#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2006-2016 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import os import re import subprocess import string import sys import time import types from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import DBMS_DIRECTORY_NAME from lib.core.enums import OS from lib.core.revision import getRevisionNumber # sqlmap version and site VERSION = "1.0-dev" REVISION = getRevisionNumber() VERSION_STRING = "sqlmap/%s%s" % (VERSION, "-%s" % REVISION if REVISION else "-nongit-%s-%04x" % (time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime(os.path.getmtime(__file__))), os.path.getsize(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "common.py")) & 0xffff)) DESCRIPTION = "automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool" SITE = "http://sqlmap.org" ISSUES_PAGE = "https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap/issues/new" GIT_REPOSITORY = "git://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git" GIT_PAGE = "https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap" # colorful banner BANNER = """\033[01;33m _ ___ ___| |_____ ___ ___ \033[01;37m{\033[01;%dm%s\033[01;37m}\033[01;33m |_ -| . | | | .'| . | |___|_ |_|_|_|_|__,| _| |_| |_| \033[0m\033[4;37m%s\033[0m\n """ % ((31 + hash(REVISION) % 6) if REVISION else 30, VERSION_STRING.split('/')[-1], SITE) # Minimum distance of ratio from kb.matchRatio to result in True DIFF_TOLERANCE = 0.05 CONSTANT_RATIO = 0.9 # Ratio used in heuristic check for WAF/IDS/IPS protected targets IDS_WAF_CHECK_RATIO = 0.5 # Timeout used in heuristic check for WAF/IDS/IPS protected targets IDS_WAF_CHECK_TIMEOUT = 10 # Lower and upper values for match ratio in case of stable page LOWER_RATIO_BOUND = 0.02 UPPER_RATIO_BOUND = 0.98 # Markers for special cases when parameter values contain html encoded characters PARAMETER_AMP_MARKER = "__AMP__" PARAMETER_SEMICOLON_MARKER = "__SEMICOLON__" BOUNDARY_BACKSLASH_MARKER = "__BACKSLASH__" PARTIAL_VALUE_MARKER = "__PARTIAL_VALUE__" PARTIAL_HEX_VALUE_MARKER = "__PARTIAL_HEX_VALUE__" URI_QUESTION_MARKER = "__QUESTION_MARK__" ASTERISK_MARKER = "__ASTERISK_MARK__" REPLACEMENT_MARKER = "__REPLACEMENT_MARK__" RANDOM_INTEGER_MARKER = "[RANDINT]" RANDOM_STRING_MARKER = "[RANDSTR]" PAYLOAD_DELIMITER = "__PAYLOAD_DELIMITER__" CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK = "%c" PRINTABLE_CHAR_REGEX = r"[^\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff]" # Regular expression used for recognition of textual content-type TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE_REGEX = r"(?i)(text|form|message|xml|javascript|ecmascript|json)" # Regular expression used for recognition of generic permission messages PERMISSION_DENIED_REGEX = r"(command|permission|access)\s*(was|is)?\s*denied" # Regular expression used for recognition of generic maximum connection messages MAX_CONNECTIONS_REGEX = r"max.+connections" # Regular expression used for extracting results from Google search GOOGLE_REGEX = r"webcache\.googleusercontent\.com/search\?q=cache:[^:]+:([^+]+)\+&cd=|url\?\w+=((?![^>]+webcache\.googleusercontent\.com)http[^>]+)&(sa=U|rct=j)" # Regular expression used for extracting results from DuckDuckGo search DUCKDUCKGO_REGEX = r'"u":"([^"]+)' # Regular expression used for extracting results from Disconnect Search DISCONNECT_SEARCH_REGEX = r'<p class="url wrapword">([^<]+)</p>' # Dummy user agent for search (if default one returns different results) DUMMY_SEARCH_USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0" # Regular expression used for extracting content from "textual" tags TEXT_TAG_REGEX = r"(?si)<(abbr|acronym|b|blockquote|br|center|cite|code|dt|em|font|h\d|i|li|p|pre|q|strong|sub|sup|td|th|title|tt|u)(?!\w).*?>(?P<result>[^<]+)" # Regular expression used for recognition of IP addresses IP_ADDRESS_REGEX = r"\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b" # Regular expression used for recognition of generic "your ip has been blocked" messages BLOCKED_IP_REGEX = r"(?i)(\A|\b)ip\b.*\b(banned|blocked|block list|firewall)" # Dumping characters used in GROUP_CONCAT MySQL technique CONCAT_ROW_DELIMITER = ',' CONCAT_VALUE_DELIMITER = '|' # Coefficient used for a time-based query delay checking (must be >= 7) TIME_STDEV_COEFF = 7 # Minimum response time that can be even considered as delayed (not a complete requirement) MIN_VALID_DELAYED_RESPONSE = 0.5 # Standard deviation after which a warning message should be displayed about connection lags WARN_TIME_STDEV = 0.5 # Minimum length of usable union injected response (quick defense against substr fields) UNION_MIN_RESPONSE_CHARS = 10 # Coefficient used for a union-based number of columns checking (must be >= 7) UNION_STDEV_COEFF = 7 # Length of queue for candidates for time delay adjustment TIME_DELAY_CANDIDATES = 3 # Default value for HTTP Accept header HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER_VALUE = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" # Default value for HTTP Accept-Encoding header HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER_VALUE = "gzip,deflate" # Default timeout for running commands over backdoor BACKDOOR_RUN_CMD_TIMEOUT = 5 # Maximum number of techniques used in inject.py/getValue() per one value MAX_TECHNIQUES_PER_VALUE = 2 # In case of missing piece of partial union dump, buffered array must be flushed after certain size MAX_BUFFERED_PARTIAL_UNION_LENGTH = 1024 # Suffix used for naming meta databases in DBMS(es) without explicit database name METADB_SUFFIX = "_masterdb" # Minimum time response set needed for time-comparison based on standard deviation MIN_TIME_RESPONSES = 30 # Minimum comparison ratio set needed for searching valid union column number based on standard deviation MIN_UNION_RESPONSES = 5 # After these number of blanks at the end inference should stop (just in case) INFERENCE_BLANK_BREAK = 10 # Use this replacement character for cases when inference is not able to retrieve the proper character value INFERENCE_UNKNOWN_CHAR = '?' # Character used for operation "greater" in inference INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR = ">" # Character used for operation "equals" in inference INFERENCE_EQUALS_CHAR = "=" # Character used for operation "not-equals" in inference INFERENCE_NOT_EQUALS_CHAR = "!=" # String used for representation of unknown DBMS UNKNOWN_DBMS = "Unknown" # String used for representation of unknown DBMS version UNKNOWN_DBMS_VERSION = "Unknown" # Dynamicity mark length used in dynamicity removal engine DYNAMICITY_MARK_LENGTH = 32 # Dummy user prefix used in dictionary attack DUMMY_USER_PREFIX = "__dummy__" # Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1 DEFAULT_PAGE_ENCODING = "iso-8859-1" # URL used in dummy runs DUMMY_URL = "http://foo/bar?id=1" # System variables IS_WIN = subprocess.mswindows # The name of the operating system dependent module imported. The following names have currently been registered: 'posix', 'nt', 'mac', 'os2', 'ce', 'java', 'riscos' PLATFORM = os.name PYVERSION = sys.version.split()[0] # DBMS system databases MSSQL_SYSTEM_DBS = ("Northwind", "master", "model", "msdb", "pubs", "tempdb") MYSQL_SYSTEM_DBS = ("information_schema", "mysql") # Before MySQL 5.0 only "mysql" PGSQL_SYSTEM_DBS = ("information_schema", "pg_catalog", "pg_toast") ORACLE_SYSTEM_DBS = ("CTXSYS", "DBSNMP", "DMSYS", "EXFSYS", "MDSYS", "OLAPSYS", "ORDSYS", "OUTLN", "SYS", "SYSAUX", "SYSMAN", "SYSTEM", "TSMSYS", "WMSYS", "XDB") # These are TABLESPACE_NAME SQLITE_SYSTEM_DBS = ("sqlite_master", "sqlite_temp_master") ACCESS_SYSTEM_DBS = ("MSysAccessObjects", "MSysACEs", "MSysObjects", "MSysQueries", "MSysRelationships", "MSysAccessStorage",\ "MSysAccessXML", "MSysModules", "MSysModules2") FIREBIRD_SYSTEM_DBS = ("RDB$BACKUP_HISTORY", "RDB$CHARACTER_SETS", "RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS", "RDB$COLLATIONS", "RDB$DATABASE",\ "RDB$DEPENDENCIES", "RDB$EXCEPTIONS", "RDB$FIELDS", "RDB$FIELD_DIMENSIONS", " RDB$FILES", "RDB$FILTERS",\ "RDB$FORMATS", "RDB$FUNCTIONS", "RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS", "RDB$GENERATORS", "RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS", "RDB$INDICES",\ "RDB$LOG_FILES", "RDB$PAGES", "RDB$PROCEDURES", "RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS", "RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS", "RDB$RELATIONS",\ "RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS", "RDB$RELATION_FIELDS", "RDB$ROLES", "RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES", "RDB$TRANSACTIONS", "RDB$TRIGGERS",\ "RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES", "RDB$TYPES", "RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES", "RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS") MAXDB_SYSTEM_DBS = ("SYSINFO", "DOMAIN") SYBASE_SYSTEM_DBS = ("master", "model", "sybsystemdb", "sybsystemprocs") DB2_SYSTEM_DBS = ("NULLID", "SQLJ", "SYSCAT", "SYSFUN", "SYSIBM", "SYSIBMADM", "SYSIBMINTERNAL", "SYSIBMTS",\ "SYSPROC", "SYSPUBLIC", "SYSSTAT", "SYSTOOLS") HSQLDB_SYSTEM_DBS = ("INFORMATION_SCHEMA", "SYSTEM_LOB") MSSQL_ALIASES = ("microsoft sql server", "mssqlserver", "mssql", "ms") MYSQL_ALIASES = ("mysql", "my") PGSQL_ALIASES = ("postgresql", "postgres", "pgsql", "psql", "pg") ORACLE_ALIASES = ("oracle", "orcl", "ora", "or") SQLITE_ALIASES = ("sqlite", "sqlite3") ACCESS_ALIASES = ("msaccess", "access", "jet", "microsoft access") FIREBIRD_ALIASES = ("firebird", "mozilla firebird", "interbase", "ibase", "fb") MAXDB_ALIASES = ("maxdb", "sap maxdb", "sap db") SYBASE_ALIASES = ("sybase", "sybase sql server") DB2_ALIASES = ("db2", "ibm db2", "ibmdb2") HSQLDB_ALIASES = ("hsql", "hsqldb", "hs", "hypersql") DBMS_DIRECTORY_DICT = dict((getattr(DBMS, _), getattr(DBMS_DIRECTORY_NAME, _)) for _ in dir(DBMS) if not _.startswith("_")) SUPPORTED_DBMS = MSSQL_ALIASES + MYSQL_ALIASES + PGSQL_ALIASES + ORACLE_ALIASES + SQLITE_ALIASES + ACCESS_ALIASES + FIREBIRD_ALIASES + MAXDB_ALIASES + SYBASE_ALIASES + DB2_ALIASES + HSQLDB_ALIASES SUPPORTED_OS = ("linux", "windows") DBMS_ALIASES = ((DBMS.MSSQL, MSSQL_ALIASES), (DBMS.MYSQL, MYSQL_ALIASES), (DBMS.PGSQL, PGSQL_ALIASES), (DBMS.ORACLE, ORACLE_ALIASES), (DBMS.SQLITE, SQLITE_ALIASES), (DBMS.ACCESS, ACCESS_ALIASES), (DBMS.FIREBIRD, FIREBIRD_ALIASES), (DBMS.MAXDB, MAXDB_ALIASES), (DBMS.SYBASE, SYBASE_ALIASES), (DBMS.DB2, DB2_ALIASES), (DBMS.HSQLDB, HSQLDB_ALIASES)) USER_AGENT_ALIASES = ("ua", "useragent", "user-agent") REFERER_ALIASES = ("ref", "referer", "referrer") HOST_ALIASES = ("host",) HSQLDB_DEFAULT_SCHEMA = "PUBLIC" # Names that can't be used to name files on Windows OS WINDOWS_RESERVED_NAMES = ("CON", "PRN", "AUX", "NUL", "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9", "LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8", "LPT9") # Items displayed in basic help (-h) output BASIC_HELP_ITEMS = ( "url", "googleDork", "data", "cookie", "randomAgent", "proxy", "testParameter", "dbms", "level", "risk", "tech", "getAll", "getBanner", "getCurrentUser", "getCurrentDb", "getPasswordHashes", "getTables", "getColumns", "getSchema", "dumpTable", "dumpAll", "db", "tbl", "col", "osShell", "osPwn", "batch", "checkTor", "flushSession", "tor", "sqlmapShell", "wizard", ) # String representation for NULL value NULL = "NULL" # String representation for blank ('') value BLANK = "<blank>" # String representation for current database CURRENT_DB = "CD" # Regular expressions used for parsing error messages (--parse-errors) ERROR_PARSING_REGEXES = ( r"<b>[^<]*(fatal|error|warning|exception)[^<]*</b>:?\s*(?P<result>.+?)<br\s*/?\s*>", r"(?m)^(fatal|error|warning|exception):?\s*(?P<result>.+?)$", r"<li>Error Type:<br>(?P<result>.+?)</li>", r"error '[0-9a-f]{8}'((<[^>]+>)|\s)+(?P<result>[^<>]+)", ) # Regular expression used for parsing charset info from meta html headers META_CHARSET_REGEX = r'(?si)<head>.*<meta[^>]+charset="?(?P<result>[^"> ]+).*</head>' # Regular expression used for parsing refresh info from meta html headers META_REFRESH_REGEX = r'(?si)<head>(?!.*?<noscript.*?</head).*?<meta http-equiv="?refresh"?[^>]+content="?[^">]+url=["\']?(?P<result>[^\'">]+).*</head>' # Regular expression used for parsing empty fields in tested form data EMPTY_FORM_FIELDS_REGEX = r'(&|\A)(?P<result>[^=]+=(&|\Z))' # Reference: http://www.cs.ru.nl/bachelorscripties/2010/Martin_Devillers___0437999___Analyzing_password_strength.pdf COMMON_PASSWORD_SUFFIXES = ("1", "123", "2", "12", "3", "13", "7", "11", "5", "22", "23", "01", "4", "07", "21", "14", "10", "06", "08", "8", "15", "69", "16", "6", "18") # Reference: http://www.the-interweb.com/serendipity/index.php?/archives/94-A-brief-analysis-of-40,000-leaked-MySpace-passwords.html COMMON_PASSWORD_SUFFIXES += ("!", ".", "*", "!!", "?", ";", "..", "!!!", ", ", "@") # Splitter used between requests in WebScarab log files WEBSCARAB_SPLITTER = "### Conversation" # Splitter used between requests in BURP log files BURP_REQUEST_REGEX = r"={10,}\s+[^=]+={10,}\s(.+?)\s={10,}" # Regex used for parsing XML Burp saved history items BURP_XML_HISTORY_REGEX = r'<port>(\d+)</port>.+?<request base64="true"><!\[CDATA\[([^]]+)' # Server header in CloudFlare responses CLOUDFLARE_SERVER_HEADER = "cloudflare-nginx" # Encoding used for Unicode data UNICODE_ENCODING = "utf8" # Reference: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Object_Headers.html#uri URI_HTTP_HEADER = "URI" # Uri format which could be injectable (e.g. www.site.com/id82) URI_INJECTABLE_REGEX = r"//[^/]*/([^\.*?]+)\Z" # Regex used for masking sensitive data SENSITIVE_DATA_REGEX = "(\s|=)(?P<result>[^\s=]*%s[^\s]*)\s" # Maximum number of threads (avoiding connection issues and/or DoS) MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS = 10 # Minimum range between minimum and maximum of statistical set MIN_STATISTICAL_RANGE = 0.01 # Minimum value for comparison ratio MIN_RATIO = 0.0 # Maximum value for comparison ratio MAX_RATIO = 1.0 # Character used for marking injectable position inside provided data CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR = '*' # Other way to declare injection position INJECT_HERE_MARK = '%INJECT HERE%' # Minimum chunk length used for retrieving data over error based payloads MIN_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH = 8 # Maximum chunk length used for retrieving data over error based payloads MAX_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH = 1024 # Do not escape the injected statement if it contains any of the following SQL keywords EXCLUDE_UNESCAPE = ("WAITFOR DELAY ", " INTO DUMPFILE ", " INTO OUTFILE ", "CREATE ", "BULK ", "EXEC ", "RECONFIGURE ", "DECLARE ", "'%s'" % CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK) # Mark used for replacement of reflected values REFLECTED_VALUE_MARKER = "__REFLECTED_VALUE__" # Regular expression used for replacing border non-alphanum characters REFLECTED_BORDER_REGEX = r"[^A-Za-z]+" # Regular expression used for replacing non-alphanum characters REFLECTED_REPLACEMENT_REGEX = r".+" # Maximum number of alpha-numerical parts in reflected regex (for speed purposes) REFLECTED_MAX_REGEX_PARTS = 10 # Chars which can be used as a failsafe values in case of too long URL encoding value URLENCODE_FAILSAFE_CHARS = "()|," # Maximum length of URL encoded value after which failsafe procedure takes away URLENCODE_CHAR_LIMIT = 2000 # Default schema for Microsoft SQL Server DBMS DEFAULT_MSSQL_SCHEMA = "dbo" # Display hash attack info every mod number of items HASH_MOD_ITEM_DISPLAY = 11 # Maximum integer value MAX_INT = sys.maxint # Options that need to be restored in multiple targets run mode RESTORE_MERGED_OPTIONS = ("col", "db", "dnsName", "privEsc", "tbl", "regexp", "string", "textOnly", "threads", "timeSec", "tmpPath", "uChar", "user") # Parameters to be ignored in detection phase (upper case) IGNORE_PARAMETERS = ("__VIEWSTATE", "__VIEWSTATEENCRYPTED", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "__EVENTTARGET", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "ASPSESSIONID", "ASP.NET_SESSIONID", "JSESSIONID", "CFID", "CFTOKEN") # Regular expression used for recognition of ASP.NET control parameters ASP_NET_CONTROL_REGEX = r"(?i)\Actl\d+\$" # Prefix for Google analytics cookie names GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_COOKIE_PREFIX = "__UTM" # Prefix for configuration overriding environment variables SQLMAP_ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX = "SQLMAP_" # Turn off resume console info to avoid potential slowdowns TURN_OFF_RESUME_INFO_LIMIT = 20 # Strftime format for results file used in multiple target mode RESULTS_FILE_FORMAT = "results-%m%d%Y_%I%M%p.csv" # Official web page with the list of Python supported codecs CODECS_LIST_PAGE = "http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings" # Simple regular expression used to distinguish scalar from multiple-row commands (not sole condition) SQL_SCALAR_REGEX = r"\A(SELECT(?!\s+DISTINCT\(?))?\s*\w*\(" # Option/switch values to ignore during configuration save IGNORE_SAVE_OPTIONS = ("saveConfig",) # IP address of the localhost LOCALHOST = "" # Default port used by Tor DEFAULT_TOR_SOCKS_PORT = 9050 # Default ports used in Tor proxy bundles DEFAULT_TOR_HTTP_PORTS = (8123, 8118) # Percentage below which comparison engine could have problems LOW_TEXT_PERCENT = 20 # These MySQL keywords can't go (alone) into versioned comment form (/*!...*/) # Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/function-resolution.html IGNORE_SPACE_AFFECTED_KEYWORDS = ("CAST", "COUNT", "EXTRACT", "GROUP_CONCAT", "MAX", "MID", "MIN", "SESSION_USER", "SUBSTR", "SUBSTRING", "SUM", "SYSTEM_USER", "TRIM") LEGAL_DISCLAIMER = "Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program" # After this number of misses reflective removal mechanism is turned off (for speed up reasons) REFLECTIVE_MISS_THRESHOLD = 20 # Regular expression used for extracting HTML title HTML_TITLE_REGEX = "<title>(?P<result>[^<]+)</title>" # Table used for Base64 conversion in WordPress hash cracking routine ITOA64 = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" PICKLE_REDUCE_WHITELIST = (types.BooleanType, types.DictType, types.FloatType, types.IntType, types.ListType, types.LongType, types.NoneType, types.StringType, types.TupleType, types.UnicodeType, types.XRangeType, type(AttribDict()), type(set())) # Chars used to quickly distinguish if the user provided tainted parameter values DUMMY_SQL_INJECTION_CHARS = ";()'" # Simple check against dummy users DUMMY_USER_INJECTION = r"(?i)[^\w](AND|OR)\s+[^\s]+[=><]|\bUNION\b.+\bSELECT\b|\bSELECT\b.+\bFROM\b|\b(CONCAT|information_schema|SLEEP|DELAY)\b" # Extensions skipped by crawler CRAWL_EXCLUDE_EXTENSIONS = ("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "image", "jar", "tif", "bmp", "war", "ear", "mpg", "mpeg", "wmv", "mpeg", "scm", "iso", "dmp", "dll", "cab", "so", "avi", "mkv", "bin", "iso", "tar", "png", "pdf", "ps", "wav", "mp3", "mp4", "au", "aiff", "aac", "zip", "rar", "7z", "gz", "flv", "mov", "doc", "docx", "xls", "dot", "dotx", "xlt", "xlsx", "ppt", "pps", "pptx") # Patterns often seen in HTTP headers containing custom injection marking character PROBLEMATIC_CUSTOM_INJECTION_PATTERNS = r"(;q=[^;']+)|(\*/\*)" # Template used for common table existence check BRUTE_TABLE_EXISTS_TEMPLATE = "EXISTS(SELECT %d FROM %s)" # Template used for common column existence check BRUTE_COLUMN_EXISTS_TEMPLATE = "EXISTS(SELECT %s FROM %s)" # Payload used for checking of existence of IDS/WAF (dummier the better) IDS_WAF_CHECK_PAYLOAD = "AND 1=1 UNION ALL SELECT 1,2,3,table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE 2>1-- ../../../etc/passwd" # Data inside shellcodeexec to be filled with random string SHELLCODEEXEC_RANDOM_STRING_MARKER = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # Vectors used for provoking specific WAF/IDS/IPS behavior(s) WAF_ATTACK_VECTORS = ( "", # NIL "search=<script>alert(1)</script>", "file=../../../../etc/passwd", "q=<invalid>foobar", "id=1 %s" % IDS_WAF_CHECK_PAYLOAD ) # Used for status representation in dictionary attack phase ROTATING_CHARS = ('\\', '|', '|', '/', '-') # Approximate chunk length (in bytes) used by BigArray objects (only last chunk and cached one are held in memory) BIGARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # Maximum number of socket pre-connects SOCKET_PRE_CONNECT_QUEUE_SIZE = 3 # Only console display last n table rows TRIM_STDOUT_DUMP_SIZE = 256 # Parse response headers only first couple of times PARSE_HEADERS_LIMIT = 3 # Step used in ORDER BY technique used for finding the right number of columns in UNION query injections ORDER_BY_STEP = 10 # Maximum number of times for revalidation of a character in time-based injections MAX_TIME_REVALIDATION_STEPS = 5 # Characters that can be used to split parameter values in provided command line (e.g. in --tamper) PARAMETER_SPLITTING_REGEX = r'[,|;]' # Regular expression describing possible union char value (e.g. used in --union-char) UNION_CHAR_REGEX = r'\A\w+\Z' # Attribute used for storing original parameter value in special cases (e.g. POST) UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE = 'original' # Common column names containing usernames (used for hash cracking in some cases) COMMON_USER_COLUMNS = ('user', 'username', 'user_name', 'benutzername', 'benutzer', 'utilisateur', 'usager', 'consommateur', 'utente', 'utilizzatore', 'usufrutuario', 'korisnik', 'usuario', 'consumidor') # Default delimiter in GET/POST values DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER = '&' # Default delimiter in cookie values DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER = ';' # Unix timestamp used for forcing cookie expiration when provided with --load-cookies FORCE_COOKIE_EXPIRATION_TIME = "9999999999" # Github OAuth token used for creating an automatic Issue for unhandled exceptions GITHUB_REPORT_OAUTH_TOKEN = "YzNkYTgyMTdjYzdjNjZjMjFjMWE5ODI5OGQyNzk2ODM1M2M0MzUyOA==" # Skip unforced HashDB flush requests below the threshold number of cached items HASHDB_FLUSH_THRESHOLD = 32 # Number of retries for unsuccessful HashDB flush attempts HASHDB_FLUSH_RETRIES = 3 # Number of retries for unsuccessful HashDB end transaction attempts HASHDB_END_TRANSACTION_RETRIES = 3 # Unique milestone value used for forced deprecation of old HashDB values (e.g. when changing hash/pickle mechanism) HASHDB_MILESTONE_VALUE = "JHjrBugdDA" # "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 10)) # Warn user of possible delay due to large page dump in full UNION query injections LARGE_OUTPUT_THRESHOLD = 1024 ** 2 # On huge tables there is a considerable slowdown if every row retrieval requires ORDER BY (most noticable in table dumping using ERROR injections) SLOW_ORDER_COUNT_THRESHOLD = 10000 # Give up on hash recognition if nothing was found in first given number of rows HASH_RECOGNITION_QUIT_THRESHOLD = 10000 # Maximum number of redirections to any single URL - this is needed because of the state that cookies introduce MAX_SINGLE_URL_REDIRECTIONS = 4 # Maximum total number of redirections (regardless of URL) - before assuming we're in a loop MAX_TOTAL_REDIRECTIONS = 10 # Reference: http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_DNSLabelsNamesandSyntaxRules.htm MAX_DNS_LABEL = 63 # Alphabet used for prefix and suffix strings of name resolution requests in DNS technique (excluding hexadecimal chars for not mixing with inner content) DNS_BOUNDARIES_ALPHABET = re.sub("[a-fA-F]", "", string.ascii_letters) # Alphabet used for heuristic checks HEURISTIC_CHECK_ALPHABET = ('"', '\'', ')', '(', ',', '.') # String used for dummy non-SQLi (e.g. XSS) heuristic checks of a tested parameter value DUMMY_NON_SQLI_CHECK_APPENDIX = "<'\">" # Length of prefix and suffix used in non-SQLI heuristic checks NON_SQLI_CHECK_PREFIX_SUFFIX_LENGTH = 6 # Connection chunk size (processing large responses in chunks to avoid MemoryError crashes - e.g. large table dump in full UNION injections) MAX_CONNECTION_CHUNK_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # Maximum response total page size (trimmed if larger) MAX_CONNECTION_TOTAL_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024 # Maximum (multi-threaded) length of entry in bisection algorithm MAX_BISECTION_LENGTH = 50 * 1024 * 1024 # Mark used for trimming unnecessary content in large chunks LARGE_CHUNK_TRIM_MARKER = "__TRIMMED_CONTENT__" # Generic SQL comment formation GENERIC_SQL_COMMENT = "-- -" # Threshold value for turning back on time auto-adjustment mechanism VALID_TIME_CHARS_RUN_THRESHOLD = 100 # Check for empty columns only if table is sufficiently large CHECK_ZERO_COLUMNS_THRESHOLD = 10 # Boldify all logger messages containing these "patterns" BOLD_PATTERNS = ("' injectable", "provided empty", "leftover chars", "might be injectable", "' is vulnerable", "is not injectable", "test failed", "test passed", "live test final result", "test shows that", "the back-end DBMS is", "created Github", "blocked by the target server", "protection is involved", "CloudFlare") # Generic www root directory names GENERIC_DOC_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAMES = ("htdocs", "httpdocs", "public", "wwwroot", "www") # Maximum length of a help part containing switch/option name(s) MAX_HELP_OPTION_LENGTH = 18 # Maximum number of connection retries (to prevent problems with recursion) MAX_CONNECT_RETRIES = 100 # Strings for detecting formatting errors FORMAT_EXCEPTION_STRINGS = ("Type mismatch", "Error converting", "Failed to convert", "System.FormatException", "java.lang.NumberFormatException", "ValueError: invalid literal") # Regular expression used for extracting ASP.NET view state values VIEWSTATE_REGEX = r'(?i)(?P<name>__VIEWSTATE[^"]*)[^>]+value="(?P<result>[^"]+)' # Regular expression used for extracting ASP.NET event validation values EVENTVALIDATION_REGEX = r'(?i)(?P<name>__EVENTVALIDATION[^"]*)[^>]+value="(?P<result>[^"]+)' # Number of rows to generate inside the full union test for limited output (mustn't be too large to prevent payload length problems) LIMITED_ROWS_TEST_NUMBER = 15 # Default REST-JSON API server listen address RESTAPI_DEFAULT_ADDRESS = "" # Default REST-JSON API server listen port RESTAPI_DEFAULT_PORT = 8775 # Format used for representing invalid unicode characters INVALID_UNICODE_CHAR_FORMAT = r"\x%02x" # Regular expression for XML POST data XML_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r"(?s)\A\s*<[^>]+>(.+>)?\s*\Z" # Regular expression used for detecting JSON POST data JSON_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r'(?s)\A(\s*\[)*\s*\{.*"[^"]+"\s*:\s*("[^"]+"|\d+).*\}\s*(\]\s*)*\Z' # Regular expression used for detecting JSON-like POST data JSON_LIKE_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r"(?s)\A(\s*\[)*\s*\{.*'[^']+'\s*:\s*('[^']+'|\d+).*\}\s*(\]\s*)*\Z" # Regular expression used for detecting multipart POST data MULTIPART_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r"(?i)Content-Disposition:[^;]+;\s*name=" # Regular expression used for detecting Array-like POST data ARRAY_LIKE_RECOGNITION_REGEX = r"(\A|%s)(\w+)\[\]=.+%s\2\[\]=" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER) # Default POST data content-type DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" # Raw text POST data content-type PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" # Length used while checking for existence of Suhosin-patch (like) protection mechanism SUHOSIN_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 512 # Minimum size of an (binary) entry before it can be considered for dumping to disk MIN_BINARY_DISK_DUMP_SIZE = 100 # Regular expression used for extracting form tags FORM_SEARCH_REGEX = r"(?si)<form(?!.+<form).+?</form>" # Maximum number of lines to save in history file MAX_HISTORY_LENGTH = 1000 # Minimum field entry length needed for encoded content (hex, base64,...) check MIN_ENCODED_LEN_CHECK = 5 # Timeout in seconds in which Metasploit remote session has to be initialized METASPLOIT_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 300 # Reference: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/catalog-pg-largeobject.html LOBLKSIZE = 2048 # Suffix used to mark variables having keyword names EVALCODE_KEYWORD_SUFFIX = "_KEYWORD" # Reference: http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq/#3.5 NETSCAPE_FORMAT_HEADER_COOKIES = "# Netscape HTTP Cookie File." # Infixes used for automatic recognition of parameters carrying anti-CSRF tokens CSRF_TOKEN_PARAMETER_INFIXES = ("csrf", "xsrf") # Prefixes used in brute force search for web server document root BRUTE_DOC_ROOT_PREFIXES = { OS.LINUX: ("/var/www", "/usr/local/apache", "/usr/local/apache2", "/usr/local/www/apache22", "/usr/local/www/apache24", "/usr/local/httpd", "/var/www/nginx-default", "/srv/www", "/var/www/%TARGET%", "/var/www/vhosts/%TARGET%", "/var/www/virtual/%TARGET%", "/var/www/clients/vhosts/%TARGET%", "/var/www/clients/virtual/%TARGET%"), OS.WINDOWS: ("/xampp", "/Program Files/xampp", "/wamp", "/Program Files/wampp", "/apache", "/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache", "/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2", "/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2.2", "/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2.4", "/Inetpub/wwwroot", "/Inetpub/wwwroot/%TARGET%", "/Inetpub/vhosts/%TARGET%") } # Suffixes used in brute force search for web server document root BRUTE_DOC_ROOT_SUFFIXES = ("", "html", "htdocs", "httpdocs", "php", "public", "src", "site", "build", "web", "data", "sites/all", "www/build") # String used for marking target name inside used brute force web server document root BRUTE_DOC_ROOT_TARGET_MARK = "%TARGET%" # Character used as a boundary in kb.chars (preferably less frequent letter) KB_CHARS_BOUNDARY_CHAR = 'q' # Letters of lower frequency used in kb.chars KB_CHARS_LOW_FREQUENCY_ALPHABET = "zqxjkvbp" # CSS style used in HTML dump format HTML_DUMP_CSS_STYLE = """<style> table{ margin:10; background-color:#FFFFFF; font-family:verdana; font-size:12px; align:center; } thead{ font-weight:bold; background-color:#4F81BD; color:#FFFFFF; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #D3DFEE } td{ font-size:10px; } th{ font-size:10px; } </style>"""