2010-10-07 14:05:34 +00:00

65 lines
3.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<case name="custom" desc="custom">
<positive format="%s%s%s AND %s%d=%d %s" params="value, prefix, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randInt, randInt, postfix"/>
<negative format="%s%s%s AND %s%d=%d %s" params="value, prefix, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randInt, randInt + 1, postfix"/>
<prefix format="%s " params="')' * parenthesis"/>
<postfix format=" AND %s" params="'(' * parenthesis"/>
<case name="numeric" desc="unescaped numeric">
<positive format="%s%s AND %s%d=%d" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randInt, randInt"/>
<negative format="%s%s AND %s%d=%d" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randInt, randInt + 1"/>
<prefix format="%s " params="')' * parenthesis"/>
<postfix format=" AND %s%d=%d" params="'(' * parenthesis, randInt, randInt"/>
<case name="stringsingle" desc="single quoted string">
<positive format="%s'%s AND %s'%s'='%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>
<negative format="%s'%s AND %s'%s'='%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr + randomStr(1)"/>
<prefix format="'%s " params="')' * parenthesis"/>
<postfix format=" AND %s'%s'='%s" params="'(' * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>
<case name="likesingle" desc="LIKE single quoted string">
<positive format="%s'%s AND %s'%s' LIKE '%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>
<negative format="%s'%s AND %s'%s' LIKE '%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr + randomStr(1)"/>
<prefix format="'%s " params="')' * parenthesis"/>
<postfix format=" AND %s'%s' LIKE '%s" params="'(' * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>
<case name="stringdouble" desc="double quoted string">
<positive format="%s\&quot;%s AND %s\&quot;%s\&quot;=\&quot;%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>
<negative format="%s\&quot;%s AND %s\&quot;%s\&quot;=\&quot;%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr + randomStr(1)"/>
<prefix format="&quot;%s " params="')' * parenthesis"/>
<postfix format=" AND %s\&quot;%s\&quot;=\&quot;%s" params="'(' * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>
<case name="likedouble" desc="LIKE double quoted string">
<positive format="%s\&quot;%s AND %s\&quot;%s\&quot; LIKE \&quot;%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>
<negative format="%s\&quot;%s AND %s\&quot;%s\&quot; LIKE \&quot;%s" params="value, &quot;)&quot; * parenthesis, &quot;(&quot; * parenthesis, randStr, randStr + randomStr(1)"/>
<prefix format="&quot;%s " params="')' * parenthesis"/>
<postfix format=" AND %s\&quot;%s\&quot; LIKE \&quot;%s" params="'(' * parenthesis, randStr, randStr"/>