OPEN, None, None, None, self.on_open), ('Reload', gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, None, None, None, self.on_reload), ('Print', gtk.STOCK_PRINT, None, None, "Prints the currently visible part of the graph", self.widget.on_print), ('ZoomIn', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_IN, None, None, None, self.widget.on_zoom_in), ('ZoomOut', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_OUT, None, None, None, self.widget.on_zoom_out), ('ZoomFit', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_FIT, None, None, None, self.widget.on_zoom_fit), ('Zoom100', gtk.STOCK_ZOOM_100, None, None, None, self.widget.on_zoom_100), )) find_action = FindMenuToolAction("Find", None, "Find a node by name", None) actiongroup.add_action(find_action) # Add the actiongroup to the uimanager uimanager.insert_action_group(actiongroup, 0) # Add a UI descrption uimanager.add_ui_from_string(self.ui) # Create a Toolbar toolbar = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar') vbox.pack_start(toolbar, False) vbox.pack_start(self.widget) self.last_open_dir = "." self.set_focus(self.widget) # Add Find text search find_toolitem = uimanager.get_widget('/ToolBar/Find') self.textentry = gtk.Entry(max=20) self.textentry.set_icon_from_stock(0, gtk.STOCK_FIND) find_toolitem.add(self.textentry) self.textentry.set_activates_default(True) self.textentry.connect ("activate", self.textentry_activate, self.textentry); self.textentry.connect ("changed", self.textentry_changed, self.textentry); self.show_all() def find_text(self, entry_text): found_items = [] dot_widget = self.widget regexp = re.compile(entry_text) for node in dot_widget.graph.nodes: if node.search_text(regexp): found_items.append(node) return found_items def textentry_changed(self, widget, entry): entry_text = entry.get_text() dot_widget = self.widget if not entry_text: dot_widget.set_highlight(None) return found_items = self.find_text(entry_text) dot_widget.set_highlight(found_items) def textentry_activate(self, widget, entry): entry_text = entry.get_text() dot_widget = self.widget if not entry_text: dot_widget.set_highlight(None) return; found_items = self.find_text(entry_text) dot_widget.set_highlight(found_items) if(len(found_items) == 1): dot_widget.animate_to(found_items[0].x, found_items[0].y) def set_filter(self, filter): self.widget.set_filter(filter) def set_dotcode(self, dotcode, filename=None): if self.widget.set_dotcode(dotcode, filename): self.update_title(filename) self.widget.zoom_to_fit() def set_xdotcode(self, xdotcode, filename=None): if self.widget.set_xdotcode(xdotcode): self.update_title(filename) self.widget.zoom_to_fit() def update_title(self, filename=None): if filename is None: self.set_title(self.base_title) else: self.set_title(os.path.basename(filename) + ' - ' + self.base_title) def open_file(self, filename): try: fp = file(filename, 'rt') self.set_dotcode(fp.read(), filename) fp.close() except IOError as ex: dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, message_format=str(ex), buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK) dlg.set_title(self.base_title) dlg.run() dlg.destroy() def on_open(self, action): chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title="Open dot File", action=gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.STOCK_OPEN, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)) chooser.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) chooser.set_current_folder(self.last_open_dir) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("Graphviz dot files") filter.add_pattern("*.dot") chooser.add_filter(filter) filter = gtk.FileFilter() filter.set_name("All files") filter.add_pattern("*") chooser.add_filter(filter) if chooser.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: filename = chooser.get_filename() self.last_open_dir = chooser.get_current_folder() chooser.destroy() self.open_file(filename) else: chooser.destroy() def on_reload(self, action): self.widget.reload() class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): def format_epilog(self, formatter): # Prevent stripping the newlines in epilog message # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1857346/python-optparse-how-to-include-additional-info-in-usage-output return self.epilog def main(): parser = OptionParser( usage='\n\t%prog [file]', epilog=''' Shortcuts: Up, Down, Left, Right scroll PageUp, +, = zoom in PageDown, - zoom out R reload dot file F find Q quit P print Escape halt animation Ctrl-drag zoom in/out Shift-drag zooms an area ''' ) parser.add_option( '-f', '--filter', type='choice', choices=('dot', 'neato', 'twopi', 'circo', 'fdp'), dest='filter', default='dot', help='graphviz filter: dot, neato, twopi, circo, or fdp [default: %default]') parser.add_option( '-n', '--no-filter', action='store_const', const=None, dest='filter', help='assume input is already filtered into xdot format (use e.g. dot -Txdot)') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if len(args) > 1: parser.error('incorrect number of arguments') win = DotWindow() win.connect('destroy', gtk.main_quit) win.set_filter(options.filter) if len(args) == 0: if not sys.stdin.isatty(): win.set_dotcode(sys.stdin.read()) else: if args[0] == '-': win.set_dotcode(sys.stdin.read()) else: win.open_file(args[0]) gtk.main() # Apache-Style Software License for ColorBrewer software and ColorBrewer Color # Schemes, Version 1.1 # # Copyright (c) 2002 Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower, and The Pennsylvania State # University. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions as source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if any, # must include the following acknowledgment: # # This product includes color specifications and designs developed by # Cynthia Brewer (http://colorbrewer.org/). # # Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, if and # wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. # # 3. The name "ColorBrewer" must not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without prior written permission. For written # permission, please contact Cynthia Brewer at cbrewer@psu.edu. # # 4. Products derived from this software may not be called "ColorBrewer", # nor may "ColorBrewer" appear in their name, without prior written # permission of Cynthia Brewer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CYNTHIA # BREWER, MARK HARROWER, OR THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. brewer_colors = { 'accent3': [(127, 201, 127), (190, 174, 212), (253, 192, 134)], 'accent4': [(127, 201, 127), (190, 174, 212), (253, 192, 134), (255, 255, 153)], 'accent5': [(127, 201, 127), (190, 174, 212), (253, 192, 134), (255, 255, 153), (56, 108, 176)], 'accent6': [(127, 201, 127), (190, 174, 212), (253, 192, 134), (255, 255, 153), (56, 108, 176), (240, 2, 127)], 'accent7': [(127, 201, 127), (190, 174, 212), (253, 192, 134), (255, 255, 153), (56, 108, 176), (240, 2, 127), (191, 91, 23)], 'accent8': [(127, 201, 127), (190, 174, 212), (253, 192, 134), (255, 255, 153), (56, 108, 176), (240, 2, 127), (191, 91, 23), (102, 102, 102)], 'blues3': [(222, 235, 247), (158, 202, 225), (49, 130, 189)], 'blues4': [(239, 243, 255), (189, 215, 231), (107, 174, 214), (33, 113, 181)], 'blues5': [(239, 243, 255), (189, 215, 231), (107, 174, 214), (49, 130, 189), (8, 81, 156)], 'blues6': [(239, 243, 255), (198, 219, 239), (158, 202, 225), (107, 174, 214), (49, 130, 189), (8, 81, 156)], 'blues7': [(239, 243, 255), (198, 219, 239), (158, 202, 225), (107, 174, 214), (66, 146, 198), (33, 113, 181), (8, 69, 148)], 'blues8': [(247, 251, 255), (222, 235, 247), (198, 219, 239), (158, 202, 225), (107, 174, 214), (66, 146, 198), (33, 113, 181), (8, 69, 148)], 'blues9': [(247, 251, 255), (222, 235, 247), (198, 219, 239), (158, 202, 225), (107, 174, 214), (66, 146, 198), (33, 113, 181), (8, 81, 156), (8, 48, 107)], 'brbg10': [(84, 48, 5), (0, 60, 48), (140, 81, 10), (191, 129, 45), (223, 194, 125), (246, 232, 195), (199, 234, 229), (128, 205, 193), (53, 151, 143), (1, 102, 94)], 'brbg11': [(84, 48, 5), (1, 102, 94), (0, 60, 48), (140, 81, 10), (191, 129, 45), (223, 194, 125), (246, 232, 195), (245, 245, 245), (199, 234, 229), (128, 205, 193), (53, 151, 143)], 'brbg3': [(216, 179, 101), (245, 245, 245), (90, 180, 172)], 'brbg4': [(166, 97, 26), (223, 194, 125), (128, 205, 193), (1, 133, 113)], 'brbg5': [(166, 97, 26), (223, 194, 125), (245, 245, 245), (128, 205, 193), (1, 133, 113)], 'brbg6': [(140, 81, 10), (216, 179, 101), (246, 232, 195), (199, 234, 229), (90, 180, 172), (1, 102, 94)], 'brbg7': [(140, 81, 10), (216, 179, 101), (246, 232, 195), (245, 245, 245), (199, 234, 229), (90, 180, 172), (1, 102, 94)], 'brbg8': [(140, 81, 10), (191, 129, 45), (223, 194, 125), (246, 232, 195), (199, 234, 229), (128, 205, 193), (53, 151, 143), (1, 102, 94)], 'brbg9': [(140, 81, 10), (191, 129, 45), (223, 194, 125), (246, 232, 195), (245, 245, 245), (199, 234, 229), (128, 205, 193), (53, 151, 143), (1, 102, 94)], 'bugn3': [(229, 245, 249), (153, 216, 201), (44, 162, 95)], 'bugn4': [(237, 248, 251), (178, 226, 226), (102, 194, 164), (35, 139, 69)], 'bugn5': [(237, 248, 251), (178, 226, 226), (102, 194, 164), (44, 162, 95), (0, 109, 44)], 'bugn6': [(237, 248, 251), (204, 236, 230), (153, 216, 201), (102, 194, 164), (44, 162, 95), (0, 109, 44)], 'bugn7': [(237, 248, 251), (204, 236, 230), (153, 216, 201), (102, 194, 164), (65, 174, 118), (35, 139, 69), (0, 88, 36)], 'bugn8': [(247, 252, 253), (229, 245, 249), (204, 236, 230), (153, 216, 201), (102, 194, 164), (65, 174, 118), (35, 139, 69), (0, 88, 36)], 'bugn9': [(247, 252, 253), (229, 245, 249), (204, 236, 230), (153, 216, 201), (102, 194, 164), (65, 174, 118), (35, 139, 69), (0, 109, 44), (0, 68, 27)], 'bupu3': [(224, 236, 244), (158, 188, 218), (136, 86, 167)], 'bupu4': [(237, 248, 251), (179, 205, 227), (140, 150, 198), (136, 65, 157)], 'bupu5': [(237, 248, 251), (179, 205, 227), (140, 150, 198), (136, 86, 167), (129, 15, 124)], 'bupu6': [(237, 248, 251), (191, 211, 230), (158, 188, 218), (140, 150, 198), (136, 86, 167), (129, 15, 124)], 'bupu7': [(237, 248, 251), (191, 211, 230), (158, 188, 218), (140, 150, 198), (140, 107, 177), (136, 65, 157), (110, 1, 107)], 'bupu8': [(247, 252, 253), (224, 236, 244), (191, 211, 230), (158, 188, 218), (140, 150, 198), (140, 107, 177), (136, 65, 157), (110, 1, 107)], 'bupu9': [(247, 252, 253), (224, 236, 244), (191, 211, 230), (158, 188, 218), (140, 150, 198), (140, 107, 177), (136, 65, 157), (129, 15, 124), (77, 0, 75)], 'dark23': [(27, 158, 119), (217, 95, 2), (117, 112, 179)], 'dark24': [(27, 158, 119), (217, 95, 2), (117, 112, 179), (231, 41, 138)], 'dark25': [(27, 158, 119), (217, 95, 2), (117, 112, 179), (231, 41, 138), (102, 166, 30)], 'dark26': [(27, 158, 119), (217, 95, 2), (117, 112, 179), (231, 41, 138), (102, 166, 30), (230, 171, 2)], 'dark27': [(27, 158, 119), (217, 95, 2), (117, 112, 179), (231, 41, 138), (102, 166, 30), (230, 171, 2), (166, 118, 29)], 'dark28': [(27, 158, 119), (217, 95, 2), (117, 112, 179), (231, 41, 138), (102, 166, 30), (230, 171, 2), (166, 118, 29), (102, 102, 102)], 'gnbu3': [(224, 243, 219), (168, 221, 181), (67, 162, 202)], 'gnbu4': [(240, 249, 232), (186, 228, 188), (123, 204, 196), (43, 140, 190)], 'gnbu5': [(240, 249, 232), (186, 228, 188), (123, 204, 196), (67, 162, 202), (8, 104, 172)], 'gnbu6': [(240, 249, 232), (204, 235, 197), (168, 221, 181), (123, 204, 196), (67, 162, 202), (8, 104, 172)], 'gnbu7': [(240, 249, 232), (204, 235, 197), (168, 221, 181), (123, 204, 196), (78, 179, 211), (43, 140, 190), (8, 88, 158)], 'gnbu8': [(247, 252, 240), (224, 243, 219), (204, 235, 197), (168, 221, 181), (123, 204, 196), (78, 179, 211), (43, 140, 190), (8, 88, 158)], 'gnbu9': [(247, 252, 240), (224, 243, 219), (204, 235, 197), (168, 221, 181), (123, 204, 196), (78, 179, 211), (43, 140, 190), (8, 104, 172), (8, 64, 129)], 'greens3': [(229, 245, 224), (161, 217, 155), (49, 163, 84)], 'greens4': [(237, 248, 233), (186, 228, 179), (116, 196, 118), (35, 139, 69)], 'greens5': [(237, 248, 233), (186, 228, 179), (116, 196, 118), (49, 163, 84), (0, 109, 44)], 'greens6': [(237, 248, 233), (199, 233, 192), (161, 217, 155), (116, 196, 118), (49, 163, 84), (0, 109, 44)], 'greens7': [(237, 248, 233), (199, 233, 192), (161, 217, 155), (116, 196, 118), (65, 171, 93), (35, 139, 69), (0, 90, 50)], 'greens8': [(247, 252, 245), (229, 245, 224), (199, 233, 192), (161, 217, 155), (116, 196, 118), (65, 171, 93), (35, 139, 69), (0, 90, 50)], 'greens9': [(247, 252, 245), (229, 245, 224), (199, 233, 192), (161, 217, 155), (116, 196, 118), (65, 171, 93), (35, 139, 69), (0, 109, 44), (0, 68, 27)], 'greys3': [(240, 240, 240), (189, 189, 189), (99, 99, 99)], 'greys4': [(247, 247, 247), (204, 204, 204), (150, 150, 150), (82, 82, 82)], 'greys5': [(247, 247, 247), (204, 204, 204), (150, 150, 150), (99, 99, 99), (37, 37, 37)], 'greys6': [(247, 247, 247), (217, 217, 217), (189, 189, 189), (150, 150, 150), (99, 99, 99), (37, 37, 37)], 'greys7': [(247, 247, 247), (217, 217, 217), (189, 189, 189), (150, 150, 150), (115, 115, 115), (82, 82, 82), (37, 37, 37)], 'greys8': [(255, 255, 255), (240, 240, 240), (217, 217, 217), (189, 189, 189), (150, 150, 150), (115, 115, 115), (82, 82, 82), (37, 37, 37)], 'greys9': [(255, 255, 255), (240, 240, 240), (217, 217, 217), (189, 189, 189), (150, 150, 150), (115, 115, 115), (82, 82, 82), (37, 37, 37), (0, 0, 0)], 'oranges3': [(254, 230, 206), (253, 174, 107), (230, 85, 13)], 'oranges4': [(254, 237, 222), (253, 190, 133), (253, 141, 60), (217, 71, 1)], 'oranges5': [(254, 237, 222), (253, 190, 133), (253, 141, 60), (230, 85, 13), (166, 54, 3)], 'oranges6': [(254, 237, 222), (253, 208, 162), (253, 174, 107), (253, 141, 60), (230, 85, 13), (166, 54, 3)], 'oranges7': [(254, 237, 222), (253, 208, 162), (253, 174, 107), (253, 141, 60), (241, 105, 19), (217, 72, 1), (140, 45, 4)], 'oranges8': [(255, 245, 235), (254, 230, 206), (253, 208, 162), (253, 174, 107), (253, 141, 60), (241, 105, 19), (217, 72, 1), (140, 45, 4)], 'oranges9': [(255, 245, 235), (254, 230, 206), (253, 208, 162), (253, 174, 107), (253, 141, 60), (241, 105, 19), (217, 72, 1), (166, 54, 3), (127, 39, 4)], 'orrd3': [(254, 232, 200), (253, 187, 132), (227, 74, 51)], 'orrd4': [(254, 240, 217), (253, 204, 138), (252, 141, 89), (215, 48, 31)], 'orrd5': [(254, 240, 217), (253, 204, 138), (252, 141, 89), (227, 74, 51), (179, 0, 0)], 'orrd6': [(254, 240, 217), (253, 212, 158), (253, 187, 132), (252, 141, 89), (227, 74, 51), (179, 0, 0)], 'orrd7': [(254, 240, 217), (253, 212, 158), (253, 187, 132), (252, 141, 89), (239, 101, 72), (215, 48, 31), (153, 0, 0)], 'orrd8': [(255, 247, 236), (254, 232, 200), (253, 212, 158), (253, 187, 132), (252, 141, 89), (239, 101, 72), (215, 48, 31), (153, 0, 0)], 'orrd9': [(255, 247, 236), (254, 232, 200), (253, 212, 158), (253, 187, 132), (252, 141, 89), (239, 101, 72), (215, 48, 31), (179, 0, 0), (127, 0, 0)], 'paired10': [(166, 206, 227), (106, 61, 154), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153), (227, 26, 28), (253, 191, 111), (255, 127, 0), (202, 178, 214)], 'paired11': [(166, 206, 227), (106, 61, 154), (255, 255, 153), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153), (227, 26, 28), (253, 191, 111), (255, 127, 0), (202, 178, 214)], 'paired12': [(166, 206, 227), (106, 61, 154), (255, 255, 153), (177, 89, 40), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153), (227, 26, 28), (253, 191, 111), (255, 127, 0), (202, 178, 214)], 'paired3': [(166, 206, 227), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138)], 'paired4': [(166, 206, 227), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44)], 'paired5': [(166, 206, 227), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153)], 'paired6': [(166, 206, 227), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153), (227, 26, 28)], 'paired7': [(166, 206, 227), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153), (227, 26, 28), (253, 191, 111)], 'paired8': [(166, 206, 227), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153), (227, 26, 28), (253, 191, 111), (255, 127, 0)], 'paired9': [(166, 206, 227), (31, 120, 180), (178, 223, 138), (51, 160, 44), (251, 154, 153), (227, 26, 28), (253, 191, 111), (255, 127, 0), (202, 178, 214)], 'pastel13': [(251, 180, 174), (179, 205, 227), (204, 235, 197)], 'pastel14': [(251, 180, 174), (179, 205, 227), (204, 235, 197), (222, 203, 228)], 'pastel15': [(251, 180, 174), (179, 205, 227), (204, 235, 197), (222, 203, 228), (254, 217, 166)], 'pastel16': [(251, 180, 174), (179, 205, 227), (204, 235, 197), (222, 203, 228), (254, 217, 166), (255, 255, 204)], 'pastel17': [(251, 180, 174), (179, 205, 227), (204, 235, 197), (222, 203, 228), (254, 217, 166), (255, 255, 204), (229, 216, 189)], 'pastel18': [(251, 180, 174), (179, 205, 227), (204, 235, 197), (222, 203, 228), (254, 217, 166), (255, 255, 204), (229, 216, 189), (253, 218, 236)], 'pastel19': [(251, 180, 174), (179, 205, 227), (204, 235, 197), (222, 203, 228), (254, 217, 166), (255, 255, 204), (229, 216, 189), (253, 218, 236), (242, 242, 242)], 'pastel23': [(179, 226, 205), (253, 205, 172), (203, 213, 232)], 'pastel24': [(179, 226, 205), (253, 205, 172), (203, 213, 232), (244, 202, 228)], 'pastel25': [(179, 226, 205), (253, 205, 172), (203, 213, 232), (244, 202, 228), (230, 245, 201)], 'pastel26': [(179, 226, 205), (253, 205, 172), (203, 213, 232), (244, 202, 228), (230, 245, 201), (255, 242, 174)], 'pastel27': [(179, 226, 205), (253, 205, 172), (203, 213, 232), (244, 202, 228), (230, 245, 201), (255, 242, 174), (241, 226, 204)], 'pastel28': [(179, 226, 205), (253, 205, 172), (203, 213, 232), (244, 202, 228), (230, 245, 201), (255, 242, 174), (241, 226, 204), (204, 204, 204)], 'piyg10': [(142, 1, 82), (39, 100, 25), (197, 27, 125), (222, 119, 174), (241, 182, 218), (253, 224, 239), (230, 245, 208), (184, 225, 134), (127, 188, 65), (77, 146, 33)], 'piyg11': [(142, 1, 82), (77, 146, 33), (39, 100, 25), (197, 27, 125), (222, 119, 174), (241, 182, 218), (253, 224, 239), (247, 247, 247), (230, 245, 208), (184, 225, 134), (127, 188, 65)], 'piyg3': [(233, 163, 201), (247, 247, 247), (161, 215, 106)], 'piyg4': [(208, 28, 139), (241, 182, 218), (184, 225, 134), (77, 172, 38)], 'piyg5': [(208, 28, 139), (241, 182, 218), (247, 247, 247), (184, 225, 134), (77, 172, 38)], 'piyg6': [(197, 27, 125), (233, 163, 201), (253, 224, 239), (230, 245, 208), (161, 215, 106), (77, 146, 33)], 'piyg7': [(197, 27, 125), (233, 163, 201), (253, 224, 239), (247, 247, 247), (230, 245, 208), (161, 215, 106), (77, 146, 33)], 'piyg8': [(197, 27, 125), (222, 119, 174), (241, 182, 218), (253, 224, 239), (230, 245, 208), (184, 225, 134), (127, 188, 65), (77, 146, 33)], 'piyg9': [(197, 27, 125), (222, 119, 174), (241, 182, 218), (253, 224, 239), (247, 247, 247), (230, 245, 208), (184, 225, 134), (127, 188, 65), (77, 146, 33)], 'prgn10': [(64, 0, 75), (0, 68, 27), (118, 42, 131), (153, 112, 171), (194, 165, 207), (231, 212, 232), (217, 240, 211), (166, 219, 160), (90, 174, 97), (27, 120, 55)], 'prgn11': [(64, 0, 75), (27, 120, 55), (0, 68, 27), (118, 42, 131), (153, 112, 171), (194, 165, 207), (231, 212, 232), (247, 247, 247), (217, 240, 211), (166, 219, 160), (90, 174, 97)], 'prgn3': [(175, 141, 195), (247, 247, 247), (127, 191, 123)], 'prgn4': [(123, 50, 148), (194, 165, 207), (166, 219, 160), (0, 136, 55)], 'prgn5': [(123, 50, 148), (194, 165, 207), (247, 247, 247), (166, 219, 160), (0, 136, 55)], 'prgn6': [(118, 42, 131), (175, 141, 195), (231, 212, 232), (217, 240, 211), (127, 191, 123), (27, 120, 55)], 'prgn7': [(118, 42, 131), (175, 141, 195), (231, 212, 232), (247, 247, 247), (217, 240, 211), (127, 191, 123), (27, 120, 55)], 'prgn8': [(118, 42, 131), (153, 112, 171), (194, 165, 207), (231, 212, 232), (217, 240, 211), (166, 219, 160), (90, 174, 97), (27, 120, 55)], 'prgn9': [(118, 42, 131), (153, 112, 171), (194, 165, 207), (231, 212, 232), (247, 247, 247), (217, 240, 211), (166, 219, 160), (90, 174, 97), (27, 120, 55)], 'pubu3': [(236, 231, 242), (166, 189, 219), (43, 140, 190)], 'pubu4': [(241, 238, 246), (189, 201, 225), (116, 169, 207), (5, 112, 176)], 'pubu5': [(241, 238, 246), (189, 201, 225), (116, 169, 207), (43, 140, 190), (4, 90, 141)], 'pubu6': [(241, 238, 246), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (116, 169, 207), (43, 140, 190), (4, 90, 141)], 'pubu7': [(241, 238, 246), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (116, 169, 207), (54, 144, 192), (5, 112, 176), (3, 78, 123)], 'pubu8': [(255, 247, 251), (236, 231, 242), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (116, 169, 207), (54, 144, 192), (5, 112, 176), (3, 78, 123)], 'pubu9': [(255, 247, 251), (236, 231, 242), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (116, 169, 207), (54, 144, 192), (5, 112, 176), (4, 90, 141), (2, 56, 88)], 'pubugn3': [(236, 226, 240), (166, 189, 219), (28, 144, 153)], 'pubugn4': [(246, 239, 247), (189, 201, 225), (103, 169, 207), (2, 129, 138)], 'pubugn5': [(246, 239, 247), (189, 201, 225), (103, 169, 207), (28, 144, 153), (1, 108, 89)], 'pubugn6': [(246, 239, 247), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (103, 169, 207), (28, 144, 153), (1, 108, 89)], 'pubugn7': [(246, 239, 247), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (103, 169, 207), (54, 144, 192), (2, 129, 138), (1, 100, 80)], 'pubugn8': [(255, 247, 251), (236, 226, 240), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (103, 169, 207), (54, 144, 192), (2, 129, 138), (1, 100, 80)], 'pubugn9': [(255, 247, 251), (236, 226, 240), (208, 209, 230), (166, 189, 219), (103, 169, 207), (54, 144, 192), (2, 129, 138), (1, 108, 89), (1, 70, 54)], 'puor10': [(127, 59, 8), (45, 0, 75), (179, 88, 6), (224, 130, 20), (253, 184, 99), (254, 224, 182), (216, 218, 235), (178, 171, 210), (128, 115, 172), (84, 39, 136)], 'puor11': [(127, 59, 8), (84, 39, 136), (45, 0, 75), (179, 88, 6), (224, 130, 20), (253, 184, 99), (254, 224, 182), (247, 247, 247), (216, 218, 235), (178, 171, 210), (128, 115, 172)], 'puor3': [(241, 163, 64), (247, 247, 247), (153, 142, 195)], 'puor4': [(230, 97, 1), (253, 184, 99), (178, 171, 210), (94, 60, 153)], 'puor5': [(230, 97, 1), (253, 184, 99), (247, 247, 247), (178, 171, 210), (94, 60, 153)], 'puor6': [(179, 88, 6), (241, 163, 64), (254, 224, 182), (216, 218, 235), (153, 142, 195), (84, 39, 136)], 'puor7': [(179, 88, 6), (241, 163, 64), (254, 224, 182), (247, 247, 247), (216, 218, 235), (153, 142, 195), (84, 39, 136)], 'puor8': [(179, 88, 6), (224, 130, 20), (253, 184, 99), (254, 224, 182), (216, 218, 235), (178, 171, 210), (128, 115, 172), (84, 39, 136)], 'puor9': [(179, 88, 6), (224, 130, 20), (253, 184, 99), (254, 224, 182), (247, 247, 247), (216, 218, 235), (178, 171, 210), (128, 115, 172), (84, 39, 136)], 'purd3': [(231, 225, 239), (201, 148, 199), (221, 28, 119)], 'purd4': [(241, 238, 246), (215, 181, 216), (223, 101, 176), (206, 18, 86)], 'purd5': [(241, 238, 246), (215, 181, 216), (223, 101, 176), (221, 28, 119), (152, 0, 67)], 'purd6': [(241, 238, 246), (212, 185, 218), (201, 148, 199), (223, 101, 176), (221, 28, 119), (152, 0, 67)], 'purd7': [(241, 238, 246), (212, 185, 218), (201, 148, 199), (223, 101, 176), (231, 41, 138), (206, 18, 86), (145, 0, 63)], 'purd8': [(247, 244, 249), (231, 225, 239), (212, 185, 218), (201, 148, 199), (223, 101, 176), (231, 41, 138), (206, 18, 86), (145, 0, 63)], 'purd9': [(247, 244, 249), (231, 225, 239), (212, 185, 218), (201, 148, 199), (223, 101, 176), (231, 41, 138), (206, 18, 86), (152, 0, 67), (103, 0, 31)], 'purples3': [(239, 237, 245), (188, 189, 220), (117, 107, 177)], 'purples4': [(242, 240, 247), (203, 201, 226), (158, 154, 200), (106, 81, 163)], 'purples5': [(242, 240, 247), (203, 201, 226), (158, 154, 200), (117, 107, 177), (84, 39, 143)], 'purples6': [(242, 240, 247), (218, 218, 235), (188, 189, 220), (158, 154, 200), (117, 107, 177), (84, 39, 143)], 'purples7': [(242, 240, 247), (218, 218, 235), (188, 189, 220), (158, 154, 200), (128, 125, 186), (106, 81, 163), (74, 20, 134)], 'purples8': [(252, 251, 253), (239, 237, 245), (218, 218, 235), (188, 189, 220), (158, 154, 200), (128, 125, 186), (106, 81, 163), (74, 20, 134)], 'purples9': [(252, 251, 253), (239, 237, 245), (218, 218, 235), (188, 189, 220), (158, 154, 200), (128, 125, 186), (106, 81, 163), (84, 39, 143), (63, 0, 125)], 'rdbu10': [(103, 0, 31), (5, 48, 97), (178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (209, 229, 240), (146, 197, 222), (67, 147, 195), (33, 102, 172)], 'rdbu11': [(103, 0, 31), (33, 102, 172), (5, 48, 97), (178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (247, 247, 247), (209, 229, 240), (146, 197, 222), (67, 147, 195)], 'rdbu3': [(239, 138, 98), (247, 247, 247), (103, 169, 207)], 'rdbu4': [(202, 0, 32), (244, 165, 130), (146, 197, 222), (5, 113, 176)], 'rdbu5': [(202, 0, 32), (244, 165, 130), (247, 247, 247), (146, 197, 222), (5, 113, 176)], 'rdbu6': [(178, 24, 43), (239, 138, 98), (253, 219, 199), (209, 229, 240), (103, 169, 207), (33, 102, 172)], 'rdbu7': [(178, 24, 43), (239, 138, 98), (253, 219, 199), (247, 247, 247), (209, 229, 240), (103, 169, 207), (33, 102, 172)], 'rdbu8': [(178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (209, 229, 240), (146, 197, 222), (67, 147, 195), (33, 102, 172)], 'rdbu9': [(178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (247, 247, 247), (209, 229, 240), (146, 197, 222), (67, 147, 195), (33, 102, 172)], 'rdgy10': [(103, 0, 31), (26, 26, 26), (178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (224, 224, 224), (186, 186, 186), (135, 135, 135), (77, 77, 77)], 'rdgy11': [(103, 0, 31), (77, 77, 77), (26, 26, 26), (178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (255, 255, 255), (224, 224, 224), (186, 186, 186), (135, 135, 135)], 'rdgy3': [(239, 138, 98), (255, 255, 255), (153, 153, 153)], 'rdgy4': [(202, 0, 32), (244, 165, 130), (186, 186, 186), (64, 64, 64)], 'rdgy5': [(202, 0, 32), (244, 165, 130), (255, 255, 255), (186, 186, 186), (64, 64, 64)], 'rdgy6': [(178, 24, 43), (239, 138, 98), (253, 219, 199), (224, 224, 224), (153, 153, 153), (77, 77, 77)], 'rdgy7': [(178, 24, 43), (239, 138, 98), (253, 219, 199), (255, 255, 255), (224, 224, 224), (153, 153, 153), (77, 77, 77)], 'rdgy8': [(178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (224, 224, 224), (186, 186, 186), (135, 135, 135), (77, 77, 77)], 'rdgy9': [(178, 24, 43), (214, 96, 77), (244, 165, 130), (253, 219, 199), (255, 255, 255), (224, 224, 224), (186, 186, 186), (135, 135, 135), (77, 77, 77)], 'rdpu3': [(253, 224, 221), (250, 159, 181), (197, 27, 138)], 'rdpu4': [(254, 235, 226), (251, 180, 185), (247, 104, 161), (174, 1, 126)], 'rdpu5': [(254, 235, 226), (251, 180, 185), (247, 104, 161), (197, 27, 138), (122, 1, 119)], 'rdpu6': [(254, 235, 226), (252, 197, 192), (250, 159, 181), (247, 104, 161), (197, 27, 138), (122, 1, 119)], 'rdpu7': [(254, 235, 226), (252, 197, 192), (250, 159, 181), (247, 104, 161), (221, 52, 151), (174, 1, 126), (122, 1, 119)], 'rdpu8': [(255, 247, 243), (253, 224, 221), (252, 197, 192), (250, 159, 181), (247, 104, 161), (221, 52, 151), (174, 1, 126), (122, 1, 119)], 'rdpu9': [(255, 247, 243), (253, 224, 221), (252, 197, 192), (250, 159, 181), (247, 104, 161), (221, 52, 151), (174, 1, 126), (122, 1, 119), (73, 0, 106)], 'rdylbu10': [(165, 0, 38), (49, 54, 149), (215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 144), (224, 243, 248), (171, 217, 233), (116, 173, 209), (69, 117, 180)], 'rdylbu11': [(165, 0, 38), (69, 117, 180), (49, 54, 149), (215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 144), (255, 255, 191), (224, 243, 248), (171, 217, 233), (116, 173, 209)], 'rdylbu3': [(252, 141, 89), (255, 255, 191), (145, 191, 219)], 'rdylbu4': [(215, 25, 28), (253, 174, 97), (171, 217, 233), (44, 123, 182)], 'rdylbu5': [(215, 25, 28), (253, 174, 97), (255, 255, 191), (171, 217, 233), (44, 123, 182)], 'rdylbu6': [(215, 48, 39), (252, 141, 89), (254, 224, 144), (224, 243, 248), (145, 191, 219), (69, 117, 180)], 'rdylbu7': [(215, 48, 39), (252, 141, 89), (254, 224, 144), (255, 255, 191), (224, 243, 248), (145, 191, 219), (69, 117, 180)], 'rdylbu8': [(215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 144), (224, 243, 248), (171, 217, 233), (116, 173, 209), (69, 117, 180)], 'rdylbu9': [(215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 144), (255, 255, 191), (224, 243, 248), (171, 217, 233), (116, 173, 209), (69, 117, 180)], 'rdylgn10': [(165, 0, 38), (0, 104, 55), (215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (217, 239, 139), (166, 217, 106), (102, 189, 99), (26, 152, 80)], 'rdylgn11': [(165, 0, 38), (26, 152, 80), (0, 104, 55), (215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (255, 255, 191), (217, 239, 139), (166, 217, 106), (102, 189, 99)], 'rdylgn3': [(252, 141, 89), (255, 255, 191), (145, 207, 96)], 'rdylgn4': [(215, 25, 28), (253, 174, 97), (166, 217, 106), (26, 150, 65)], 'rdylgn5': [(215, 25, 28), (253, 174, 97), (255, 255, 191), (166, 217, 106), (26, 150, 65)], 'rdylgn6': [(215, 48, 39), (252, 141, 89), (254, 224, 139), (217, 239, 139), (145, 207, 96), (26, 152, 80)], 'rdylgn7': [(215, 48, 39), (252, 141, 89), (254, 224, 139), (255, 255, 191), (217, 239, 139), (145, 207, 96), (26, 152, 80)], 'rdylgn8': [(215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (217, 239, 139), (166, 217, 106), (102, 189, 99), (26, 152, 80)], 'rdylgn9': [(215, 48, 39), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (255, 255, 191), (217, 239, 139), (166, 217, 106), (102, 189, 99), (26, 152, 80)], 'reds3': [(254, 224, 210), (252, 146, 114), (222, 45, 38)], 'reds4': [(254, 229, 217), (252, 174, 145), (251, 106, 74), (203, 24, 29)], 'reds5': [(254, 229, 217), (252, 174, 145), (251, 106, 74), (222, 45, 38), (165, 15, 21)], 'reds6': [(254, 229, 217), (252, 187, 161), (252, 146, 114), (251, 106, 74), (222, 45, 38), (165, 15, 21)], 'reds7': [(254, 229, 217), (252, 187, 161), (252, 146, 114), (251, 106, 74), (239, 59, 44), (203, 24, 29), (153, 0, 13)], 'reds8': [(255, 245, 240), (254, 224, 210), (252, 187, 161), (252, 146, 114), (251, 106, 74), (239, 59, 44), (203, 24, 29), (153, 0, 13)], 'reds9': [(255, 245, 240), (254, 224, 210), (252, 187, 161), (252, 146, 114), (251, 106, 74), (239, 59, 44), (203, 24, 29), (165, 15, 21), (103, 0, 13)], 'set13': [(228, 26, 28), (55, 126, 184), (77, 175, 74)], 'set14': [(228, 26, 28), (55, 126, 184), (77, 175, 74), (152, 78, 163)], 'set15': [(228, 26, 28), (55, 126, 184), (77, 175, 74), (152, 78, 163), (255, 127, 0)], 'set16': [(228, 26, 28), (55, 126, 184), (77, 175, 74), (152, 78, 163), (255, 127, 0), (255, 255, 51)], 'set17': [(228, 26, 28), (55, 126, 184), (77, 175, 74), (152, 78, 163), (255, 127, 0), (255, 255, 51), (166, 86, 40)], 'set18': [(228, 26, 28), (55, 126, 184), (77, 175, 74), (152, 78, 163), (255, 127, 0), (255, 255, 51), (166, 86, 40), (247, 129, 191)], 'set19': [(228, 26, 28), (55, 126, 184), (77, 175, 74), (152, 78, 163), (255, 127, 0), (255, 255, 51), (166, 86, 40), (247, 129, 191), (153, 153, 153)], 'set23': [(102, 194, 165), (252, 141, 98), (141, 160, 203)], 'set24': [(102, 194, 165), (252, 141, 98), (141, 160, 203), (231, 138, 195)], 'set25': [(102, 194, 165), (252, 141, 98), (141, 160, 203), (231, 138, 195), (166, 216, 84)], 'set26': [(102, 194, 165), (252, 141, 98), (141, 160, 203), (231, 138, 195), (166, 216, 84), (255, 217, 47)], 'set27': [(102, 194, 165), (252, 141, 98), (141, 160, 203), (231, 138, 195), (166, 216, 84), (255, 217, 47), (229, 196, 148)], 'set28': [(102, 194, 165), (252, 141, 98), (141, 160, 203), (231, 138, 195), (166, 216, 84), (255, 217, 47), (229, 196, 148), (179, 179, 179)], 'set310': [(141, 211, 199), (188, 128, 189), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211), (253, 180, 98), (179, 222, 105), (252, 205, 229), (217, 217, 217)], 'set311': [(141, 211, 199), (188, 128, 189), (204, 235, 197), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211), (253, 180, 98), (179, 222, 105), (252, 205, 229), (217, 217, 217)], 'set312': [(141, 211, 199), (188, 128, 189), (204, 235, 197), (255, 237, 111), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211), (253, 180, 98), (179, 222, 105), (252, 205, 229), (217, 217, 217)], 'set33': [(141, 211, 199), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218)], 'set34': [(141, 211, 199), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114)], 'set35': [(141, 211, 199), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211)], 'set36': [(141, 211, 199), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211), (253, 180, 98)], 'set37': [(141, 211, 199), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211), (253, 180, 98), (179, 222, 105)], 'set38': [(141, 211, 199), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211), (253, 180, 98), (179, 222, 105), (252, 205, 229)], 'set39': [(141, 211, 199), (255, 255, 179), (190, 186, 218), (251, 128, 114), (128, 177, 211), (253, 180, 98), (179, 222, 105), (252, 205, 229), (217, 217, 217)], 'spectral10': [(158, 1, 66), (94, 79, 162), (213, 62, 79), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (230, 245, 152), (171, 221, 164), (102, 194, 165), (50, 136, 189)], 'spectral11': [(158, 1, 66), (50, 136, 189), (94, 79, 162), (213, 62, 79), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (255, 255, 191), (230, 245, 152), (171, 221, 164), (102, 194, 165)], 'spectral3': [(252, 141, 89), (255, 255, 191), (153, 213, 148)], 'spectral4': [(215, 25, 28), (253, 174, 97), (171, 221, 164), (43, 131, 186)], 'spectral5': [(215, 25, 28), (253, 174, 97), (255, 255, 191), (171, 221, 164), (43, 131, 186)], 'spectral6': [(213, 62, 79), (252, 141, 89), (254, 224, 139), (230, 245, 152), (153, 213, 148), (50, 136, 189)], 'spectral7': [(213, 62, 79), (252, 141, 89), (254, 224, 139), (255, 255, 191), (230, 245, 152), (153, 213, 148), (50, 136, 189)], 'spectral8': [(213, 62, 79), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (230, 245, 152), (171, 221, 164), (102, 194, 165), (50, 136, 189)], 'spectral9': [(213, 62, 79), (244, 109, 67), (253, 174, 97), (254, 224, 139), (255, 255, 191), (230, 245, 152), (171, 221, 164), (102, 194, 165), (50, 136, 189)], 'ylgn3': [(247, 252, 185), (173, 221, 142), (49, 163, 84)], 'ylgn4': [(255, 255, 204), (194, 230, 153), (120, 198, 121), (35, 132, 67)], 'ylgn5': [(255, 255, 204), (194, 230, 153), (120, 198, 121), (49, 163, 84), (0, 104, 55)], 'ylgn6': [(255, 255, 204), (217, 240, 163), (173, 221, 142), (120, 198, 121), (49, 163, 84), (0, 104, 55)], 'ylgn7': [(255, 255, 204), (217, 240, 163), (173, 221, 142), (120, 198, 121), (65, 171, 93), (35, 132, 67), (0, 90, 50)], 'ylgn8': [(255, 255, 229), (247, 252, 185), (217, 240, 163), (173, 221, 142), (120, 198, 121), (65, 171, 93), (35, 132, 67), (0, 90, 50)], 'ylgn9': [(255, 255, 229), (247, 252, 185), (217, 240, 163), (173, 221, 142), (120, 198, 121), (65, 171, 93), (35, 132, 67), (0, 104, 55), (0, 69, 41)], 'ylgnbu3': [(237, 248, 177), (127, 205, 187), (44, 127, 184)], 'ylgnbu4': [(255, 255, 204), (161, 218, 180), (65, 182, 196), (34, 94, 168)], 'ylgnbu5': [(255, 255, 204), (161, 218, 180), (65, 182, 196), (44, 127, 184), (37, 52, 148)], 'ylgnbu6': [(255, 255, 204), (199, 233, 180), (127, 205, 187), (65, 182, 196), (44, 127, 184), (37, 52, 148)], 'ylgnbu7': [(255, 255, 204), (199, 233, 180), (127, 205, 187), (65, 182, 196), (29, 145, 192), (34, 94, 168), (12, 44, 132)], 'ylgnbu8': [(255, 255, 217), (237, 248, 177), (199, 233, 180), (127, 205, 187), (65, 182, 196), (29, 145, 192), (34, 94, 168), (12, 44, 132)], 'ylgnbu9': [(255, 255, 217), (237, 248, 177), (199, 233, 180), (127, 205, 187), (65, 182, 196), (29, 145, 192), (34, 94, 168), (37, 52, 148), (8, 29, 88)], 'ylorbr3': [(255, 247, 188), (254, 196, 79), (217, 95, 14)], 'ylorbr4': [(255, 255, 212), (254, 217, 142), (254, 153, 41), (204, 76, 2)], 'ylorbr5': [(255, 255, 212), (254, 217, 142), (254, 153, 41), (217, 95, 14), (153, 52, 4)], 'ylorbr6': [(255, 255, 212), (254, 227, 145), (254, 196, 79), (254, 153, 41), (217, 95, 14), (153, 52, 4)], 'ylorbr7': [(255, 255, 212), (254, 227, 145), (254, 196, 79), (254, 153, 41), (236, 112, 20), (204, 76, 2), (140, 45, 4)], 'ylorbr8': [(255, 255, 229), (255, 247, 188), (254, 227, 145), (254, 196, 79), (254, 153, 41), (236, 112, 20), (204, 76, 2), (140, 45, 4)], 'ylorbr9': [(255, 255, 229), (255, 247, 188), (254, 227, 145), (254, 196, 79), (254, 153, 41), (236, 112, 20), (204, 76, 2), (153, 52, 4), (102, 37, 6)], 'ylorrd3': [(255, 237, 160), (254, 178, 76), (240, 59, 32)], 'ylorrd4': [(255, 255, 178), (254, 204, 92), (253, 141, 60), (227, 26, 28)], 'ylorrd5': [(255, 255, 178), (254, 204, 92), (253, 141, 60), (240, 59, 32), (189, 0, 38)], 'ylorrd6': [(255, 255, 178), (254, 217, 118), (254, 178, 76), (253, 141, 60), (240, 59, 32), (189, 0, 38)], 'ylorrd7': [(255, 255, 178), (254, 217, 118), (254, 178, 76), (253, 141, 60), (252, 78, 42), (227, 26, 28), (177, 0, 38)], 'ylorrd8': [(255, 255, 204), (255, 237, 160), (254, 217, 118), (254, 178, 76), (253, 141, 60), (252, 78, 42), (227, 26, 28), (177, 0, 38)], } if __name__ == '__main__': main()