#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net. Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Bernardo Damele A. G. Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import sys from optparse import OptionError from optparse import OptionGroup from optparse import OptionParser from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.settings import VERSION_STRING def cmdLineParser(): """ This function parses the command line parameters and arguments """ usage = "%s [options]" % sys.argv[0] parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=VERSION_STRING) try: parser.add_option("-v", dest="verbose", type="int", default=1, help="Verbosity level: 0-5 (default 1)") # Target options target = OptionGroup(parser, "Target", "At least one of these " "options has to be specified to set the source " "to get target urls from.") target.add_option("-u", "--url", dest="url", help="Target url") target.add_option("-l", dest="list", help="Parse targets from Burp " "or WebScarab logs") target.add_option("-g", dest="googleDork", help="Process Google dork results as target urls") target.add_option("-c", dest="configFile", help="Load options from a configuration INI file") # Request options request = OptionGroup(parser, "Request", "These options can be used " "to specify how to connect to the target url.") request.add_option("--method", dest="method", default="GET", help="HTTP method, GET or POST (default GET)") request.add_option("--data", dest="data", help="Data string to be sent through POST") request.add_option("--cookie", dest="cookie", help="HTTP Cookie header") request.add_option("--referer", dest="referer", help="HTTP Referer header") request.add_option("--user-agent", dest="agent", help="HTTP User-Agent header") request.add_option("-a", dest="userAgentsFile", help="Load a random HTTP User-Agent " "header from file") request.add_option("--headers", dest="headers", help="Extra HTTP headers newline separated") request.add_option("--auth-type", dest="aType", help="HTTP Authentication type (value " "Basic or Digest)") request.add_option("--auth-cred", dest="aCred", help="HTTP Authentication credentials (value " "name:password)") request.add_option("--proxy", dest="proxy", help="Use a HTTP proxy to connect to the target url") request.add_option("--threads", dest="threads", type="int", default=1, help="Maximum number of concurrent HTTP " "requests (default 1)") request.add_option("--delay", dest="delay", type="float", help="Delay in seconds between each HTTP request") request.add_option("--timeout", dest="timeout", type="float", default=30, help="Seconds to wait before timeout connection " "(default 30)") request.add_option("--retries", dest="retries", type="int", default=3, help="Retries when the connection timeouts " "(default 3)") # Injection options injection = OptionGroup(parser, "Injection", "These options can be " "used to specify which parameters to test " "for, provide custom injection payloads and " "how to parse and compare HTTP responses " "page content when using the blind SQL " "injection technique.") injection.add_option("-p", dest="testParameter", help="Testable parameter(s)") injection.add_option("--dbms", dest="dbms", help="Force back-end DBMS to this value") injection.add_option("--os", dest="os", help="Force back-end DBMS operating system " "to this value") injection.add_option("--prefix", dest="prefix", help="Injection payload prefix string") injection.add_option("--postfix", dest="postfix", help="Injection payload postfix string") injection.add_option("--string", dest="string", help="String to match in page when the " "query is valid") injection.add_option("--regexp", dest="regexp", help="Regexp to match in page when the " "query is valid") injection.add_option("--excl-str", dest="eString", help="String to be excluded before comparing " "page contents") injection.add_option("--excl-reg", dest="eRegexp", help="Matches to be excluded before " "comparing page contents") # Techniques options techniques = OptionGroup(parser, "Techniques", "These options can " "be used to test for specific SQL injection " "technique or to use one of them to exploit " "the affected parameter(s) rather than using " "the default blind SQL injection technique.") techniques.add_option("--stacked-test", dest="stackedTest", action="store_true", help="Test for stacked queries (multiple " "statements) support") techniques.add_option("--time-test", dest="timeTest", action="store_true", help="Test for time based blind SQL injection") techniques.add_option("--time-sec", dest="timeSec", type="int", default=5, help="Seconds to delay the DBMS response " "(default 5)") techniques.add_option("--union-test", dest="unionTest", action="store_true", help="Test for UNION query (inband) SQL injection") techniques.add_option("--union-tech", dest="uTech", help="Technique to test for UNION query SQL injection") techniques.add_option("--union-use", dest="unionUse", action="store_true", help="Use the UNION query (inband) SQL injection " "to retrieve the queries output. No " "need to go blind") # Fingerprint options fingerprint = OptionGroup(parser, "Fingerprint") fingerprint.add_option("-f", "--fingerprint", dest="extensiveFp", action="store_true", help="Perform an extensive DBMS version fingerprint") # Enumeration options enumeration = OptionGroup(parser, "Enumeration", "These options can " "be used to enumerate the back-end database " "management system information, structure " "and data contained in the tables. Moreover " "you can run your own SQL statements.") enumeration.add_option("-b", "--banner", dest="getBanner", action="store_true", help="Retrieve DBMS banner") enumeration.add_option("--current-user", dest="getCurrentUser", action="store_true", help="Retrieve DBMS current user") enumeration.add_option("--current-db", dest="getCurrentDb", action="store_true", help="Retrieve DBMS current database") enumeration.add_option("--is-dba", dest="isDba", action="store_true", help="Detect if the DBMS current user is DBA") enumeration.add_option("--users", dest="getUsers", action="store_true", help="Enumerate DBMS users") enumeration.add_option("--passwords", dest="getPasswordHashes", action="store_true", help="Enumerate DBMS users password hashes (opt -U)") enumeration.add_option("--privileges", dest="getPrivileges", action="store_true", help="Enumerate DBMS users privileges (opt -U)") enumeration.add_option("--dbs", dest="getDbs", action="store_true", help="Enumerate DBMS databases") enumeration.add_option("--tables", dest="getTables", action="store_true", help="Enumerate DBMS database tables (opt -D)") enumeration.add_option("--columns", dest="getColumns", action="store_true", help="Enumerate DBMS database table columns " "(req -T opt -D)") enumeration.add_option("--dump", dest="dumpTable", action="store_true", help="Dump DBMS database table entries " "(req -T, opt -D, -C)") enumeration.add_option("--dump-all", dest="dumpAll", action="store_true", help="Dump all DBMS databases tables entries") enumeration.add_option("-D", dest="db", help="DBMS database to enumerate") enumeration.add_option("-T", dest="tbl", help="DBMS database table to enumerate") enumeration.add_option("-C", dest="col", help="DBMS database table column to enumerate") enumeration.add_option("-U", dest="user", help="DBMS user to enumerate") enumeration.add_option("--exclude-sysdbs", dest="excludeSysDbs", action="store_true", help="Exclude DBMS system databases when " "enumerating tables") enumeration.add_option("--start", dest="limitStart", type="int", help="First query output entry to retrieve") enumeration.add_option("--stop", dest="limitStop", type="int", help="Last query output entry to retrieve") enumeration.add_option("--first", dest="firstChar", type="int", help="First query output word character to retrieve") enumeration.add_option("--last", dest="lastChar", type="int", help="Last query output word character to retrieve") enumeration.add_option("--sql-query", dest="query", help="SQL statement to be executed") enumeration.add_option("--sql-shell", dest="sqlShell", action="store_true", help="Prompt for an interactive SQL shell") # User-defined function options udf = OptionGroup(parser, "User-defined function injection", "These " "options can be used to create custom user-defined " "functions.") udf.add_option("--udf-inject", dest="udfInject", action="store_true", help="Inject custom user-defined functions") udf.add_option("--shared-lib", dest="shLib", help="Local path of the shared library") # File system options filesystem = OptionGroup(parser, "File system access", "These options " "can be used to access the back-end database " "management system underlying file system.") filesystem.add_option("--read-file", dest="rFile", help="Read a file from the back-end DBMS " "file system") filesystem.add_option("--write-file", dest="wFile", help="Write a local file on the back-end " "DBMS file system") filesystem.add_option("--dest-file", dest="dFile", help="Back-end DBMS absolute filepath to " "write to") # Takeover options takeover = OptionGroup(parser, "Operating system access", "This " "option can be used to access the back-end " "database management system underlying " "operating system.") takeover.add_option("--os-cmd", dest="osCmd", help="Execute an operating system command") takeover.add_option("--os-shell", dest="osShell", action="store_true", help="Prompt for an interactive operating " "system shell") takeover.add_option("--os-pwn", dest="osPwn", action="store_true", help="Prompt for an out-of-band shell, " "meterpreter or VNC") takeover.add_option("--os-smbrelay", dest="osSmb", action="store_true", help="One click prompt for an OOB shell, " "meterpreter or VNC") takeover.add_option("--os-bof", dest="osBof", action="store_true", help="Stored procedure buffer overflow " "exploitation") takeover.add_option("--priv-esc", dest="privEsc", action="store_true", help="User priv escalation by abusing Windows " "access tokens") takeover.add_option("--msf-path", dest="msfPath", help="Local path where Metasploit Framework 3 " "is installed") takeover.add_option("--tmp-path", dest="tmpPath", help="Remote absolute path of temporary files " "directory") # Windows registry options windows = OptionGroup(parser, "Windows registry access", "This " "option can be used to access the back-end " "database management system Windows " "registry.") windows.add_option("--reg-read", dest="regRead", action="store_true", help="Read a Windows registry key value") windows.add_option("--reg-add", dest="regAdd", action="store_true", help="Write a Windows registry key value data") windows.add_option("--reg-del", dest="regDel", action="store_true", help="Delete a Windows registry key value") windows.add_option("--reg-key", dest="regKey", help="Windows registry key") windows.add_option("--reg-value", dest="regVal", help="Windows registry key value") windows.add_option("--reg-data", dest="regData", help="Windows registry key value data") windows.add_option("--reg-type", dest="regType", help="Windows registry key value type") # Miscellaneous options miscellaneous = OptionGroup(parser, "Miscellaneous") miscellaneous.add_option("--eta", dest="eta", action="store_true", help="Display for each output the " "estimated time of arrival") miscellaneous.add_option("--update", dest="updateAll", action="store_true", help="Update sqlmap to the latest stable version") miscellaneous.add_option("-s", dest="sessionFile", help="Save and resume all data retrieved " "on a session file") miscellaneous.add_option("--save", dest="saveCmdline", action="store_true", help="Save options on a configuration INI file") miscellaneous.add_option("--batch", dest="batch", action="store_true", help="Never ask for user input, use the default behaviour") miscellaneous.add_option("--cleanup", dest="cleanup", action="store_true", help="Clean up the DBMS by sqlmap specific " "UDF and tables") parser.add_option_group(target) parser.add_option_group(request) parser.add_option_group(injection) parser.add_option_group(techniques) parser.add_option_group(fingerprint) parser.add_option_group(enumeration) parser.add_option_group(udf) parser.add_option_group(filesystem) parser.add_option_group(takeover) parser.add_option_group(windows) parser.add_option_group(miscellaneous) (args, _) = parser.parse_args() if not args.url and not args.list and not args.googleDork and not args.configFile and not args.updateAll: errMsg = "missing a mandatory parameter ('-u', '-l', '-g', '-c' or '--update'), " errMsg += "-h for help" parser.error(errMsg) return args except (OptionError, TypeError), e: parser.error(e) debugMsg = "parsing command line" logger.debug(debugMsg)