2021-10-12 02:17:01 +00:00

1916 lines
78 KiB

# Change Log
All enhancements and patches to Cookiecutter Django will be documented in this file.
## [2021-10-11]
### Updated
- Update werkzeug to 2.0.2 ([#3344](
- Update coverage to 6.0.1 ([#3348](
- Update django-coverage-plugin to 2.0.1 ([#3349](
- Update django-cors-headers to 3.10.0 ([#3345](
- Update jinja2 to 3.0.2 ([#3343](
- Update django-storages to 1.12.1 ([#3355](
## [2021-10-03]
### Updated
- Update pytz to 2021.3 ([#3340](
## [2021-10-01]
### Changed
- Fix the wrong pre-commit hyperlink in Prerequisites section ([#3338](
## [2021-09-30]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.4.3 ([#3334](
## [2021-09-29]
### Updated
- Update django-cors-headers to 3.9.0 ([#3332](
## [2021-09-27]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.4.2 ([#3329](
## [2021-09-26]
### Updated
- Update django-crispy-forms to 1.13.0 ([#3327](
## [2021-09-24]
### Changed
- Add django-settings-module to .pylintrc ([#3326](
## [2021-09-23]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.4.1 ([#3325](
## [2021-09-22]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.4.0 ([#3324](
## [2021-09-16]
### Updated
- Update tox to 3.24.4 ([#3323](
## [2021-09-15]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3322](
## [2021-09-14]
### Updated
- Update black to 21.9b0 ([#3321](
## [2021-09-13]
### Updated
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from 4.11.0 to 4.12.0 ([#3320](
- Update sphinx to 4.2.0 ([#3319](
## [2021-09-11]
### Changed
- Removing pycharm docs if app does not use pycharm ([#3139](
### Updated
- Update django-environ to 0.7.0 ([#3317](
## [2021-09-06]
### Changed
- Update Celery to v5 ([#3280](
## [2021-09-05]
### Updated
- Update django-environ to 0.6.0 ([#3314](
## [2021-09-03]
### Changed
- Update available postgres versions ([#3297](
### Updated
- Update pre-commit to 2.15.0 ([#3313](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3307](
- Update pillow to 8.3.2 ([#3312](
- Update django-environ to 0.5.0 ([#3311](
- Update pytest to 6.2.5 ([#3310](
- Update black to 21.8b0 ([#3308](
- Update argon2-cffi to 21.1.0 ([#3306](
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 ([#3303](
- Update django-debug-toolbar to 3.2.2 ([#3296](
- Update django-cors-headers to 3.8.0 ([#3295](
- Update uvicorn to 0.15.0 ([#3294](
## [2021-08-27]
### Updated
- Update tox to 3.24.3 ([#3302](
## [2021-08-20]
### Changed
- Fix Jinja2 break line control on Procfile ([#3300](
## [2021-08-19]
### Changed
- Fix several minor typos ([#3301](
## [2021-08-13]
### Changed
- Upgrade to Redis 6 ([#3255](
### Fixed
- Fix RTD build image to support Python 3.9 ([#3293](
## [2021-08-12]
### Changed
- Add documentation for automating backups ([#3268](
- Add missing step to getting started locally in docs ([#3291](
- Moved isort config from `.editorconfig` to `setup.cfg` ([#3290](
- How to pre-commit in Docker Development ([#3287](
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.3.1 ([#3281](
- Update tox to 3.24.1 ([#3285](
- Update pre-commit to 2.14.0 ([#3289](
## [2021-07-30]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3283](
- Update isort to 5.9.3 ([#3282](
## [2021-07-27]
### Changed
- Convert trans to translate in templates ([#3277](
### Updated
- Update hiredis to 2.0.0 ([#3110](
- Update mypy to 0.910 ([#3237](
- Update whitenoise to 5.3.0 ([#3273](
- Update tox to 3.24.0 ([#3269](
- Update django-allauth to 0.45.0 ([#3267](
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.3.0 ([#3262](
- Update sphinx to 4.1.2 ([#3278](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3264](
- Update isort to 5.9.2 ([#3279](
- Update pillow to 8.3.1 ([#3259](
- Update black to 21.7b0 ([#3272](
## [2021-07-12]
### Changed
- Define REMAP_SIGTERM=SIGQUIT on Profile of Celery on Heroku ([#3263](
## [2021-07-08]
### Updated
- Update django to 3.1.13 ([#3247](
## [2021-06-29]
### Changed
- Improve github bug report template ([#3243](
## [2021-06-28]
### Changed
- Revert &#34;Fix Celery ports error on local Docker&#34; ([#3242](
### Fixed
- Fix Celery ports error on local Docker ([#3241](
## [2021-06-25]
### Changed
- Update `.gitignore` file for VSCode ([#3238](
### Fixed
- Wrap jQuery call in `DOMContentLoaded` event listener on account email page ([#3239](
## [2021-06-22]
### Changed
- Update docs/howto.rst ([#3230](
- Add support for PG 13. Drop PG 9. Update all minor versions ([#3154](
### Updated
- Update isort to 5.9.1 ([#3236](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3235](
## [2021-06-21]
### Updated
- Update isort to 5.9.0 ([#3234](
- Update django-anymail to 8.4 ([#3225](
- Update django-redis to 5.0.0 ([#3205](
- Update pylint-django to 2.4.4 ([#3233](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3220](
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3.9.2 to 3.10.0 ([#3197](
- Update black to 21.6b0 ([#3232](
- Update pytest to 6.2.4 ([#3231](
- Update django-crispy-forms to 1.12.0 ([#3221](
- Update mypy to 0.902 ([#3219](
- Update django-coverage-plugin to 2.0.0 ([#3217](
- Update ipdb to 0.13.9 ([#3210](
- Update uvicorn to 0.14.0 ([#3207](
- Update pytest-cookies to 0.6.1 ([#3196](
- Update sphinx to 4.0.2 ([#3193](
- Update jinja2 to 3.0.1 ([#3189](
## [2021-06-19]
### Updated
- Update psycopg2 to 2.9.1 ([#3227](
- Update psycopg2-binary to 2.9.1 ([#3228](
## [2021-06-14]
### Changed
- Update black GitHub link in requirements ([#3222](
## [2021-06-09]
### Changed
- Fix link format in developing-locally.rst ([#3214](
### Updated
- Update pre-commit to 2.13.0 ([#3195](
- Update pytest-django to 4.4.0 ([#3212](
- Update mypy to 0.901 ([#3215](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3206](
- Update black to 21.5b2 ([#3204](
## [2021-06-06]
### Changed
- Updated .pre-commit-config.yaml to self-update its dependencies ([#3208](
## [2021-06-05]
### Changed
- Shorthand for the officially supported buildpack ([#3211](
## [2021-06-02]
### Updated
- Update django to 3.1.12 ([#3209](
## [2021-05-18]
### Changed
- Move ARG PYTHON_VERSION=3.9-slim-buster to the global scope ([#3188](
## [2021-05-17]
### Updated
- Bump tiangolo/issue-manager from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 ([#3186](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3185](
## [2021-05-15]
### Changed
- Update watchgod to 0.7 ([#3177](
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3184](
- Update black to 21.5b1 ([#3167](
- Update flake8 to 3.9.2 ([#3164](
- Update pytest-django to 4.3.0 ([#3182](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3157](
- Update python-slugify to 5.0.2 ([#3161](
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from 4.10.0 to 4.11.0 ([#3171](
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.1.0 ([#3163](
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 2.2.2 ([#3173](
- Update tox to 3.23.1 ([#3160](
- Update pytest to 6.2.4 ([#3156](
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 3.8.2 to 3.9.2 ([#3179](
- Update sphinx to 4.0.1 ([#3169](
- Update cookiecutter to 1.7.3 ([#3180](
- Update django to 3.1.11 ([#3178](
## [2021-05-06]
### Updated
- Update django to 3.1.10 ([#3162](
## [2021-05-04]
### Updated
- Update django to 3.1.9 ([#3155](
## [2021-04-30]
### Fixed
- Fix linting error in ([#3148](
## [2021-04-29]
### Updated
- Update black to 21.4b2 ([#3147](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3146](
## [2021-04-28]
### Changed
- Fix README link ([#3144](
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3145](
## [2021-04-27]
### Updated
- Update pygithub to 1.55 ([#3141](
- Update black to 21.4b1 ([#3143](
## [2021-04-26]
### Updated
- Update black to 21.4b0 ([#3138](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3137](
## [2021-04-21]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3133](
- Update django-extensions to 3.1.3 ([#3136](
- Update django-compressor to 2.4.1 ([#3135](
- Update pre-commit to 2.12.1 ([#3134](
- Update flake8 to 3.9.1 ([#3131](
- Update django-stubs to 1.8.0 ([#3127](
- Update sphinx to 3.5.4 ([#3126](
## [2021-04-15]
### Updated
- Update django-debug-toolbar to 3.2.1 ([#3129](
## [2021-04-14]
### Updated
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from v4.9.2 to v4.10.0 ([#3128](
## [2021-04-11]
### Updated
- Update pytest-django to 4.2.0 ([#3125](
- Update pylint-django to 2.4.3 ([#3122](
## [2021-04-09]
### Changed
- Update from Python 3.8 to Python 3.9 ([#3023](
## [2021-04-08]
### Changed
- Switch .dockerignore to explicit list ([#3121](
- Change Docker image to multi-stage build for Django ([#2815](
- Fix deprecated warning in middleware tests ([#3038](
### Updated
- Update pre-commit to 2.12.0 ([#3120](
## [2021-04-07]
### Changed
- Update django to 3.1.8 ([#3117](
### Fixed
- Fix linting via pre-commit on Github CI ([#3077](
- Fix gitlab-ci using duplicate key name for image ([#3112](
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 1.0.0 ([#3080](
- Update gunicorn to 20.1.0 ([#3108](
- Update pre-commit to 2.12.0 ([#3118](
- Update django-extensions to 3.1.2 ([#3116](
- Update pillow to 8.2.0 ([#3113](
- Update pytest to 6.2.3 ([#3115](
## [2021-03-26]
### Updated
- Update djangorestframework to 3.12.4 ([#3107](
## [2021-03-25]
### Updated
- Update djangorestframework to 3.12.3 ([#3105](
## [2021-03-22]
### Updated
- Update django-crispy-forms to 1.11.2 ([#3104](
- Update sphinx to 3.5.3 ([#3103](
- Update ipdb to 0.13.7 ([#3102](
- Update sphinx-autobuild to 2021.3.14 ([#3101](
- Update isort to 5.8.0 ([#3100](
- Update pre-commit to 2.11.1 ([#3089](
- Update flake8 to 3.9.0 ([#3096](
- Update pillow to 8.1.2 ([#3084](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#3095](
## [2021-03-05]
### Changed
- Updated and to re-use User.get_absolute_url() ([#3070](
### Updated
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from v4.9.1 to v4.9.2 ([#3082](
## [2021-03-03]
### Updated
- Update tox to 3.23.0 ([#3079](
- Update ipdb to 0.13.5 ([#3078](
## [2021-03-02]
### Fixed
- Fixes for pytest job in Github CI workflow ([#3076](
### Updated
- Update pillow to 8.1.1 ([#3075](
- Update coverage to 5.5 ([#3074](
## [2021-02-24]
### Updated
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from v4.9.0 to v4.9.1 ([#3069](
## [2021-02-23]
### Changed
- Update to Django 3.1 ([#3043](
- Lint with pre-commit on CI with Github actions ([#3066](
- Use exception var in status code pages if available ([#2992](
## [2021-02-22]
### Changed
- refactor: remove default cache settings in ([#3064](
- Update django to 3.0.13 ([#3060](
### Fixed
- Fix missing Django Debug toolbar with node container ([#2865](
- Remove Email from User API ([#3055](
### Updated
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from v4.8.0 to v4.9.0 ([#3065](
- Update django-crispy-forms to 1.11.1 ([#3063](
- Update uvicorn to 0.13.4 ([#3062](
- Update mypy to 0.812 ([#3061](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.20.3 ([#3059](
- Update tox to 3.22.0 ([#3057](
- Update sphinx to 3.5.1 ([#3056](
## [2021-02-16]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.20.2 ([#3054](
- Update sphinx to 3.5.0 ([#3053](
## [2021-02-13]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.20.1 ([#3052](
## [2021-02-12]
### Updated
- Update pre-commit to 2.10.1 ([#3045](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.20.0 ([#3051](
## [2021-02-10]
### Updated
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.8.1 to v3.8.2 ([#3049](
## [2021-02-08]
### Updated
- Update django-extensions to 3.1.1 ([#3047](
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.8.0 to v3.8.1 ([#3046](
## [2021-02-06]
### Changed
- Removed Redundant test_case_sensitivity() and made test_not_authenticated() get the LOGIN_URL dynamically. ([#3041](
- Refactored users.forms to make the code more readeable ([#3029](
- Update django to 3.0.12 ([#3037](
### Updated
- Update tox to 3.21.4 ([#3044](
## [2021-02-01]
### Updated
- Update pytz to 2021.1 ([#3035](
- Update jinja2 to 2.11.3 ([#3033](
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.7.0 to v3.8.0 ([#3034](
## [2021-01-31]
### Changed
- Adding local celery instructions to developing-locally ([#3031](
### Updated
- Update django-crispy-forms to 1.11.0 ([#3032](
## [2021-01-28]
### Updated
- Update pre-commit to 2.10.0 ([#3028](
- Update django-anymail to 8.2 ([#3027](
- Update tox to 3.21.3 ([#3026](
## [2021-01-26]
### Changed
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.6.0 to v3.7.0 ([#3022](
- Using SuccessMessageMixin to send success message to django template ([#3021](
### Fixed
- Update admin to ignore *_name User attributes ([#3018](
### Updated
- Update coverage to 5.4 ([#3024](
- Update pytest to 6.2.2 ([#3020](
- Update django-cors-headers to 3.7.0 ([#3019](
## [2021-01-24]
### Changed
- Use defer for script tags (Fix #2922) ([#2927](
- Made Traefik conf much easier to understand and improved redirect res… ([#2838](
- Sentry Redis integration enabled by default in production. ([#2989](
- Add test for UserUpdateView.form_valid() ([#2949](
### Fixed
- Omit first_name and last_name in User model ([#2998](
### Updated
- Update django-celery-beat to 2.2.0 ([#3009](
- Update pyyaml to 5.4.1 ([#3011](
- Update mypy to 0.800 ([#3013](
- Update factory-boy to 3.2.0 ([#2986](
- Update tox to 3.21.2 ([#3010](
## [2021-01-22]
### Changed
- Use self.request.user instead of second query ([#3012](
## [2021-01-14]
### Updated
- Update tox to 3.21.1 ([#3006](
## [2021-01-10]
### Updated
- Update pylint-django to 2.4.2 ([#3003](
- Update tox to 3.21.0 ([#3002](
## [2021-01-08]
### Changed
- Upgrade Travis to Focal ([#2999](
### Updated
- Update pylint-django to 2.4.1 ([#3001](
- Update sphinx to 3.4.3 ([#3000](
- Update pylint-django to 2.4.0 ([#2996](
## [2021-01-04]
### Updated
- Update isort to 5.7.0 ([#2988](
- Update uvicorn to 0.13.3 ([#2987](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2990](
- Update sphinx to 3.4.2 ([#2995](
- Update pillow to 8.1.0 ([#2993](
## [2020-12-29]
### Updated
- Update pygithub to 1.54.1 ([#2982](
- Update django-storages to 1.11.1 ([#2981](
## [2020-12-26]
### Updated
- Update sphinx to 3.4.1 ([#2985](
- Update pytz to 2020.5 ([#2984](
## [2020-12-23]
### Changed
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.5.2 to v3.6.0 ([#2980](
### Updated
- Update flower to 0.9.7 ([#2979](
- Update sphinx to 3.4.0 ([#2978](
- Update coverage to 5.3.1 ([#2977](
- Update uvicorn to 0.13.2 ([#2976](
## [2020-12-18]
### Changed
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from v4.7.2 to v4.8.0 ([#2972](
### Updated
- Update django-storages to 1.11 ([#2973](
- Update pytest to 6.2.1 ([#2971](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2970](
## [2020-12-14]
### Updated
- Update pytest to 6.2.0 ([#2968](
- Update django-cors-headers to 3.6.0 ([#2967](
- Update uvicorn to 0.13.1 ([#2966](
## [2020-12-10]
### Changed
- Hot-reload support to celery ([#2554](
### Updated
- Update uvicorn to 0.13.0 ([#2962](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.19.5 ([#2965](
## [2020-12-09]
### Changed
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.5.1 to v3.5.2 ([#2964](
## [2020-12-08]
### Updated
- Update pre-commit to 2.9.3 ([#2961](
## [2020-12-04]
### Updated
- Update django-debug-toolbar to 3.2 ([#2959](
## [2020-12-02]
### Updated
- Update django-model-utils to 4.1.1 ([#2957](
- Update pygithub to 1.54 ([#2958](
## [2020-11-26]
### Updated
- Update django-extensions to 3.1.0 ([#2947](
- Update pre-commit to 2.9.2 ([#2948](
- Update django-allauth to 0.44.0 ([#2945](
## [2020-11-25]
### Changed
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.5.0 to v3.5.1 ([#2944](
## [2020-11-23]
### Updated
- Update uvicorn to 0.12.3 ([#2943](
- Update pre-commit to 2.9.0 ([#2942](
## [2020-11-21]
### Changed
- Fix after uvicorn 0.12.0 - Ship extra dependencies ([#2939](
## [2020-11-20]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.19.4 ([#2938](
## [2020-11-19]
### Updated
- Update django-crispy-forms to 1.10.0 ([#2937](
## [2020-11-17]
### Changed
- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v2 to v3.5.0 ([#2936](
## [2020-11-15]
### Changed
- Fix formatting in docs ([#2935](
## [2020-11-13]
### Changed
- Upgrade factory-boy to 3.1.0 ([#2932](
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.19.3 ([#2933](
- Update sphinx to 3.3.1 ([#2934](
## [2020-11-12]
### Changed
- Migrate CI to Github Actions ([#2931](
## [2020-11-06]
### Updated
- Update djangorestframework to 3.12.2 ([#2930](
## [2020-11-04]
### Changed
- Fix docs service and add RTD support ([#2920](
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from v4.6.0 to v4.7.2 ([#2914](
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2908](
- Update mypy to 0.790 ([#2886](
- Update django-stubs to 1.7.0 ([#2916](
## [2020-11-03]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.19.2 ([#2926](
- Update sphinx to 3.3.0 ([#2925](
- Update django to 3.0.11 ([#2924](
- Update pytz to 2020.4 ([#2923](
- Update pre-commit to 2.8.2 ([#2919](
- Update pytest to 6.1.2 ([#2917](
- Update sh to 1.14.1 ([#2912](
- Update pytest-django to 4.1.0 ([#2911](
- Update pillow to 8.0.1 ([#2910](
- Update django-celery-beat to 2.1.0 ([#2907](
- Update uvicorn to 0.12.2 ([#2906](
## [2020-10-19]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.19.1 ([#2905](
## [2020-10-17]
### Updated
- Update django-allauth to 0.43.0 ([#2901](
- Update pytest-django to 4.0.0 ([#2903](
## [2020-10-15]
### Updated
- Update pillow to 8.0.0 ([#2898](
## [2020-10-14]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2897](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.19.0 ([#2896](
## [2020-10-13]
### Updated
- Update isort to 5.6.4 ([#2895](
## [2020-10-12]
### Changed
- Bump stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action from v4.5.1 to v4.6.0 ([#2893](
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2892](
## [2020-10-11]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2890](
- Update isort to 5.6.3 ([#2891](
- Update django-anymail to 8.1 ([#2887](
- Update tox to 3.20.1 ([#2885](
## [2020-10-09]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2884](
- Update isort to 5.6.1 ([#2883](
## [2020-10-08]
### Changed
- Add dedicated websockets package ([#2881](
### Updated
- Update isort to 5.6.0 ([#2882](
## [2020-10-04]
### Updated
- Update pytest to 6.1.1 ([#2880](
- Update mypy and django-stubs ([#2874](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2876](
- Update flake8 to 3.8.4 ([#2877](
## [2020-10-01]
### Changed
- Bump actions/setup-python from v2.1.2 to v2.1.3 ([#2869](
### Updated
- Update ipdb to 0.13.4 ([#2873](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2867](
- Update uvicorn to 0.12.1 ([#2866](
- Update isort to 5.5.4 ([#2864](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.18.0 ([#2863](
- Update djangorestframework to 3.12.1 ([#2862](
- Update pytest to 6.1.0 ([#2859](
- Update django-debug-toolbar to 3.1.1 ([#2855](
## [2020-09-23]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.17.7 ([#2847](
- Update django-debug-toolbar to 3.1 ([#2846](
## [2020-09-21]
### Changed
- Adding GitHub-Action CI Option ([#2837](
### Updated
- Update django-debug-toolbar to 3.0 ([#2842](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2843](
- Update isort to 5.5.3 ([#2844](
## [2020-09-18]
### Updated
- Update django-extensions to 3.0.9 ([#2839](
## [2020-09-16]
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.17.6 ([#2833](
- Update pytest-django to 3.10.0 ([#2832](
## [2020-09-14]
### Fixed
- Downgrade Celery to 4.4.6 ([#2829](
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.17.5 ([#2828](
- Update coverage to 5.3 ([#2826](
- Update django-storages to 1.10.1 ([#2825](
## [2020-09-12]
### Updated
- Updating Traefik version from 2.0 to 2.2.11 ([#2814](
- Update pytest to 6.0.2 ([#2819](
- Update django-anymail to 8.0 ([#2818](
## [2020-09-11]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2809](
## [2020-09-10]
### Updated
- Update isort to 5.5.2 ([#2807](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.17.4 ([#2805](
## [2020-09-09]
### Changed
- Update actions/setup-python requirement to v2.1.2 ([#2804](
- Clean up nested venv files from `.gitignore` ([#2800](
## [2020-09-08]
### Changed
- Traeffik and Django dockerfile changes ([#2801](
## [2020-09-07]
### Changed
- Add :z/:Z to mounted volumes in {local,production}.yml ([#2663](
- Remove --no-binary option for psycopg2 ([#2798](
- Updated Gitlab CI to use Python 3.8 instead of Python 3.7 ([#2794](
### Fixed
- Fix options for sphinx-autobuild in docs Makefile ([#2799](
### Updated
- Update psycopg2-binary to 2.8.6 ([#2797](
## [2020-09-05]
### Updated
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2793](
## [2020-09-04]
### Updated
- Update django-extensions to 3.0.8 ([#2792](
- Update isort to 5.5.1 ([#2791](
- Auto-update pre-commit hooks ([#2790](
- Update isort to 5.5.0 ([#2789](
## [2020-09-02]
### Changed
- Add environment and traces_sample_rate keyword to sentry_sdk.init ([#2777](
### Updated
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.17.3 ([#2788](
- Update django-extensions to 3.0.7 ([#2787](
## [2020-09-01]
### Changed
- Exclude venv directory and update document link ([#2780](
### Updated
- Update tox to 3.20.0 ([#2786](
- Update django-storages to 1.10 ([#2781](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.17.2 ([#2784](
- Update django to 3.0.10 ([#2785](
- Update sphinx-autobuild to 2020.9.1 ([#2782](
- Update django-extensions to 3.0.6 ([#2783](
## [2020-08-31]
### Updated
- Update sh to 1.14.0 ([#2779](
- Update sentry-sdk to 0.17.1 ([#2778](
## [2020-04-13]
### Changed
- Updated to Python 3.8 (@codnee)
- Moved converage config in setup.cfg (@danihodovic)
## [2020-04-08]
### Fixed
- Internal IPs for debug toolbar (@dudanogueira)
## [2020-04-04]
### Fixed
- Added compress command command with Django compressor (@gwiskur)
## [2020-03-23]
### Changed
- Updated project to Django 3.0
## [2020-03-17]
### Changed
- Handle paths using Pathlib (@jules-ch)
### Fixed
- Pre-commit hook regex (@demestav)
## [2020-03-16]
### Added
- Support for all Anymail providers (@Andrew-Chen-Wang)
### Fixed
- Django compressor setup (@jameswilliams1)
## [2020-01-23]
### Changed
- Fix UserFactory to set the password if provided (@BoPeng)
- Update documentation files with latest Sphinx (@howiezhao)
## [2020-01-12]
### Changed
- Fix mypy setup and added django-stubs (@danifus)
- Add Gitlab CI as option (@ikhomutov)
## [2020-01-11]
### Changed
- Speed up & reduce size for production Django image (@maxp)
- Bumped runtime version for Heroku (@Isaac12x)
- Added Debian 10 (Buster) OS dependencies (@ddiazpinto)
- Update Traefik to v2 (@blaxpy)
- Switched Docker images from Alpine based to Debian based (@trungdong)
## [2019-10-06]
### Changed
- Default Python version is now 3.7 (@nicolas471)
## [2019-10-04]
### Fixed
- Fix static files handling on GCP (@caioariede)
## [2019-10-03]
### Fixed
- Fix incompatible combination between Whitenoise and no cloud provider (@caioariede)
## [2019-07-09]
### Fixed
- Always use test settings in pytest (@danihodovic)
- Remove gunicorn from `INSTALLED_APPS` (@danihodovic)
- Remove `EMAIL_HOST` and `EMAIL_PORT` with locmem backend (@danihodovic)
### Added
- Add `EMAIL_TIMEOUT` (@danihodovic)
## [2019-06-22]
### Fixed
- Remove redundant template debug setting (@danihodovic)
## [2019-06-19]
### Fixed
- Fix removal carriage returns in docker scripts (@timclaessens)
## [2019-06-15]
### Fixed
- Issue with Pycharm setup for running things in Docker compose (@foarsitter)
## [2019-06-06]
### Changed
- Update generated Travis config (@browniebroke)
## [2019-06-03]
### Added
- Installed `django-celery-beat` to keep scheduled tasks in DB (@keyvanm)
## [2019-05-28]
### Changed
- Use GCP acronym rather than inconsistent GCE/GCS (@tanoabeleyra)
## [2019-05-27]
### Changed
- Made cloud provider optional (@tanoabeleyra)
- Updated to Django 2.2.1 (@browniebroke)
### Fixed
- Celery worker-related setting names (@browniebroke)
## [2019-05-18]
### Removed
- Remove the user list view (@browniebroke)
### Fixed
- Static storage default ACL (@browniebroke)
## [2019-05-17]
### Fixed
- Added `LocaleMiddleware` to the list of middlewares (@tanoabeleyra)
- Added `LOCALE_PATH` to settings (@tanoabeleyra)
## [2019-05-16]
### Changed
- Users app to have a translated verbose name (@tanoabeleyra)
- Logging configuration for local (@browniebroke)
## [2019-05-08]
### Changed
- Upgraded to Django 2.1 (@browniebroke)
## [2019-04-07]
### Added
- Support for Google Cloud Storage (@ahhda)
## [2019-04-03]
### Added
- Command to backup Db to AWS S3 (@foarsitter)
## [2019-03-25]
### Added
- Node image to run Gulp with Docker (@browniebroke)
## [2019-03-19]
### Changed
- Replaced Caddy with Traefik (@demestav)
## [2019-03-11]
### Changed
- Sentry integration from Raven to Sentry-SDK (@gfabricio)
- Made Redis config conditional on Celery locally (@demestav)
## [2019-03-11]
### Added
- Automatic migrations on Heroku (@yunti)
## [2019-03-06]
### Fixed
- Missing script tag in Travis config (@btknu)
## [2019-03-02]
### Changed
- Celery eager setting in local setting with Docker (@keithjeb)
## [2019-03-01]
### Updated
- All NPM dependencies (@takkaria)
## [2018-11-13]
### Changed
- Security settings in Dev (@carlmjohnson)
## [2018-11-20]
### Fixed
- Passing the CSRF header from the reverse proxy to Django server for DRF (@hpbruna)
## [2018-11-12]
### Fixed
- Initialisation of Celery app (@glasslion)
## [2018-10-24]
### Fixed
- Persisting of iPython history between sessions (@davitovmasyan)
### Added
- Postgres 10.5 option (@jleclanche)
## [2018-09-18]
### Added
- Included `mypy` in dependencies and run it in tests (@apirobot)
## [2018-09-18]
### Fixed
- Avoid `$` in environment variables to workaround a bug from django-environ (@browniebroke)
## [2018-09-16]
### Fixed
- Bug in ordering of Middleware for production config (@ChrisPappalardo)
## [2018-09-12]
### Fixed
- URLs for Static and Media for S3 buckets in regions other than N. Virginia (@umrashrf)
## [2018-09-09]
### Changed
- Name of static and media storage classes (@sfdye)
## [2018-09-01]
### Changed
- Make static and media storage fully-fledged classes (@erfaan)
## [2018-08-28]
### Fixed
- Running tests in docker test script (@apirobot)
## [2018-07-23]
### Changed
- Test commands to use pytest (@jcass77)
### Removed
- Some hacks leftovers from Bootstrap v4 beta in `project.js` (@hendrikschneider)
## [2018-07-12]
### Changed
- Upgraded to Bootstrap 4.1.1 (@mostaszewski)
## [2018-06-25]
### Added
- Flower integration with Docker (@webyneter)
## [2018-06-25]
### Changed
- Rewrite user app test to use a pytest style (@webyneter)
## [2018-06-21]
### Added
- Extend & update Celery config (@webyneter & @apirobot)
## [2018-05-25]
### Fixed
- Build issues due to incompatibility between libressl & openssl (@SassanoM)
## [2018-05-21]
### Changed
- Updated Caddy to 0.11 and pin its version (@webyneter)
## [2018-05-14]
### Changed
- Replace `awesome-slugify` by `python-slugify` (@hongquan)
- Migrate to Django 2.0+ URL style (@saschalalala)
## [2018-05-05]
### Fixed
- Postgres backup & restore commands (@webyneter)
## [2018-04-10]
### Changed
- Simplify configuration (@danidee10)
## [2018-04-08]
### Added
- Adopt Black code style (@pydanny)
## [2018-03-27]
### Fixed
- Simplified extra Celery config generated when opted out (@webyneter)
## [2018-03-21]
### Removed
- Remove Opbeat support (@sfdye)
## [2018-03-16]
### Fixed
- Install `psycopg2-binary` when using Docker locally (@browniebroke)
## [2018-03-14]
### Fixed
- Fixed and improved Postgres backup & restore scripts (@webyneter)
## [2018-03-10]
### Changed
- Simplify Mailgun setting (@browniebroke)
## [2018-03-06]
### Changed
- Convert string formatting to f-strings (@sfdye)
## [2018-03-01]
### Changed
- Celery to use JSON serialization by default (@adammsteele)
- Use Docker version from Travis to run tests (@browniebroke)
## [2018-02-16]
### Changed
- Upgraded to Django 2.0 (@epicwhale)
## [2018-01-15]
### Changed
- Removed Elastic Beanstalk support (@pydanny)
## [2017-12-28]
### Changed
- Upgraded to Django 1.11 (@pydanny)
## [2017-10-08]
### Changed
- Elastic Beanstalk: Added --noinput to migrate command (@MightySCollins )
## [2017-10-07]
### Added
- Finished first pass at Elastic Beanstalk docs (@pydanny & @audreyr)
### Deleted
- Removed Heroku instant deploy button (@pydanny)
### Added
- Added default `AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS` configuration, generated by django 1.10 startproject. See [Password Validation docs](") (@luzfcb)
- Rename `MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES` to `MIDDLEWARE` to enable support to [new style middleware]( introduced in Django 1.10 (@luzfcb)
- New setting `MAILGUN_SENDER_DOMAIN` to allow sending mail from any domain other than those registered with mailgun (@jangeador)
- add `urlpatterns` configuration to django-debug-toolbar, because the automatic configuration of `urlpatterns` was removed from django-debug-toolbar (@luzfcb)
- Added Temporary workaround on `requirements/local.txt` to fix django-debug-toolbar issue: (@luzfcb)
### Changed
- Upgrade to Django 1.10.1 (@luzfcb)
- Upgrade django-model-utils to 2.6, django-redis to 4.5.0, redis to 2.10.5, Sphinx to 1.4.6, pytest-django to 3.0.0, django-anymail to 0.5, raven to 5.27.1, whitenoise to 3.2.2 (@luzfcb)
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 4, jQuery to 3.1.1, tether.js to 1.3.7 (@luzfcb)
- Update `` to use same code of `` from Django 1.10 (@luzfcb)
- Sync `sites` app migrations with django 1.10, and fix aditional migrations to `sites` and `user` app (@luzfcb)
d changed 'admin' url on `config/`, to stay the same as generated by django 1.10 (@luzfcb)
- Make tests pass by passing new password auth rules (@ssteinerx)
### Removed
- Removed django-autoslug because not support django 1.10 at this date (@luzfcb)
### Changed
- Use app registry instead of INSTALLED_APPS to discover celery tasks (@dhepper)
- PEP8 imports fix (@aleprovencio)
### Removed
- Removed django-floppyforms (@pydanny)
### Removed
- Webpack support, see #774 (@ssteinerx)
## Added
- PostgreSQL versions are now selectable, instead of defaulting to 9.5; the minimum version is 9.2, which is supported by [Heroku]( and Django (@burhan)
- Fixed minor issue in the README.rst (@burhan)
## Changed
- Upgrade to Bootstrap 4 Alpha 3 and its dependencies, including jQuery (@audreyr)
## Changed
- use `https` instead `ssh` to clone [cookiecutter-webpack]( if `Webpack` is selected as `JS Task Runner` - fix issue #647 (@luzfcb and @resakse)
## Added
- Settings file for running tests faster (@audreyr)
- Add GPLv3 licence support (@cgaspoz)
## Changed
- Makes the database backups compressed. restores compressed backups (@jangeador)
- Review and edit django-allauth templates (@kappataumu)
## Added
- Webpack as an option (@goldhand)
## Added
- django-compressor support (@andresgz)
- Debian Jessie OS Requirements (@ddiazpinto)
### Changed
- Move Docker backups to their own section (@pydanny)
### Changed
- Use latest redis image in Docker (@pydanny)
- Documentation cleanup and corrections (@audreyr)
### Changed
- Documentation cleanup and corrections (@kappataumu)
### Changed
- Enhancements to the developing locally docs (@antoniablair)
### Changed
- Pin Bootstrap CSS and JS to v4.0.0-alpha.2, use minified versions
### Added
- Configurable admin for users (@pydanny, @jayfk, @dezoito)
### Added
- Let's Encrypt automation and instruction (@mjsisley and @chrisdev)
### Added
- Documentation for debugging with Docker (@mjsisley)
- Apache 2 License option in `cookiecutter.json` (@dot2dotseurat)
- Removed unnecessary version check from `` (@suledev)
- Add gulp alternative as a js task runner and fix navbar style issue (@viviangb and @xpostudio4)
### Deleted
- AngularJS (@pydanny)
- django-secure (@xpostudio4)
### Added
- Added better instructions for installing postgres on Mac OS X (@dot2dotseurat )
### Added
- Added instructions for copying backups from docker to host (@phiberjenz)
- Added mailhog docker container (@noisy)
### Added
- Added GitLab continuous integration article to README.rst (@dezoito)
## [2016-05-13]
### Changed
- Update version of pyflakes to 1.2.3, django-extensions to 1.6.7 and gunicorn to 19.5.0 (@luzfcb)
- Update version of AngularJS to 1.5.5 (@luzfcb)
### Removed
- Remove Raven 404 catch middleware. Fix #367 (@pydanny)
## [2016-05-09]
### Changed
- Improved mailhog usage documentation on `developing-locally.rst` (@shireenrao)
- Replaced all `` referencies to point to the new domain `` (@luzfcb)
- Update version of pyflakes (@luzfcb)
## [2016-05-08]
### Changed
- Updated whitenoise configuration to match changes in version 3.0 (@trungdong)
## [2016-05-07]
### Added
- Added Ubuntu 16.04 dependencies on a new dependency file `requirements.apt.xenial` (@raonyguimaraes)
### Changed
- Small improvements in ```` support new dependency file (@raonyguimaraes)
## [2016-05-06]
### Changed
- Update version of pyflakes (@pydanny)
## [2016-05-03]
### Changed
- Update version of Django, django-extensions, django-mailgun (@luzfcb)
### [2016-05-01]
### Changed
- Restored the Pycharm project configuration files, that was accidentally removed in [15f350f]( (@luzfcb @Newton715)
### [2016-04-30]
### Changed
- Small fixes to utility scripts (@scast)
### [2016-04-26]
### Added
- Instructions on how to install PythonAnywhere. (@hjwp)
### [2016-04-25]
### Added
- Check to confirm that the user has a modern version of Cookiecutter. (@pydanny)
### Removed
- Removed hitch per #529 (@pydanny)
### [2016-04-20]
### Changed
- Default to today's date in cookiecutter.json. (@audreyr)
- Change repo_name to project_slug for clarity. (@audreyr)
- Transform project name to lowercase for slug. (@audreyr)
### [2016-04-19]
### Added
- "Got Questions?" section in our README.rst. Yes, there is now a cookiecutter-django tag on Stack Overflow! (@pydanny)
### Changed
- Update usage instructions with new prompts, minor cleanup (@audreyr)
### [2016-04-18]
### Added
- removing duplication of depends_on in docker-compose.yml (@noisy)
### [2016-04-17]
### Added
- "Built with Cookiecutter Django" badge to generated project README (@audreyr)
- New introductory article (@krzysztofzuraw)
### Changed
- Quote consistency, single quotes everywhere! (@blopker)
### [2016-04-15]
### Changed
- Major project generation cleanup (@jayfk)
### Removed
- Deleting unnecessary .idea dir from MAIN directory (@noisy)
### [2016-04-14]
### Added
- Added typecheck in .pylintrc to fix pylint-django gets "no-member" error (@solvire)
### Changed
- Downgrading python-dateutil to version 2.4.2 because pykwalify==1.5.0 (required by HitchTest) uses a [pinned version of python-dateutil]( (@noisy)
- Update Pillow version to 3.2.0 (security fix) (@luzfcb)
### [2016-04-12]
### Changed
- celeryworker and celerybeat missing the correct dockerfile (@jayfk)
### [2016-04-08]
### Changed
- Move to named docker volumes (@jayfk)
### [2016-04-07]
### Changed
- Pycharm Support (including debugging in Docker) @noisy
- Set the correct License @epileptic-fish
### [2016-03-23]
### Changed
- Fixed issue on LICENSE file generation (@romanosipenko)
- In file, Fixed wrong reference to python3 if use_python2 was set to y (@luzfcb @noisy)
### [2016-03-16]
### Changed
- Set the correct postgres username in dev.yml (@calculuscowboy)
## [2016-03-14]
### Changed
- Enforce `repo_name` as proper python module (@catherinedevlin)
## [2016-03-08]
### Changed
- Docker configuration now uses docker-compose format v2 (@aeikenberry)
- Make sure that STATIC_URL != MEDIA_URL (@cdvv7788)
- fix minor typos in project README (@menzenski)
- Updated docker docs (@jayfk)
### Added
- Added database controls for docker (@jayfk)
## [2016-03-05]
### Changed
- Update version of Django, celery, django-test-plus (@luzfcb)
- Update version of Hitch tests dependencies: jupyter_client (@luzfcb)
- Update 'now' date in cookiecutter.json (@luzfcb)
- Update the usage example in README (@luzfcb)
## [2016-03-01]
### Changed
- Update version of Django, flake8, pyflakes, pytest, factory_boy, ipdb, Werkzeug, gevent (@luzfcb)
- Update version of Hitch tests dependencies: click, hitchserve, hitchsystem, hitchtest, ipython, psutil, python-dateutil(@luzfcb)
- Update Tether (JS) version to 1.2.0 (@luzfcb)
## [2016-02-24]
### Added
- Beginning support for `py.test` (@pydanny)
### Changed
- Fixed missing div closing tag for "container" on user_list.html (@Eraldo)
## [2016-02-18]
### Changed
- The status of the registration (open or closed) is now read from the project environment instead of hardcoded in the common settings file. (@Eraldo)
- Renamed the file to to match the django naming convention. (@Eraldo)
## [2016-02-15]
### Changed
- In `users` app adapter, fix `is_open_for_signup` missing parameter (@oryx2)
- Fixes and improvements in Hitch tests , see [#485]( (@crdoconnor)
## [2016-02-12]
### Changed
- Fixed typo (@yunti)
## [2016-02-07]
### Changed
- In `users` app, use Django 1.9 `LoginRequiredMixin` instead of django-braces implementation (@yunti)
- Update native OS libraries of Hitch Test, because [unixpackage]( now supports multiple versions of same Linux distribution (@crdoconnor)
- Update AngularJS version to 1.5.0 (@luzfcb)
- Update version of wheel, Pillow, django_coverage_plugin (@luzfcb)
- Update version of Hitch tests dependencies: decorator, hitchselenium, ipython, ptyprocess, selenium (@luzfcb)
- Provided options for FOSS license choices, or for private efforts, no written license (@pydanny)
## [2016-02-01]
### Changed
- Update version of Django and django-floppyforms (@luzfcb)
- Update version of Hitch tests dependencies: hitchpython and selenium (@luzfcb)
## [2016-01-30]
### Changed
- Update flake8 to 2.5.2 (@luzfcb)
## [2016-01-29]
### Changed
- Update AngularJS version to 1.4.9 (@luzfcb)
- Update jQuery version to 2.2.0 (@luzfcb)
- Update 'now' date in cookiecutter.json (@luzfcb)
- Update version of boto, celery, django_coverage_plugin, django-storages-redux, flake8, gevent, gunicorn, pep8, pytest, tox, Werkzeug (@luzfcb)
- Update version of Hitch tests dependencies: colorama, decorator, hitchpostgres, hitchpython, hitchredis, hitchselenium, hitchserve, hitchsystem, hitchtest, ipython, patool, pickleshare, psutil, python-build, requests, selenium, tblib, traitlets (@luzfcb)
## [2016-01-26]
### Changed
- Fixed NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME environment variable (@jayfk)
## [2016-1-18]
### Added
- Added .dockerignore file (@bogdal)
- Docker tests for travis (@jayfk)
### Changed
- Removed the $-sign from allowed chars to generate the secret key (@jayfk)
## [2016-01-17]
### Added
- Adding a section on third party articles referencing `cookiecutter-django` (@mjheo)
### Changed
- Add celerybeat db to gitignore (@originell)
## [2016-01-16]
### Added
- Adding an explanation for having `django.contrib.sites`. (@pydanny)
## [2016-01-13]
### Changed
- Update version to 1.9.1 to match Django version. (@Collederas)
- Require Wheel 0.26.0. Needed to install certain packages on CPython 3.5+ like Pillow and psycopg2 (@audreyr)
## [2016-01-09]
### Changed
- Upgraded django-extensions to 1.6.1 as it fixes a [JSONField bug]( (@burhan)
- Upgraded Pillow to version 3.1.0 ([upstream changelog]( (@burhan)
- Upgraded django to 1.9.1 to integrate various [bugfixes]( (@burhan)
- Upgraded django-crispy-forms to 1.6 for [BS4 and django 1.9 compatibility fixes]( (@burhan)
- Upgraded django-model-utils to 2.4, to enable [support for django 1.9]( (@burhan)
## [2016-01-08]
### Changed
- Fixed redis url on docker (@jayfk)
- Fixed docker on windows (@burhan)
## [2016-01-06]
### Added
- You can now enable or disable user registration using the ACCOUNT_ALLOW_REGISTRATION setting. (@ddiazpinto)
### Changed
- Use Postgres 9.5 on docker (@jayfk)
## [2016-01-04]
### Added
- Add Tether.js because [is needed]( for proper positioning of Bootstrap tooltips (@EricZaporzan)
### Changed
- Minor fixes in the docker documentation (@jayfk)
- Made @burhan a core committer (@pydanny)
## [2015-12-30]
### Changed
- Fixed a bug where the navbar was not displayed correctly (@jvanbrug)
## [2015-12-21]
### Changed
- Added sentry logger to celery config (@jayfk)
## [2015-12-16]
- Update preview 4xx error pages to accept `exception` argument (@theskumar)
## [2015-12-15]
### Changed
- Fix celery worker app name in Procfile (@stepmr)
## [2015-12-13]
### Changed
- Bumped Django to 1.9 (@areski)
- Support opbeat logging with celery (@stepmr)
- Update runtime.txt with PY2 support (@stepmr)
## [2015-12-12]
### Added
- Celery worker to Heroku procfile (@stepmr)
## [2015-12-11]
### Changed
- Fixed issue #436 - cookiecutter variable name was renamed from `celery_support` to `use_celery` in `tests/` (@luzfcb @otakucode)
- Updated Heroku runtime.txt for python 3.5.1 (@yunti)
## [2015-12-06]
### Changed
- Reorganization of contributors (@burhan)
## [2015-12-01]
### Changed
- Update documentation to include the installation os dependencies before development requirements (@failsafe86)
## [2015-11-29]
### Changed
- Update version of click and python-build (@luzfcb)
## [2015-11-25]
### Changed
- Update version of psutil, ipython (@luzfcb)
- Update version of gunicorn (@audreyr)
- Remove debugging tools from non-generated part of cookiecutter-django, since those are personal prefs (@audreyr)
- Update version of Django in (@luzfcb)
## [2015-11-24]
### Changed
- Update version of Django, coverage and click (@luzfcb)
- Fixed configuration for Celery in (@luzfcb @hackebrot)
## [2015-11-23]
### Changed
- Update AngularJS version to 1.4.8 (@luzfcb)
- Update version of cookiecutter, pytest, tox, whitenoise, django-test-plus, django_coverage_plugin, Werkzeug, hitchserve, tornado, unixpackage (@luzfcb)
- Update 'now' date in cookiecutter.json (@luzfcb)
- `sh` package version pinned to `1.11` (@luzfcb)
## [2015-11-22]
### Changed
- Move div class unquote outside the django if tag (@jvanbrug)
- Changed gevent to `1.1rc1` for python 3 users (@jondelmil / @jayfk)
## [2015-11-20]
### Changed
- Using python 3.5 on Heroku/Travis (@bogdal)
- Fixed typo in README (@tedmiston)
## [2015-11-18]
### Added
- Mailhog as a replacement for Maildump (@keybits)
### Removed
- Maildump because it didn't support Python 3 (@keybits)
## [2015-11-17]
### Added
- initial configuration to support opbeat (@burhan)
### Removed
- Took `*.pyc` out of .gitignore, because it's already covered by `*.py[cod]` (@audreyr)
## [2015-11-16]
### Changed
- Cleanup of main README (@burhan)
## [2015-11-15]
### Added
- Added `UserFactory` for users.User tests (@ad-m)
## [2015-11-12]
### Changed
- Update version of django-allauth (@yunti)
- Added a warning in README.rst: ```repo_name must be a valid Python module``` @cdvv7788
### Removed
- remove ```{% load url from future %}``` in templates - deprecated in django 1.9 (@yunti)
## [2015-11-11]
### Added
- Added django_coverage_plugin to measure Django template coverage (@audreyr)
## [2015-11-09]
### Changed
- Now using py.test for our test suite!! (@hackebrot)
- Python version in travis.yml is now correct for the selected version of Django (@show0k)
## [2015-11-08]
### Changed
- bump django-extensions version (@garrypolley)
## [2015-11-07]
### Added
- newrelic support (@amjith)
- DJANGO_SENTRY_DSN to env.example (@jayfk)
### Changed
- Made `post_gen_hook.set_secret_key()` only changes one CHANGEME!!! at a time. (@pydanny)
- Fixed an error where celery couldn't load the sentry DSN from settings (@jayfk)
- Renamed ADMIN_URL to DJANGO_ADMIN_URL in env.example (@ChrisPappalardo)
## [2015-11-06]
### Added
- \*tests\* to `.coveragerc`, because including it is cheating! (@pydanny)
- Binaryornot to cookiecutter-django's own tests because otherwise Python 3 blows up (@audreyr)
### Changed
- `.travis.yml` configuration to support Python 3.4 and 3.5 (@pydanny)
- `.gitignore` configuration so py.test cache files don't show up in git status.
## [2015-11-05]
### Changed
- Update version of django-extensions (@luzfcb)
- Fix gevent requirement for Python 3 (@mcho421)
## [2015-11-04]
### Changed
- Update version of Django, cookiecutter, celery, coverage, django-mailgun, django-redis, factory_boy, flake8, pytest and pytz (@luzfcb)
- Update AngularJS version to 1.4.7 (@luzfcb)
- Update 'now' date in cookiecutter.json (@luzfcb)
## [2015-10-28]
### Changed
- Update deployment-on-heroku.rst for ADMIN_URL (@yunti)
## [2015-10-27]
### Added
- Added sudo: true to the travis file (@MathijsHoogland)
## [2015-10-25]
### Added
- Move current logging config into since it's not useful locally anyway. Used only if not using Sentry. (@audreyr)
- `` so we can list it on PyPI and therefore displayed on as compatible with Python 3. (@pydanny)
- Versioning and tagging policy (@pydanny)
- Fixed flake8 issue (@pydanny)
## [2015-10-24]
### Changed
- Update nav in base template to latest Bootstrap 4 version (@audreyr)
- Replaced ADD with COPY in dockerfiles (@audreyr)
- Simplified development dockerfile (@jayfk)
- Moved the docker postgres volume on the development environment to it's own subfolder (@jayfk)
- Renamed DJANGO_CACHE_URL to REDIS_URL (@jayfk / proposed by @pydanny)
## [2015-10-22]
### Removed
- Remove unnecessary .gitkeep in static/images/ (@audreyr)
## [2015-10-21]
### Changed
- Updated requirements (@theskumar)
### Removed
- editorconfig comment that was just a isort settings link (@pydanny)
## [2015-10-19]
### Changed
- On Windows, don't install psycopg2 locally. Still install it in test/prod which are assumed to be Unix. (@audreyr)
## [2015-10-15]
### Changed
- Made `post_gen_hook` function to change secret keys in files more generic (@pydanny)
- Set cryptographically randomized value to `DJANGO_SECRET_KEY` in `env.example` (@pydanny)
## [2015-10-14]
### Added
- Documention of project options (@audreyr)
### Changed
- Added clarification on building for local or production (@MathijsHoogland)
- Whitespace correction in dev.yml (@MathijsHoogland)
## [2015-10-13]
### Changed
- Requirements update (@theskumar)
## [2015-10-11]
### Changed
- Fixed raven issue on development (#302) (@jazztpt)
## [2015-10-05]
### Changed
- Update version of Django, Pillow, hitchselenium, psutil (@luzfcb)
## [2015-10-04]
### Changed
- Remove stray closing tags and fix navbar margin in in base.html (@hairychris)
- Docker docs to be functional and more understandable (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-30]
### Changed
- Fixed Sentry logging with celery (@jayfk)
- Added pep8 and pyflakes to requirements (@jayfk)
- Fixed url() arguments in because String view arguments to url() is deprecated in django 1.9 (@siauPatrick)
- Update version of cookiecutter, coverage, django-environ, django-extensions, hitchpython, hitchselenium, hitchserve, pytest, pytz, whitenoise (@luzfcb)
- Update the usage example in README (@luzfcb)
- Update 'now' date in cookiecutter.json (@luzfcb)
## [2015-09-29]
### Changed
- Fix RST in Docker docs (@andor-pierdelacabeza)
## [2015-09-27]
### Added
- Added advice on how to persist changes with boot2docker (@jayfk)
- Removed duplicate from `CONTRIBUTORS.rst` (@jayfk)
## [2015-09-26]
### Added
- Add .pylintrc and .pep8 (@kaidokert)
### Changed
- Move pep8 rules to setup.cfg (@audreyr)
- Better pep8 rules for exclusion (@audreyr)
- Document all linters (@audreyr)
- Sass linting and improvements to alerts (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-25]
### Changed
- django-mailgun requirement to 0.7.2 (@pydanny)
- Remove commented-out flake8 ignore rule. (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-24]
### Changed
- Add user-uploaded media dir to .gitignore (@audreyr)
- Update .editorconfig to use 2 spaces for html, css, scss, json (@audreyr)
- Have flake8 ignore node_modules dir (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-23]
### Changed
- Add workaround for django-debug-toolbar conflict with Bootstrap 4 (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-22]
### Added
- Add Python version option for deployment (@yunti)
## [2015-09-21]
### Changed
- django-mailgun-redux to django-mailgun, because @pydanny now has commit rights
### Removed
- Excess "loggers" from LOGGING setting (@siauPatrick)
## [2015-09-18]
### Changed
- Major reorganization of docs (@pydanny)
- Fix expanded navbar on mobile (@jayfk)
- Update various requirements (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-17]
### Added
- Fix for for Raven in dev (@yunti)
## [2015-09-15]
### Added
- whitespace to allow proper rendering of RST (@IanLee1521 )
## [2015-09-14]
### Added
- Functionality to delete taskapp if celery isn't going to be used (@pydanny)
### Removed
- Remove unused generated CSS styles (@audreyr)
### Changed
- Use Bootstrap margin utility class `m-b-lg` and remove our custom `navbar-header` class (@audreyr)
- Update Hitch requirements (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-13]
### Removed
- Styles that already exist in Bootstrap 4 (or 3) (@audreyr)
### Changed
- Fix issue #296 - change login.html to use [get_providers]( templatetag because ``allauth.socialaccount`` context processor now is [deprecated]( (@luzfcb)
## [2015-09-09]
### Added
- post_gen_hook to generate a secret key for use in You should define your own for production (@pydanny)
## [2015-09-09]
### Added
- htmlcov to gitignore (@pydanny)
## [2015-09-04]
### Added
- Easy deploy Heroku button and app.json file (@bogdal)
## [2015-09-03]
### Added
- For security reasons, we set explicitly the list of allowed hosts (@bogdal)
## [2015-08-31]
### Removed
- Dokku in favor of docker-compose and other modern Django tools (@pydanny)
## [2015-08-30]
### Changed
- Moved from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4 (@audreyr)
- Slight Reorganization of the README docs (@pydanny)
- Dokku docs are out of the README and in the docs folder (@pydanny)
- Small improvements in ```` and ```` scripts (@luzfcb)
- Update version of django-crispy-forms, django-extensions, django-test-plus, gevent, coverage, hitchpython and hitchtest (@luzfcb)
- Update AngularJS version to 1.4.4 (@luzfcb)
- Update the usage example on README (@luzfcb)
## [2015-08-28]
### Changed
- Switched to django-mailgun-redux so mail doesn't blow up on Python 3 (@pydanny)
## [2015-08-27]
### Changed
- Grunt Updates: use libsass, add postcss (@288)
## [2015-08-20]
### Changed
- requirements files to match current dependency versions (@pydanny)
## [2015-08-18]
### Added
- Docker support and docker-compose (@jayfk)
## [2015-08-12]
### Added
- hitch for end-to-end testing functionality (@crdoconnor)
## [2015-08-09]
### Added
- test coverage, bringing it to 100% (@pydanny)
## 2015-08-08
### Added
- Gitter badge (@pydanny)
### Changed
- Refactor of cookiecutter-django render tests (@burhan)
## [2015-08-06]
### Added
- More test coverage, up to 97% (@pydanny)
- Slight optimization to celery configuration (@jayfk)
## [2015-08-05]
### Added
- Sentry support (@burhan)
### Changed
- Made the user object python 2 and 3 friendly (@pydanny)
- When using maildump, pin gevent. (@audreyr)
- Updated coverage version. (@audreyr)
## [2015-08-04]
### Added
- Better specification of migrations in .coveragerc. (@audreyr)
## [2015-08-03]
### Added
- Instructions for using coverage and generating reports (@audreyr)
- Coverage project-level config file (@audreyr)
- factory-boy package for improved testing (@pydanny)
- Error message for duplicate usernames in `users.admin.MyUserCreationForm` (@pydanny)
- Tests on `users.admin.MyUserCreationForm` (@pydanny)
### Changed
- update django-all-auth to 0.23.0 (@pydanny)
- update django-test-plus to 1.0.7 (@pydanny)
### Removed
- Unnecessary users/ module (@pydanny)
## [2015-07-30]
### Changed
- update django-floppyforms version to 1.5.2
## [2015-07-29]
### Removed
- Removed legacy permalink decorator from the users.User model. (@pydanny)
## [2015-07-27]
### Removed
- removed django-allauth template context processors because is deprecated now. see: (@burhan)
### Changed
- update version of ipython, django-allauth (@luzfcb)
- update version of django-braces, django-floppyforms, django-model-utils (#287)(@burhan)
## [2015-07-21]
### Changed
- memcached is as a cache is replace with redis (#258)(@burhan)
## [2015-07-18]
### Changed
- Heroku deployment docs (@stepmr)
- Heroku's free postgres tier is now "hobby-dev"
- pg:backups require a scheduled time
- add missing Mailgun API key
- Django recommends setting the PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable to random. See:
- Use openssl to generate a secure, random secret_key
## [2015-07-17]
### Added
- @models.permalink decorator to User.get_absolute_url() method
### Fixed
- Broken user_form.html (@pydanny)
## [2015-07-16]
### Added
- django-test-plus (@pydanny)
- option use maildump instead of ConsoleEmailHandler (@burhan)
- (@pydanny)
### Fixed
- where 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL' was used to cast the value (@jayfk)
### Removed
- unnecessary header block tag and 'user:' prefix. (@pydanny)