#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2014 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import cookielib import re import socket import sys import urllib import urllib2 import ConfigParser from operator import itemgetter TIMEOUT = 10 CONFIG_FILE = 'sqlharvest.cfg' TABLES_FILE = 'tables.txt' USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; AskTB5.3)' SEARCH_URL = 'http://www.google.com/m?source=mobileproducts&dc=gorganic' MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024 # if a result (.sql) file for downloading is more than 2MB in size just skip it QUERY = 'CREATE TABLE ext:sql' REGEX_URLS = r';u=([^"]+?)&q=' REGEX_RESULT = r'(?i)CREATE TABLE\s*(/\*.*\*/)?\s*(IF NOT EXISTS)?\s*(?P<result>[^\(;]+)' def main(): tables = dict() cookies = cookielib.CookieJar() cookie_processor = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies) opener = urllib2.build_opener(cookie_processor) opener.addheaders = [("User-Agent", USER_AGENT)] conn = opener.open(SEARCH_URL) page = conn.read() # set initial cookie values config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.read(CONFIG_FILE) if not config.has_section("options"): config.add_section("options") if not config.has_option("options", "index"): config.set("options", "index", "0") i = int(config.get("options", "index")) try: with open(TABLES_FILE, 'r') as f: for line in f.xreadlines(): if len(line) > 0 and ',' in line: temp = line.split(',') tables[temp[0]] = int(temp[1]) except: pass socket.setdefaulttimeout(TIMEOUT) files, old_files = None, None try: while True: abort = False old_files = files files = [] try: conn = opener.open("%s&q=%s&start=%d&sa=N" % (SEARCH_URL, QUERY.replace(' ', '+'), i * 10)) page = conn.read() for match in re.finditer(REGEX_URLS, page): files.append(urllib.unquote(match.group(1))) if len(files) >= 10: break abort = (files == old_files) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception, msg: print msg if abort: break sys.stdout.write("\n---------------\n") sys.stdout.write("Result page #%d\n" % (i + 1)) sys.stdout.write("---------------\n") for sqlfile in files: print sqlfile try: req = urllib2.Request(sqlfile) response = urllib2.urlopen(req) if "Content-Length" in response.headers: if int(response.headers.get("Content-Length")) > MAX_FILE_SIZE: continue page = response.read() found = False counter = 0 for match in re.finditer(REGEX_RESULT, page): counter += 1 table = match.group("result").strip().strip("`\"'").replace('"."', ".").replace("].[", ".").strip('[]') if table and not any(_ in table for _ in ('>', '<', '--', ' ')): found = True sys.stdout.write('*') if table in tables: tables[table] += 1 else: tables[table] = 1 if found: sys.stdout.write("\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception, msg: print msg else: i += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: with open(TABLES_FILE, 'w+') as f: tables = sorted(tables.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) for table, count in tables: f.write("%s,%d\n" % (table, count)) config.set("options", "index", str(i + 1)) with open(CONFIG_FILE, 'w+') as f: config.write(f) if __name__ == "__main__": main()