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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2013 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import re
from lib.core.common import Backend
from lib.core.common import Format
from lib.core.common import getCurrentThreadData
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import wasLastRequestDBMSError
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.enums import DBMS
from lib.core.session import setDbms
from lib.core.settings import ACCESS_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import METADB_SUFFIX
from lib.request import inject
from plugins.generic.fingerprint import Fingerprint as GenericFingerprint
class Fingerprint(GenericFingerprint):
def __init__(self):
GenericFingerprint.__init__(self, DBMS.ACCESS)
def _sandBoxCheck(self):
# Reference: http://milw0rm.com/papers/198
retVal = None
table = None
if Backend.isVersionWithin(("97", "2000")):
table = "MSysAccessObjects"
elif Backend.isVersionWithin(("2002-2003", "2007")):
table = "MSysAccessStorage"
if table is not None:
result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("EXISTS(SELECT CURDIR() FROM %s)" % table)
retVal = "not sandboxed" if result else "sandboxed"
return retVal
def _sysTablesCheck(self):
infoMsg = "executing system table(s) existence fingerprint"
# Microsoft Access table reference updated on 01/2010
sysTables = {
"97": ("MSysModules2", "MSysAccessObjects"),
"2000" : ("!MSysModules2", "MSysAccessObjects"),
"2002-2003" : ("MSysAccessStorage", "!MSysNavPaneObjectIDs"),
"2007" : ("MSysAccessStorage", "MSysNavPaneObjectIDs"),
# MSysAccessXML is not a reliable system table because it doesn't always exist
# ("Access through Access", p6, should be "normally doesn't exist" instead of "is normally empty")
for version, tables in sysTables.items():
exist = True
for table in tables:
negate = False
if table[0] == '!':
negate = True
table = table[1:]
randInt = randomInt()
result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("EXISTS(SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %d=%d)" % (table, randInt, randInt))
if result is None:
result = False
if negate:
result = not result
exist &= result
if not exist:
if exist:
return version
return None
def _getDatabaseDir(self):
retVal = None
infoMsg = "searching for database directory"
randInt = randomInt()
randStr = randomStr()
inject.checkBooleanExpression("EXISTS(SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE %d=%d)" % (randStr, randStr, randInt, randInt))
if wasLastRequestDBMSError():
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
match = re.search("Could not find file\s+'([^']+?)'", threadData.lastErrorPage[1])
if match:
retVal = match.group(1).rstrip("%s.mdb" % randStr)
if retVal.endswith('\\'):
retVal = retVal[:-1]
return retVal
def getFingerprint(self):
value = ""
wsOsFp = Format.getOs("web server", kb.headersFp)
if wsOsFp:
value += "%s\n" % wsOsFp
if kb.data.banner:
dbmsOsFp = Format.getOs("back-end DBMS", kb.bannerFp)
if dbmsOsFp:
value += "%s\n" % dbmsOsFp
value += "back-end DBMS: "
if not conf.extensiveFp:
value += DBMS.ACCESS
return value
actVer = Format.getDbms() + " (%s)" % (self._sandBoxCheck())
blank = " " * 15
value += "active fingerprint: %s" % actVer
if kb.bannerFp:
banVer = kb.bannerFp["dbmsVersion"]
if re.search("-log$", kb.data.banner):
banVer += ", logging enabled"
banVer = Format.getDbms([banVer])
value += "\n%sbanner parsing fingerprint: %s" % (blank, banVer)
htmlErrorFp = Format.getErrorParsedDBMSes()
if htmlErrorFp:
value += "\n%shtml error message fingerprint: %s" % (blank, htmlErrorFp)
value += "\ndatabase directory: '%s'" % self._getDatabaseDir()
return value
def checkDbms(self):
if not conf.extensiveFp and (Backend.isDbmsWithin(ACCESS_ALIASES) or conf.dbms in ACCESS_ALIASES):
return True
infoMsg = "testing %s" % DBMS.ACCESS
result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("VAL(CVAR(1))=1")
if result:
infoMsg = "confirming %s" % DBMS.ACCESS
result = inject.checkBooleanExpression("IIF(ATN(2)>0,1,0) BETWEEN 2 AND 0")
if not result:
warnMsg = "the back-end DBMS is not %s" % DBMS.ACCESS
return False
if not conf.extensiveFp:
return True
infoMsg = "actively fingerprinting %s" % DBMS.ACCESS
version = self._sysTablesCheck()
if version is not None:
return True
warnMsg = "the back-end DBMS is not %s" % DBMS.ACCESS
return False
def forceDbmsEnum(self):
conf.db = ("%s%s" % (DBMS.ACCESS, METADB_SUFFIX)).replace(' ', '_')