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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2011 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
import codecs
import os
import re
import tempfile
import time
from lib.core.common import dataToSessionFile
from lib.core.common import intersect
from lib.core.common import paramToDict
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.convert import urldecode
from lib.core.data import cmdLineOptions
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.data import paths
from lib.core.dump import dumper
from lib.core.enums import HTTPMETHOD
from lib.core.enums import PLACE
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapFilePathException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapGenericException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSyntaxException
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapUserQuitException
from lib.core.option import __setDBMS
from lib.core.option import __setKnowledgeBaseAttributes
from lib.core.session import resumeConfKb
from lib.core.settings import REFERER_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import SOAP_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import UNICODE_ENCODING
from lib.core.settings import URI_INJECTABLE_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR
from lib.core.settings import USER_AGENT_ALIASES
from lib.core.xmldump import dumper as xmldumper
from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request
def __setRequestParams():
Check and set the parameters and perform checks on 'data' option for
HTTP method POST.
if conf.direct:
conf.parameters[None] = "direct connection"
__testableParameters = False
# Perform checks on GET parameters
if conf.parameters.has_key(PLACE.GET) and conf.parameters[PLACE.GET]:
parameters = conf.parameters[PLACE.GET]
__paramDict = paramToDict(PLACE.GET, parameters)
if __paramDict:
conf.paramDict[PLACE.GET] = __paramDict
__testableParameters = True
# Perform checks on POST parameters
if conf.method == HTTPMETHOD.POST and not conf.data:
errMsg = "HTTP POST method depends on HTTP data value to be posted"
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, errMsg
if conf.data:
conf.data = conf.data.replace("\n", " ")
# Check if POST data is in xml syntax
if re.match(SOAP_REGEX, conf.data, re.I | re.M):
place = PLACE.SOAP
place = PLACE.POST
conf.parameters[place] = conf.data
__paramDict = paramToDict(place, conf.data)
if __paramDict:
conf.paramDict[place] = __paramDict
__testableParameters = True
conf.method = HTTPMETHOD.POST
if re.search(URI_INJECTABLE_REGEX, conf.url, re.I) and not any(map(lambda place: place in conf.parameters, [PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST])):
warnMsg = "you've provided target url without any GET "
warnMsg += "parameters (e.g. www.site.com/article.php?id=1) "
warnMsg += "and without providing any POST parameters "
warnMsg += "through --data option"
message = "do you want to try URI injections "
message += "in the target url itself? [Y/n/q] "
test = readInput(message, default="Y")
if not test or test[0] in ("y", "Y"):
conf.url = "%s%s" % (conf.url, URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR)
elif test[0] in ("n", "N"):
elif test[0] in ("q", "Q"):
raise sqlmapUserQuitException
conf.parameters[PLACE.URI] = conf.url
conf.paramDict[PLACE.URI] = {}
parts = conf.url.split(URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR)
for i in range(len(parts)-1):
result = str()
for j in range(len(parts)):
result += parts[j]
if i == j:
conf.paramDict[PLACE.URI]["#%d%s" % (i+1, URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR)] = result
conf.url = conf.url.replace(URI_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR, str())
__testableParameters = True
# Perform checks on Cookie parameters
if conf.cookie:
conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] = conf.cookie
__paramDict = paramToDict(PLACE.COOKIE, conf.cookie)
if __paramDict:
conf.paramDict[PLACE.COOKIE] = __paramDict
__testableParameters = True
# Perform checks on User-Agent header value
if conf.httpHeaders:
for httpHeader, headerValue in conf.httpHeaders:
if httpHeader == PLACE.UA:
# No need for url encoding/decoding the user agent
conf.parameters[PLACE.UA] = urldecode(headerValue)
condition = any([not conf.testParameter, intersect(conf.testParameter, USER_AGENT_ALIASES)])
if condition:
conf.paramDict[PLACE.UA] = { PLACE.UA: headerValue }
__testableParameters = True
elif httpHeader == PLACE.REFERER:
# No need for url encoding/decoding the referer
conf.parameters[PLACE.REFERER] = urldecode(headerValue)
condition = any([not conf.testParameter, intersect(conf.testParameter, REFERER_ALIASES)])
if condition:
conf.paramDict[PLACE.REFERER] = { PLACE.REFERER: headerValue }
__testableParameters = True
if not conf.parameters:
errMsg = "you did not provide any GET, POST and Cookie "
errMsg += "parameter, neither an User-Agent or Referer header"
raise sqlmapGenericException, errMsg
elif not __testableParameters:
errMsg = "all testable parameters you provided are not present "
errMsg += "within the GET, POST and Cookie parameters"
raise sqlmapGenericException, errMsg
def __setOutputResume():
Check and set the output text file and the resume functionality.
if not conf.sessionFile:
conf.sessionFile = "%s%ssession" % (conf.outputPath, os.sep)
logger.info("using '%s' as session file" % conf.sessionFile)
if os.path.exists(conf.sessionFile):
if not conf.flushSession:
readSessionFP = codecs.open(conf.sessionFile, "r", UNICODE_ENCODING, 'replace')
__url_cache = set()
__expression_cache = {}
for line in readSessionFP.readlines(): # xreadlines doesn't return unicode strings when codec.open() is used
if line.count("][") == 4:
line = line.split("][")
if len(line) != 5:
url, _, _, expression, value = line
if not value:
if url[0] == "[":
url = url[1:]
value = value.rstrip('\r\n') # Strips both chars independently
if url not in ( conf.url, conf.hostname ):
if url not in __url_cache:
kb.resumedQueries[url] = {}
kb.resumedQueries[url][expression] = value
__expression_cache[url] = set(expression)
resumeConfKb(expression, url, value)
if expression not in __expression_cache[url]:
kb.resumedQueries[url][expression] = value
elif len(value) >= len(kb.resumedQueries[url][expression]):
kb.resumedQueries[url][expression] = value
if kb.injection.place is not None and kb.injection.parameter is not None:
logger.info("flushing session file")
except OSError, msg:
errMsg = "unable to flush the session file (%s)" % msg
raise sqlmapFilePathException, errMsg
conf.sessionFP = codecs.open(conf.sessionFile, "a", UNICODE_ENCODING)
dataToSessionFile("\n[%s]\n" % time.strftime("%X %x"))
except IOError:
errMsg = "unable to write on the session file specified"
raise sqlmapFilePathException, errMsg
def __createFilesDir():
Create the file directory.
if not conf.rFile:
conf.filePath = paths.SQLMAP_FILES_PATH % conf.hostname
if not os.path.isdir(conf.filePath):
os.makedirs(conf.filePath, 0755)
def __createDumpDir():
Create the dump directory.
if not conf.dumpTable and not conf.dumpAll and not conf.search:
conf.dumpPath = paths.SQLMAP_DUMP_PATH % conf.hostname
if not os.path.isdir(conf.dumpPath):
os.makedirs(conf.dumpPath, 0755)
def __configureDumper():
if hasattr(conf, 'xmlFile') and conf.xmlFile:
conf.dumper = xmldumper
conf.dumper = dumper
def __createTargetDirs():
Create the output directory.
if not os.path.isdir(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH):
os.makedirs(paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, 0755)
except OSError, msg:
tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='output')
warnMsg = "unable to create default root output directory "
warnMsg += "'%s' (%s). " % (paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, msg)
warnMsg += "using temporary directory '%s' instead" % tempDir
paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH = tempDir
conf.outputPath = "%s%s%s" % (paths.SQLMAP_OUTPUT_PATH, os.sep, conf.hostname)
if not os.path.isdir(conf.outputPath):
os.makedirs(conf.outputPath, 0755)
except OSError, msg:
tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='output')
warnMsg = "unable to create output directory "
warnMsg += "'%s' (%s). " % (conf.outputPath, msg)
warnMsg += "using temporary directory '%s' instead" % tempDir
conf.outputPath = tempDir
def __restoreCmdLineOptions():
Restore command line options that could be possibly
changed during the testing of previous target.
conf.regexp = cmdLineOptions.regexp
conf.string = cmdLineOptions.string
conf.textOnly = cmdLineOptions.textOnly
def initTargetEnv():
Initialize target environment.
if conf.multipleTargets:
if conf.sessionFP:
if conf.cj:
conf.paramDict = {}
conf.parameters = {}
conf.sessionFile = None
def setupTargetEnv():