#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ try: from crypt import crypt except ImportError, _: from extra.fcrypt.fcrypt import crypt import re import time from hashlib import md5 from hashlib import sha1 from zipfile import ZipFile from extra.pydes.pyDes import des from extra.pydes.pyDes import CBC from lib.core.common import checkFile from lib.core.common import clearConsoleLine from lib.core.common import dataToStdout from lib.core.common import getCompiledRegex from lib.core.common import getFileItems from lib.core.common import Backend from lib.core.common import getPublicTypeMembers from lib.core.common import getUnicode from lib.core.common import paths from lib.core.common import readInput from lib.core.convert import hexdecode from lib.core.convert import hexencode from lib.core.convert import utf8encode from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import HASH from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUserQuitException from lib.core.settings import COMMON_PASSWORD_SUFFIXES from lib.core.settings import DUMMY_USER_PREFIX from lib.core.settings import IS_WIN from lib.core.settings import LIST_EMAIL from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING def mysql_passwd(password, uppercase=True): """ Reference(s): http://csl.sublevel3.org/mysql-password-function/ >>> mysql_passwd(password='testpass', uppercase=True) '*00E247AC5F9AF26AE0194B41E1E769DEE1429A29' """ retVal = "*%s" % sha1(sha1(password).digest()).hexdigest() return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def mysql_old_passwd(password, uppercase=True): # prior to version '4.1' """ Reference(s): http://www.sfr-fresh.com/unix/privat/tpop3d-1.5.5.tar.gz:a/tpop3d-1.5.5/password.c http://voidnetwork.org/5ynL0rd/darkc0de/python_script/darkMySQLi.html >>> mysql_old_passwd(password='testpass', uppercase=True) '7DCDA0D57290B453' """ a, b, c = 1345345333, 7, 0x12345671 for d in password: if d == ' ' or d == '\t': continue e = ord(d) a ^= (((a & 63) + b) * e) + (a << 8) c += (c << 8) ^ a b += e retVal = "%08lx%08lx" % (a & ((1 << 31) - 1), c & ((1 << 31) - 1)) return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def postgres_passwd(password, username, uppercase=False): """ Reference(s): http://pentestmonkey.net/blog/cracking-postgres-hashes/ >>> postgres_passwd(password='testpass', username='testuser', uppercase=False) 'md599e5ea7a6f7c3269995cba3927fd0093' """ retVal = "md5%s" % md5(password + username).hexdigest() return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def mssql_passwd(password, salt, uppercase=False): """ Reference(s): http://www.leidecker.info/projects/phrasendrescher/mssql.c https://www.evilfingers.com/tools/GSAuditor.php >>> mssql_passwd(password='testpass', salt='4086ceb6', uppercase=False) '0x01004086ceb60c90646a8ab9889fe3ed8e5c150b5460ece8425a' """ binsalt = hexdecode(salt) unistr = "".join(map(lambda c: ("%s\0" if ord(c) < 256 else "%s") % utf8encode(c), password)) retVal = "0100%s%s" % (salt, sha1(unistr + binsalt).hexdigest()) return "0x%s" % (retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower()) def mssql_old_passwd(password, salt, uppercase=True): # prior to version '2005' """ Reference(s): www.exploit-db.com/download_pdf/15537/ http://www.leidecker.info/projects/phrasendrescher/mssql.c https://www.evilfingers.com/tools/GSAuditor.php >>> mssql_old_passwd(password='testpass', salt='4086ceb6', uppercase=True) '0x01004086CEB60C90646A8AB9889FE3ED8E5C150B5460ECE8425AC7BB7255C0C81D79AA5D0E93D4BB077FB9A51DA0' """ binsalt = hexdecode(salt) unistr = "".join(map(lambda c: ("%s\0" if ord(c) < 256 else "%s") % utf8encode(c), password)) retVal = "0100%s%s%s" % (salt, sha1(unistr + binsalt).hexdigest(), sha1(unistr.upper() + binsalt).hexdigest()) return "0x%s" % (retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower()) def oracle_passwd(password, salt, uppercase=True): """ Reference(s): https://www.evilfingers.com/tools/GSAuditor.php http://www.notesbit.com/index.php/scripts-oracle/oracle-11g-new-password-algorithm-is-revealed-by-seclistsorg/ http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2007/Sep/304 >>> oracle_passwd(password='SHAlala', salt='1B7B5F82B7235E9E182C', uppercase=True) 'S:2BFCFDF5895014EE9BB2B9BA067B01E0389BB5711B7B5F82B7235E9E182C' """ binsalt = hexdecode(salt) retVal="s:%s%s" % (sha1(utf8encode(password) + binsalt).hexdigest(), salt) return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def oracle_old_passwd(password, username, uppercase=True): # prior to version '11g' """ Reference(s): http://www.notesbit.com/index.php/scripts-oracle/oracle-11g-new-password-algorithm-is-revealed-by-seclistsorg/ >>> oracle_old_passwd(password='tiger', username='scott', uppercase=True) 'F894844C34402B67' """ IV, pad = "\0"*8, "\0" if isinstance(username, unicode): username = unicode.encode(username, UNICODE_ENCODING) #pyDes has issues with unicode strings unistr = "".join("\0%s" % c for c in (username + password).upper()) cipher = des(hexdecode("0123456789ABCDEF"), CBC, IV, pad) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(unistr) cipher = des(encrypted[-8:], CBC, IV, pad) encrypted = cipher.encrypt(unistr) retVal = hexencode(encrypted[-8:]) return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def md5_generic_passwd(password, uppercase=False): """ >>> md5_generic_passwd(password='testpass', uppercase=False) '179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81' """ retVal = md5(password).hexdigest() return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def sha1_generic_passwd(password, uppercase=False): """ >>> sha1_generic_passwd(password='testpass', uppercase=False) '206c80413b9a96c1312cc346b7d2517b84463edd' """ retVal = sha1(password).hexdigest() return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() def crypt_generic_passwd(password, salt, uppercase=False): """ Reference(s): http://docs.python.org/library/crypt.html http://helpful.knobs-dials.com/index.php/Hashing_notes http://php.net/manual/en/function.crypt.php http://carey.geek.nz/code/python-fcrypt/ >>> crypt_generic_passwd(password='rasmuslerdorf', salt='rl', uppercase=False) 'rl.3StKT.4T8M' """ retVal = crypt(password, salt) return retVal.upper() if uppercase else retVal.lower() __functions__ = { HASH.MYSQL: mysql_passwd, HASH.MYSQL_OLD: mysql_old_passwd, HASH.POSTGRES: postgres_passwd, HASH.MSSQL: mssql_passwd, HASH.MSSQL_OLD: mssql_old_passwd, HASH.ORACLE: oracle_passwd, HASH.ORACLE_OLD: oracle_old_passwd, HASH.MD5_GENERIC: md5_generic_passwd, HASH.SHA1_GENERIC: sha1_generic_passwd, HASH.CRYPT_GENERIC: crypt_generic_passwd } def attackCachedUsersPasswords(): if kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords: results = dictionaryAttack(kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords) for (user, hash_, password) in results: for i in xrange(len(kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user])): if kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user][i] and hash_.lower() in kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user][i].lower(): kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user][i] += "%s clear-text password: %s" % ('\n' if kb.data.cachedUsersPasswords[user][i][-1] != '\n' else '', password) def attackDumpedTable(): if kb.data.dumpedTable: table = kb.data.dumpedTable columns = table.keys() count = table["__infos__"]["count"] colUser = '' attack_dict = {} for column in columns: if column and column.lower() in ('user', 'username', 'user_name'): colUser = column break for i in range(count): for column in columns: if column == colUser or column == '__infos__': continue if len(table[column]['values']) <= i: continue value = table[column]['values'][i] if hashRecognition(value): if colUser: if table[colUser]['values'][i] not in attack_dict: attack_dict[table[colUser]['values'][i]] = [] attack_dict[table[colUser]['values'][i]].append(value) else: attack_dict['%s%d' % (DUMMY_USER_PREFIX, i)] = [value] if attack_dict: message = "recognized possible password hash values. " message += "do you want to use dictionary attack on retrieved table items? [Y/n/q]" test = readInput(message, default="Y") if test[0] in ("n", "N"): return elif test[0] in ("q", "Q"): raise sqlmapUserQuitException results = dictionaryAttack(attack_dict) for (user, hash_, password) in results: for i in range(count): for column in columns: if column == colUser or column == '__infos__': continue if len(table[column]['values']) <= i: continue value = table[column]['values'][i] if all(map(lambda x: x, [value, hash_])) and value.lower() == hash_.lower(): table[column]['values'][i] += " (%s)" % password table[column]['length'] = max(table[column]['length'], len(table[column]['values'][i])) def hashRecognition(value): retVal = None if value: for name, regex in getPublicTypeMembers(HASH): # Hashes for Oracle and old MySQL look the same hence these checks if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.ORACLE and regex == HASH.MYSQL_OLD: continue elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.MYSQL and regex == HASH.ORACLE_OLD: continue elif getCompiledRegex(regex).match(value): retVal = regex break return retVal def dictionaryAttack(attack_dict): hash_regexes = [] results = [] for (_, hashes) in attack_dict.items(): for hash_ in hashes: if not hash_: continue hash_ = hash_.split()[0] regex = hashRecognition(hash_) if regex and regex not in hash_regexes: hash_regexes.append(regex) infoMsg = "using hash method: '%s'" % __functions__[regex].func_name logger.info(infoMsg) for hash_regex in hash_regexes: attack_info = [] for (user, hashes) in attack_dict.items(): for hash_ in hashes: if not hash_: continue hash_ = hash_.split()[0] if re.match(hash_regex, hash_): hash_ = hash_.lower() if hash_regex in (HASH.MYSQL, HASH.MYSQL_OLD, HASH.MD5_GENERIC, HASH.SHA1_GENERIC): attack_info.append([(user, hash_), {}]) elif hash_regex in (HASH.ORACLE_OLD, HASH.POSTGRES): attack_info.append([(user, hash_), {'username': user}]) elif hash_regex in (HASH.ORACLE): attack_info.append([(user, hash_), {'salt': hash_[-20:]}]) elif hash_regex in (HASH.MSSQL, HASH.MSSQL_OLD): attack_info.append([(user, hash_), {'salt': hash_[6:14]}]) elif hash_regex in (HASH.CRYPT_GENERIC): attack_info.append([(user, hash_), {'salt': hash_[0:2]}]) if not attack_info: continue if not kb.wordlist: if hash_regex == HASH.ORACLE_OLD: #it's the slowest of all methods hence smaller default dict message = "what's the dictionary's location? [%s]" % paths.ORACLE_DEFAULT_PASSWD dictpath = readInput(message, default=paths.ORACLE_DEFAULT_PASSWD) else: message = "what's the dictionary's location? [%s]" % paths.WORDLIST dictpath = readInput(message, default=paths.WORDLIST) checkFile(dictpath) infoMsg = "loading dictionary from: '%s'" % dictpath logger.info(infoMsg) kb.wordlist = getFileItems(dictpath, None, False) message = "do you want to use common password suffixes? (slow!) [y/N] " test = readInput(message, default="N") suffix_list = [""] if test[0] in ("y", "Y"): suffix_list += COMMON_PASSWORD_SUFFIXES infoMsg = "starting dictionary attack (%s)" % __functions__[hash_regex].func_name logger.info(infoMsg) for item in attack_info: ((user, _), _) = item kb.wordlist.append(getUnicode(user)) length = len(kb.wordlist) * len(suffix_list) if hash_regex in (HASH.MYSQL, HASH.MYSQL_OLD, HASH.MD5_GENERIC, HASH.SHA1_GENERIC): count = 0 for suffix in suffix_list: if not attack_info: break for word in kb.wordlist: if not attack_info: break count += 1 if suffix: word = word + suffix try: current = __functions__[hash_regex](password = word, uppercase = False) for item in attack_info: ((user, hash_), _) = item if hash_ == current: results.append((user, hash_, word)) clearConsoleLine() infoMsg = "[%s] [INFO] found: '%s'" % (time.strftime("%X"), word) if user and not user.startswith(DUMMY_USER_PREFIX): infoMsg += " for user: '%s'\n" % user else: infoMsg += " for hash: '%s'\n" % hash_ dataToStdout(infoMsg, True) attack_info.remove(item) elif count % 1117 == 0 or count == length or hash_regex in (HASH.ORACLE_OLD) or hash_regex == HASH.CRYPT_GENERIC and IS_WIN: status = '%d/%d words (%d%s)' % (count, length, round(100.0*count/length), '%') dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status)) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: warnMsg = "there was a problem while hashing entry: %s. " % repr(word) warnMsg += "Please report by e-mail to %s." % LIST_EMAIL logger.critical(warnMsg) clearConsoleLine() else: for ((user, hash_), kwargs) in attack_info: count = 0 found = False for suffix in suffix_list: if found: break for word in kb.wordlist: current = __functions__[hash_regex](password = word, uppercase = False, **kwargs) count += 1 if suffix: word = word + suffix try: if hash_ == current: if regex == HASH.ORACLE_OLD: #only for cosmetic purposes word = word.upper() results.append((user, hash_, word)) clearConsoleLine() infoMsg = "[%s] [INFO] found: '%s'" % (time.strftime("%X"), word) if user and not user.startswith(DUMMY_USER_PREFIX): infoMsg += " for user: '%s'\n" % user else: infoMsg += " for hash: '%s'\n" % hash_ dataToStdout(infoMsg, True) found = True break elif hash_regex == HASH.CRYPT_GENERIC and (IS_WIN or count % 1117 == 0): status = '%d/%d words (%d%s)' % (count, length, round(100.0*count/length), '%') dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status)) elif count % 1117 == 0 or count == length or hash_regex in (HASH.ORACLE_OLD): status = '%d/%d words (%d%s) (user: %s)' % (count, length, round(100.0*count/length), '%', user) dataToStdout("\r[%s] [INFO] %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), status)) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: warnMsg = "there was a problem while hashing entry: %s. " % repr(word) warnMsg += "Please report by e-mail to %s." % LIST_EMAIL logger.critical(warnMsg) clearConsoleLine() if len(hash_regexes) == 0: warnMsg = "unknown hash Format. " warnMsg += "Please report by e-mail to %s." % LIST_EMAIL logger.warn(warnMsg) if len(results) == 0: warnMsg = "no clear password(s) found" logger.warn(warnMsg) return results