2016-07-17 19:02:27 +03:00

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ReDoc vendor extensions

ReDoc makes use of the following vendor extensions

Info Object vendor extensions

Field Name Type Description
x-logo Logo Object The information about API logo
Usage in Redoc

x-logo is used to specify API logo. The corresponding image are displayed just above side-menu.

Logo Object

The information about API logo

Fixed fields
Field Name Type Description
url string The URL pointing to the spec logo. MUST be in the format of a URL
backgroundColor string background color to be used. MUST be RGB color in [hexadecimal format] (
x-logo example


  "info": {
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "title": "Swagger Petstore",
    "x-logo": {
      "url": "",
      "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF"


  version: "1.0.0"
  title: "Swagger Petstore"
    url: ""
    backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF"

Tag object vendor extensions


Field Name Type Description
x-traitTag boolean In Swagger two operations can have multiply tags. This property distinguish between tags that are used to group operations (default) from tags that are used to mark operation with certain trait (true value)
Usage in Redoc

Tags that have x-traitTag set to true are listed in side-menu but don't have any subitems (operations). Tag description is rendered as well. This is useful for handling out common things like Pagination, Rate-Limits, etc.

x-traitTag example


    "name": "Pagination",
    "description": "Pagination description (can use markdown syntax)",
    "x-traitTag": true


name: Pagination
description: Pagination description (can use markdown syntax)
x-traitTag: true

Operation Object vendor extensions


Field Name Type Description
x-code-samples [ Code Sample Object ] A list of code samples associated with operation
Usage in ReDoc

x-code-samples are rendered on the right panel of ReDoc

Code Sample Object

Operation code sample

Fixed fields
Field Name Type Description
lang string Code sample language. Value should be one of the following list
source string Code sample source code
Code Sample Object example


  "lang": "JavaScript",
  "source": "console.log('Hello World');"


lang: JavaScript
source: console.log('Hello World');