2020-02-25 15:52:22 +01:00

22 KiB

2ABOUT_TOO_LONG400The provided bio is too long
3ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED400Bot token expired
4ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID400The provided token is not valid
5ACTIVE_USER_REQUIRED401The method is only available to already activated users
6ADMINS_TOO_MUCH400Too many admins
7ADMIN_RANK_EMOJI_NOT_ALLOWED400Emoji are not allowed in admin titles or ranks
8ADMIN_RANK_INVALID400The given admin title or rank was invalid (possibly larger than 16 characters)
9API_ID_INVALID400The api_id/api_hash combination is invalid
10API_ID_PUBLISHED_FLOOD400This API id was published somewhere, you can't use it now
11ARTICLE_TITLE_EMPTY400The title of the article is empty
12AUTH_BYTES_INVALID400The provided authorization is invalid
13AUTH_KEY_DUPLICATED406The authorization key (session file) was used under two different IP addresses simultaneously, and can no longer be used. Use the same session exclusively, or use different sessions
14AUTH_KEY_INVALID401The key is invalid
15AUTH_KEY_PERM_EMPTY401The method is unavailable for temporary authorization key, not bound to permanent
16AUTH_KEY_UNREGISTERED401The key is not registered in the system
17AUTH_RESTART500Restart the authorization process
18BANNED_RIGHTS_INVALID400You cannot use that set of permissions in this request, i.e. restricting view_messages as a default
19BOTS_TOO_MUCH400There are too many bots in this chat/channel
20BOT_CHANNELS_NA400Bots can't edit admin privileges
21BOT_GROUPS_BLOCKED400This bot can't be added to groups
22BOT_INLINE_DISABLED400This bot can't be used in inline mode
23BOT_INVALID400This is not a valid bot
24BOT_METHOD_INVALID400The API access for bot users is restricted. The method you tried to invoke cannot be executed as a bot
25BOT_MISSING400This method can only be run by a bot
26BOT_PAYMENTS_DISABLED400This method can only be run by a bot
27BOT_POLLS_DISABLED400You cannot create polls under a bot account
28BROADCAST_ID_INVALID400The channel is invalid
29BROADCAST_PUBLIC_VOTERS_FORBIDDEN400You cannot broadcast polls where the voters are public
30BUTTON_DATA_INVALID400The provided button data is invalid
31BUTTON_TYPE_INVALID400The type of one of the buttons you provided is invalid
32BUTTON_URL_INVALID400Button URL invalid
33CALL_ALREADY_ACCEPTED400The call was already accepted
34CALL_ALREADY_DECLINED400The call was already declined
35CALL_OCCUPY_FAILED500The call failed because the user is already making another call
36CALL_PEER_INVALID400The provided call peer object is invalid
37CALL_PROTOCOL_FLAGS_INVALID400Call protocol flags invalid
38CDN_METHOD_INVALID400This method cannot be invoked on a CDN server. Refer to for available methods
39CHANNELS_ADMIN_PUBLIC_TOO_MUCH400You're admin of too many public channels, make some channels private to change the username of this channel
40CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH400You have joined too many channels/supergroups
41CHANNEL_INVALID400Invalid channel object. Make sure to pass the right types, for instance making sure that the request is designed for channels or otherwise look for a different one more suited
42CHANNEL_PRIVATE400The channel specified is private and you lack permission to access it. Another reason may be that you were banned from it
43CHANNEL_PUBLIC_GROUP_NA403channel/supergroup not available
44CHAT_ABOUT_NOT_MODIFIED400About text has not changed
45CHAT_ABOUT_TOO_LONG400Chat about too long
46CHAT_ADMIN_INVITE_REQUIRED403You do not have the rights to do this
47CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED400 403Chat admin privileges are required to do that in the specified chat (for example, to send a message in a channel which is not yours), or invalid permissions used for the channel or group
48CHAT_FORBIDDENYou cannot write in this chat
49CHAT_ID_EMPTY400The provided chat ID is empty
50CHAT_ID_INVALID400Invalid object ID for a chat. Make sure to pass the right types, for instance making sure that the request is designed for chats (not channels/megagroups) or otherwise look for a different one more suited\nAn example working with a megagroup and AddChatUserRequest, it will fail because megagroups are channels. Use InviteToChannelRequest instead
51CHAT_INVALID400The chat is invalid for this request
52CHAT_LINK_EXISTS400The chat is linked to a channel and cannot be used in that request
53CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED400The chat or channel wasn't modified (title, invites, username, admins, etc. are the same)
54CHAT_RESTRICTED400The chat is restricted and cannot be used in that request
55CHAT_SEND_GIFS_FORBIDDEN403You can't send gifs in this chat
56CHAT_SEND_INLINE_FORBIDDEN400You cannot send inline results in this chat
57CHAT_SEND_MEDIA_FORBIDDEN403You can't send media in this chat
58CHAT_SEND_STICKERS_FORBIDDEN403You can't send stickers in this chat
59CHAT_TITLE_EMPTY400No chat title provided
60CHAT_WRITE_FORBIDDEN403You can't write in this chat
61CODE_EMPTY400The provided code is empty
62CODE_HASH_INVALID400Code hash invalid
63CODE_INVALID400Code invalid (i.e. from email)
64CONNECTION_API_ID_INVALID400The provided API id is invalid
66CONNECTION_LANG_PACK_INVALID400The specified language pack is not valid. This is meant to be used by official applications only so far, leave it empty
67CONNECTION_LAYER_INVALID400The very first request must always be InvokeWithLayerRequest
68CONNECTION_NOT_INITED400Connection not initialized
69CONNECTION_SYSTEM_EMPTY400Connection system empty
70CONTACT_ID_INVALID400The provided contact ID is invalid
71CONTACT_NAME_EMPTY400The provided contact name cannot be empty
72DATA_INVALID400Encrypted data invalid
73DATA_JSON_INVALID400The provided JSON data is invalid
74DATE_EMPTY400Date empty
75DC_ID_INVALID400This occurs when an authorization is tried to be exported for the same data center one is currently connected to
76DH_G_A_INVALID400g_a invalid
77EMAIL_HASH_EXPIRED400The email hash expired and cannot be used to verify it
78EMAIL_INVALID400The given email is invalid
79EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X400Email unconfirmed, the length of the code must be {code_length}
80EMOTICON_EMPTY400The emoticon field cannot be empty
81ENCRYPTED_MESSAGE_INVALID400Encrypted message invalid
82ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_ACCEPTED400Secret chat already accepted
83ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_DECLINED400The secret chat was already declined
84ENCRYPTION_DECLINED400The secret chat was declined
85ENCRYPTION_ID_INVALID400The provided secret chat ID is invalid
86ENCRYPTION_OCCUPY_FAILED500TDLib developer claimed it is not an error while accepting secret chats and 500 is used instead of 420
87ENTITIES_TOO_LONG400It is no longer possible to send such long data inside entity tags (for example inline text URLs)
88ENTITY_MENTION_USER_INVALID400You can't use this entity
89ERROR_TEXT_EMPTY400The provided error message is empty
90EXPORT_CARD_INVALID400Provided card is invalid
91EXTERNAL_URL_INVALID400External URL invalid
92FIELD_NAME_EMPTYThe field with the name FIELD_NAME is missing
93FIELD_NAME_INVALIDThe field with the name FIELD_NAME is invalid
94FILE_ID_INVALID400The provided file id is invalid
95FILE_MIGRATE_X303The file to be accessed is currently stored in DC {new_dc}
96FILE_PARTS_INVALID400The number of file parts is invalid
97FILE_PART_0_MISSINGFile part 0 missing
98FILE_PART_EMPTY400The provided file part is empty
99FILE_PART_INVALID400The file part number is invalid
100FILE_PART_LENGTH_INVALID400The length of a file part is invalid
101FILE_PART_SIZE_CHANGED400The file part size (chunk size) cannot change during upload
102FILE_PART_SIZE_INVALID400The provided file part size is invalid
103FILE_PART_X_MISSING400Part {which} of the file is missing from storage
104FILEREF_UPGRADE_NEEDED406The file reference needs to be refreshed before being used again
105FIRSTNAME_INVALID400The first name is invalid
106FLOOD_TEST_PHONE_WAIT_X420A wait of {seconds} seconds is required in the test servers
107FLOOD_WAIT_X420A wait of {seconds} seconds is required
108FOLDER_ID_EMPTY400The folder you tried to delete was already empty
109FOLDER_ID_INVALID400The folder you tried to use was not valid
110FRESH_CHANGE_ADMINS_FORBIDDEN400Recently logged-in users cannot add or change admins
111FRESH_RESET_AUTHORISATION_FORBIDDEN406The current session is too new and cannot be used to reset other authorisations yet
112GAME_BOT_INVALID400You cannot send that game with the current bot
113GIF_ID_INVALID400The provided GIF ID is invalid
114GROUPED_MEDIA_INVALID400Invalid grouped media
115HASH_INVALID400The provided hash is invalid
116HISTORY_GET_FAILED500Fetching of history failed
117IMAGE_PROCESS_FAILED400Failure while processing image
118INLINE_BOT_REQUIRED403The action must be performed through an inline bot callback
119INLINE_RESULT_EXPIRED400The inline query expired
120INPUT_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALID400The provided constructor is invalid
121INPUT_FETCH_ERRORAn error occurred while deserializing TL parameters
122INPUT_FETCH_FAIL400Failed deserializing TL payload
123INPUT_LAYER_INVALID400The provided layer is invalid
124INPUT_METHOD_INVALIDThe invoked method does not exist anymore or has never existed
125INPUT_REQUEST_TOO_LONG400The input request was too long. This may be a bug in the library as it can occur when serializing more bytes than it should (like appending the vector constructor code at the end of a message)
126INPUT_USER_DEACTIVATED400The specified user was deleted
127INTERDC_X_CALL_ERRORAn error occurred while communicating with DC {dc}
128INTERDC_X_CALL_RICH_ERRORA rich error occurred while communicating with DC {dc}
129INVITE_HASH_EMPTY400The invite hash is empty
130INVITE_HASH_EXPIRED400The chat the user tried to join has expired and is not valid anymore
131INVITE_HASH_INVALID400The invite hash is invalid
132LANG_PACK_INVALID400The provided language pack is invalid
133LASTNAME_INVALIDThe last name is invalid
134LIMIT_INVALID400An invalid limit was provided. See
135LINK_NOT_MODIFIED400The channel is already linked to this group
136LOCATION_INVALID400The location given for a file was invalid. See
137MAX_ID_INVALID400The provided max ID is invalid
138MAX_QTS_INVALID400The provided QTS were invalid
139MD5_CHECKSUM_INVALIDThe MD5 check-sums do not match
140MEDIA_CAPTION_TOO_LONG400The caption is too long
141MEDIA_EMPTY400The provided media object is invalid or the current account may not be able to send it (such as games as users)
142MEDIA_INVALID400Media invalid
143MEDIA_NEW_INVALID400The new media to edit the message with is invalid (such as stickers or voice notes)
144MEDIA_PREV_INVALID400The old media cannot be edited with anything else (such as stickers or voice notes)
145MEGAGROUP_ID_INVALID400The group is invalid
146MEGAGROUP_PREHISTORY_HIDDEN400You can't set this discussion group because it's history is hidden
147MEMBER_NO_LOCATION500An internal failure occurred while fetching user info (couldn't find location)
148MEMBER_OCCUPY_PRIMARY_LOC_FAILED500Occupation of primary member location failed
149MESSAGE_AUTHOR_REQUIRED403Message author required
150MESSAGE_DELETE_FORBIDDEN403You can't delete one of the messages you tried to delete, most likely because it is a service message.
151MESSAGE_EDIT_TIME_EXPIRED400You can't edit this message anymore, too much time has passed since its creation.
152MESSAGE_EMPTY400Empty or invalid UTF-8 message was sent
153MESSAGE_IDS_EMPTY400No message ids were provided
154MESSAGE_ID_INVALID400The specified message ID is invalid or you can't do that operation on such message
155MESSAGE_NOT_MODIFIED400Content of the message was not modified
156MESSAGE_POLL_CLOSED400The poll was closed and can no longer be voted on
157MESSAGE_TOO_LONG400Message was too long. Current maximum length is 4096 UTF-8 characters
158MSGID_DECREASE_RETRY500The request should be retried with a lower message ID
159MSG_ID_INVALID400The message ID used in the peer was invalid
160MSG_WAIT_FAILED400A waiting call returned an error
162NEED_CHAT_INVALID500The provided chat is invalid
163NEED_MEMBER_INVALID500The provided member is invalid or does not exist (for example a thumb size)
164NETWORK_MIGRATE_X303The source IP address is associated with DC {new_dc}
165NEW_SALT_INVALID400The new salt is invalid
166NEW_SETTINGS_INVALID400The new settings are invalid
167OFFSET_INVALID400The given offset was invalid, it must be divisible by 1KB. See
168OFFSET_PEER_ID_INVALID400The provided offset peer is invalid
169OPTION_INVALID400The option specified is invalid and does not exist in the target poll
170OPTIONS_TOO_MUCH400You defined too many options for the poll
171PACK_SHORT_NAME_INVALID400Invalid sticker pack name. It must begin with a letter, can't contain consecutive underscores and must end in "_by_<bot username>".
172PACK_SHORT_NAME_OCCUPIED400A stickerpack with this name already exists
173PARTICIPANTS_TOO_FEW400Not enough participants
174PARTICIPANT_CALL_FAILED500Failure while making call
175PARTICIPANT_VERSION_OUTDATED400The other participant does not use an up to date telegram client with support for calls
176PASSWORD_EMPTY400The provided password is empty
177PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID400The password (and thus its hash value) you entered is invalid
178PASSWORD_REQUIRED400The account must have 2-factor authentication enabled (a password) before this method can be used
179PAYMENT_PROVIDER_INVALID400The payment provider was not recognised or its token was invalid
180PEER_FLOODToo many requests
181PEER_ID_INVALID400An invalid Peer was used. Make sure to pass the right peer type
182PEER_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED400The provided peer ID is not supported
183PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_EMPTY400Persistent timestamp empty
184PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_INVALID400Persistent timestamp invalid
185PERSISTENT_TIMESTAMP_OUTDATED500Persistent timestamp outdated
186PHONE_CODE_EMPTY400The phone code is missing
187PHONE_CODE_EXPIRED400The confirmation code has expired
188PHONE_CODE_HASH_EMPTYThe phone code hash is missing
189PHONE_CODE_INVALID400The phone code entered was invalid
190PHONE_MIGRATE_X303The phone number a user is trying to use for authorization is associated with DC {new_dc}
192PHONE_NUMBER_BANNED400The used phone number has been banned from Telegram and cannot be used anymore. Maybe check
193PHONE_NUMBER_FLOOD400You asked for the code too many times.
194PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID400 406The phone number is invalid
195PHONE_NUMBER_OCCUPIED400The phone number is already in use
196PHONE_NUMBER_UNOCCUPIED400The phone number is not yet being used
197PHONE_PASSWORD_FLOOD406You have tried logging in too many times
198PHONE_PASSWORD_PROTECTED400This phone is password protected
199PHOTO_CONTENT_URL_EMPTY400The content from the URL used as a photo appears to be empty or has caused another HTTP error
200PHOTO_CROP_SIZE_SMALL400Photo is too small
201PHOTO_EXT_INVALID400The extension of the photo is invalid
202PHOTO_INVALID400Photo invalid
203PHOTO_INVALID_DIMENSIONS400The photo dimensions are invalid (hint: `pip install pillow` for `send_file` to resize images)
204PHOTO_SAVE_FILE_INVALID400The photo you tried to send cannot be saved by Telegram. A reason may be that it exceeds 10MB. Try resizing it locally
205PHOTO_THUMB_URL_EMPTY400The URL used as a thumbnail appears to be empty or has caused another HTTP error
206PIN_RESTRICTED400You can't pin messages in private chats with other people
207POLL_ANSWERS_INVALID400The poll did not have enough answers or had too many
208POLL_OPTION_DUPLICATE400A duplicate option was sent in the same poll
209POLL_OPTION_INVALID400A poll option used invalid data (the data may be too long)
210POLL_QUESTION_INVALID400The poll question was either empty or too long
211POLL_UNSUPPORTED400This layer does not support polls in the issued method
212PRIVACY_KEY_INVALID400The privacy key is invalid
214QUERY_ID_EMPTY400The query ID is empty
215QUERY_ID_INVALID400The query ID is invalid
216QUERY_TOO_SHORT400The query string is too short
217QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_EMPTY400A quiz must specify one correct answer
218QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWERS_TOO_MUCH400There can only be one correct answer
219QUIZ_CORRECT_ANSWER_INVALID400The correct answer is not an existing answer
220QUIZ_MULTIPLE_INVALID400A poll cannot be both multiple choice and quiz
221RANDOM_ID_DUPLICATE500You provided a random ID that was already used
222RANDOM_ID_INVALID400A provided random ID is invalid
223RANDOM_LENGTH_INVALID400Random length invalid
224RANGES_INVALID400Invalid range provided
225REACTION_EMPTY400No reaction provided
226REACTION_INVALID400Invalid reaction provided (only emoji are allowed)
227REG_ID_GENERATE_FAILED500Failure while generating registration ID
228REPLY_MARKUP_INVALID400The provided reply markup is invalid
229REPLY_MARKUP_TOO_LONG400The data embedded in the reply markup buttons was too much
230RESULT_ID_DUPLICATE400Duplicated IDs on the sent results. Make sure to use unique IDs.
231RESULT_TYPE_INVALID400Result type invalid
232RESULTS_TOO_MUCH400You sent too many results. See for the current limit.
233RIGHT_FORBIDDEN403Either your admin rights do not allow you to do this or you passed the wrong rights combination (some rights only apply to channels and vice versa)
234RPC_CALL_FAILTelegram is having internal issues, please try again later.
235RPC_MCGET_FAILTelegram is having internal issues, please try again later.
236RSA_DECRYPT_FAILED400Internal RSA decryption failed
237SCHEDULE_BOT_NOT_ALLOWED400Bots are not allowed to schedule messages
238SCHEDULE_DATE_TOO_LATE400The date you tried to schedule is too far in the future (last known limit of 1 year and a few hours)
239SCHEDULE_TOO_MUCH400You cannot schedule more messages in this chat (last known limit of 100 per chat)
240SEARCH_QUERY_EMPTY400The search query is empty
241SECONDS_INVALID400Slow mode only supports certain values (e.g. 0, 10s, 30s, 1m, 5m, 15m and 1h)
242SEND_MESSAGE_MEDIA_INVALID400The message media was invalid or not specified
243SEND_MESSAGE_TYPE_INVALID400The message type is invalid
244SESSION_EXPIRED401The authorization has expired
245SESSION_PASSWORD_NEEDED401Two-steps verification is enabled and a password is required
246SESSION_REVOKED401The authorization has been invalidated, because of the user terminating all sessions
247SHA256_HASH_INVALID400The provided SHA256 hash is invalid
248SHORTNAME_OCCUPY_FAILED400An error occurred when trying to register the short-name used for the sticker pack. Try a different name
249SLOWMODE_WAIT_X420A wait of {seconds} seconds is required before sending another message in this chat
250START_PARAM_EMPTY400The start parameter is empty
251START_PARAM_INVALID400Start parameter invalid
252STICKERSET_INVALID400The provided sticker set is invalid
253STICKERS_EMPTY400No sticker provided
254STICKER_EMOJI_INVALID400Sticker emoji invalid
255STICKER_FILE_INVALID400Sticker file invalid
256STICKER_ID_INVALID400The provided sticker ID is invalid
257STICKER_INVALID400The provided sticker is invalid
258STICKER_PNG_DIMENSIONS400Sticker png dimensions invalid
259STICKER_PNG_NOPNG400Stickers must be a png file but the used image was not a png
260STORAGE_CHECK_FAILED500Server storage check failed
262TAKEOUT_INIT_DELAY_X420A wait of {seconds} seconds is required before being able to initiate the takeout
263TAKEOUT_INVALID400The takeout session has been invalidated by another data export session
264TAKEOUT_REQUIRED400You must initialize a takeout request first
265TEMP_AUTH_KEY_EMPTY400No temporary auth key provided
266Timeout-503A timeout occurred while fetching data from the worker
267TMP_PASSWORD_DISABLED400The temporary password is disabled
268TOKEN_INVALID400The provided token is invalid
269TTL_DAYS_INVALID400The provided TTL is invalid
270TYPES_EMPTY400The types field is empty
271TYPE_CONSTRUCTOR_INVALIDThe type constructor is invalid
272UNKNOWN_METHOD500The method you tried to call cannot be called on non-CDN DCs
273UNTIL_DATE_INVALID400That date cannot be specified in this request (try using None)
274URL_INVALID400The URL used was invalid (e.g. when answering a callback with an URL that's not or your game's URL)
275USERNAME_INVALID400Nobody is using this username, or the username is unacceptable. If the latter, it must match r"[a-zA-Z][\w\d]{3,30}[a-zA-Z\d]"
276USERNAME_NOT_MODIFIED400The username is not different from the current username
277USERNAME_NOT_OCCUPIED400The username is not in use by anyone else yet
278USERNAME_OCCUPIED400The username is already taken
279USERS_TOO_FEW400Not enough users (to create a chat, for example)
280USERS_TOO_MUCH400The maximum number of users has been exceeded (to create a chat, for example)
281USER_ADMIN_INVALID400Either you're not an admin or you tried to ban an admin that you didn't promote
282USER_ALREADY_PARTICIPANT400The authenticated user is already a participant of the chat
283USER_BANNED_IN_CHANNEL400You're banned from sending messages in supergroups/channels
284USER_BLOCKED400User blocked
285USER_BOT400Bots can only be admins in channels.
286USER_BOT_INVALID400 403This method can only be called by a bot
287USER_BOT_REQUIRED400This method can only be called by a bot
288USER_CHANNELS_TOO_MUCH403One of the users you tried to add is already in too many channels/supergroups
289USER_CREATOR400You can't leave this channel, because you're its creator
290USER_DEACTIVATED401The user has been deleted/deactivated
291USER_DEACTIVATED_BAN401The user has been deleted/deactivated
292USER_ID_INVALID400Invalid object ID for a user. Make sure to pass the right types, for instance making sure that the request is designed for users or otherwise look for a different one more suited
293USER_INVALID400The given user was invalid
294USER_IS_BLOCKED400 403User is blocked
295USER_IS_BOT400Bots can't send messages to other bots
296USER_KICKED400This user was kicked from this supergroup/channel
297USER_MIGRATE_X303The user whose identity is being used to execute queries is associated with DC {new_dc}
298USER_NOT_MUTUAL_CONTACT400 403The provided user is not a mutual contact
299USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT400The target user is not a member of the specified megagroup or channel
300USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED403The user's privacy settings do not allow you to do this
301USER_RESTRICTED403You're spamreported, you can't create channels or chats.
302VIDEO_CONTENT_TYPE_INVALID400The video content type is not supported with the given parameters (i.e. supports_streaming)
303WALLPAPER_FILE_INVALID400The given file cannot be used as a wallpaper
304WALLPAPER_INVALID400The input wallpaper was not valid
305WC_CONVERT_URL_INVALID400WC convert URL invalid
306WEBDOCUMENT_URL_INVALID400The given URL cannot be used
307WEBPAGE_CURL_FAILED400Failure while fetching the webpage with cURL
308WEBPAGE_MEDIA_EMPTY400Webpage media empty
309WORKER_BUSY_TOO_LONG_RETRY500Telegram workers are too busy to respond immediately
310YOU_BLOCKED_USER400You blocked this user