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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2019 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission
import binascii
import logging
import random
import re
import socket
import string
import struct
import time
import traceback
import websocket
from websocket import WebSocketException
except ImportError:
class WebSocketException(Exception):
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import asciifyUrl
from lib.core.common import calculateDeltaSeconds
from lib.core.common import checkSameHost
from lib.core.common import chunkSplitPostData
from lib.core.common import clearConsoleLine
from lib.core.common import dataToStdout
from lib.core.common import escapeJsonValue
from lib.core.common import evaluateCode
from lib.core.common import extractRegexResult
from lib.core.common import filterNone
from lib.core.common import findMultipartPostBoundary
from lib.core.common import getCurrentThreadData
from lib.core.common import getHeader
from lib.core.common import getHostHeader
from lib.core.common import getRequestHeader
from lib.core.common import getSafeExString
from lib.core.common import isMultiThreadMode
from lib.core.common import logHTTPTraffic
from lib.core.common import openFile
from lib.core.common import popValue
from lib.core.common import pushValue
from lib.core.common import randomizeParameterValue
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.common import removeReflectiveValues
from lib.core.common import safeVariableNaming
from lib.core.common import singleTimeLogMessage
from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage
from lib.core.common import stdev
from lib.core.common import unsafeVariableNaming
from lib.core.common import urldecode
from lib.core.common import urlencode
from lib.core.common import wasLastResponseDelayed
from lib.core.compat import patchHeaders
from lib.core.compat import xrange
from lib.core.convert import getBytes
from lib.core.convert import getText
from lib.core.convert import getUnicode
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.datatype import AttribDict
from lib.core.decorators import stackedmethod
from lib.core.dicts import POST_HINT_CONTENT_TYPES
from lib.core.enums import ADJUST_TIME_DELAY
from lib.core.enums import AUTH_TYPE
from lib.core.enums import CUSTOM_LOGGING
from lib.core.enums import HINT
from lib.core.enums import HTTP_HEADER
from lib.core.enums import HTTPMETHOD
from lib.core.enums import NULLCONNECTION
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.enums import PLACE
from lib.core.enums import POST_HINT
from lib.core.enums import REDIRECTION
from lib.core.enums import WEB_PLATFORM
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapCompressionException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapConnectionException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapGenericException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapSyntaxException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapTokenException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUserQuitException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapValueException
from lib.core.settings import ASTERISK_MARKER
from lib.core.settings import BOUNDARY_BACKSLASH_MARKER
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER
from lib.core.settings import DEFAULT_USER_AGENT
from lib.core.settings import EVALCODE_ENCODED_PREFIX
from lib.core.settings import HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER_VALUE
from lib.core.settings import HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER_VALUE
from lib.core.settings import IPS_WAF_CHECK_PAYLOAD
from lib.core.settings import IS_WIN
from lib.core.settings import LARGE_READ_TRIM_MARKER
from lib.core.settings import MAX_CONNECTION_READ_SIZE
from lib.core.settings import MAX_CONNECTIONS_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import MAX_CONNECTION_TOTAL_SIZE
from lib.core.settings import MAX_CONSECUTIVE_CONNECTION_ERRORS
from lib.core.settings import MAX_MURPHY_SLEEP_TIME
from lib.core.settings import META_REFRESH_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import MAX_TIME_RESPONSES
from lib.core.settings import MIN_TIME_RESPONSES
from lib.core.settings import PAYLOAD_DELIMITER
from lib.core.settings import PERMISSION_DENIED_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE
from lib.core.settings import RANDOM_INTEGER_MARKER
from lib.core.settings import RANDOM_STRING_MARKER
from lib.core.settings import REPLACEMENT_MARKER
from lib.core.settings import TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE
from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING
from lib.core.settings import URI_HTTP_HEADER
from lib.core.settings import WARN_TIME_STDEV
from lib.request.basic import decodePage
from lib.request.basic import forgeHeaders
from lib.request.basic import processResponse
from lib.request.comparison import comparison
from lib.request.direct import direct
from lib.request.methodrequest import MethodRequest
from lib.utils.safe2bin import safecharencode
from thirdparty import six
from thirdparty.odict import OrderedDict
from thirdparty.six import unichr as _unichr
from thirdparty.six.moves import http_client as _http_client
from thirdparty.six.moves import urllib as _urllib
from thirdparty.socks.socks import ProxyError
class Connect(object):
This class defines methods used to perform HTTP requests
def _getPageProxy(**kwargs):
return Connect.getPage(**kwargs)
except RuntimeError:
return None, None, None
def _retryProxy(**kwargs):
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
threadData.retriesCount += 1
if conf.proxyList and threadData.retriesCount >= conf.retries and not kb.locks.handlers.locked():
warnMsg = "changing proxy"
conf.proxy = None
threadData.retriesCount = 0
if kb.testMode and kb.previousMethod == PAYLOAD.METHOD.TIME:
# timed based payloads can cause web server unresponsiveness
# if the injectable piece of code is some kind of JOIN-like query
warnMsg = "most likely web server instance hasn't recovered yet "
warnMsg += "from previous timed based payload. If the problem "
warnMsg += "persists please wait for a few minutes and rerun "
warnMsg += "without flag 'T' in option '--technique' "
warnMsg += "(e.g. '--flush-session --technique=BEUS') or try to "
warnMsg += "lower the value of option '--time-sec' (e.g. '--time-sec=2')"
elif kb.originalPage is None:
if conf.tor:
warnMsg = "please make sure that you have "
warnMsg += "Tor installed and running so "
warnMsg += "you could successfully use "
warnMsg += "switch '--tor' "
if IS_WIN:
warnMsg += "(e.g. 'https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en')"
warnMsg += "(e.g. 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tor')"
warnMsg = "if the problem persists please check that the provided "
warnMsg += "target URL is reachable. In case that it is, "
warnMsg += "you can try to rerun with "
if not conf.randomAgent:
warnMsg += "switch '--random-agent' and/or "
warnMsg += "proxy switches ('--ignore-proxy', '--proxy',...)"
elif conf.threads > 1:
warnMsg = "if the problem persists please try to lower "
warnMsg += "the number of used threads (option '--threads')"
kwargs['retrying'] = True
return Connect._getPageProxy(**kwargs)
def _connReadProxy(conn):
retVal = b""
if not kb.dnsMode and conn:
headers = conn.info()
if kb.pageCompress and headers and hasattr(headers, "getheader") and (headers.getheader(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_ENCODING, "").lower() in ("gzip", "deflate") or "text" not in headers.getheader(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE, "").lower()):
warnMsg = "large compressed response detected. Disabling compression"
kb.pageCompress = False
raise SqlmapCompressionException
while True:
if not conn:
part = conn.read(MAX_CONNECTION_READ_SIZE)
except AssertionError:
part = ""
warnMsg = "large response detected. This could take a while"
part = re.sub(r"(?si)%s.+?%s" % (kb.chars.stop, kb.chars.start), "%s%s%s" % (kb.chars.stop, LARGE_READ_TRIM_MARKER, kb.chars.start), part)
retVal += part
retVal += part
warnMsg = "too large response detected. Automatically trimming it"
return retVal
def getPage(**kwargs):
This method connects to the target URL or proxy and returns
the target URL page content
if conf.offline:
return None, None, None
url = kwargs.get("url", None) or conf.url
get = kwargs.get("get", None)
post = kwargs.get("post", None)
method = kwargs.get("method", None)
cookie = kwargs.get("cookie", None)
ua = kwargs.get("ua", None) or conf.agent
referer = kwargs.get("referer", None) or conf.referer
host = kwargs.get("host", None) or conf.host
direct_ = kwargs.get("direct", False)
multipart = kwargs.get("multipart", None)
silent = kwargs.get("silent", False)
raise404 = kwargs.get("raise404", True)
timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", None) or conf.timeout
auxHeaders = kwargs.get("auxHeaders", None)
response = kwargs.get("response", False)
ignoreTimeout = kwargs.get("ignoreTimeout", False) or kb.ignoreTimeout or conf.ignoreTimeouts
refreshing = kwargs.get("refreshing", False)
retrying = kwargs.get("retrying", False)
crawling = kwargs.get("crawling", False)
checking = kwargs.get("checking", False)
skipRead = kwargs.get("skipRead", False)
finalCode = kwargs.get("finalCode", False)
chunked = kwargs.get("chunked", False) or conf.chunked
start = time.time()
if isinstance(conf.delay, (int, float)) and conf.delay > 0:
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
with kb.locks.request:
kb.requestCounter += 1
threadData.lastRequestUID = kb.requestCounter
if conf.dummy or conf.murphyRate and randomInt() % conf.murphyRate == 0:
if conf.murphyRate:
time.sleep(randomInt() % (MAX_MURPHY_SLEEP_TIME + 1))
page, headers, code = randomStr(int(randomInt()), alphabet=[_unichr(_) for _ in xrange(256)]), None, None if not conf.murphyRate else randomInt(3)
threadData.lastPage = page
threadData.lastCode = code
return page, headers, code
if multipart:
post = multipart
if not post:
chunked = False
elif chunked:
post = _urllib.parse.unquote(post)
post = chunkSplitPostData(post)
webSocket = url.lower().startswith("ws")
if not _urllib.parse.urlsplit(url).netloc:
url = _urllib.parse.urljoin(conf.url, url)
# flag to know if we are dealing with the same target host
target = checkSameHost(url, conf.url)
if not retrying:
# Reset the number of connection retries
threadData.retriesCount = 0
# fix for known issue when urllib2 just skips the other part of provided
# url splitted with space char while urlencoding it in the later phase
url = url.replace(" ", "%20")
if "://" not in url:
url = "http://%s" % url
conn = None
page = None
code = None
status = None
_ = _urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
requestMsg = u"HTTP request [#%d]:\r\n%s " % (threadData.lastRequestUID, method or (HTTPMETHOD.POST if post is not None else HTTPMETHOD.GET))
requestMsg += getUnicode(("%s%s" % (_.path or "/", ("?%s" % _.query) if _.query else "")) if not any((refreshing, crawling, checking)) else url)
responseMsg = u"HTTP response "
requestHeaders = u""
responseHeaders = None
logHeaders = u""
skipLogTraffic = False
raise404 = raise404 and not kb.ignoreNotFound
# support for non-latin (e.g. cyrillic) URLs as urllib/urllib2 doesn't
# support those by default
url = asciifyUrl(url)
if direct_:
if '?' in url:
url, params = url.split('?', 1)
params = urlencode(params)
url = "%s?%s" % (url, params)
elif any((refreshing, crawling, checking)):
elif target:
if conf.forceSSL:
url = re.sub(r"(?i)\A(http|ws):", r"\g<1>s:", url)
url = re.sub(r"(?i):80/", ":443/", url)
if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters and not get:
get = conf.parameters[PLACE.GET]
if not conf.skipUrlEncode:
get = urlencode(get, limit=True)
if get:
if '?' in url:
url = "%s%s%s" % (url, DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, get)
requestMsg += "%s%s" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, get)
url = "%s?%s" % (url, get)
requestMsg += "?%s" % get
if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters and not post and method != HTTPMETHOD.GET:
post = conf.parameters[PLACE.POST]
elif get:
url = "%s?%s" % (url, get)
requestMsg += "?%s" % get
requestMsg += " %s" % _http_client.HTTPConnection._http_vsn_str
# Prepare HTTP headers
headers = forgeHeaders({HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE: cookie, HTTP_HEADER.USER_AGENT: ua, HTTP_HEADER.REFERER: referer, HTTP_HEADER.HOST: host}, base=None if target else {})
if HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE in headers:
cookie = headers[HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE]
if kb.authHeader:
headers[HTTP_HEADER.AUTHORIZATION] = kb.authHeader
if kb.proxyAuthHeader:
headers[HTTP_HEADER.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION] = kb.proxyAuthHeader
if not conf.requestFile or not target:
if not getHeader(headers, HTTP_HEADER.HOST):
headers[HTTP_HEADER.HOST] = getHostHeader(url)
if not getHeader(headers, HTTP_HEADER.ACCEPT):
if not getHeader(headers, HTTP_HEADER.ACCEPT_ENCODING):
elif conf.requestFile and getHeader(headers, HTTP_HEADER.USER_AGENT) == DEFAULT_USER_AGENT:
for header in headers:
if header.upper() == HTTP_HEADER.USER_AGENT.upper():
del headers[header]
if post is not None and not multipart and not getHeader(headers, HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE):
warnMsg = "missing 'boundary parameter' in '%s' header. " % HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE
warnMsg += "Will try to reconstruct"
boundary = findMultipartPostBoundary(conf.data)
if boundary:
headers[HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE] = "%s; boundary=%s" % (headers[HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE], boundary)
if conf.keepAlive:
headers[HTTP_HEADER.CONNECTION] = "keep-alive"
if chunked:
if auxHeaders:
headers = forgeHeaders(auxHeaders, headers)
if kb.headersFile:
content = openFile(kb.headersFile, "rb").read()
for line in content.split("\n"):
line = getText(line.strip())
if ':' in line:
header, value = line.split(':', 1)
headers[header] = value
for key, value in list(headers.items()):
del headers[key]
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
for char in (r"\r", r"\n"):
value = re.sub(r"(%s)([^ \t])" % char, r"\g<1>\t\g<2>", value)
headers[getBytes(key) if six.PY2 else key] = getBytes(value.strip("\r\n")) # Note: Python3 has_header() expects non-bytes value
if six.PY2:
url = getBytes(url) # Note: Python3 requires text while Python2 has problems when mixing text with binary POST
post = getBytes(post)
if webSocket:
ws = websocket.WebSocket()
ws.connect(url, header=("%s: %s" % _ for _ in headers.items() if _[0] not in ("Host",)), cookie=cookie) # WebSocket will add Host field of headers automatically
ws.send(urldecode(post or ""))
page = ws.recv()
code = ws.status
status = _http_client.responses[code]
class _(dict):
responseHeaders = _(ws.getheaders())
responseHeaders.headers = ["%s: %s\r\n" % (_[0].capitalize(), _[1]) for _ in responseHeaders.items()]
requestHeaders += "\r\n".join(["%s: %s" % (getUnicode(key.capitalize() if hasattr(key, "capitalize") else key), getUnicode(value)) for (key, value) in responseHeaders.items()])
requestMsg += "\r\n%s" % requestHeaders
if post is not None:
requestMsg += "\r\n\r\n%s" % getUnicode(post)
requestMsg += "\r\n"
threadData.lastRequestMsg = requestMsg
logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_OUT, requestMsg)
if method and method not in (HTTPMETHOD.GET, HTTPMETHOD.POST):
req = MethodRequest(url, post, headers)
elif url is not None:
req = _urllib.request.Request(url, post, headers)
return None, None, None
requestHeaders += "\r\n".join(["%s: %s" % (getUnicode(key.capitalize() if hasattr(key, "capitalize") else key), getUnicode(value)) for (key, value) in req.header_items()])
if not getRequestHeader(req, HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE) and conf.cj:
conf.cj._policy._now = conf.cj._now = int(time.time())
cookies = conf.cj._cookies_for_request(req)
requestHeaders += "\r\n%s" % ("Cookie: %s" % ";".join("%s=%s" % (getUnicode(cookie.name), getUnicode(cookie.value)) for cookie in cookies))
if post is not None:
if not getRequestHeader(req, HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH) and not chunked:
requestHeaders += "\r\n%s: %d" % (string.capwords(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH), len(post))
if not getRequestHeader(req, HTTP_HEADER.CONNECTION):
requestHeaders += "\r\n%s: %s" % (HTTP_HEADER.CONNECTION, "close" if not conf.keepAlive else "keep-alive")
requestMsg += "\r\n%s" % requestHeaders
if post is not None:
requestMsg += "\r\n\r\n%s" % getUnicode(post)
if not chunked:
requestMsg += "\r\n"
if not multipart:
threadData.lastRequestMsg = requestMsg
logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_OUT, requestMsg)
if conf.cj:
for cookie in conf.cj:
if cookie.value is None:
cookie.value = ""
for char in (r"\r", r"\n"):
cookie.value = re.sub(r"(%s)([^ \t])" % char, r"\g<1>\t\g<2>", cookie.value)
conn = _urllib.request.urlopen(req)
if not kb.authHeader and getRequestHeader(req, HTTP_HEADER.AUTHORIZATION) and (conf.authType or "").lower() == AUTH_TYPE.BASIC.lower():
kb.authHeader = getRequestHeader(req, HTTP_HEADER.AUTHORIZATION)
if not kb.proxyAuthHeader and getRequestHeader(req, HTTP_HEADER.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION):
kb.proxyAuthHeader = getRequestHeader(req, HTTP_HEADER.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION)
# Return response object
if response:
return conn, None, None
# Get HTTP response
if hasattr(conn, "redurl"):
page = (threadData.lastRedirectMsg[1] if kb.redirectChoice == REDIRECTION.NO else Connect._connReadProxy(conn)) if not skipRead else None
skipLogTraffic = kb.redirectChoice == REDIRECTION.NO
code = conn.redcode if not finalCode else code
page = Connect._connReadProxy(conn) if not skipRead else None
if conn:
code = (code or conn.code) if conn.code == kb.originalCode else conn.code # do not override redirection code (for comparison purposes)
responseHeaders = conn.info()
responseHeaders[URI_HTTP_HEADER] = conn.geturl()
kb.serverHeader = responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.SERVER, kb.serverHeader)
code = None
responseHeaders = {}
page = decodePage(page, responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_ENCODING), responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE))
status = getUnicode(conn.msg) if conn and getattr(conn, "msg", None) else None
kb.connErrorCounter = 0
if not refreshing:
refresh = responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.REFRESH, "").split("url=")[-1].strip()
if extractRegexResult(META_REFRESH_REGEX, page):
refresh = extractRegexResult(META_REFRESH_REGEX, page)
debugMsg = "got HTML meta refresh header"
if refresh:
if kb.alwaysRefresh is None:
msg = "sqlmap got a refresh request "
msg += "(redirect like response common to login pages). "
msg += "Do you want to apply the refresh "
msg += "from now on (or stay on the original page)? [Y/n]"
kb.alwaysRefresh = readInput(msg, default='Y', boolean=True)
if kb.alwaysRefresh:
if re.search(r"\Ahttps?://", refresh, re.I):
url = refresh
url = _urllib.parse.urljoin(url, refresh)
threadData.lastRedirectMsg = (threadData.lastRequestUID, page)
kwargs["refreshing"] = True
kwargs["url"] = url
kwargs["get"] = None
kwargs["post"] = None
return Connect._getPageProxy(**kwargs)
except SqlmapSyntaxException:
# Explicit closing of connection object
if conn and not conf.keepAlive:
if hasattr(conn.fp, '_sock'):
except Exception as ex:
warnMsg = "problem occurred during connection closing ('%s')" % getSafeExString(ex)
except SqlmapConnectionException as ex:
if conf.proxyList and not kb.threadException:
warnMsg = "unable to connect to the target URL ('%s')" % ex
threadData.retriesCount = conf.retries
return Connect._retryProxy(**kwargs)
except _urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
page = None
responseHeaders = None
if checking:
return None, None, None
page = ex.read() if not skipRead else None
responseHeaders = ex.info()
responseHeaders[URI_HTTP_HEADER] = ex.geturl()
page = decodePage(page, responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_ENCODING), responseHeaders.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE))
except socket.timeout:
warnMsg = "connection timed out while trying "
warnMsg += "to get error page information (%d)" % ex.code
return None, None, None
except KeyboardInterrupt:
page = getUnicode(page)
code = ex.code
status = getUnicode(getattr(ex, "reason", None) or getSafeExString(ex).split(": ", 1)[-1])
kb.originalCode = kb.originalCode or code
threadData.lastHTTPError = (threadData.lastRequestUID, code, status)
kb.httpErrorCodes[code] = kb.httpErrorCodes.get(code, 0) + 1
responseMsg += "[#%d] (%s %s):\r\n" % (threadData.lastRequestUID, code, status)
if responseHeaders:
logHeaders = getUnicode("".join(responseHeaders.headers).strip())
logHTTPTraffic(requestMsg, "%s%s\r\n\r\n%s" % (responseMsg, logHeaders, (page or "")[:MAX_CONNECTION_READ_SIZE]), start, time.time())
skipLogTraffic = True
if conf.verbose <= 5:
responseMsg += getUnicode(logHeaders)
elif conf.verbose > 5:
responseMsg += "%s\r\n\r\n%s" % (logHeaders, (page or "")[:MAX_CONNECTION_READ_SIZE])
if not multipart:
logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_IN, responseMsg)
if ex.code not in (conf.ignoreCode or []):
if ex.code == _http_client.UNAUTHORIZED:
errMsg = "not authorized, try to provide right HTTP "
errMsg += "authentication type and valid credentials (%d)" % code
raise SqlmapConnectionException(errMsg)
elif chunked and ex.code in (_http_client.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, _http_client.LENGTH_REQUIRED):
warnMsg = "turning off HTTP chunked transfer encoding "
warnMsg += "as it seems that the target site doesn't support it (%d)" % code
conf.chunked = kwargs["chunked"] = False
return Connect.getPage(**kwargs)
elif ex.code == _http_client.NOT_FOUND:
if raise404:
errMsg = "page not found (%d)" % code
raise SqlmapConnectionException(errMsg)
debugMsg = "page not found (%d)" % code
singleTimeLogMessage(debugMsg, logging.DEBUG)
elif ex.code == _http_client.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT:
if ignoreTimeout:
return None if not conf.ignoreTimeouts else "", None, None
warnMsg = "unable to connect to the target URL (%d - %s)" % (ex.code, _http_client.responses[ex.code])
if threadData.retriesCount < conf.retries and not kb.threadException:
warnMsg += ". sqlmap is going to retry the request"
return Connect._retryProxy(**kwargs)
elif kb.testMode:
return None, None, None
raise SqlmapConnectionException(warnMsg)
debugMsg = "got HTTP error code: %d (%s)" % (code, status)
except (_urllib.error.URLError, socket.error, socket.timeout, _http_client.HTTPException, struct.error, binascii.Error, ProxyError, SqlmapCompressionException, WebSocketException, TypeError, ValueError, OverflowError):
tbMsg = traceback.format_exc()
if conf.debug:
if checking:
return None, None, None
elif "no host given" in tbMsg:
warnMsg = "invalid URL address used (%s)" % repr(url)
raise SqlmapSyntaxException(warnMsg)
elif "forcibly closed" in tbMsg or "Connection is already closed" in tbMsg:
warnMsg = "connection was forcibly closed by the target URL"
elif "timed out" in tbMsg:
if kb.testMode and kb.testType not in (None, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.TIME, PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED):
singleTimeWarnMessage("there is a possibility that the target (or WAF/IPS) is dropping 'suspicious' requests")
kb.droppingRequests = True
warnMsg = "connection timed out to the target URL"
elif "Connection reset" in tbMsg:
if not conf.disablePrecon:
singleTimeWarnMessage("turning off pre-connect mechanism because of connection reset(s)")
conf.disablePrecon = True
if kb.testMode:
singleTimeWarnMessage("there is a possibility that the target (or WAF/IPS) is resetting 'suspicious' requests")
kb.droppingRequests = True
warnMsg = "connection reset to the target URL"
elif "URLError" in tbMsg or "error" in tbMsg:
warnMsg = "unable to connect to the target URL"
match = re.search(r"Errno \d+\] ([^>\n]+)", tbMsg)
if match:
warnMsg += " ('%s')" % match.group(1).strip()
elif "NTLM" in tbMsg:
warnMsg = "there has been a problem with NTLM authentication"
elif "Invalid header name" in tbMsg: # (e.g. PostgreSQL ::Text payload)
return None, None, None
elif "BadStatusLine" in tbMsg:
warnMsg = "connection dropped or unknown HTTP "
warnMsg += "status code received"
if not conf.agent and not conf.randomAgent:
warnMsg += ". Try to force the HTTP User-Agent "
warnMsg += "header with option '--user-agent' or switch '--random-agent'"
elif "IncompleteRead" in tbMsg:
warnMsg = "there was an incomplete read error while retrieving data "
warnMsg += "from the target URL"
elif "Handshake status" in tbMsg:
status = re.search(r"Handshake status ([\d]{3})", tbMsg)
errMsg = "websocket handshake status %s" % status.group(1) if status else "unknown"
raise SqlmapConnectionException(errMsg)
elif "SqlmapCompressionException" in tbMsg:
warnMsg = "problems with response (de)compression"
retrying = True
warnMsg = "unable to connect to the target URL"
if "BadStatusLine" not in tbMsg and any((conf.proxy, conf.tor)):
warnMsg += " or proxy"
if silent:
return None, None, None
with kb.locks.connError:
kb.connErrorCounter += 1
if kb.connErrorCounter >= MAX_CONSECUTIVE_CONNECTION_ERRORS and kb.connErrorChoice is None:
message = "there seems to be a continuous problem with connection to the target. "
message += "Are you sure that you want to continue? [y/N] "
kb.connErrorChoice = readInput(message, default='N', boolean=True)
if kb.connErrorChoice is False:
raise SqlmapUserQuitException
if "forcibly closed" in tbMsg:
return None, None, None
elif ignoreTimeout and any(_ in tbMsg for _ in ("timed out", "IncompleteRead", "Interrupted system call")):
return None if not conf.ignoreTimeouts else "", None, None
elif threadData.retriesCount < conf.retries and not kb.threadException:
warnMsg += ". sqlmap is going to retry the request"
if not retrying:
warnMsg += "(s)"
return Connect._retryProxy(**kwargs)
elif kb.testMode or isMultiThreadMode():
return None, None, None
raise SqlmapConnectionException(warnMsg)
if isinstance(page, six.binary_type):
if HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE in (responseHeaders or {}) and not re.search(TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE_REGEX, responseHeaders[HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE]):
page = six.text_type(page, errors="ignore")
page = getUnicode(page)
for function in kb.preprocessFunctions:
page, responseHeaders, code = function(page, responseHeaders, code)
except Exception as ex:
errMsg = "error occurred while running preprocess "
errMsg += "function '%s' ('%s')" % (function.__name__, getSafeExString(ex))
raise SqlmapGenericException(errMsg)
threadData.lastPage = page
threadData.lastCode = code
processResponse(page, responseHeaders, code, status)
if not skipLogTraffic:
if conn and getattr(conn, "redurl", None):
_ = _urllib.parse.urlsplit(conn.redurl)
_ = ("%s%s" % (_.path or "/", ("?%s" % _.query) if _.query else ""))
requestMsg = re.sub(r"(\n[A-Z]+ ).+?( HTTP/\d)", r"\g<1>%s\g<2>" % getUnicode(_).replace("\\", "\\\\"), requestMsg, 1)
if kb.resendPostOnRedirect is False:
requestMsg = re.sub(r"(\[#\d+\]:\n)POST ", r"\g<1>GET ", requestMsg)
requestMsg = re.sub(r"(?i)Content-length: \d+\n", "", requestMsg)
requestMsg = re.sub(r"(?s)\n\n.+", "\n", requestMsg)
responseMsg += "[#%d] (%s %s):\r\n" % (threadData.lastRequestUID, conn.code, status)
elif "\n" not in responseMsg:
responseMsg += "[#%d] (%s %s):\r\n" % (threadData.lastRequestUID, code, status)
if responseHeaders:
logHeaders = getUnicode("".join(responseHeaders.headers).strip())
logHTTPTraffic(requestMsg, "%s%s\r\n\r\n%s" % (responseMsg, logHeaders, (page or "")[:MAX_CONNECTION_READ_SIZE]), start, time.time())
if conf.verbose <= 5:
responseMsg += getUnicode(logHeaders)
elif conf.verbose > 5:
responseMsg += "%s\r\n\r\n%s" % (logHeaders, (page or "")[:MAX_CONNECTION_READ_SIZE])
if not multipart:
logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.TRAFFIC_IN, responseMsg)
return page, responseHeaders, code
def queryPage(value=None, place=None, content=False, getRatioValue=False, silent=False, method=None, timeBasedCompare=False, noteResponseTime=True, auxHeaders=None, response=False, raise404=None, removeReflection=True, disableTampering=False, ignoreSecondOrder=False):
This method calls a function to get the target URL page content
and returns its page ratio (0 <= ratio <= 1) or a boolean value
representing False/True match in case of !getRatioValue
if conf.direct:
return direct(value, content)
get = None
post = None
cookie = None
ua = None
referer = None
host = None
page = None
pageLength = None
uri = None
code = None
if not place:
place = kb.injection.place or PLACE.GET
if not auxHeaders:
auxHeaders = {}
raise404 = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404
method = method or conf.method
postUrlEncode = kb.postUrlEncode
value = agent.adjustLateValues(value)
payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
if conf.httpHeaders:
headers = OrderedDict(conf.httpHeaders)
contentType = max(headers[_] if _.upper() == HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE.upper() else "" for _ in headers) or None
if (kb.postHint or conf.skipUrlEncode) and postUrlEncode:
postUrlEncode = False
conf.httpHeaders = [_ for _ in conf.httpHeaders if _[1] != contentType]
conf.httpHeaders.append((HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType))
if payload:
if not disableTampering and kb.tamperFunctions:
for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
hints = {}
payload = function(payload=payload, headers=auxHeaders, delimiter=delimiter, hints=hints)
except Exception as ex:
errMsg = "error occurred while running tamper "
errMsg += "function '%s' ('%s')" % (function.__name__, getSafeExString(ex))
raise SqlmapGenericException(errMsg)
if not isinstance(payload, six.string_types):
errMsg = "tamper function '%s' returns " % function.__name__
errMsg += "invalid payload type ('%s')" % type(payload)
raise SqlmapValueException(errMsg)
value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
if hints:
if HINT.APPEND in hints:
value = "%s%s%s" % (value, delimiter, hints[HINT.APPEND])
if HINT.PREPEND in hints:
if place == PLACE.URI:
match = re.search(r"\w+\s*=\s*%s" % PAYLOAD_DELIMITER, value) or re.search(r"[^?%s/]=\s*%s" % (re.escape(delimiter), PAYLOAD_DELIMITER), value)
if match:
value = value.replace(match.group(0), "%s%s%s" % (hints[HINT.PREPEND], delimiter, match.group(0)))
value = "%s%s%s" % (hints[HINT.PREPEND], delimiter, value)
logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.PAYLOAD, safecharencode(payload.replace('\\', BOUNDARY_BACKSLASH_MARKER)).replace(BOUNDARY_BACKSLASH_MARKER, '\\'))
if place == PLACE.CUSTOM_POST and kb.postHint:
if kb.postHint in (POST_HINT.SOAP, POST_HINT.XML):
# payloads in SOAP/XML should have chars > and < replaced
# with their HTML encoded counterparts
payload = payload.replace('>', ">").replace('<', "<")
elif kb.postHint == POST_HINT.JSON:
payload = escapeJsonValue(payload)
elif kb.postHint == POST_HINT.JSON_LIKE:
payload = payload.replace("'", REPLACEMENT_MARKER).replace('"', "'").replace(REPLACEMENT_MARKER, '"')
payload = escapeJsonValue(payload)
payload = payload.replace("'", REPLACEMENT_MARKER).replace('"', "'").replace(REPLACEMENT_MARKER, '"')
value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
# GET, POST, URI and Cookie payload needs to be thoroughly URL encoded
if (place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.URI, PLACE.COOKIE) or place == PLACE.CUSTOM_HEADER and value.split(',')[0].upper() == HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE.upper()) and not conf.skipUrlEncode or place in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and postUrlEncode:
skip = False
if place == PLACE.COOKIE or place == PLACE.CUSTOM_HEADER and value.split(',')[0].upper() == HTTP_HEADER.COOKIE.upper():
if kb.cookieEncodeChoice is None:
msg = "do you want to URL encode cookie values (implementation specific)? %s" % ("[Y/n]" if not conf.url.endswith(".aspx") else "[y/N]") # Reference: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/313282
kb.cookieEncodeChoice = readInput(msg, default='Y' if not conf.url.endswith(".aspx") else 'N', boolean=True)
if not kb.cookieEncodeChoice:
skip = True
if not skip:
if place in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST): # potential problems in other cases (e.g. URL encoding of whole URI - including path)
value = urlencode(value, spaceplus=kb.postSpaceToPlus)
payload = urlencode(payload, safe='%', spaceplus=kb.postSpaceToPlus)
value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
postUrlEncode = False
if conf.hpp:
if not any(conf.url.lower().endswith(_.lower()) for _ in (WEB_PLATFORM.ASP, WEB_PLATFORM.ASPX)):
warnMsg = "HTTP parameter pollution should work only against "
warnMsg += "ASP(.NET) targets"
if place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST):
_ = re.escape(PAYLOAD_DELIMITER)
match = re.search(r"(?P<name>\w+)=%s(?P<value>.+?)%s" % (_, _), value)
if match:
payload = match.group("value")
for splitter in (urlencode(' '), ' '):
if splitter in payload:
prefix, suffix = ("*/", "/*") if splitter == ' ' else (urlencode(_) for _ in ("*/", "/*"))
parts = payload.split(splitter)
parts[0] = "%s%s" % (parts[0], suffix)
parts[-1] = "%s%s=%s%s" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name"), prefix, parts[-1])
for i in xrange(1, len(parts) - 1):
parts[i] = "%s%s=%s%s%s" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name"), prefix, parts[i], suffix)
payload = "".join(parts)
for splitter in (urlencode(','), ','):
payload = payload.replace(splitter, "%s%s=" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name")))
value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
warnMsg = "HTTP parameter pollution works only with regular "
warnMsg += "GET and POST parameters"
if place:
value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)
if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
get = conf.parameters[PLACE.GET] if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value
elif place == PLACE.GET: # Note: for (e.g.) checkWaf() when there are no GET parameters
get = value
if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
post = conf.parameters[PLACE.POST] if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value
elif place == PLACE.POST:
post = value
if PLACE.CUSTOM_POST in conf.parameters:
post = conf.parameters[PLACE.CUSTOM_POST].replace(kb.customInjectionMark, "") if place != PLACE.CUSTOM_POST or not value else value
post = post.replace(ASTERISK_MARKER, '*') if post else post
if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value
if PLACE.USER_AGENT in conf.parameters:
ua = conf.parameters[PLACE.USER_AGENT] if place != PLACE.USER_AGENT or not value else value
if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
referer = conf.parameters[PLACE.REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value
if PLACE.HOST in conf.parameters:
host = conf.parameters[PLACE.HOST] if place != PLACE.HOST or not value else value
if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
uri = conf.url
if value and place == PLACE.CUSTOM_HEADER:
if value.split(',')[0].capitalize() == PLACE.COOKIE:
cookie = value.split(',', 1)[-1]
auxHeaders[value.split(',')[0]] = value.split(',', 1)[-1]
if conf.csrfToken:
def _adjustParameter(paramString, parameter, newValue):
retVal = paramString
if urlencode(parameter) in paramString:
parameter = urlencode(parameter)
match = re.search(r"%s=[^&]*" % re.escape(parameter), paramString, re.I)
if match:
retVal = re.sub("(?i)%s" % re.escape(match.group(0)), ("%s=%s" % (parameter, newValue)).replace('\\', r'\\'), paramString)
match = re.search(r"(%s[\"']:[\"'])([^\"']+)" % re.escape(parameter), paramString, re.I)
if match:
retVal = re.sub("(?i)%s" % re.escape(match.group(0)), "%s%s" % (match.group(1), newValue), paramString)
return retVal
token = AttribDict()
page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=conf.csrfUrl or conf.url, data=conf.data if conf.csrfUrl == conf.url else None, method=conf.csrfMethod or (conf.method if conf.csrfUrl == conf.url else None), cookie=conf.parameters.get(PLACE.COOKIE), direct=True, silent=True, ua=conf.parameters.get(PLACE.USER_AGENT), referer=conf.parameters.get(PLACE.REFERER), host=conf.parameters.get(PLACE.HOST))
page = urldecode(page) # for anti-CSRF tokens with special characters in their name (e.g. 'foo:bar=...')
match = re.search(r"(?i)<input[^>]+\bname=[\"']?(?P<name>%s)\b[^>]*\bvalue=[\"']?(?P<value>[^>'\"]*)" % conf.csrfToken, page or "", re.I)
if not match:
match = re.search(r"(?i)<input[^>]+\bvalue=[\"']?(?P<value>[^>'\"]*)[\"']?[^>]*\bname=[\"']?(?P<name>%s)\b" % conf.csrfToken, page or "", re.I)
if not match:
match = re.search(r"(?P<name>%s)[\"']:[\"'](?P<value>[^\"']+)" % conf.csrfToken, page or "", re.I)
if not match:
match = re.search(r"\b(?P<name>%s)\s*[:=]\s*(?P<value>\w+)" % conf.csrfToken, str(headers), re.I)
if not match:
match = re.search(r"\b(?P<name>%s)\s*=\s*['\"]?(?P<value>[^;'\"]+)" % conf.csrfToken, page or "", re.I)
if match:
token.name, token.value = match.group("name"), match.group("value")
match = re.search(r"String\.fromCharCode\(([\d+, ]+)\)", token.value)
if match:
token.value = "".join(_unichr(int(_)) for _ in match.group(1).replace(' ', "").split(','))
if not token:
if conf.csrfUrl and conf.csrfToken and conf.csrfUrl != conf.url and code == _http_client.OK:
if headers and "text/plain" in headers.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_TYPE, ""):
token.name = conf.csrfToken
token.value = page
if not token and conf.cj and any(re.search(conf.csrfToken, _.name, re.I) for _ in conf.cj):
for _ in conf.cj:
if re.search(conf.csrfToken, _.name, re.I):
token.name, token.value = _.name, _.value
if not any(re.search(conf.csrfToken, ' '.join(_), re.I) for _ in (conf.paramDict.get(PLACE.GET, {}), conf.paramDict.get(PLACE.POST, {}))):
if post:
post = "%s%s%s=%s" % (post, conf.paramDel or DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, token.name, token.value)
elif get:
get = "%s%s%s=%s" % (get, conf.paramDel or DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, token.name, token.value)
get = "%s=%s" % (token.name, token.value)
if not token:
errMsg = "anti-CSRF token '%s' can't be found at '%s'" % (conf.csrfToken._original, conf.csrfUrl or conf.url)
if not conf.csrfUrl:
errMsg += ". You can try to rerun by providing "
errMsg += "a valid value for option '--csrf-url'"
raise SqlmapTokenException(errMsg)
if token:
token.value = token.value.strip("'\"")
for candidate in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST):
if candidate in conf.parameters:
if candidate == PLACE.GET and get:
get = _adjustParameter(get, token.name, token.value)
elif candidate == PLACE.POST and post:
post = _adjustParameter(post, token.name, token.value)
for i in xrange(len(conf.httpHeaders)):
if conf.httpHeaders[i][0].lower() == token.name.lower():
conf.httpHeaders[i] = (conf.httpHeaders[i][0], token.value)
if conf.rParam:
def _randomizeParameter(paramString, randomParameter):
retVal = paramString
match = re.search(r"(\A|\b)%s=(?P<value>[^&;]*)" % re.escape(randomParameter), paramString)
if match:
origValue = match.group("value")
newValue = randomizeParameterValue(origValue) if randomParameter not in kb.randomPool else random.sample(kb.randomPool[randomParameter], 1)[0]
retVal = re.sub(r"(\A|\b)%s=[^&;]*" % re.escape(randomParameter), "%s=%s" % (randomParameter, newValue), paramString)
return retVal
for randomParameter in conf.rParam:
if item in conf.parameters:
if item == PLACE.GET and get:
get = _randomizeParameter(get, randomParameter)
elif item in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and post:
post = _randomizeParameter(post, randomParameter)
elif item == PLACE.COOKIE and cookie:
cookie = _randomizeParameter(cookie, randomParameter)
elif item == PLACE.URI and uri:
uri = _randomizeParameter(uri, randomParameter)
if conf.evalCode:
delimiter = conf.paramDel or DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER
variables = {"uri": uri, "lastPage": threadData.lastPage, "_locals": locals()}
originals = {}
if not get and PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
query = _urllib.parse.urlsplit(uri).query or ""
query = None
for item in filterNone((get, post if not kb.postHint else None, query)):
for part in item.split(delimiter):
if '=' in part:
name, value = part.split('=', 1)
name = name.strip()
if safeVariableNaming(name) != name:
conf.evalCode = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % re.escape(name), safeVariableNaming(name), conf.evalCode)
name = safeVariableNaming(name)
value = urldecode(value, convall=True, spaceplus=(item == post and kb.postSpaceToPlus))
variables[name] = value
if cookie:
for part in cookie.split(conf.cookieDel or DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER):
if '=' in part:
name, value = part.split('=', 1)
name = name.strip()
if safeVariableNaming(name) != name:
conf.evalCode = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % re.escape(name), safeVariableNaming(name), conf.evalCode)
name = safeVariableNaming(name)
value = urldecode(value, convall=True)
variables[name] = value
while True:
compile(getBytes(conf.evalCode.replace(';', '\n')), "", "exec")
except SyntaxError as ex:
if ex.text:
original = replacement = ex.text.strip()
if '=' in original:
name, value = original.split('=', 1)
name = name.strip()
if safeVariableNaming(name) != name:
replacement = re.sub(r"\b%s\b" % re.escape(name), safeVariableNaming(name), replacement)
for _ in re.findall(r"[A-Za-z_]+", original)[::-1]:
if safeVariableNaming(_) != _:
replacement = replacement.replace(_, safeVariableNaming(_))
if original == replacement:
conf.evalCode = conf.evalCode.replace(EVALCODE_ENCODED_PREFIX, "")
conf.evalCode = conf.evalCode.replace(getUnicode(ex.text.strip(), UNICODE_ENCODING), replacement)
evaluateCode(conf.evalCode, variables)
for variable in list(variables.keys()):
if unsafeVariableNaming(variable) != variable:
value = variables[variable]
del variables[variable]
variables[unsafeVariableNaming(variable)] = value
uri = variables["uri"]
for name, value in variables.items():
if name != "__builtins__" and originals.get(name, "") != value:
if isinstance(value, (int, six.string_types)):
found = False
value = getUnicode(value, UNICODE_ENCODING)
if kb.postHint and re.search(r"\b%s\b" % re.escape(name), post or ""):
if kb.postHint in (POST_HINT.XML, POST_HINT.SOAP):
if re.search(r"<%s\b" % re.escape(name), post):
found = True
post = re.sub(r"(?s)(<%s\b[^>]*>)(.*?)(</%s)" % (re.escape(name), re.escape(name)), r"\g<1>%s\g<3>" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), post)
elif re.search(r"\b%s>" % re.escape(name), post):
found = True
post = re.sub(r"(?s)(\b%s>)(.*?)(</[^<]*\b%s>)" % (re.escape(name), re.escape(name)), r"\g<1>%s\g<3>" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), post)
regex = r"\b(%s)\b([^\w]+)(\w+)" % re.escape(name)
if not found and re.search(regex, (post or "")):
found = True
post = re.sub(regex, r"\g<1>\g<2>%s" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), post)
regex = r"((\A|%s)%s=).+?(%s|\Z)" % (re.escape(delimiter), re.escape(name), re.escape(delimiter))
if not found and re.search(regex, (post or "")):
found = True
post = re.sub(regex, r"\g<1>%s\g<3>" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), post)
if re.search(regex, (get or "")):
found = True
get = re.sub(regex, r"\g<1>%s\g<3>" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), get)
if re.search(regex, (query or "")):
found = True
uri = re.sub(regex.replace(r"\A", r"\?"), r"\g<1>%s\g<3>" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), uri)
regex = r"((\A|%s)%s=).+?(%s|\Z)" % (re.escape(conf.cookieDel or DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER), re.escape(name), re.escape(conf.cookieDel or DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER))
if re.search(regex, (cookie or "")):
found = True
cookie = re.sub(regex, r"\g<1>%s\g<3>" % value.replace('\\', r'\\'), cookie)
if not found:
if post is not None:
post += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)
elif get is not None:
get += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)
elif cookie is not None:
cookie += "%s%s=%s" % (conf.cookieDel or DEFAULT_COOKIE_DELIMITER, name, value)
if not conf.skipUrlEncode:
get = urlencode(get, limit=True)
if post is not None:
if place not in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and hasattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
post = getattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
elif postUrlEncode:
post = urlencode(post, spaceplus=kb.postSpaceToPlus)
if timeBasedCompare and not conf.disableStats:
if len(kb.responseTimes.get(kb.responseTimeMode, [])) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:
kb.responseTimes.setdefault(kb.responseTimeMode, [])
if conf.tor:
warnMsg = "it's highly recommended to avoid usage of switch '--tor' for "
warnMsg += "time-based injections because of inherent high latency time"
warnMsg = "[%s] [WARNING] %stime-based comparison requires " % (time.strftime("%X"), "(case) " if kb.responseTimeMode else "")
warnMsg += "%s statistical model, please wait" % ("larger" if len(kb.responseTimes) == 1 else "reset of")
while len(kb.responseTimes[kb.responseTimeMode]) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:
value = kb.responseTimePayload.replace(RANDOM_INTEGER_MARKER, str(randomInt(6))).replace(RANDOM_STRING_MARKER, randomStr()) if kb.responseTimePayload else kb.responseTimePayload
Connect.queryPage(value=value, content=True, raise404=False)
dataToStdout(" (done)\n")
elif not kb.testMode:
warnMsg = "it is very important to not stress the network connection "
warnMsg += "during usage of time-based payloads to prevent potential "
warnMsg += "disruptions "
if not kb.laggingChecked:
kb.laggingChecked = True
deviation = stdev(kb.responseTimes[kb.responseTimeMode])
if deviation > WARN_TIME_STDEV:
warnMsg = "considerable lagging has been detected "
warnMsg += "in connection response(s). Please use as high "
warnMsg += "value for option '--time-sec' as possible (e.g. "
warnMsg += "10 or more)"
if (conf.safeFreq or 0) > 0:
kb.queryCounter += 1
if kb.queryCounter % conf.safeFreq == 0:
if conf.safeUrl:
Connect.getPage(url=conf.safeUrl, post=conf.safePost, cookie=cookie, direct=True, silent=True, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host)
elif kb.safeReq:
Connect.getPage(url=kb.safeReq.url, post=kb.safeReq.post, method=kb.safeReq.method, auxHeaders=kb.safeReq.headers)
start = time.time()
if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
noteResponseTime = False
kb.pageCompress = False
if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
auxHeaders[HTTP_HEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"
_, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, method=method, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, raise404=raise404, skipRead=(kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.SKIP_READ))
if headers:
pageLength = int(headers[HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH].split(',')[0])
elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and headers.get(HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_RANGE):
pageLength = int(headers[HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_RANGE][headers[HTTP_HEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') + 1:])
except ValueError:
kb.pageCompress = popValue()
if pageLength is None:
page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, method=method, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=raise404, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare)
except MemoryError:
page, headers, code = None, None, None
warnMsg = "site returned insanely large response"
if kb.testMode:
warnMsg += " in testing phase. This is a common "
warnMsg += "behavior in custom WAF/IPS solutions"
if not ignoreSecondOrder:
if conf.secondUrl:
page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=conf.secondUrl, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, silent=silent, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=False, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare, refreshing=True)
elif kb.secondReq and IPS_WAF_CHECK_PAYLOAD not in _urllib.parse.unquote(value or ""):
def _(value):
if kb.customInjectionMark in (value or ""):
if payload is None:
value = value.replace(kb.customInjectionMark, "")
value = re.sub(r"\w*%s" % re.escape(kb.customInjectionMark), payload, value)
return value
page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=_(kb.secondReq[0]), post=_(kb.secondReq[2]), method=kb.secondReq[1], cookie=kb.secondReq[3], silent=silent, auxHeaders=dict(auxHeaders, **dict(kb.secondReq[4])), response=response, raise404=False, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare, refreshing=True)
threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)
kb.originalCode = code if kb.originalCode is None else kb.originalCode
kb.originalPage = page if kb.originalPage is None else kb.originalPage
if kb.testMode:
kb.testQueryCount += 1
if timeBasedCompare:
return wasLastResponseDelayed()
elif noteResponseTime:
kb.responseTimes.setdefault(kb.responseTimeMode, [])
if len(kb.responseTimes[kb.responseTimeMode]) > MAX_TIME_RESPONSES:
kb.responseTimes[kb.responseTimeMode] = kb.responseTimes[kb.responseTimeMode][-MAX_TIME_RESPONSES // 2:]
if not response and removeReflection:
page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)
kb.maxConnectionsFlag = re.search(MAX_CONNECTIONS_REGEX, page or "", re.I) is not None
message = extractRegexResult(PERMISSION_DENIED_REGEX, page or "", re.I)
if message:
kb.permissionFlag = True
singleTimeWarnMessage("potential permission problems detected ('%s')" % message)
if content or response:
return page, headers, code
if getRatioValue:
return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=False, pageLength=pageLength), comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=True, pageLength=pageLength)
return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue, pageLength)
def setHTTPHandlers(): # Cross-referenced function
raise NotImplementedError