Bernardo Damele b0635bddcc adjustments
2012-12-20 15:29:23 +00:00

379 lines
9.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2012 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import json
import logging
import optparse
import os
import shutil
import sys
import StringIO
import tempfile
import threading
import types
from extra.bottle.bottle import abort
from extra.bottle.bottle import error
from extra.bottle.bottle import get
from extra.bottle.bottle import hook
from extra.bottle.bottle import post
from extra.bottle.bottle import request
from extra.bottle.bottle import response
from extra.bottle.bottle import run
from extra.bottle.bottle import static_file
from extra.bottle.bottle import template
from lib.controller.controller import start
from lib.core.convert import hexencode
from lib.core.convert import stdoutencode
from lib.core.data import paths
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.data import cmdLineOptions
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.log import FORMATTER
from lib.core.log import LOGGER_HANDLER
from lib.core.log import LOGGER_OUTPUT
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingDependence
from lib.core.option import init
from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING
from lib.parse.cmdline import cmdLineParser
# Local global variables
adminid = ""
tasks = AttribDict()
# Generic functions
def jsonize(data):
return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
def is_admin(taskid):
global adminid
if adminid != taskid:
return False
return True
def security_headers():
Set some headers across all HTTP responses
response.headers["Server"] = "Server"
response.headers["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff"
response.headers["X-Frame-Options"] = "DENY"
response.headers["X-XSS-Protection"] = "1; mode=block"
response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
response.headers["Expires"] = "0"
response.content_type = "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
# HTTP Status Code functions #
@error(401) # Access Denied
def error401(error=None):
return "Access denied"
@error(404) # Not Found
def error404(error=None):
return "Nothing here"
@error(405) # Method Not Allowed (e.g. when requesting a POST method via GET)
def error405(error=None):
return "Method not allowed"
@error(500) # Internal Server Error
def error500(error=None):
return "Internal server error"
# Task management functions #
# Users' methods
def task_new():
Create new task ID
global tasks
taskid = hexencode(os.urandom(16))
tasks[taskid] = AttribDict(cmdLineOptions)
return jsonize({"taskid": taskid})
def task_destroy(taskid):
Destroy own task ID
if taskid in tasks and not is_admin(taskid):
return jsonize({"success": True})
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
# Admin's methods
def task_list(taskid):
List all active tasks
if is_admin(taskid):
return jsonize({"tasks": tasks})
def task_flush(taskid):
Flush task spool (destroy all tasks except admin)
global adminid
global tasks
if is_admin(taskid):
admin_task = tasks[adminid]
tasks = AttribDict()
tasks[adminid] = admin_task
return jsonize({"success": True})
# sqlmap core interact functions #
# Admin's methods
def status(taskid):
Verify the status of the API as well as the core
if is_admin(taskid):
busy = kb.get("busyFlag")
tasks_num = len(tasks)
return jsonize({"busy": busy, "tasks": tasks_num})
def cleanup(taskid):
Destroy all sessions except admin ID and all output directories
global tasks
if is_admin(taskid):
for task, options in tasks.items():
if "oDir" in options and options.oDir is not None:
admin_task = tasks[adminid]
tasks = AttribDict()
tasks[adminid] = admin_task
return jsonize({"success": True})
# Functions to handle options
def option_list(taskid):
List options for a certain task ID
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
return jsonize(tasks[taskid])
def option_get(taskid):
Get the value of an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
option = request.json.get("option", "")
if option in tasks[taskid]:
return jsonize({option: tasks[taskid][option]})
return jsonize({option: None})
def option_set(taskid):
Set an option (command line switch) for a certain task ID
global tasks
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
for key, value in request.json.items():
tasks[taskid][key] = value
return jsonize({"success": True})
# Function to handle scans
def scan_start(taskid):
Launch a scan
global tasks
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
# Initialize sqlmap engine's options with user's provided options
# within the JSON request
for key, value in request.json.items():
tasks[taskid][key] = value
print "TASKS:", tasks
# Overwrite output directory (oDir) value to a temporary directory
tasks[taskid].oDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="sqlmap-")
init(tasks[taskid], True)
# Launch sqlmap engine in a separate thread
thread = threading.Thread(target=start)
thread.daemon = True
return jsonize({"success": True})
def scan_output(taskid):
Read the standard output of sqlmap core execution
global tasks
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
output = sys.stdout.read()
return jsonize({"output": output})
def scan_delete(taskid):
Delete a scan and corresponding temporary output directory
global tasks
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
if "oDir" in tasks[taskid] and tasks[taskid].oDir is not None:
return jsonize({"success": True})
# Function to handle scans' logs
def scan_log(taskid):
Retrieve the log messages
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
output = LOGGER_OUTPUT.read()
return jsonize({"log": output})
# Function to handle files inside the output directory
def download(taskid, target, filename):
Download a certain file from the file system
if taskid not in tasks:
abort(500, "Invalid task ID")
# Prevent file path traversal - the lame way
if target.startswith("."):
path = os.path.join(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, target)
if os.path.exists(path):
return static_file(filename, root=path)
def optset():
# Store original command line options for possible later restoration
def server(host="", port=RESTAPI_SERVER_PORT):
global adminid
global tasks
# Enforce batch mode and disable coloring
cmdLineOptions.batch = True
cmdLineOptions.disableColoring = True
adminid = hexencode(os.urandom(16))
tasks[adminid] = AttribDict(cmdLineOptions)
logger.info("running REST-JSON API server at '%s:%d'.." % (host, port))
logger.info("the admin task ID is: %s" % adminid)
# Wrap logger stdout onto a custom file descriptor (LOGGER_OUTPUT)
def emit(self, record):
message = stdoutencode(FORMATTER.format(record))
print >>LOGGER_OUTPUT, message.strip('\r')
LOGGER_HANDLER.emit = types.MethodType(emit, LOGGER_HANDLER, type(LOGGER_HANDLER))
# Wrap standard output onto a custom file descriptor
sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
#sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
# Run RESTful API
run(host=host, port=port, quiet=False, debug=False)
addr = "http://%s:%d" % (host, port)
logger.info("starting debug REST-JSON client to '%s'..." % addr)
# TODO: write a simple client with requests, for now use curl from command line
logger.error("not yet implemented, use curl from command line instead for now, for example:")
print "\n\t$ curl http://%s:%d/task/new" % (host, port)
print "\t$ curl -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X POST -d '{\"url\": \"http://testphp.vulnweb.com/artists.php?artist=1\"}' http://%s:%d/scan/:taskid/start" % (host, port)
print "\t$ curl http://%s:%d/scan/:taskid/output" % (host, port)
print "\t$ curl http://%s:%d/scan/:taskid/log\n" % (host, port)