#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2013 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import logging import os import shutil import sqlite3 import sys import tempfile import time from subprocess import PIPE from lib.core.common import unArrayizeValue from lib.core.convert import base64pickle from lib.core.convert import base64unpickle from lib.core.convert import hexencode from lib.core.convert import dejsonize from lib.core.convert import jsonize from lib.core.data import conf from lib.core.data import paths from lib.core.data import logger from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict from lib.core.defaults import _defaults from lib.core.log import LOGGER_HANDLER from lib.core.optiondict import optDict from lib.core.subprocessng import Popen from lib.core.subprocessng import send_all from lib.core.subprocessng import recv_some from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import abort from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import error from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import get from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import hook from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import post from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import request from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import response from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import run from thirdparty.bottle.bottle import static_file RESTAPI_SERVER_HOST = "" RESTAPI_SERVER_PORT = 8775 # Local global variables adminid = "" db = None tasks = dict() # API objects class Database(object): LOGS_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE logs(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, taskid INTEGER, time TEXT, level TEXT, message TEXT)" DATA_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE data(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, taskid INTEGER, status INTEGER, content_type INTEGER, value TEXT)" ERRORS_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE errors(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, taskid INTEGER, error TEXT)" def __init__(self): pass def create(self): _, self.database = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="sqlmapipc-", text=False) logger.info("IPC database is %s" % self.database) def connect(self): self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.database, timeout=1, isolation_level=None) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() def disconnect(self): self.cursor.close() self.connection.close() def execute(self, statement, arguments=None): if arguments: self.cursor.execute(statement, arguments) else: self.cursor.execute(statement) if statement.lstrip().upper().startswith("SELECT"): return self.cursor.fetchall() def initialize(self): self.create() self.connect() self.execute(self.LOGS_TABLE) self.execute(self.DATA_TABLE) self.execute(self.ERRORS_TABLE) def get_filepath(self): return self.database class Task(object): global db def __init__(self, taskid): self.process = None self.output_directory = None self.initialize_options(taskid) def initialize_options(self, taskid): dataype = {"boolean": False, "string": None, "integer": None, "float": None} self.options = AttribDict() for _ in optDict: for name, type_ in optDict[_].items(): type_ = unArrayizeValue(type_) self.options[name] = _defaults.get(name, dataype[type_]) # Let sqlmap engine knows it is getting called by the API, the task ID and the file path of the IPC database self.options.api = True self.options.taskid = taskid self.options.database = db.get_filepath() # Enforce batch mode and disable coloring self.options.batch = True self.options.disableColoring = True def set_option(self, option, value): self.options[option] = value def get_option(self, option): return self.options[option] def get_options(self): return self.options def set_output_directory(self): self.output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmapoutput-") self.set_option("oDir", self.output_directory) def clean_filesystem(self): shutil.rmtree(self.output_directory) def engine_start(self): self.process = Popen("python sqlmap.py --pickled-options %s" % base64pickle(self.options), shell=True, stdin=PIPE) def engine_stop(self): if self.process: self.process.terminate() def engine_kill(self): if self.process: self.process.kill() def engine_get_pid(self): return self.processid.pid # Wrapper functions for sqlmap engine class StdDbOut(object): encoding = "UTF-8" def __init__(self, taskid, messagetype="stdout"): # Overwrite system standard output and standard error to write # to an IPC database self.messagetype = messagetype self.taskid = taskid if self.messagetype == "stdout": sys.stdout = self else: sys.stderr = self def write(self, value, status=None, content_type=None): if self.messagetype == "stdout": conf.database_cursor.execute("INSERT INTO data VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (self.taskid, status, content_type, jsonize(value))) else: conf.database_cursor.execute("INSERT INTO errors VALUES(NULL, ?, ?)", (self.taskid, value)) def flush(self): pass def close(self): pass def seek(self): pass class LogRecorder(logging.StreamHandler): def emit(self, record): """ Record emitted events to IPC database for asynchronous I/O communication with the parent process """ conf.database_cursor.execute("INSERT INTO logs VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (conf.taskid, time.strftime("%X"), record.levelname, record.msg % record.args if record.args else record.msg)) def setRestAPILog(): if hasattr(conf, "api"): conf.database_connection = sqlite3.connect(conf.database, timeout=1, isolation_level=None) conf.database_cursor = conf.database_connection.cursor() # Set a logging handler that writes log messages to a IPC database logger.removeHandler(LOGGER_HANDLER) LOGGER_RECORDER = LogRecorder() logger.addHandler(LOGGER_RECORDER) # Generic functions def is_admin(taskid): global adminid if adminid != taskid: return False else: return True @hook("after_request") def security_headers(json_header=True): """ Set some headers across all HTTP responses """ response.headers["Server"] = "Server" response.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff" response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = "DENY" response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] = "1; mode=block" response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Expires"] = "0" if json_header: response.content_type = "application/json; charset=UTF-8" ############################## # HTTP Status Code functions # ############################## @error(401) # Access Denied def error401(error=None): security_headers(False) return "Access denied" @error(404) # Not Found def error404(error=None): security_headers(False) return "Nothing here" @error(405) # Method Not Allowed (e.g. when requesting a POST method via GET) def error405(error=None): security_headers(False) return "Method not allowed" @error(500) # Internal Server Error def error500(error=None): security_headers(False) return "Internal server error" ############################# # Task management functions # ############################# # Users' methods @get("/task/new") def task_new(): """ Create new task ID """ global tasks taskid = hexencode(os.urandom(8)) tasks[taskid] = Task(taskid) return jsonize({"taskid": taskid}) @get("/task//destroy") def task_destroy(taskid): """ Destroy own task ID """ if taskid in tasks: tasks[taskid].clean_filesystem() tasks.pop(taskid) return jsonize({"success": True}) else: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") # Admin's methods @get("/task//list") def task_list(taskid): """ List all active tasks """ if is_admin(taskid): return jsonize({"tasks": tasks}) else: abort(401) @get("/task//flush") def task_flush(taskid): """ Flush task spool (destroy all tasks) """ global tasks if is_admin(taskid): for task in tasks: tasks[task].clean_filesystem() tasks = dict() return jsonize({"success": True}) else: abort(401) ################################## # sqlmap core interact functions # ################################## # Admin's methods @get("/status/") def status(taskid): """ Verify the status of the API as well as the core """ if is_admin(taskid): tasks_num = len(tasks) return jsonize({"tasks": tasks_num}) else: abort(401) # Functions to handle options @get("/option//list") def option_list(taskid): """ List options for a certain task ID """ if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") return jsonize(tasks[taskid].get_options()) @post("/option//get") def option_get(taskid): """ Get the value of an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID """ if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") option = request.json.get("option", "") if option in tasks[taskid]: return jsonize({option: tasks[taskid].get_option(option)}) else: return jsonize({option: None}) @post("/option//set") def option_set(taskid): """ Set an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID """ global tasks if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") for option, value in request.json.items(): tasks[taskid].set_option(option, value) return jsonize({"success": True}) # Function to handle scans @post("/scan//start") def scan_start(taskid): """ Launch a scan """ global tasks if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") # Initialize sqlmap engine's options with user's provided options, if any for option, value in request.json.items(): tasks[taskid].set_option(option, value) # Overwrite output directory value to a temporary directory tasks[taskid].set_output_directory() # Launch sqlmap engine in a separate thread logger.debug("starting a scan for task ID %s" % taskid) # Launch sqlmap engine tasks[taskid].engine_start() return jsonize({"success": True}) @get("/scan//stop") def scan_stop(taskid): """ Stop a scan """ global tasks if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") return jsonize({"success": tasks[taskid].engine_stop()}) @get("/scan//kill") def scan_kill(taskid): """ Kill a scan """ global tasks if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") return jsonize({"success": tasks[taskid].engine_kill()}) @get("/scan//delete") def scan_delete(taskid): """ Delete a scan and corresponding temporary output directory and IPC database """ global tasks if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") scan_stop(taskid) tasks[taskid].clean_filesystem() return jsonize({"success": True}) @get("/scan//data") def scan_data(taskid): """ Retrieve the data of a scan """ global db global tasks json_data_message = list() json_errors_message = list() if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") # Read all data from the IPC database for the taskid for status, content_type, value in db.execute("SELECT status, content_type, value FROM data WHERE taskid = ? ORDER BY id ASC", (taskid,)): json_data_message.append([status, content_type, dejsonize(value)]) # Read all error messages from the IPC database for error in db.execute("SELECT error FROM errors WHERE taskid = ? ORDER BY id ASC", (taskid,)): json_errors_message.append(error) return jsonize({"data": json_data_message, "error": json_errors_message}) # Functions to handle scans' logs @get("/scan//log//") def scan_log_limited(taskid, start, end): """ Retrieve a subset of log messages """ global db global tasks json_log_messages = list() if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") if not start.isdigit() or not end.isdigit() or end < start: abort(500, "Invalid start or end value, must be digits") start = max(1, int(start)) end = max(1, int(end)) # Read a subset of log messages from the IPC database for time_, level, message in db.execute("SELECT time, level, message FROM logs WHERE taskid = ? AND id >= ? AND id <= ? ORDER BY id ASC", (taskid, start, end)): json_log_messages.append({"time": time_, "level": level, "message": message}) return jsonize({"log": json_log_messages}) @get("/scan//log") def scan_log(taskid): """ Retrieve the log messages """ global db global tasks json_log_messages = list() if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") # Read all log messages from the IPC database for time_, level, message in db.execute("SELECT time, level, message FROM logs WHERE taskid = ? ORDER BY id ASC", (taskid,)): json_log_messages.append({"time": time_, "level": level, "message": message}) return jsonize({"log": json_log_messages}) # Function to handle files inside the output directory @get("/download///") def download(taskid, target, filename): """ Download a certain file from the file system """ if taskid not in tasks: abort(500, "Invalid task ID") # Prevent file path traversal - the lame way if target.startswith("."): abort(500) path = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, target) if os.path.exists(path): return static_file(filename, root=path) else: abort(500) def server(host="", port=RESTAPI_SERVER_PORT): """ REST-JSON API server """ global adminid global db adminid = hexencode(os.urandom(16)) db = Database() db.initialize() logger.info("running REST-JSON API server at '%s:%d'.." % (host, port)) logger.info("the admin task ID is: %s" % adminid) # Run RESTful API run(host=host, port=port, quiet=False, debug=False) def client(host=RESTAPI_SERVER_HOST, port=RESTAPI_SERVER_PORT): """ REST-JSON API client """ addr = "http://%s:%d" % (host, port) logger.info("starting debug REST-JSON client to '%s'..." % addr) # TODO: write a simple client with requests, for now use curl from command line logger.error("not yet implemented, use curl from command line instead for now, for example:") print "\n\t$ curl http://%s:%d/task/new" % (host, port) print "\t$ curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X POST -d '{\"url\": \"http://testphp.vulnweb.com/artists.php?artist=1\"}' http://%s:%d/scan/:taskid/start" % (host, port) print "\t$ curl http://%s:%d/scan/:taskid/output" % (host, port) print "\t$ curl http://%s:%d/scan/:taskid/log\n" % (host, port)