#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2019 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ try: import cPickle as pickle except: import pickle import base64 import binascii import codecs import collections import json import re import sys from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.settings import INVALID_UNICODE_PRIVATE_AREA from lib.core.settings import IS_TTY from lib.core.settings import IS_WIN from lib.core.settings import NULL from lib.core.settings import PICKLE_PROTOCOL from lib.core.settings import SAFE_HEX_MARKER from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING from thirdparty import six from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr def base64pickle(value): """ Serializes (with pickle) and encodes to Base64 format supplied (binary) value >>> base64unpickle(base64pickle([1, 2, 3])) == [1, 2, 3] True """ retVal = None try: retVal = encodeBase64(pickle.dumps(value, PICKLE_PROTOCOL)) except: warnMsg = "problem occurred while serializing " warnMsg += "instance of a type '%s'" % type(value) singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) try: retVal = encodeBase64(pickle.dumps(value)) except: retVal = encodeBase64(pickle.dumps(str(value), PICKLE_PROTOCOL)) return retVal def base64unpickle(value): """ Decodes value from Base64 to plain format and deserializes (with pickle) its content >>> type(base64unpickle('gAJjX19idWlsdGluX18Kb2JqZWN0CnEBKYFxAi4=')) == object True """ retVal = None try: retVal = pickle.loads(decodeBase64(value)) except TypeError: retVal = pickle.loads(decodeBase64(bytes(value))) return retVal def htmlUnescape(value): """ Returns (basic conversion) HTML unescaped value >>> htmlUnescape('a<b') == 'a'), (""", '"'), (" ", ' '), ("&", '&'), ("'", "'")) for code, value in replacements: retVal = retVal.replace(code, value) try: retVal = re.sub(r"&#x([^ ;]+);", lambda match: _unichr(int(match.group(1), 16)), retVal) except ValueError: pass return retVal def singleTimeWarnMessage(message): # Cross-referenced function sys.stdout.write(message) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() def filterNone(values): # Cross-referenced function return [_ for _ in values if _] if isinstance(values, collections.Iterable) else values def isListLike(value): # Cross-referenced function raise NotImplementedError def shellExec(cmd): # Cross-referenced function raise NotImplementedError def jsonize(data): """ Returns JSON serialized data >>> jsonize({'foo':'bar'}) '{\\n "foo": "bar"\\n}' """ return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=False, indent=4) def dejsonize(data): """ Returns JSON deserialized data >>> dejsonize('{\\n "foo": "bar"\\n}') == {u'foo': u'bar'} True """ return json.loads(data) def decodeHex(value, binary=True): """ Returns a decoded representation of provided hexadecimal value >>> decodeHex("313233") == b"123" True >>> decodeHex("313233", binary=False) == u"123" True """ retVal = value if isinstance(value, six.binary_type): value = getText(value) if value.lower().startswith("0x"): value = value[2:] try: retVal = codecs.decode(value, "hex") except LookupError: retVal = binascii.unhexlify(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal) return retVal def encodeHex(value, binary=True): """ Returns a encoded representation of provided string value >>> encodeHex(b"123") == b"313233" True >>> encodeHex("123", binary=False) '313233' """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING) try: retVal = codecs.encode(value, "hex") except LookupError: retVal = binascii.hexlify(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal) return retVal def decodeBase64(value, binary=True): """ Returns a decoded representation of provided Base64 value >>> decodeBase64("MTIz") == b"123" True >>> decodeBase64("MTIz", binary=False) '123' """ retVal = base64.b64decode(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal) return retVal def encodeBase64(value, binary=True): """ Returns a decoded representation of provided Base64 value >>> encodeBase64(b"123") == b"MTIz" True >>> encodeBase64(u"123", binary=False) 'MTIz' """ if isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = value.encode(UNICODE_ENCODING) retVal = base64.b64encode(value) if not binary: retVal = getText(retVal) return retVal def getBytes(value, encoding=UNICODE_ENCODING, errors="strict", unsafe=True): """ Returns byte representation of provided Unicode value >>> getBytes(u"foo\\\\x01\\\\x83\\\\xffbar") == b"foo\\x01\\x83\\xffbar" True """ retVal = value if isinstance(value, six.text_type): if INVALID_UNICODE_PRIVATE_AREA: if unsafe: for char in xrange(0xF0000, 0xF00FF + 1): value = value.replace(_unichr(char), "%s%02x" % (SAFE_HEX_MARKER, char - 0xF0000)) retVal = value.encode(encoding, errors) if unsafe: retVal = re.sub(r"%s([0-9a-f]{2})" % SAFE_HEX_MARKER, lambda _: decodeHex(_.group(1)), retVal) else: retVal = value.encode(encoding, errors) if unsafe: retVal = re.sub(b"\\\\x([0-9a-f]{2})", lambda _: decodeHex(_.group(1)), retVal) return retVal def getOrds(value): """ Returns ORD(...) representation of provided string value >>> getOrds(u'fo\\xf6bar') [102, 111, 246, 98, 97, 114] >>> getOrds(b"fo\\xc3\\xb6bar") [102, 111, 195, 182, 98, 97, 114] """ return [_ if isinstance(_, int) else ord(_) for _ in value] def getUnicode(value, encoding=None, noneToNull=False): """ Return the unicode representation of the supplied value: >>> getUnicode('test') == u'test' True >>> getUnicode(1) == u'1' True """ if noneToNull and value is None: return NULL if isinstance(value, six.text_type): return value elif isinstance(value, six.binary_type): # Heuristics (if encoding not explicitly specified) candidates = filterNone((encoding, kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None, conf.get("encoding"), UNICODE_ENCODING, sys.getfilesystemencoding())) if all(_ in value for _ in (b'<', b'>')): pass elif any(_ in value for _ in (b":\\", b'/', b'.')) and b'\n' not in value: candidates = filterNone((encoding, sys.getfilesystemencoding(), kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None, UNICODE_ENCODING, conf.get("encoding"))) elif conf.get("encoding") and b'\n' not in value: candidates = filterNone((encoding, conf.get("encoding"), kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None, sys.getfilesystemencoding(), UNICODE_ENCODING)) for candidate in candidates: try: return six.text_type(value, candidate) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass try: return six.text_type(value, encoding or (kb.get("pageEncoding") if kb.get("originalPage") else None) or UNICODE_ENCODING) except UnicodeDecodeError: return six.text_type(value, UNICODE_ENCODING, errors="reversible") elif isListLike(value): value = list(getUnicode(_, encoding, noneToNull) for _ in value) return value else: try: return six.text_type(value) except UnicodeDecodeError: return six.text_type(str(value), errors="ignore") # encoding ignored for non-basestring instances def getText(value): """ Returns textual value of a given value (Note: not necessary Unicode on Python2) >>> getText(b"foobar") 'foobar' >>> isinstance(getText(u"fo\\u2299bar"), six.text_type) True """ retVal = value if isinstance(value, six.binary_type): retVal = getUnicode(value) if six.PY2: try: retVal = str(retVal) except: pass return retVal def stdoutEncode(value): """ Returns binary representation of a given Unicode value safe for writing to stdout """ value = value or "" if IS_WIN and IS_TTY and kb.get("codePage", -1) is None: output = shellExec("chcp") match = re.search(r": (\d{3,})", output or "") if match: try: candidate = "cp%s" % match.group(1) codecs.lookup(candidate) except LookupError: pass else: kb.codePage = candidate kb.codePage = kb.codePage or "" if isinstance(value, six.text_type): encoding = kb.get("codePage") or getattr(sys.stdout, "encoding", None) or UNICODE_ENCODING while True: try: retVal = value.encode(encoding) break except UnicodeEncodeError as ex: value = value[:ex.start] + "?" * (ex.end - ex.start) + value[ex.end:] warnMsg = "cannot properly display (some) Unicode characters " warnMsg += "inside your terminal ('%s') environment. All " % encoding warnMsg += "unhandled occurrences will result in " warnMsg += "replacement with '?' character. Please, find " warnMsg += "proper character representation inside " warnMsg += "corresponding output files" singleTimeWarnMessage(warnMsg) if six.PY3: retVal = getUnicode(retVal, encoding) else: retVal = value return retVal