#!/usr/bin/env python

Copyright (c) 2006-2012 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission

import os
import re

from lib.controller.action import action
from lib.controller.checks import checkSqlInjection
from lib.controller.checks import checkDynParam
from lib.controller.checks import checkStability
from lib.controller.checks import checkString
from lib.controller.checks import checkRegexp
from lib.controller.checks import checkConnection
from lib.controller.checks import checkNullConnection
from lib.controller.checks import checkWaf
from lib.controller.checks import heuristicCheckSqlInjection
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import extractRegexResult
from lib.core.common import getFilteredPageContent
from lib.core.common import getPublicTypeMembers
from lib.core.common import getUnicode
from lib.core.common import hashDBRetrieve
from lib.core.common import hashDBWrite
from lib.core.common import intersect
from lib.core.common import parseTargetUrl
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.common import showHttpErrorCodes
from lib.core.common import urlencode
from lib.core.common import urldecode
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.enums import HASHDB_KEYS
from lib.core.enums import HEURISTIC_TEST
from lib.core.enums import HTTPHEADER
from lib.core.enums import HTTPMETHOD
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.enums import PLACE
from lib.core.exception import exceptionsTuple
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapNoneDataException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapNotVulnerableException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSilentQuitException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapValueException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUserQuitException
from lib.core.settings import ASP_NET_CONTROL_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER
from lib.core.settings import EMPTY_FORM_FIELDS_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import IGNORE_PARAMETERS
from lib.core.settings import LOW_TEXT_PERCENT
from lib.core.settings import HOST_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import REFERER_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import USER_AGENT_ALIASES
from lib.core.target import initTargetEnv
from lib.core.target import setupTargetEnv
from thirdparty.pagerank.pagerank import get_pagerank

def __selectInjection():
    Selection function for injection place, parameters and type.

    points = {}

    for injection in kb.injections:
        place = injection.place
        parameter = injection.parameter
        ptype = injection.ptype

        point = (place, parameter, ptype)

        if point not in points:
            points[point] = injection
            for key in points[point].keys():
                if key != 'data':
                    points[point][key] = points[point][key] or injection[key]

    if len(points) == 1:
        kb.injection = kb.injections[0]

    elif len(points) > 1:
        message = "there were multiple injection points, please select "
        message += "the one to use for following injections:\n"

        points = []

        for i in xrange(0, len(kb.injections)):
            place = kb.injections[i].place
            parameter = kb.injections[i].parameter
            ptype = kb.injections[i].ptype
            point = (place, parameter, ptype)

            if point not in points:
                ptype = PAYLOAD.PARAMETER[ptype] if isinstance(ptype, int) else ptype

                message += "[%d] place: %s, parameter: " % (i, place)
                message += "%s, type: %s" % (parameter, ptype)

                if i == 0:
                    message += " (default)"

                message += "\n"

        message += "[q] Quit"
        select = readInput(message, default="0")

        if select.isdigit() and int(select) < len(kb.injections) and int(select) >= 0:
            index = int(select)
        elif select[0] in ( "Q", "q" ):
            raise sqlmapUserQuitException
            errMsg = "invalid choice"
            raise sqlmapValueException, errMsg

        kb.injection = kb.injections[index]

def __formatInjection(inj):
    data = "Place: %s\n" % inj.place
    data += "Parameter: %s\n" % inj.parameter

    for stype, sdata in inj.data.items():
        title = sdata.title
        vector = sdata.vector
        comment = sdata.comment
        if stype == PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION:
            count = re.sub(r"(?i)(\(.+\))|(\blimit[^A-Za-z]+)", "", sdata.payload).count(',') + 1
            title = re.sub(r"\d+ to \d+", str(count), title)
            vector = agent.forgeInbandQuery("[QUERY]", vector[0], vector[1], vector[2], None, None, vector[5], vector[6])
            if count == 1:
                title = title.replace("columns", "column")
        elif comment:
            vector = "%s%s" % (vector, comment)
        data += "    Type: %s\n" % PAYLOAD.SQLINJECTION[stype]
        data += "    Title: %s\n" % title
        data += "    Payload: %s\n" % agent.adjustLateValues(sdata.payload)
        data += "    Vector: %s\n\n" % vector if conf.verbose > 1 else "\n"

    return data

def __showInjections():
    header = "sqlmap identified the following injection points with "
    header += "a total of %d HTTP(s) requests" % kb.testQueryCount

    data = "".join(set(map(lambda x: __formatInjection(x), kb.injections))).rstrip("\n")

    conf.dumper.technic(header, data)

    if conf.tamper:
        infoMsg = "changes made by tampering scripts are not "
        infoMsg += "included in shown payload content(s)"

def __randomFillBlankFields(value):
    retVal = value

    if extractRegexResult(EMPTY_FORM_FIELDS_REGEX, value):
        message = "do you want to fill blank fields with random values? [Y/n] "
        test = readInput(message, default="Y")
        if not test or test[0] in ("y", "Y"):
            for match in re.finditer(EMPTY_FORM_FIELDS_REGEX, retVal):
                item = match.group("result")
                if not any(_ in item for _ in IGNORE_PARAMETERS) and not re.search(ASP_NET_CONTROL_REGEX, item):
                    if item[-1] == DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER:
                        retVal = retVal.replace(item, "%s%s%s" % (item[:-1], randomStr(), DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER))
                        retVal = retVal.replace(item, "%s%s" % (item, randomStr()))

    return retVal

def __saveToHashDB():
    injections = hashDBRetrieve(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_INJECTIONS, True) or []
    injections.extend(_ for _ in kb.injections if _ and _.place is not None and _.parameter is not None)

    _ = dict()
    for injection in injections:
        key = (injection.place, injection.parameter, injection.ptype)
        if key not in _:
            _[key] = injection
    hashDBWrite(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_INJECTIONS, _.values(), True)

    _ = hashDBRetrieve(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_ABS_FILE_PATHS, True) or set()

    if not hashDBRetrieve(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_CHARS):
        hashDBWrite(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_CHARS, kb.chars, True)

        hashDBWrite(HASHDB_KEYS.KB_DYNAMIC_MARKINGS, kb.dynamicMarkings, True)

def __saveToResultsFile():
    if not conf.resultsFP:

    found = False
    results = {}
    techniques = dict(map(lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), getPublicTypeMembers(PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE)))

    for inj in kb.injections:
        if inj.place is None or inj.parameter is None:

        key = (inj.place, inj.parameter)
        if key not in results:
            results[key] = []


    for key, value in results.items():
        place, parameter = key
        line = "%s,%s,%s,%s%s" % (conf.url, place, parameter, "".join(map(lambda x: techniques[x][0].upper(), sorted(value))), os.linesep)

    if not results:
        line = "%s,,,%s" % (conf.url, os.linesep)

def start():
    This function calls a function that performs checks on both URL
    stability and all GET, POST, Cookie and User-Agent parameters to
    check if they are dynamic and SQL injection affected

    if not conf.start:
        return False

    if conf.direct:
        return True

    if conf.url and not any((conf.forms, conf.crawlDepth)):
        kb.targetUrls.add((conf.url, conf.method, conf.data, conf.cookie))

    if conf.configFile and not kb.targetUrls:
        errMsg = "you did not edit the configuration file properly, set "
        errMsg += "the target url, list of targets or google dork"
        return False

    if kb.targetUrls and len(kb.targetUrls) > 1:
        infoMsg = "sqlmap got a total of %d targets" % len(kb.targetUrls)

    hostCount = 0
    cookieStr = ""

    for targetUrl, targetMethod, targetData, targetCookie in kb.targetUrls:
            conf.url = targetUrl
            conf.method = targetMethod
            conf.data = targetData
            conf.cookie = targetCookie


            testSqlInj = False

            if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters and not any([conf.data, conf.testParameter]):
                for parameter in re.findall(r"([^=]+)=([^%s]+%s?|\Z)" % (conf.pDel or ";", conf.pDel or ";"), conf.parameters[PLACE.GET]):
                    paramKey = (conf.hostname, conf.path, PLACE.GET, parameter[0])

                    if paramKey not in kb.testedParams:
                        testSqlInj = True
                paramKey = (conf.hostname, conf.path, None, None)
                if paramKey not in kb.testedParams:
                    testSqlInj = True

            testSqlInj &= (conf.hostname, conf.path, None, None) not in kb.testedParams
            testSqlInj &= conf.hostname not in kb.vulnHosts

            if not testSqlInj:
                infoMsg = "skipping '%s'" % targetUrl

            if conf.multipleTargets:
                hostCount += 1

                if conf.forms:
                    message = "[#%d] form:\n%s %s" % (hostCount, conf.method or HTTPMETHOD.GET, targetUrl)
                    message = "url %d:\n%s %s%s" % (hostCount, conf.method or HTTPMETHOD.GET, targetUrl,  " (PageRank: %s)" % get_pagerank(targetUrl) if conf.googleDork and conf.pageRank else "")

                if conf.cookie:
                    message += "\nCookie: %s" % conf.cookie

                if conf.data:
                    message += "\nPOST data: %s" % urlencode(conf.data) if conf.data else ""

                if conf.forms:
                    if conf.method == HTTPMETHOD.GET and targetUrl.find("?") == -1:

                    message += "\ndo you want to test this form? [Y/n/q] "
                    test = readInput(message, default="Y")

                    if not test or test[0] in ("y", "Y"):
                        if conf.method == HTTPMETHOD.POST:
                            message = "Edit POST data [default: %s]%s: " % (urlencode(conf.data) if conf.data else "None", " (Warning: blank fields detected)" if conf.data and extractRegexResult(EMPTY_FORM_FIELDS_REGEX, conf.data) else "")
                            conf.data = readInput(message, default=conf.data)
                            conf.data = __randomFillBlankFields(conf.data)
                            conf.data = urldecode(conf.data) if conf.data and urlencode(DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, None) not in conf.data else conf.data

                        elif conf.method == HTTPMETHOD.GET:
                            if targetUrl.find("?") > -1:
                                firstPart = targetUrl[:targetUrl.find("?")]
                                secondPart = targetUrl[targetUrl.find("?")+1:]
                                message = "Edit GET data [default: %s]: " % secondPart
                                test = readInput(message, default=secondPart)
                                test = __randomFillBlankFields(test)
                                conf.url = "%s?%s" % (firstPart, test)


                    elif test[0] in ("n", "N"):
                    elif test[0] in ("q", "Q"):

                    message += "\ndo you want to test this url? [Y/n/q]"
                    test = readInput(message, default="Y")

                    if not test or test[0] in ("y", "Y"):
                    elif test[0] in ("n", "N"):
                    elif test[0] in ("q", "Q"):

                    infoMsg = "testing url '%s'" % targetUrl


            if not checkConnection(suppressOutput=conf.forms) or not checkString() or not checkRegexp():

            if conf.checkWaf:

            if conf.nullConnection:

            if (len(kb.injections) == 0 or (len(kb.injections) == 1 and kb.injections[0].place is None)) \
                and (kb.injection.place is None or kb.injection.parameter is None):

                if not any((conf.string, conf.notString, conf.regexp)) and PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.BOOLEAN in conf.tech:
                    # NOTE: this is not needed anymore, leaving only to display
                    # a warning message to the user in case the page is not stable

                # Do a little prioritization reorder of a testable parameter list 
                parameters = conf.parameters.keys()

                # Order of testing list (last to first)

                for place in orderList:
                    if place in parameters:
                        parameters.insert(0, place)

                proceed = True

                for place in parameters:
                    # Test User-Agent and Referer headers only if
                    # --level >= 3
                    skip = (place == PLACE.USER_AGENT and conf.level < 3)
                    skip |= (place == PLACE.REFERER and conf.level < 3)

                    # Test Host header only if
                    # --level >= 5
                    skip |= (place == PLACE.HOST and conf.level < 5)

                    # Test Cookie header only if --level >= 2
                    skip |= (place == PLACE.COOKIE and conf.level < 2)

                    skip |= (place == PLACE.USER_AGENT and intersect(USER_AGENT_ALIASES, conf.skip, True) not in ([], None))
                    skip |= (place == PLACE.REFERER and intersect(REFERER_ALIASES, conf.skip, True) not in ([], None))
                    skip |= (place == PLACE.COOKIE and intersect(PLACE.COOKIE, conf.skip, True) not in ([], None))

                    skip &= not (place == PLACE.USER_AGENT and intersect(USER_AGENT_ALIASES, conf.testParameter, True))
                    skip &= not (place == PLACE.REFERER and intersect(REFERER_ALIASES, conf.testParameter, True))
                    skip &= not (place == PLACE.HOST and intersect(HOST_ALIASES, conf.testParameter, True))

                    if skip:

                    if place not in conf.paramDict:

                    paramDict = conf.paramDict[place]

                    for parameter, value in paramDict.items():
                        if not proceed:

                        kb.vainRun = False
                        testSqlInj = True
                        paramKey = (conf.hostname, conf.path, place, parameter)

                        if paramKey in kb.testedParams:
                            testSqlInj = False

                            infoMsg = "skipping previously processed %s parameter '%s'" % (place, parameter)

                        elif parameter in conf.testParameter:

                        elif parameter == conf.rParam:
                            testSqlInj = False

                            infoMsg = "skipping randomizing %s parameter '%s'" % (place, parameter)

                        elif parameter in conf.skip:
                            testSqlInj = False

                            infoMsg = "skipping %s parameter '%s'" % (place, parameter)

                        # Ignore session-like parameters for --level < 4
                        elif conf.level < 4 and parameter.upper() in IGNORE_PARAMETERS:
                            testSqlInj = False

                            infoMsg = "ignoring %s parameter '%s'" % (place, parameter)

                        elif PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.BOOLEAN in conf.tech:
                                check = checkDynParam(place, parameter, value)

                                if not check:
                                    warnMsg = "%s parameter '%s' does not appear dynamic" % (place, parameter)

                                    infoMsg = "%s parameter '%s' is dynamic" % (place, parameter)


                        if testSqlInj:
                            check = heuristicCheckSqlInjection(place, parameter)

                            if check != HEURISTIC_TEST.POSITIVE:
                                if conf.smart or (kb.ignoreCasted and check == HEURISTIC_TEST.CASTED):
                                    infoMsg = "skipping %s parameter '%s'" % (place, parameter)

                            infoMsg = "testing for SQL injection on %s " % place
                            infoMsg += "parameter '%s'" % parameter

                            injection = checkSqlInjection(place, parameter, value)
                            proceed = not kb.endDetection

                            if injection is not None and injection.place is not None:

                                # In case when user wants to end detection phase (Ctrl+C)
                                if not proceed:

                                msg = "%s parameter '%s' " % (injection.place, injection.parameter)
                                msg += "is vulnerable. Do you want to keep testing the others (if any)? [y/N] "
                                test = readInput(msg, default="N")

                                if test[0] not in ("y", "Y"):
                                    proceed = False
                                    paramKey = (conf.hostname, conf.path, None, None)
                                warnMsg = "%s parameter '%s' is not " % (place, parameter)
                                warnMsg += "injectable"

            if len(kb.injections) == 0 or (len(kb.injections) == 1 and kb.injections[0].place is None):
                if kb.vainRun and not conf.multipleTargets:
                    errMsg = "no parameter(s) found for testing in the provided data "
                    errMsg += "(e.g. GET parameter 'id' in 'www.site.com/index.php?id=1')"
                    raise sqlmapNoneDataException, errMsg
                    errMsg = "all tested parameters appear to be not injectable."

                    if conf.level < 5 or conf.risk < 3:
                        errMsg += " Try to increase '--level'/'--risk' values "
                        errMsg += "to perform more tests."

                    if isinstance(conf.tech, list) and len(conf.tech) < 5:
                        errMsg += " Rerun without providing the option '--technique'."

                    if not conf.textOnly and kb.originalPage:
                        percent = (100.0 * len(getFilteredPageContent(kb.originalPage)) / len(kb.originalPage))

                        if kb.dynamicMarkings:
                            errMsg += " You can give it a go with the switch '--text-only' "
                            errMsg += "if the target page has a low percentage "
                            errMsg += "of textual content (~%.2f%% of " % percent
                            errMsg += "page content is text)."
                        elif percent < LOW_TEXT_PERCENT and not kb.errorIsNone:
                            errMsg += " Please retry with the switch '--text-only' "
                            errMsg += "(along with --technique=BU) as this case "
                            errMsg += "looks like a perfect candidate "
                            errMsg += "(low textual content along with inability "
                            errMsg += "of comparison engine to detect at least "
                            errMsg += "one dynamic parameter)."

                    if kb.heuristicTest == HEURISTIC_TEST.POSITIVE:
                        errMsg += " As heuristic test turned out positive you are "
                        errMsg += "strongly advised to continue on with the tests. "
                        errMsg += "Please, consider usage of tampering scripts as "
                        errMsg += "your target might filter the queries."

                    if not conf.string and not conf.notString and not conf.regexp:
                        errMsg += " Also, you can try to rerun by providing "
                        errMsg += "either a valid value for option '--string' "
                        errMsg += "(or '--regexp')"
                    elif conf.string:
                        errMsg += " Also, you can try to rerun by providing a "
                        errMsg += "valid value for option '--string' as perhaps the string you "
                        errMsg += "have choosen does not match "
                        errMsg += "exclusively True responses"
                    elif conf.regexp:
                        errMsg += " Also, you can try to rerun by providing a "
                        errMsg += "valid value for option '--regexp' as perhaps the regular "
                        errMsg += "expression that you have choosen "
                        errMsg += "does not match exclusively True responses"

                    raise sqlmapNotVulnerableException, errMsg
                # Flush the flag
                kb.testMode = False


            if kb.injection.place is not None and kb.injection.parameter is not None:
                if conf.multipleTargets:
                    message = "do you want to exploit this SQL injection? [Y/n] "
                    exploit = readInput(message, default="Y")

                    condition = not exploit or exploit[0] in ("y", "Y")
                    condition = True

                if condition:

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if conf.multipleTargets:
                warnMsg = "user aborted in multiple target mode"

                message = "do you want to skip to the next target in list? [Y/n/q]"
                test = readInput(message, default="Y")

                if not test or test[0] in ("y", "Y"):
                elif test[0] in ("n", "N"):
                    return False
                elif test[0] in ("q", "Q"):
                    raise sqlmapUserQuitException

        except sqlmapUserQuitException:

        except sqlmapSilentQuitException:

        except exceptionsTuple, e:
            e = getUnicode(e)

            if conf.multipleTargets:
                e += ", skipping to the next %s" % ("form" if conf.forms else "url")
                return False


            if kb.maxConnectionsFlag:
                warnMsg  = "it appears that the target "
                warnMsg += "has a maximum connections "
                warnMsg += "constraint"

    if kb.dataOutputFlag and not conf.multipleTargets:
        logger.info("fetched data logged to text files under '%s'" % conf.outputPath)

    if conf.multipleTargets and conf.resultsFilename:
        infoMsg  = "you can find results of scanning in multiple targets "
        infoMsg += "mode inside the CSV file '%s'" % conf.resultsFilename

    return True