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synced 2025-03-23 11:24:17 +03:00
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The following people have helped make REST framework great.
- Tom Christie - tomchristie
- Marko Tibold - markotibold
- Paul Miller - paulmillr
- Sébastien Piquemal - sebpiq
- Carmen Wick - cwick
- Alex Ehlke - aehlke
- Alen Mujezinovic - flashingpumpkin
- Carles Barrobés - txels
- Michael Fötsch - mfoetsch
- David Larlet - david
- Andrew Straw - astraw
- Zeth - zeth
- Fernando Zunino - fzunino
- Jens Alm - ulmus
- Craig Blaszczyk - jakul
- Garcia Solero - garciasolero
- Tom Drummond - devioustree
- Danilo Bargen - dbrgn
- Andrew McCloud - amccloud
- Thomas Steinacher - thomasst
- Meurig Freeman - meurig
- Anthony Nemitz - anemitz
- Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden - ekohl
- Michael Ding - yandy
- Mjumbe Poe - mjumbewu
- Natim - natim
- Sebastian Żurek - sebzur
- Benoit C - dzen
- Chris Pickett - bunchesofdonald
- Ben Timby - btimby
- Michele Lazzeri - michelelazzeri-nextage
- Camille Harang - mammique
- Paul Oswald - poswald
- Sean C. Farley - scfarley
- Daniel Izquierdo - izquierdo
- Can Yavuz - tschan
- Shawn Lewis - shawnlewis
- Alec Perkins - alecperkins
- Michael Barrett - phobologic
- Mathieu Dhondt - laundromat
- Johan Charpentier - cyberj
- Jamie Matthews - j4mie
- Mattbo - mattbo
- Max Hurl - maximilianhurl
- Tomi Pajunen - eofs
- Rob Dobson - rdobson
- Daniel Vaca Araujo - diviei
- Madis Väin - madisvain
- Stephan Groß - minddust
- Pavel Savchenko - asfaltboy
- Otto Yiu - ottoyiu
- Jacob Magnusson - jmagnusson
- Osiloke Harold Emoekpere - osiloke
- Michael Shepanski - mjs7231
- Toni Michel - tonimichel
- Ben Konrath - benkonrath
- Marc Aymerich - glic3rinu
- Ludwig Kraatz - ludwigkraatz
- Rob Romano - robromano
- Eugene Mechanism - mechanism
- Jonas Liljestrand - jonlil
- Justin Davis - irrelative
- Dustin Bachrach - dbachrach
- Mark Shirley - maspwr
- Olivier Aubert - oaubert
- Yuri Prezument - yprez
- Fabian Buechler - fabianbuechler
- Mark Hughes - mhsparks
- Michael van de Waeter - mvdwaeter
- Reinout van Rees - reinout
- Michael Richards - justanotherbody
- Ben Roberts - roberts81
- Venkata Subramanian Mahalingam - annacoder
- George Kappel - gkappel
- Colin Murtaugh - cmurtaugh
- Simon Pantzare - pilt
- Szymon Teżewski - sunscrapers
- Joel Marcotte - joual
- Trey Hunner - treyhunner
- Roman Akinfold - akinfold
- Toran Billups - toranb
- Sébastien Béal - sebastibe
- Andrew Hankinson - ahankinson
- Juan Riaza - juanriaza
- Michael Mior - michaelmior
- Marc Tamlyn - mjtamlyn
- Richard Wackerbarth - wackerbarth
- Johannes Spielmann - shezi
- James Cleveland - radiosilence
- Steve Gregory - steve-gregory
- Federico Capoano - nemesisdesign
- Bruno Renié - brutasse
- Kevin Stone - kevinastone
- Guglielmo Celata - guglielmo
- Mike Tums - mktums
- Michael Elovskikh - wronglink
- Michał Jaworski - swistakm
- Andrea de Marco - z4r
- Fernando Rocha - fernandogrd
- Xavier Ordoquy - xordoquy
- Adam Wentz - floppya
- Andreas Pelme - pelme
- Ryan Detzel - ryanrdetzel
- Omer Katz - thedrow
- Wiliam Souza - waa
- Jonas Braun - iekadou
- Ian Dash - bitmonkey
- Bouke Haarsma - bouke
- Pierre Dulac - dulaccc
- Dave Kuhn - kuhnza
- Sitong Peng - stoneg
- Victor Shih - vshih
- Atle Frenvik Sveen - atlefren
- J Paul Reed - preed
- Matt Majewski - forgingdestiny
- Jerome Chen - chenjyw
- Andrew Hughes - eyepulp
- Daniel Hepper - dhepper
- Hamish Campbell - hamishcampbell
- Marlon Bailey - avinash240
- James Summerfield - jsummerfield
- Andy Freeland - rouge8
- Craig de Stigter - craigds
- Pablo Recio - pyriku
- Brian Zambrano - brianz
- Òscar Vilaplana - grimborg
- Ryan Kaskel - ryankask
- Andy McKay - andymckay
- Matteo Suppo - matteosuppo
- Karol Majta - lolek09
- David Jones - commonorgarden
- Andrew Tarzwell - atarzwell
- Michal Dvořák - mikee2185
- Markus Törnqvist - mjtorn
- Pascal Borreli - pborreli
- Alex Burgel - aburgel
- David Medina - copitux
- Areski Belaid - areski
- Ethan Freman - mindlace
- David Sanders - davesque
- Philip Douglas - freakydug
- Igor Kalat - trwired
- Rudolf Olah - omouse
- Gertjan Oude Lohuis - gertjanol
- Matthias Jacob - cyroxx
- Pavel Zinovkin - pzinovkin
- Will Kahn-Greene - willkg
- Kevin Brown - kevin-brown
- Rodrigo Martell - coderigo
- James Rutherford - jimr
- Ricky Rosario - rlr
- Veronica Lynn - kolvia
- Dan Stephenson - etos
- Martin Clement - martync
- Jeremy Satterfield - jsatt
- Christopher Paolini - chrispaolini
- Filipe A Ximenes - filipeximenes
- Ramiro Morales - ramiro
- Krzysztof Jurewicz - krzysiekj
Many thanks to everyone who's contributed to the project.
Additional thanks
The documentation is built with Bootstrap and Markdown.
Project hosting is with GitHub.
Continuous integration testing is managed with Travis CI.
The live sandbox is hosted on Heroku.
Various inspiration taken from the Rails, Piston, Tastypie, Dagny and django-viewsets projects.
Development of REST framework 2.0 was sponsored by DabApps.
For usage questions please see the REST framework discussion group.
You can also contact @_tomchristie directly on twitter.