
starsTransaction#ee7522d5 flags:# refund:flags.3?true pending:flags.4?true failed:flags.6?true gift:flags.10?true reaction:flags.11?true id:string stars:long date:date peer:StarsTransactionPeer title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo:flags.2?WebDocument transaction_date:flags.5?date transaction_url:flags.5?string bot_payload:flags.7?bytes msg_id:flags.8?int extended_media:flags.9?Vector<MessageMedia> subscription_period:flags.12?int giveaway_post_id:flags.13?int = StarsTransaction

Belongs to


This type can only be an instance of:



refundflagThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
pendingflagThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
failedflagThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
giftflagThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
reactionflagThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
titlestringThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
descriptionstringThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
photoWebDocumentThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
transaction_datedateThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
transaction_urlstringThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
bot_payloadbytesThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
msg_idintThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
extended_mediaMessageMediaThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted. Otherwise, a list must be supplied.
subscription_periodintThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.
giveaway_post_idintThis argument defaults to None and can be omitted.