#!/usr/bin/env python """ $Id$ Copyright (c) 2006-2011 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/) See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission """ import logging import os import subprocess import sys from lib.core.enums import DBMS from lib.core.enums import PLACE from lib.core.revision import getRevisionNumber # sqlmap version and site VERSION = "1.0-dev" REVISION = getRevisionNumber() VERSION_STRING = "sqlmap/%s (r%s)" % (VERSION, REVISION) DESCRIPTION = "automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool" SITE = "http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net" ML = "sqlmap-users@lists.sourceforge.net" # minimum distance of ratio from kb.matchRatio to result in True DIFF_TOLERANCE = 0.05 CONSTANT_RATIO = 0.9 # lower and upper values for match ratio in case of stable page LOWER_RATIO_BOUND = 0.02 UPPER_RATIO_BOUND = 0.98 # sqlmap logger logging.addLevelName(9, "PAYLOAD") logging.addLevelName(8, "TRAFFIC OUT") logging.addLevelName(7, "TRAFFIC IN") LOGGER = logging.getLogger("sqlmapLog") LOGGER_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) FORMATTER = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s", "%H:%M:%S") LOGGER_HANDLER.setFormatter(FORMATTER) LOGGER.addHandler(LOGGER_HANDLER) LOGGER.setLevel(logging.WARN) # dump markers DUMP_NEWLINE_MARKER = "__NEWLINE__" DUMP_CR_MARKER = "__CARRIAGE_RETURN__" DUMP_DEL_MARKER = "__DEL__" DUMP_TAB_MARKER = "__TAB__" DUMP_START_MARKER = "__START__" DUMP_STOP_MARKER = "__STOP__" URI_QUESTION_MARKER = "__QUESTION_MARK__" PAYLOAD_DELIMITER = "\x00" CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK = "%c" PRINTABLE_CHAR_REGEX = r'[^\x00-\x1f\x7e-\xff]' # dumping characters used in GROUP_CONCAT MySQL technique CONCAT_ROW_DELIMITER = ',' CONCAT_VALUE_DELIMITER = '|' # coefficient used for a time-based query delay checking (must be >= 7) TIME_STDEV_COEFF = 10 # standard deviation after which a warning message should be displayed about connection lags WARN_TIME_STDEV = 0.5 # minimum length of usable union injected response (quick defense against substr fields) UNION_MIN_RESPONSE_CHARS = 10 # coefficient used for a union-based number of columns checking (must be >= 7) UNION_STDEV_COEFF = 7 # length of queue for candidates for time delay adjustment TIME_DELAY_CANDIDATES = 3 # default time delay in seconds TIME_DEFAULT_DELAY = 5 # HTTP timeout in silent mode HTTP_SILENT_TIMEOUT = 3 # maximum number of techniques used in inject.py/getValue() per one value MAX_TECHNIQUES_PER_VALUE = 2 # suffix used for naming meta databases in DBMS(es) without explicit database name METADB_SUFFIX = "_masterdb" # minimum time response set needed for time-comparison based on standard deviation MIN_TIME_RESPONSES = 10 # minimum comparison ratio set needed for searching valid union column number based on standard deviation MIN_UNION_RESPONSES = 5 # after these number of blanks at the end inference should stop (just in case) INFERENCE_BLANK_BREAK = 15 # use this replacement character for cases when inference is not able to retrieve the proper character value INFERENCE_UNKNOWN_CHAR = '?' # character used for operation "greater" in inference INFERENCE_GREATER_CHAR = ">" # character used for operation "equals" in inference INFERENCE_EQUALS_CHAR = "=" # character used for operation "not-equals" in inference INFERENCE_NOT_EQUALS_CHAR = "!=" # string used for representation of unknown dbms version UNKNOWN_DBMS_VERSION = "Unknown" # dynamicity mark length used in dynamicity removal engine DYNAMICITY_MARK_LENGTH = 32 # dummy user prefix used in dictionary attack DUMMY_USER_PREFIX = "__dummy__" # Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1 DEFAULT_PAGE_ENCODING = "iso-8859-1" # System variables IS_WIN = subprocess.mswindows # The name of the operating system dependent module imported. The following # names have currently been registered: 'posix', 'nt', 'mac', 'os2', 'ce', # 'java', 'riscos' PLATFORM = os.name PYVERSION = sys.version.split()[0] # Database management system specific variables MSSQL_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "Northwind", "model", "msdb", "pubs", "tempdb" ) MYSQL_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "information_schema", "mysql" ) # Before MySQL 5.0 only "mysql" PGSQL_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "information_schema", "pg_catalog", "pg_toast" ) ORACLE_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "SYSTEM", "SYSAUX", "SYS" ) # These are TABLESPACE_NAME SQLITE_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "sqlite_master", "sqlite_temp_master" ) ACCESS_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "MSysAccessObjects", "MSysACEs", "MSysObjects", "MSysQueries", "MSysRelationships", "MSysAccessStorage",\ "MSysAccessXML", "MSysModules", "MSysModules2" ) FIREBIRD_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "RDB$BACKUP_HISTORY", "RDB$CHARACTER_SETS", "RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS", "RDB$COLLATIONS", "RDB$DATABASE",\ "RDB$DEPENDENCIES", "RDB$EXCEPTIONS", "RDB$FIELDS", "RDB$FIELD_DIMENSIONS", " RDB$FILES", "RDB$FILTERS",\ "RDB$FORMATS", "RDB$FUNCTIONS", "RDB$FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS", "RDB$GENERATORS", "RDB$INDEX_SEGMENTS", "RDB$INDICES",\ "RDB$LOG_FILES", "RDB$PAGES", "RDB$PROCEDURES", "RDB$PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS", "RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS", "RDB$RELATIONS",\ "RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS", "RDB$RELATION_FIELDS", "RDB$ROLES", "RDB$SECURITY_CLASSES", "RDB$TRANSACTIONS", "RDB$TRIGGERS",\ "RDB$TRIGGER_MESSAGES", "RDB$TYPES", "RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES", "RDB$VIEW_RELATIONS" ) MAXDB_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "SYSINFO", "DOMAIN" ) SYBASE_SYSTEM_DBS = ( "master", "model", "sybsystemdb", "sybsystemprocs" ) MSSQL_ALIASES = [ "microsoft sql server", "mssqlserver", "mssql", "ms" ] MYSQL_ALIASES = [ "mysql", "my" ] PGSQL_ALIASES = [ "postgresql", "postgres", "pgsql", "psql", "pg" ] ORACLE_ALIASES = [ "oracle", "orcl", "ora", "or" ] SQLITE_ALIASES = [ "sqlite", "sqlite3" ] ACCESS_ALIASES = [ "access", "jet", "microsoft access", "msaccess" ] FIREBIRD_ALIASES = [ "firebird", "mozilla firebird", "interbase", "ibase", "fb" ] MAXDB_ALIASES = [ "maxdb", "sap maxdb", "sap db" ] SYBASE_ALIASES = [ "sybase", "sybase sql server" ] SUPPORTED_DBMS = MSSQL_ALIASES + MYSQL_ALIASES + PGSQL_ALIASES + ORACLE_ALIASES + SQLITE_ALIASES + ACCESS_ALIASES + FIREBIRD_ALIASES + MAXDB_ALIASES + SYBASE_ALIASES SUPPORTED_OS = ( "linux", "windows" ) DBMS_DICT = { DBMS.MSSQL: [MSSQL_ALIASES, "python-pymssql", "http://pymssql.sourceforge.net/"], DBMS.MYSQL: [MYSQL_ALIASES, "python-mysqldb", "http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/"], DBMS.PGSQL: [PGSQL_ALIASES, "python-psycopg2", "http://initd.org/psycopg/"], DBMS.ORACLE: [ORACLE_ALIASES, "python cx_Oracle", "http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/"], DBMS.SQLITE: [SQLITE_ALIASES, "python-pysqlite2", "http://pysqlite.googlecode.com/"], DBMS.ACCESS: [ACCESS_ALIASES, "python-pyodbc", "http://pyodbc.googlecode.com/"], DBMS.FIREBIRD: [FIREBIRD_ALIASES, "python-kinterbasdb", "http://kinterbasdb.sourceforge.net/"], DBMS.MAXDB: [MAXDB_ALIASES, None, None], DBMS.SYBASE: [SYBASE_ALIASES, "python-pymssql", "http://pymssql.sourceforge.net/"] } REFERER_ALIASES = ( "ref", "referer", "referrer" ) USER_AGENT_ALIASES = ( "ua", "useragent", "user-agent" ) FROM_TABLE = { DBMS.ORACLE: " FROM DUAL", DBMS.ACCESS: " FROM MSysObjects", DBMS.FIREBIRD: " FROM RDB$DATABASE", DBMS.MAXDB: " FROM VERSIONS" } SQL_STATEMENTS = { "SQL SELECT statement": ( "select ", "show ", " top ", " distinct ", " from ", " from dual", " where ", " group by ", " order by ", " having ", " limit ", " offset ", " union all ", " rownum as ", "(case ", ), "SQL data definition": ( "create ", "declare ", "drop ", "truncate ", "alter ", ), "SQL data manipulation": ( "insert ", "update ", "delete ", "merge ", ), "SQL data control": ( "grant ", ), "SQL data execution": ( " exec ", "execute ", ), "SQL transaction": ( "start transaction ", "begin work ", "begin transaction ", "commit ", "rollback ", ), } # Regular expressions used for parsing error messages (--parse-errors) ERROR_PARSING_REGEXES = ( r"<b>[^<]*(fatal|error|warning|exception)[^<]*</b>:?\s*(?P<result>.+?)<br\s*/?\s*>", r"<li>Error Type:<br>(?P<result>.+?)</li>", r"error '[0-9a-f]{8}'((<[^>]+>)|\s)+(?P<result>[^<>]+)" ) # Regular expression used for parsing charset info from meta html headers META_CHARSET_REGEX = r'<meta http-equiv="?content-type"?[^>]+charset=(?P<result>[^">]+)' # Regular expression used for parsing refresh info from meta html headers META_REFRESH_REGEX = r'<meta http-equiv="?refresh"?[^>]+content="?[^">]+url=(?P<result>[^">]+)' # Regular expression used for parsing empty fields in tested form data EMPTY_FORM_FIELDS_REGEX = r'(?P<result>[^=]+=(&|\Z))' # Regular expression for general IP address matching GENERAL_IP_ADDRESS_REGEX = r'\A\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\Z' # Regular expression for soap message recognition SOAP_REGEX = r"\A(<\?xml[^>]+>)?\s*<soap.+</soap" # Reference: http://www.cs.ru.nl/bachelorscripties/2010/Martin_Devillers___0437999___Analyzing_password_strength.pdf COMMON_PASSWORD_SUFFIXES = ["1", "123", "2", "12", "3", "13", "7", "11", "5", "22", "23", "01", "4", "07", "21", "14", "10", "06", "08", "8", "15", "69", "16", "6", "18"] # Reference: http://www.the-interweb.com/serendipity/index.php?/archives/94-A-brief-analysis-of-40,000-leaked-MySpace-passwords.html COMMON_PASSWORD_SUFFIXES += ["!", ".", "*", "!!", "?", ";", "..", "!!!", ",", "@"] # Splitter used between requests in WebScarab log files WEBSCARAB_SPLITTER = "### Conversation" # Splitter used between requests in BURP log files BURP_SPLITTER = "======================================================" # Encoding used for Unicode data UNICODE_ENCODING = "utf8" # Reference: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/Object_Headers.html#uri URI_HTTP_HEADER = "URI" # Uri format which could be injectable (e.g. www.site.com/id82) URI_INJECTABLE_REGEX = r".*/([^\.*?]+)\Z" # Regex used for masking sensitive data SENSITIVE_DATA_REGEX = "(\s|=)(?P<result>[^\s=]*%s[^\s]*)\s" # Maximum number of threads (avoiding connection issues and/or DoS) MAX_NUMBER_OF_THREADS = 10 # Minimum range between minimum and maximum of statistical set MIN_STATISTICAL_RANGE = 0.01 # Minimum value for comparison ratio MIN_RATIO = 0.0 # Maximum value for comparison ratio MAX_RATIO = 1.0 # Character used for marking injectable position inside URI URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR = '*' # Maximum length used for retrieving data over MySQL error based payload due to "known" problems with longer result strings MYSQL_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH = 50 # Maximum length used for retrieving data over MSSQL error based payload due to trimming problems with longer result strings MSSQL_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH = 100 # Do not unescape the injected statement if it contains any of the following SQL words EXCLUDE_UNESCAPE = ("WAITFOR DELAY ", " INTO DUMPFILE ", " INTO OUTFILE ", "CREATE ", "BULK ", "EXEC ", "RECONFIGURE ", "DECLARE ", CHAR_INFERENCE_MARK) # Mark used for replacement of reflected values REFLECTED_VALUE_MARKER = '__REFLECTED_VALUE__' # Regular expression used for marking non-alphanum characters REFLECTED_NON_ALPHA_NUM_REGEX = r'[^<>\\r\\n]+?' # Chars which can be used as a failsafe values in case of too long URL encoding value URLENCODE_FAILSAFE_CHARS = '()|,' # Maximum length of urlencoded value after which failsafe procedure takes away URLENCODE_CHAR_LIMIT = 2000 # Default schema for Microsoft SQL Server DBMS DEFAULT_MSSQL_SCHEMA = 'dbo' # Display hash attack info every mod number of items HASH_MOD_ITEM_DISPLAY = 1117 # Maximum integer value MAX_INT = sys.maxint # Parameters to be ignored in detection phase (upper case) IGNORE_PARAMETERS = ("__VIEWSTATE", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "__EVENTTARGET", "__EVENTVALIDATION", "ASPSESSIONID", "ASP.NET_SESSIONID", "JSESSIONID", "CFID", "CFTOKEN") # Turn off resume console info to avoid potential slowdowns TURN_OFF_RESUME_INFO_LIMIT = 20 # Strftime format for results file used in multiple target mode RESULTS_FILE_FORMAT = 'results-%m%d%Y_%I%M%p.csv' # Official web page with the list of Python supported codecs CODECS_LIST_PAGE = 'http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings' # Simple regular expression used to distinguish scalar from multiple-row commands (not sole condition) SQL_SCALAR_REGEX = r"\A(SELECT(?!\s+DISTINCT\(?))?\s*\w*\(" # IP address of the localhost LOCALHOST = "" # Default ports used in Tor proxy bundles DEFAULT_TOR_PORTS = (8118, 8123) # Percentage below which comparison engine could have problems LOW_TEXT_PERCENT = 20