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synced 2025-03-09 14:05:47 +03:00
441 lines
13 KiB
441 lines
13 KiB
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Gregor Cimerman, 2017
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Django REST framework\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-12 16:13+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-03 14:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gregor Cimerman\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian (http://www.transifex.com/django-rest-framework-1/django-rest-framework/language/sl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: sl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
#: authentication.py:73
msgid "Invalid basic header. No credentials provided."
msgstr "Napačno enostavno zagalvje. Ni podanih poverilnic."
#: authentication.py:76
msgid "Invalid basic header. Credentials string should not contain spaces."
msgstr "Napačno enostavno zaglavje. Poverilniški niz ne sme vsebovati presledkov."
#: authentication.py:82
msgid "Invalid basic header. Credentials not correctly base64 encoded."
msgstr "Napačno enostavno zaglavje. Poverilnice niso pravilno base64 kodirane."
#: authentication.py:99
msgid "Invalid username/password."
msgstr "Napačno uporabniško ime ali geslo."
#: authentication.py:102 authentication.py:198
msgid "User inactive or deleted."
msgstr "Uporabnik neaktiven ali izbrisan."
#: authentication.py:176
msgid "Invalid token header. No credentials provided."
msgstr "Neveljaven žeton v zaglavju. Ni vsebovanih poverilnic."
#: authentication.py:179
msgid "Invalid token header. Token string should not contain spaces."
msgstr "Neveljaven žeton v zaglavju. Žeton ne sme vsebovati presledkov."
#: authentication.py:185
msgid ""
"Invalid token header. Token string should not contain invalid characters."
msgstr "Neveljaven žeton v zaglavju. Žeton ne sme vsebovati napačnih znakov."
#: authentication.py:195
msgid "Invalid token."
msgstr "Neveljaven žeton."
#: authtoken/apps.py:7
msgid "Auth Token"
msgstr "Prijavni žeton"
#: authtoken/models.py:15
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Ključ"
#: authtoken/models.py:18
msgid "User"
msgstr "Uporabnik"
#: authtoken/models.py:20
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Ustvarjen"
#: authtoken/models.py:29
msgid "Token"
msgstr "Žeton"
#: authtoken/models.py:30
msgid "Tokens"
msgstr "Žetoni"
#: authtoken/serializers.py:8
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Uporabniško ime"
#: authtoken/serializers.py:9
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Geslo"
#: authtoken/serializers.py:20
msgid "User account is disabled."
msgstr "Uporabniški račun je onemogočen."
#: authtoken/serializers.py:23
msgid "Unable to log in with provided credentials."
msgstr "Neuspešna prijava s podanimi poverilnicami."
#: authtoken/serializers.py:26
msgid "Must include \"username\" and \"password\"."
msgstr "Mora vsebovati \"uporabniško ime\" in \"geslo\"."
#: exceptions.py:49
msgid "A server error occurred."
msgstr "Napaka na strežniku."
#: exceptions.py:84
msgid "Malformed request."
msgstr "Okvarjen zahtevek."
#: exceptions.py:89
msgid "Incorrect authentication credentials."
msgstr "Napačni avtentikacijski podatki."
#: exceptions.py:94
msgid "Authentication credentials were not provided."
msgstr "Avtentikacijski podatki niso bili podani."
#: exceptions.py:99
msgid "You do not have permission to perform this action."
msgstr "Nimate dovoljenj za izvedbo te akcije."
#: exceptions.py:104 views.py:81
msgid "Not found."
msgstr "Ni najdeno"
#: exceptions.py:109
msgid "Method \"{method}\" not allowed."
msgstr "Metoda \"{method}\" ni dovoljena"
#: exceptions.py:120
msgid "Could not satisfy the request Accept header."
msgstr "Ni bilo mogoče zagotoviti zaglavja Accept zahtevka."
#: exceptions.py:132
msgid "Unsupported media type \"{media_type}\" in request."
msgstr "Nepodprt medijski tip \"{media_type}\" v zahtevku."
#: exceptions.py:145
msgid "Request was throttled."
msgstr "Zahtevek je bil pridržan."
#: fields.py:269 relations.py:206 relations.py:239 validators.py:98
#: validators.py:181
msgid "This field is required."
msgstr "To polje je obvezno."
#: fields.py:270
msgid "This field may not be null."
msgstr "To polje ne sme biti null."
#: fields.py:608 fields.py:639
msgid "\"{input}\" is not a valid boolean."
msgstr "\"{input}\" ni veljaven boolean."
#: fields.py:674
msgid "This field may not be blank."
msgstr "To polje ne sme biti prazno."
#: fields.py:675 fields.py:1675
msgid "Ensure this field has no more than {max_length} characters."
msgstr "To polje ne sme biti daljše od {max_length} znakov."
#: fields.py:676
msgid "Ensure this field has at least {min_length} characters."
msgstr "To polje mora vsebovati vsaj {min_length} znakov."
#: fields.py:713
msgid "Enter a valid email address."
msgstr "Vnesite veljaven elektronski naslov."
#: fields.py:724
msgid "This value does not match the required pattern."
msgstr "Ta vrednost ne ustreza zahtevanemu vzorcu."
#: fields.py:735
msgid ""
"Enter a valid \"slug\" consisting of letters, numbers, underscores or "
msgstr "Vnesite veljaven \"slug\", ki vsebuje črke, številke, podčrtaje ali vezaje."
#: fields.py:747
msgid "Enter a valid URL."
msgstr "Vnesite veljaven URL."
#: fields.py:760
msgid "\"{value}\" is not a valid UUID."
msgstr "\"{value}\" ni veljaven UUID"
#: fields.py:796
msgid "Enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address."
msgstr "Vnesite veljaven IPv4 ali IPv6 naslov."
#: fields.py:821
msgid "A valid integer is required."
msgstr "Zahtevano je veljavno celo število."
#: fields.py:822 fields.py:857 fields.py:891
msgid "Ensure this value is less than or equal to {max_value}."
msgstr "Vrednost mora biti manjša ali enaka {max_value}."
#: fields.py:823 fields.py:858 fields.py:892
msgid "Ensure this value is greater than or equal to {min_value}."
msgstr "Vrednost mora biti večija ali enaka {min_value}."
#: fields.py:824 fields.py:859 fields.py:896
msgid "String value too large."
msgstr "Niz je prevelik."
#: fields.py:856 fields.py:890
msgid "A valid number is required."
msgstr "Zahtevano je veljavno število."
#: fields.py:893
msgid "Ensure that there are no more than {max_digits} digits in total."
msgstr "Vnesete lahko največ {max_digits} števk."
#: fields.py:894
msgid ""
"Ensure that there are no more than {max_decimal_places} decimal places."
msgstr "Vnesete lahko največ {max_decimal_places} decimalnih mest."
#: fields.py:895
msgid ""
"Ensure that there are no more than {max_whole_digits} digits before the "
"decimal point."
msgstr "Vnesete lahko največ {max_whole_digits} števk pred decimalno piko."
#: fields.py:1025
msgid "Datetime has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: {format}."
msgstr "Datim in čas v napačnem formatu. Uporabite eno izmed naslednjih formatov: {format}."
#: fields.py:1026
msgid "Expected a datetime but got a date."
msgstr "Pričakovan datum in čas, prejet le datum."
#: fields.py:1103
msgid "Date has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: {format}."
msgstr "Datum je v napačnem formatu. Uporabnite enega izmed naslednjih: {format}."
#: fields.py:1104
msgid "Expected a date but got a datetime."
msgstr "Pričakovan datum vendar prejet datum in čas."
#: fields.py:1170
msgid "Time has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: {format}."
msgstr "Čas je v napačnem formatu. Uporabite enega izmed naslednjih: {format}."
#: fields.py:1232
msgid "Duration has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: {format}."
msgstr "Trajanje je v napačnem formatu. Uporabite enega izmed naslednjih: {format}."
#: fields.py:1251 fields.py:1300
msgid "\"{input}\" is not a valid choice."
msgstr "\"{input}\" ni veljavna izbira."
#: fields.py:1254 relations.py:71 relations.py:441
msgid "More than {count} items..."
msgstr "Več kot {count} elementov..."
#: fields.py:1301 fields.py:1448 relations.py:437 serializers.py:524
msgid "Expected a list of items but got type \"{input_type}\"."
msgstr "Pričakovan seznam elementov vendar prejet tip \"{input_type}\"."
#: fields.py:1302
msgid "This selection may not be empty."
msgstr "Ta izbria ne sme ostati prazna."
#: fields.py:1339
msgid "\"{input}\" is not a valid path choice."
msgstr "\"{input}\" ni veljavna izbira poti."
#: fields.py:1358
msgid "No file was submitted."
msgstr "Datoteka ni bila oddana."
#: fields.py:1359
msgid ""
"The submitted data was not a file. Check the encoding type on the form."
msgstr "Oddani podatki niso datoteka. Preverite vrsto kodiranja na formi."
#: fields.py:1360
msgid "No filename could be determined."
msgstr "Imena datoteke ni bilo mogoče določiti."
#: fields.py:1361
msgid "The submitted file is empty."
msgstr "Oddana datoteka je prazna."
#: fields.py:1362
msgid ""
"Ensure this filename has at most {max_length} characters (it has {length})."
msgstr "Ime datoteke lahko vsebuje največ {max_length} znakov (ta jih ima {length})."
#: fields.py:1410
msgid ""
"Upload a valid image. The file you uploaded was either not an image or a "
"corrupted image."
msgstr "Naložite veljavno sliko. Naložena datoteka ni bila slika ali pa je okvarjena."
#: fields.py:1449 relations.py:438 serializers.py:525
msgid "This list may not be empty."
msgstr "Seznam ne sme biti prazen."
#: fields.py:1502
msgid "Expected a dictionary of items but got type \"{input_type}\"."
msgstr "Pričakovan je slovar elementov, prejet element je tipa \"{input_type}\"."
#: fields.py:1549
msgid "Value must be valid JSON."
msgstr "Vrednost mora biti veljaven JSON."
#: filters.py:36 templates/rest_framework/filters/django_filter.html:5
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Potrdi"
#: filters.py:336
msgid "ascending"
msgstr "naraščujoče"
#: filters.py:337
msgid "descending"
msgstr "padajoče"
#: pagination.py:193
msgid "Invalid page."
msgstr "Neveljavna stran."
#: pagination.py:427
msgid "Invalid cursor"
msgstr "Neveljaven kazalec"
#: relations.py:207
msgid "Invalid pk \"{pk_value}\" - object does not exist."
msgstr "Neveljaven pk \"{pk_value}\" - objekt ne obstaja."
#: relations.py:208
msgid "Incorrect type. Expected pk value, received {data_type}."
msgstr "Neveljaven tip. Pričakovana vrednost pk, prejet {data_type}."
#: relations.py:240
msgid "Invalid hyperlink - No URL match."
msgstr "Neveljavna povezava - Ni URL."
#: relations.py:241
msgid "Invalid hyperlink - Incorrect URL match."
msgstr "Ni veljavna povezava - Napačen URL."
#: relations.py:242
msgid "Invalid hyperlink - Object does not exist."
msgstr "Ni veljavna povezava - Objekt ne obstaja."
#: relations.py:243
msgid "Incorrect type. Expected URL string, received {data_type}."
msgstr "Napačen tip. Pričakovan URL niz, prejet {data_type}."
#: relations.py:401
msgid "Object with {slug_name}={value} does not exist."
msgstr "Objekt z {slug_name}={value} ne obstaja."
#: relations.py:402
msgid "Invalid value."
msgstr "Neveljavna vrednost."
#: serializers.py:326
msgid "Invalid data. Expected a dictionary, but got {datatype}."
msgstr "Napačni podatki. Pričakovan slovar, prejet {datatype}."
#: templates/rest_framework/admin.html:116
#: templates/rest_framework/base.html:128
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filtri"
#: templates/rest_framework/filters/django_filter.html:2
#: templates/rest_framework/filters/django_filter_crispyforms.html:4
msgid "Field filters"
msgstr "Filter polj"
#: templates/rest_framework/filters/ordering.html:3
msgid "Ordering"
msgstr "Razvrščanje"
#: templates/rest_framework/filters/search.html:2
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Iskanje"
#: templates/rest_framework/horizontal/radio.html:2
#: templates/rest_framework/inline/radio.html:2
#: templates/rest_framework/vertical/radio.html:2
msgid "None"
msgstr "None"
#: templates/rest_framework/horizontal/select_multiple.html:2
#: templates/rest_framework/inline/select_multiple.html:2
#: templates/rest_framework/vertical/select_multiple.html:2
msgid "No items to select."
msgstr "Ni elementov za izbiro."
#: validators.py:43
msgid "This field must be unique."
msgstr "To polje mora biti unikatno."
#: validators.py:97
msgid "The fields {field_names} must make a unique set."
msgstr "Polja {field_names} morajo skupaj sestavljati unikaten niz."
#: validators.py:245
msgid "This field must be unique for the \"{date_field}\" date."
msgstr "Polje mora biti unikatno za \"{date_field}\" dan."
#: validators.py:260
msgid "This field must be unique for the \"{date_field}\" month."
msgstr "Polje mora biti unikatno za \"{date_field} mesec.\""
#: validators.py:273
msgid "This field must be unique for the \"{date_field}\" year."
msgstr "Polje mora biti unikatno za \"{date_field}\" leto."
#: versioning.py:42
msgid "Invalid version in \"Accept\" header."
msgstr "Neveljavna verzija v \"Accept\" zaglavju."
#: versioning.py:73
msgid "Invalid version in URL path."
msgstr "Neveljavna različca v poti URL."
#: versioning.py:115
msgid "Invalid version in URL path. Does not match any version namespace."
msgstr "Neveljavna različica v poti URL. Se ne ujema z nobeno različico imenskega prostora."
#: versioning.py:147
msgid "Invalid version in hostname."
msgstr "Neveljavna različica v imenu gostitelja."
#: versioning.py:169
msgid "Invalid version in query parameter."
msgstr "Neveljavna verzija v poizvedbenem parametru."
#: views.py:88
msgid "Permission denied."
msgstr "Dovoljenje zavrnjeno."