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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2006-2017 sqlmap developers (http://sqlmap.org/)
See the file 'doc/COPYING' for copying permission
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.common import safeSQLIdentificatorNaming
from lib.core.common import unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.data import paths
from lib.core.data import queries
from lib.core.enums import DBMS
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapNoneDataException
from lib.core.exception import SqlmapUserQuitException
from lib.core.settings import CURRENT_DB
from lib.utils.brute import columnExists
from lib.utils.pivotdumptable import pivotDumpTable
from plugins.generic.enumeration import Enumeration as GenericEnumeration
class Enumeration(GenericEnumeration):
def __init__(self):
kb.data.processChar = lambda x: x.replace('_', ' ') if x else x
def getPasswordHashes(self):
warnMsg = "on SAP MaxDB it is not possible to enumerate the user password hashes"
return {}
def getDbs(self):
if len(kb.data.cachedDbs) > 0:
return kb.data.cachedDbs
infoMsg = "fetching database names"
rootQuery = queries[DBMS.MAXDB].dbs
randStr = randomStr()
query = rootQuery.inband.query
retVal = pivotDumpTable("(%s) AS %s" % (query, randStr), ['%s.schemaname' % randStr], blind=True)
if retVal:
kb.data.cachedDbs = retVal[0].values()[0]
if kb.data.cachedDbs:
return kb.data.cachedDbs
def getTables(self, bruteForce=None):
if len(kb.data.cachedTables) > 0:
return kb.data.cachedTables
if conf.db == CURRENT_DB:
conf.db = self.getCurrentDb()
if conf.db:
dbs = conf.db.split(',')
dbs = self.getDbs()
for db in filter(None, dbs):
dbs[dbs.index(db)] = safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(db)
infoMsg = "fetching tables for database"
infoMsg += "%s: %s" % ("s" if len(dbs) > 1 else "", ", ".join(db if isinstance(db, basestring) else db[0] for db in sorted(dbs)))
rootQuery = queries[DBMS.MAXDB].tables
for db in dbs:
randStr = randomStr()
query = rootQuery.inband.query % (("'%s'" % db) if db != "USER" else 'USER')
retVal = pivotDumpTable("(%s) AS %s" % (query, randStr), ['%s.tablename' % randStr], blind=True)
if retVal:
for table in retVal[0].values()[0]:
if db not in kb.data.cachedTables:
kb.data.cachedTables[db] = [table]
for db, tables in kb.data.cachedTables.items():
kb.data.cachedTables[db] = sorted(tables) if tables else tables
return kb.data.cachedTables
def getColumns(self, onlyColNames=False, colTuple=None, bruteForce=None, dumpMode=False):
if conf.db is None or conf.db == CURRENT_DB:
if conf.db is None:
warnMsg = "missing database parameter. sqlmap is going "
warnMsg += "to use the current database to enumerate "
warnMsg += "table(s) columns"
conf.db = self.getCurrentDb()
elif conf.db is not None:
if ',' in conf.db:
errMsg = "only one database name is allowed when enumerating "
errMsg += "the tables' columns"
raise SqlmapMissingMandatoryOptionException(errMsg)
conf.db = safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)
if conf.col:
colList = conf.col.split(',')
colList = []
if conf.excludeCol:
colList = [_ for _ in colList if _ not in conf.excludeCol.split(',')]
for col in colList:
colList[colList.index(col)] = safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(col)
if conf.tbl:
tblList = conf.tbl.split(',')
if len(kb.data.cachedTables) > 0:
tblList = kb.data.cachedTables.values()
if isinstance(tblList[0], (set, tuple, list)):
tblList = tblList[0]
errMsg = "unable to retrieve the tables "
errMsg += "on database '%s'" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)
raise SqlmapNoneDataException(errMsg)
for tbl in tblList:
tblList[tblList.index(tbl)] = safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(tbl, True)
if bruteForce:
resumeAvailable = False
for tbl in tblList:
for db, table, colName, colType in kb.brute.columns:
if db == conf.db and table == tbl:
resumeAvailable = True
if resumeAvailable and not conf.freshQueries or colList:
columns = {}
for column in colList:
columns[column] = None
for tbl in tblList:
for db, table, colName, colType in kb.brute.columns:
if db == conf.db and table == tbl:
columns[colName] = colType
if conf.db in kb.data.cachedColumns:
kb.data.cachedColumns[safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)][safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(tbl, True)] = columns
kb.data.cachedColumns[safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)] = {safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(tbl, True): columns}
return kb.data.cachedColumns
message = "do you want to use common column existence check? [y/N/q] "
choice = readInput(message, default='Y' if 'Y' in message else 'N').upper()
if choice == 'N':
elif choice == 'Q':
raise SqlmapUserQuitException
return columnExists(paths.COMMON_COLUMNS)
rootQuery = queries[DBMS.MAXDB].columns
for tbl in tblList:
if conf.db is not None and len(kb.data.cachedColumns) > 0 \
and conf.db in kb.data.cachedColumns and tbl in \
infoMsg = "fetched tables' columns on "
infoMsg += "database '%s'" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)
return {conf.db: kb.data.cachedColumns[conf.db]}
if dumpMode and colList:
table = {}
table[safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(tbl)] = dict((_, None) for _ in colList)
kb.data.cachedColumns[safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)] = table
infoMsg = "fetching columns "
infoMsg += "for table '%s' " % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(tbl)
infoMsg += "on database '%s'" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)
randStr = randomStr()
query = rootQuery.inband.query % (unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(tbl), ("'%s'" % unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db)) if unsafeSQLIdentificatorNaming(conf.db) != "USER" else 'USER')
retVal = pivotDumpTable("(%s) AS %s" % (query, randStr), ['%s.columnname' % randStr, '%s.datatype' % randStr, '%s.len' % randStr], blind=True)
if retVal:
table = {}
columns = {}
for columnname, datatype, length in zip(retVal[0]["%s.columnname" % randStr], retVal[0]["%s.datatype" % randStr], retVal[0]["%s.len" % randStr]):
columns[safeSQLIdentificatorNaming(columnname)] = "%s(%s)" % (datatype, length)
table[tbl] = columns
kb.data.cachedColumns[conf.db] = table
return kb.data.cachedColumns
def getPrivileges(self, *args):
warnMsg = "on SAP MaxDB it is not possible to enumerate the user privileges"
return {}
def search(self):
warnMsg = "on SAP MaxDB search option is not available"
def getHostname(self):
warnMsg = "on SAP MaxDB it is not possible to enumerate the hostname"