Roman Mogilatov 028e5e9ef7 0.0.3 version
2015-01-11 15:03:45 +02:00

3.5 KiB


Python catalogs of objects providers.

Example of objects catalog definition and usage:

Concept example of objects catalogs.

from objects import Catalog, Singleton, NewInstance, InitArg, Attribute
import sqlite3

# Some example classes.
class ObjectA(object):
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db

class ObjectB(object):
    def __init__(self, a, db):
        self.a = a
        self.db = db

# Catalog of objects providers.
class AppCatalog(Catalog):
    Objects catalog.

    database = Singleton(sqlite3.Connection,
                         InitArg('database', ':memory:'),
                         Attribute('row_factory', sqlite3.Row))
    """ :type: (objects.Provider) -> sqlite3.Connection """

    object_a = NewInstance(ObjectA,
                           InitArg('db', database))
    """ :type: (objects.Provider) -> ObjectA """

    object_b = NewInstance(ObjectB,
                           InitArg('a', object_a),
                           InitArg('db', database))
    """ :type: (objects.Provider) -> ObjectB """

# Catalog injection into consumer class.
class Consumer(object):
    catalog = AppCatalog(AppCatalog.object_a,

    def return_a_b(self):
        return (self.catalog.object_a(),

a1, b1 = Consumer().return_a_b()

# Catalog static provides.
a2 = AppCatalog.object_a()
b2 = AppCatalog.object_b()

# Some asserts.
assert a1 is not a2
assert b1 is not b2
assert a1.db is a2.db is b1.db is b2.db

Example of injections using objects.catalog:

Concept example of objects injections.

from objects import Catalog, Singleton, NewInstance, InitArg, Attribute, inject
import sqlite3

# Some example class.
class ObjectA(object):
    def __init__(self, db):
        self.db = db

# Catalog of objects providers.
class AppCatalog(Catalog):
    Objects catalog.

    database = Singleton(sqlite3.Connection,
                         InitArg('database', ':memory:'),
                         Attribute('row_factory', sqlite3.Row))
    """ :type: (objects.Provider) -> sqlite3.Connection """

    object_a = NewInstance(ObjectA,
                           InitArg('db', database))
    """ :type: (objects.Provider) -> ObjectA """

# Class attributes injections.
@inject(Attribute('a', AppCatalog.object_a))
@inject(Attribute('database', AppCatalog.database))
class Consumer(object):
    Some consumer class with database dependency via attribute.

    a = None
    """ :type: (objects.Provider) -> ObjectA """

    database = None
    """ :type: (objects.Provider) -> sqlite3.Connection """

    def tests(self):
        a1, a2 = self.a(), self.a()

        assert a1 is not a2
        assert a1.db is a2.db is self.database()

consumer = Consumer()

# Class __init__ injections.
@inject(InitArg('a1', AppCatalog.object_a))
@inject(InitArg('a2', AppCatalog.object_a))
@inject(InitArg('database', AppCatalog.database))
class ConsumerWithInitArg(object):
    Some consumer class with database dependency via init arg.

    def __init__(self, a1, a2, database):

        :param a1: ObjectA
        :param a2: ObjectA
        :param database: sqlite3.Connection
        self.a1 = a1
        self.a2 = a2
        self.database = database

    def tests(self):
        assert self.a1 is not self.a2
        assert self.a1.db is self.a2.db is self.database

consumer = ConsumerWithInitArg()