added hotels, restaurants

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Karpov 2023-05-21 10:08:30 +03:00
parent 33f08b8191
commit e01b57a112
8 changed files with 331 additions and 5 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

parsers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
import json
from pprint import pprint
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
from import City, Region
with open("data/hotels.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
result = []
for r in data:
d = {}
al = True
info = r["dictionary_data"]
d["oid"] = r["_id"]["$oid"]
d["title"] = info["title"]
d["address"] = info["address"]
if "stars" in info and info["stars"]:
d["stars"] = int(info["stars"])
if "city" in info:
d["city"] = City.objects.get(oid=info["city"])
except City.DoesNotExist:
if "region" in info:
d["region"] = Region.objects.get(oid=info["region"])
except Region.DoesNotExist:
if "geo_data" in info and info["geo_data"]["coordinates"]:
d["location"] = Point(
info["geo_data"]["coordinates"][0], info["geo_data"]["coordinates"][1]
al = False
if "rooms" in info:
d["rooms"] = info["rooms"]
phones = []
if "phones" in info:
for phone in info["phones"]:
{"hotel": d["oid"], "name": phone["name"], "number": phone["number"]}
if phones:
d["phones"] = phones
media = []
if "images" in info:
for m in info["images"]:
media.append({"file": m["source"]["id"], "type": "image"})
if media:
d["media"] = media
if al:
def get_hotel():
return result

parsers/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import json
from pprint import pprint
from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point
from import City, Region
with open("data/restaurants.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
result = []
for r in data:
d = {}
al = True
info = r["dictionary_data"]
d["oid"] = r["_id"]["$oid"]
d["title"] = info["title"]
if "description" in info:
d["description"] = info["description"]
d["description"] = ""
d["address"] = info["address"]
if "bill" in info:
d["bill"] = int(info["bill"])
if "parser_source" in info:
d["parser_source"] = info["parser_source"]
if "avg_time_visit" in info:
d["avg_time_visit"] = int(info["avg_time_visit"])
if "can_reserve" in info:
d["can_reserve"] = bool(info["can_reserve"])
if "working_time" in info:
d["working_time"] = info["working_time"]
if "phones" in info and info["phones"]:
d["phones"] = info["phones"]
if "city" in info:
d["city"] = City.objects.get(oid=info["city"])
except City.DoesNotExist:
if "region" in info:
d["region"] = Region.objects.get(oid=info["region"])
except Region.DoesNotExist:
if "geo_data" in info and info["geo_data"]["coordinates"]:
d["location"] = Point(
info["geo_data"]["coordinates"][0], info["geo_data"]["coordinates"][1]
al = False
media = []
if "images" in info:
for m in info["images"]:
media.append({"file": m["source"]["id"], "type": "image"})
if media and 1 == 2:
d["media"] = media
if al:
def get_restaurant():
return result

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.1 on 2023-05-21 06:58
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("events", "0011_remove_event_purchase_method_and_more"),
operations = [
field=models.CharField(default="", max_length=250),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.1 on 2023-05-21 07:05
import django.contrib.postgres.fields
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
("events", "0012_restaurant_address"),
operations = [
base_field=models.CharField(max_length=18), null=True, size=None

View File

@ -155,8 +155,9 @@ class ExcursionRoute(models.Model):
class Restaurant(BasePoint):
bill = models.IntegerField()
avg_time_visit = models.IntegerField()
can_reserve = models.BooleanField()
address = models.CharField(max_length=250)
bill = models.IntegerField(null=True)
can_reserve = models.BooleanField(default=True)
avg_time_visit = models.IntegerField(null=True)
working_time = models.JSONField(null=True)
phone = models.CharField(max_length=18)
phones = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=18), null=True)

requirements.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
amqp==5.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
anyio==3.6.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
appnope==0.1.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0" and sys_platform == "darwin"
argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
argon2-cffi==21.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
asgiref==3.6.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
astroid==2.15.5 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
asttokens==2.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
async-timeout==4.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_full_version <= "3.11.2"
attrs==23.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
backcall==0.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
billiard== ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
black==22.12.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
celery==5.2.7 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
celery[redis]==5.2.7 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
certifi==2023.5.7 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
cffi==1.15.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
cfgv==3.3.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
charset-normalizer==3.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
click-didyoumean==0.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
click-plugins==1.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
click-repl==0.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
click==8.1.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
colorama==0.4.6 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0" and sys_platform == "win32" or python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0" and platform_system == "Windows"
coverage==7.2.5 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
cron-descriptor==1.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
decorator==5.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
dill==0.3.6 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
distlib==0.3.6 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-celery-beat==2.5.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-cors-headers==3.14.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-coverage-plugin==3.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-debug-toolbar==3.8.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-environ==0.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4"
django-extensions==3.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-ipware==5.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-location-field==2.7.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-model-utils==4.3.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-polymorphic==3.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-redis==5.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-structlog==4.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-stubs-ext==4.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-stubs==1.16.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django-timezone-field==5.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
django==4.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
djangorestframework-stubs==1.10.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
djangorestframework==3.14.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
drf-spectacular==0.25.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
executing==1.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
factory-boy==3.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
faker==18.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
filelock==3.12.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
flake8-isort==6.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
flake8==6.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
flower==1.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
humanize==4.6.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
identify==2.5.24 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
idna==3.4 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
inflection==0.5.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
iniconfig==2.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
ipdb==0.13.13 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
ipython==8.13.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
isort==5.12.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
jedi==0.18.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
jsonschema==4.17.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
kombu==5.2.4 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
lazy-object-proxy==1.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
markupsafe==2.1.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
matplotlib-inline==0.1.6 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
mccabe==0.7.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
mypy-extensions==1.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
mypy==0.991 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
nodeenv==1.8.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
packaging==23.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
parso==0.8.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pathspec==0.11.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pexpect==4.8.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0" and sys_platform != "win32"
pickleshare==0.7.5 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pillow==9.5.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
platformdirs==3.5.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pluggy==1.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pre-commit==2.21.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
prometheus-client==0.16.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
prompt-toolkit==3.0.38 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
psutil==5.9.5 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
psycopg2==2.9.6 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
ptyprocess==0.7.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0" and sys_platform != "win32"
pure-eval==0.2.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pycodestyle==2.10.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pycparser==2.21 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pyflakes==3.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pygments==2.15.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pylint-celery==0.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pylint-django==2.5.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pylint-plugin-utils==0.8.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pylint==2.17.4 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pyrsistent==0.19.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pytest-django==4.5.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pytest-sugar==0.9.7 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pytest==7.3.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
python-crontab==2.7.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
python-dateutil==2.8.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
python-slugify==7.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pytz==2022.7.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
pyyaml==6.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
redis==4.5.5 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
requests==2.30.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
sentry-sdk==1.23.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
setuptools==67.7.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
six==1.16.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
sniffio==1.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
sqlparse==0.4.4 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
stack-data==0.6.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
structlog==23.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
termcolor==2.3.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
text-unidecode==1.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
tomli==2.0.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
tomlkit==0.11.8 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
tornado==6.3.2 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
traitlets==5.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
types-pytz==2023.3.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
types-pyyaml== ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
types-requests== ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
types-urllib3== ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
typing-extensions==4.5.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
tzdata==2023.3 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
uritemplate==4.1.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
urllib3==1.26.15 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
vine==5.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
virtualenv==20.23.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
watchdog==3.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
watchfiles==0.18.1 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
wcwidth==0.2.6 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
werkzeug[watchdog]==2.3.4 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
whitenoise==6.4.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"
wrapt==1.15.0 ; python_version >= "3.11" and python_version < "4.0"