2015-09-21 21:24:19 -07:00

186 lines
5.4 KiB

# Change Log
All enhancements and patches to cookiecutter-django will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [2015-09-21]
### Changed
- django-mailgun-redux to django-mailgun, because @pydanny now has commit rights
### Removed
- Excess "loggers" from LOGGING setting (@siauPatrick)
## [2015-09-18]
### Changed
- Major reorganization of docs (@pydanny)
- Fix expanded navbar on mobile (@jayfk)
- Update various requirements (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-17]
### Added
- Fix for for Raven in dev (@yunti)
## [2015-09-15]
### Added
- whitespace to allow proper rendering of RST (@IanLee1521 )
## [2015-09-14]
### Added
- Functionality to delete taskapp if celery isn't going to be used (@pydanny)
### Removed
- Remove unused generated CSS styles (@audreyr)
### Changed
- Use Bootstrap margin utility class `m-b-lg` and remove our custom `navbar-header` class (@audreyr)
- Update Hitch requirements (@audreyr)
## [2015-09-13]
### Removed
- Styles that already exist in Bootstrap 4 (or 3) (@audreyr)
### Changed
- Fix issue #296 - change login.html to use [get_providers]( templatetag because ``allauth.socialaccount`` context processor now is [deprecated]( (@luzfcb)
## [2015-09-09]
### Added
- post_gen_hook to generate a secret key for use in You should define your own for production (@pydanny)
## [2015-09-09]
### Added
- htmlcov to gitignore (@pydanny)
## [2015-09-04]
### Added
- Easy deploy Heroku button and app.json file (@bogdal)
## [2015-09-03]
### Added
- For security reasons, we set explicitly the list of allowed hosts (@bogdal)
## [2015-08-31]
### Removed
- Dokku in favor of docker-compose and other modern Django tools (@pydanny)
## [2015-08-30]
### Changed
- Moved from Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4 (@audreyr)
- Slight Reorganization of the README docs (@pydanny)
- Dokku docs are out of the README and in the docs folder (@pydanny)
- Small improvements in ```` and ```` scripts (@luzfcb)
- Update version of django-crispy-forms, django-extensions, django-test-plus, gevent, coverage, hitchpython and hitchtest (@luzfcb)
- Update AngularJS version to 1.4.4 (@luzfcb)
- Update the usage example on README (@luzfcb)
## [2015-08-28]
### Changed
- Switched to django-mailgun-redux so mail doesn't blow up on Python 3 (@pydanny)
## [2015-08-27]
### Changed
- Grunt Updates: use libsass, add postcss (@288)
## [2015-08-20]
### Changed
- requirements files to match current dependency versions (@pydanny)
## [2015-08-18]
### Added
- Docker support and docker-compose (@jayfk)
## [2015-08-12]
### Added
- hitch for end-to-end testing functionality (@crdoconnor)
## [2015-08-09]
### Added
- test coverage, bringing it to 100% (@pydanny)
## 2015-08-08
### Added
- Gitter badge (@pydanny)
### Changed
- Refactor of cookiecutter-django render tests (@burhan)
## [2015-08-06]
### Added
- More test coverage, up to 97% (@pydanny)
- Slight optimization to celery configuration (@jayfk)
## [2015-08-05]
### Added
- Sentry support (@burhan)
### Changed
- Made the user object python 2 and 3 friendly (@pydanny)
- When using maildump, pin gevent. (@audreyr)
- Updated coverage version. (@audreyr)
## [2015-08-04]
### Added
- Better specification of migrations in .coveragerc. (@audreyr)
## [2015-08-03]
### Added
- Instructions for using coverage and generating reports (@audreyr)
- Coverage project-level config file (@audreyr)
- factory-boy package for improved testing (@pydanny)
- Error message for duplicate usernames in `users.admin.MyUserCreationForm` (@pydanny)
- Tests on `users.admin.MyUserCreationForm` (@pydanny)
### Changed
- update django-all-auth to 0.23.0 (@pydanny)
- update django-test-plus to 1.0.7 (@pydanny)
### Removed
- Unnecessary users/ module (@pydanny)
## [2015-07-30]
### Changed
- update django-floppyforms version to 1.5.2
## [2015-07-29]
### Removed
- Removed legacy permalink decorator from the users.User model. (@pydanny)
## [2015-07-27]
### Removed
- removed django-allauth template context processors because is deprecated now. see: (@burhan)
### Changed
- update version of ipython, django-allauth (@luzfcb)
- update version of django-braces, django-floppyforms, django-model-utils (#287)(@burhan)
## [2015-07-21]
### Changed
- memcached is as a cache is replace with redis (#258)(@burhan)
## [2015-07-18]
### Changed
- Heroku deployment docs (@stepmr)
- Heroku's free postgres tier is now "hobby-dev"
- pg:backups require a scheduled time
- add missing Mailgun API key
- Django recommends setting the PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable to random. See:
- Use openssl to generate a secure, random secret_key
## [2015-07-17]
### Added
- @models.permalink decorator to User.get_absolute_url() method
### Fixed
- Broken user_form.html (@pydanny)
## [2015-07-16]
### Added
- django-test-plus (@pydanny)
- option use maildump instead of ConsoleEmailHandler (@burhan)
- (@pydanny)
### Fixed
- where 'DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL' was used to cast the value (@jayfk)
### Removed
- unnecessary header block tag and 'user:' prefix. (@pydanny)