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import re
import numpy
import pytest
from spacy.lang.en import English
from import German
from spacy.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from import Example
from spacy.util import compile_prefix_regex, compile_suffix_regex, ensure_path
from spacy.util import compile_infix_regex
from spacy.vocab import Vocab
from spacy.symbols import ORTH
def test_issue743():
doc = Doc(Vocab(), ["hello", "world"])
token = doc[0]
s = set([token])
items = list(s)
assert items[0] is token
reason="Can not be fixed unless with variable-width lookbehinds, cf. PR #3218"
('"deserve,"--and', ['"', "deserve", ',"--', "and"]),
("exception;--exclusive", ["exception", ";--", "exclusive"]),
("day.--Is", ["day", ".--", "Is"]),
("refinement:--just", ["refinement", ":--", "just"]),
("memories?--To", ["memories", "?--", "To"]),
("Useful.=--Therefore", ["Useful", ".=--", "Therefore"]),
("=Hope.=--Pandora", ["=", "Hope", ".=--", "Pandora"]),
def test_issue801(en_tokenizer, text, tokens):
"""Test that special characters + hyphens are split correctly."""
doc = en_tokenizer(text)
assert len(doc) == len(tokens)
assert [t.text for t in doc] == tokens
def test_issue1061():
"""Test special-case works after tokenizing. Was caching problem."""
text = "I like _MATH_ even _MATH_ when _MATH_, except when _MATH_ is _MATH_! but not _MATH_."
tokenizer = English().tokenizer
doc = tokenizer(text)
assert "MATH" in [w.text for w in doc]
assert "_MATH_" not in [w.text for w in doc]
tokenizer.add_special_case("_MATH_", [{ORTH: "_MATH_"}])
doc = tokenizer(text)
assert "_MATH_" in [w.text for w in doc]
assert "MATH" not in [w.text for w in doc]
# For sanity, check it works when pipeline is clean.
tokenizer = English().tokenizer
tokenizer.add_special_case("_MATH_", [{ORTH: "_MATH_"}])
doc = tokenizer(text)
assert "_MATH_" in [w.text for w in doc]
assert "MATH" not in [w.text for w in doc]
def test_issue1963(en_tokenizer):
"""Test that doc.merge() resizes doc.tensor"""
doc = en_tokenizer("a b c d")
doc.tensor = numpy.ones((len(doc), 128), dtype="f")
with doc.retokenize() as retokenizer:
assert len(doc) == 3
assert doc.tensor.shape == (3, 128)
reason="Can not be fixed without variable-width look-behind (which we don't want)"
def test_issue1235():
"""Test that g is not split of if preceded by a number and a letter"""
nlp = English()
testwords = "e2g 2g 52g"
doc = nlp(testwords)
assert len(doc) == 5
assert doc[0].text == "e2g"
assert doc[1].text == "2"
assert doc[2].text == "g"
assert doc[3].text == "52"
assert doc[4].text == "g"
def test_issue1242():
nlp = English()
doc = nlp("")
assert len(doc) == 0
docs = list(nlp.pipe(["", "hello"]))
assert len(docs[0]) == 0
assert len(docs[1]) == 1
def test_issue1257():
"""Test that tokens compare correctly."""
doc1 = Doc(Vocab(), words=["a", "b", "c"])
doc2 = Doc(Vocab(), words=["a", "c", "e"])
assert doc1[0] != doc2[0]
assert not doc1[0] == doc2[0]
def test_issue1375():
"""Test that token.nbor() raises IndexError for out-of-bounds access."""
doc = Doc(Vocab(), words=["0", "1", "2"])
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
assert doc[0].nbor(-1)
assert doc[1].nbor(-1).text == "0"
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
assert doc[2].nbor(1)
assert doc[1].nbor(1).text == "2"
def test_issue1488():
"""Test that tokenizer can parse DOT inside non-whitespace separators"""
prefix_re = re.compile(r"""[\[\("']""")
suffix_re = re.compile(r"""[\]\)"']""")
infix_re = re.compile(r"""[-~\.]""")
simple_url_re = re.compile(r"""^https?://""")
def my_tokenizer(nlp):
return Tokenizer(
nlp = English()
nlp.tokenizer = my_tokenizer(nlp)
doc = nlp("This is a test.")
for token in doc:
assert token.text
def test_issue1494():
"""Test if infix_finditer works correctly"""
infix_re = re.compile(r"""[^a-z]""")
test_cases = [
("token 123test", ["token", "1", "2", "3", "test"]),
("token 1test", ["token", "1test"]),
("hello...test", ["hello", ".", ".", ".", "test"]),
def new_tokenizer(nlp):
return Tokenizer(nlp.vocab, {}, infix_finditer=infix_re.finditer)
nlp = English()
nlp.tokenizer = new_tokenizer(nlp)
for text, expected in test_cases:
assert [token.text for token in nlp(text)] == expected
reason="Can not be fixed without iterative looping between prefix/suffix and infix"
def test_issue2070():
"""Test that checks that a dot followed by a quote is handled
# Problem: The dot is now properly split off, but the prefix/suffix rules
# are not applied again afterwards. This means that the quote will still be
# attached to the remaining token.
nlp = English()
doc = nlp('First sentence."A quoted sentence" he said ...')
assert len(doc) == 11
def test_issue2926(fr_tokenizer):
"""Test that the tokenizer correctly splits tokens separated by a slash (/)
ending in a digit.
doc = fr_tokenizer("Learn html5/css3/javascript/jquery")
assert len(doc) == 8
assert doc[0].text == "Learn"
assert doc[1].text == "html5"
assert doc[2].text == "/"
assert doc[3].text == "css3"
assert doc[4].text == "/"
assert doc[5].text == "javascript"
assert doc[6].text == "/"
assert doc[7].text == "jquery"
"ABLEItemColumn IAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of ErrorColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn VComputed VolumeUnder Registration of\xa0VolumeOver Registration of\xa0VolumeUnder Registration of\xa0VolumeOver Registration of\xa0VolumeCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic Feet1Up to 10.0100.0050.0100.005220.0200.0100.0200.010350.0360.0180.0360.0184100.0500.0250.0500.0255Over 100.5% of computed volume0.25% of computed volume0.5% of computed volume0.25% of computed volume TABLE ItemColumn IAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of ErrorColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn VComputed VolumeUnder Registration of\xa0VolumeOver Registration of\xa0VolumeUnder Registration of\xa0VolumeOver Registration of\xa0VolumeCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic Feet1Up to 10.0100.0050.0100.005220.0200.0100.0200.010350.0360.0180.0360.0184100.0500.0250.0500.0255Over 100.5% of computed volume0.25% of computed volume0.5% of computed volume0.25% of computed volume ItemColumn IAcceptance Limits of ErrorIn-Service Limits of ErrorColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn VComputed VolumeUnder Registration of\xa0VolumeOver Registration of\xa0VolumeUnder Registration of\xa0VolumeOver Registration of\xa0VolumeCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic FeetCubic Feet1Up to 10.0100.0050.0100.005220.0200.0100.0200.010350.0360.0180.0360.0184100.0500.0250.0500.0255Over 100.5% of computed volume0.25% of computed volume0.5% of computed volume0.25% of computed volume",
def test_issue2626_2835(en_tokenizer, text):
"""Check that sentence doesn't cause an infinite loop in the tokenizer."""
doc = en_tokenizer(text)
assert doc
def test_issue2656(en_tokenizer):
"""Test that tokenizer correctly splits off punctuation after numbers with
decimal points.
doc = en_tokenizer("I went for 40.3, and got home by 10.0.")
assert len(doc) == 11
assert doc[0].text == "I"
assert doc[1].text == "went"
assert doc[2].text == "for"
assert doc[3].text == "40.3"
assert doc[4].text == ","
assert doc[5].text == "and"
assert doc[6].text == "got"
assert doc[7].text == "home"
assert doc[8].text == "by"
assert doc[9].text == "10.0"
assert doc[10].text == "."
def test_issue2754(en_tokenizer):
"""Test that words like 'a' and 'a.m.' don't get exceptional norm values."""
a = en_tokenizer("a")
assert a[0].norm_ == "a"
am = en_tokenizer("am")
assert am[0].norm_ == "am"
def test_issue3002():
"""Test that the tokenizer doesn't hang on a long list of dots"""
nlp = German()
doc = nlp(
"880.794.982.218.444.893.023.439.794.626.120.190.780.624.990.275.671 ist eine lange Zahl"
assert len(doc) == 5
@pytest.mark.skip(reason="default suffix rules avoid one upper-case letter before dot")
def test_issue3449():
nlp = English()
text1 = "He gave the ball to I. Do you want to go to the movies with I?"
text2 = "He gave the ball to I. Do you want to go to the movies with I?"
text3 = "He gave the ball to I.\nDo you want to go to the movies with I?"
t1 = nlp(text1)
t2 = nlp(text2)
t3 = nlp(text3)
assert t1[5].text == "I"
assert t2[5].text == "I"
assert t3[5].text == "I"
"text,words", [("A'B C", ["A", "'", "B", "C"]), ("A-B", ["A-B"])]
def test_gold_misaligned(en_tokenizer, text, words):
doc = en_tokenizer(text)
Example.from_dict(doc, {"words": words})
2017-01-13 03:34:14 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_handles_no_word(tokenizer):
tokens = tokenizer("")
assert len(tokens) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text", ["lorem"])
def test_tokenizer_handles_single_word(tokenizer, text):
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert tokens[0].text == text
def test_tokenizer_handles_punct(tokenizer):
text = "Lorem, ipsum."
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 4
assert tokens[0].text == "Lorem"
assert tokens[1].text == ","
assert tokens[2].text == "ipsum"
assert tokens[1].text != "Lorem"
def test_tokenizer_handles_punct_braces(tokenizer):
text = "Lorem, (ipsum)."
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 6
def test_tokenizer_handles_digits(tokenizer):
2017-03-05 04:11:26 +03:00
exceptions = ["hu", "bn"]
text = "Lorem ipsum: 1984."
tokens = tokenizer(text)
if tokens[0].lang_ not in exceptions:
assert len(tokens) == 5
assert tokens[0].text == "Lorem"
assert tokens[3].text == "1984"
["", "", "", "", ""],
def test_tokenizer_keep_urls(tokenizer, text):
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text", ["NASDAQ:GOOG"])
2017-03-05 01:13:11 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_colons(tokenizer, text):
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 3
"text", ["", "", ""]
def test_tokenizer_keeps_email(tokenizer, text):
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) == 1
def test_tokenizer_handles_long_text(tokenizer):
text = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Cras egestas orci non porttitor maximus.
Maecenas quis odio id dolor rhoncus dignissim. Curabitur sed velit at orci ultrices sagittis. Nulla commodo euismod arcu eget vulputate.
Phasellus tincidunt, augue quis porta finibus, massa sapien consectetur augue, non lacinia enim nibh eget ipsum. Vestibulum in bibendum mauris.
"Nullam porta fringilla enim, a dictum orci consequat in." Mauris nec malesuada justo."""
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) > 5
@pytest.mark.parametrize("file_name", ["sun.txt"])
def test_tokenizer_handle_text_from_file(tokenizer, file_name):
💫 Refactor test suite (#2568) ## Description Related issues: #2379 (should be fixed by separating model tests) * **total execution time down from > 300 seconds to under 60 seconds** 🎉 * removed all model-specific tests that could only really be run manually anyway – those will now live in a separate test suite in the [`spacy-models`]( repository and are already integrated into our new model training infrastructure * changed all relative imports to absolute imports to prepare for moving the test suite from `/spacy/tests` to `/tests` (it'll now always test against the installed version) * merged old regression tests into collections, e.g. `` (about 90% of the regression tests are very short anyways) * tidied up and rewrote existing tests wherever possible ### Todo - [ ] move tests to `/tests` and adjust CI commands accordingly - [x] move model test suite from internal repo to `spacy-models` - [x] ~~investigate why `pipeline/` is flakey~~ - [x] review old regression tests (leftover files) and see if they can be merged, simplified or deleted - [ ] update documentation on how to run tests ### Types of change enhancement, tests ## Checklist <!--- Before you submit the PR, go over this checklist and make sure you can tick off all the boxes. [] -> [x] --> - [x] I have submitted the spaCy Contributor Agreement. - [x] I ran the tests, and all new and existing tests passed. - [ ] My changes don't require a change to the documentation, or if they do, I've added all required information.
2018-07-25 00:38:44 +03:00
loc = ensure_path(__file__).parent / file_name
with"r", encoding="utf8") as infile:
text =
assert len(text) != 0
tokens = tokenizer(text)
assert len(tokens) > 100
def test_tokenizer_suspected_freeing_strings(tokenizer):
text1 = "Lorem dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
text2 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
tokens1 = tokenizer(text1)
tokens2 = tokenizer(text2)
assert tokens1[0].text == "Lorem"
assert tokens2[0].text == "Lorem"
2017-01-13 03:34:14 +03:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text,tokens", [("lorem", [{"orth": "lo"}, {"orth": "rem"}])])
2017-01-13 03:34:14 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_add_special_case(tokenizer, text, tokens):
tokenizer.add_special_case(text, tokens)
doc = tokenizer(text)
assert doc[0].text == tokens[0]["orth"]
assert doc[1].text == tokens[1]["orth"]
2017-01-13 03:34:14 +03:00
("lorem", [{"orth": "lo"}, {"orth": "re"}]),
("lorem", [{"orth": "lo", "tag": "A"}, {"orth": "rem"}]),
Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases (#4259) * Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases Handle tokenizer special cases more generally by using the Matcher internally to match special cases after the affix/token_match tokenization is complete. Instead of only matching special cases while processing balanced or nearly balanced prefixes and suffixes, this recognizes special cases in a wider range of contexts: * Allows arbitrary numbers of prefixes/affixes around special cases * Allows special cases separated by infixes Existing tests/settings that couldn't be preserved as before: * The emoticon '")' is no longer a supported special case * The emoticon ':)' in "example:)" is a false positive again When merged with #4258 (or the relevant cache bugfix), the affix and token_match properties should be modified to flush and reload all special cases to use the updated internal tokenization with the Matcher. * Remove accidentally added test case * Really remove accidentally added test * Reload special cases when necessary Reload special cases when affixes or token_match are modified. Skip reloading during initialization. * Update error code number * Fix offset and whitespace in Matcher special cases * Fix offset bugs when merging and splitting tokens * Set final whitespace on final token in inserted special case * Improve cache flushing in tokenizer * Separate cache and specials memory (temporarily) * Flush cache when adding special cases * Repeated `self._cache = PreshMap()` and `self._specials = PreshMap()` are necessary due to this bug: * Remove reinitialized PreshMaps on cache flush * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Use special Matcher only for cases with affixes * Reinsert specials cache checks during normal tokenization for special cases as much as possible * Additionally include specials cache checks while splitting on infixes * Since the special Matcher needs consistent affix-only tokenization for the special cases themselves, introduce the argument `with_special_cases` in order to do tokenization with or without specials cache checks * After normal tokenization, postprocess with special cases Matcher for special cases containing affixes * Replace PhraseMatcher with Aho-Corasick Replace PhraseMatcher with the Aho-Corasick algorithm over numpy arrays of the hash values for the relevant attribute. The implementation is based on FlashText. The speed should be similar to the previous PhraseMatcher. It is now possible to easily remove match IDs and matches don't go missing with large keyword lists / vocabularies. Fixes #4308. * Restore support for pickling * Fix internal keyword add/remove for numpy arrays * Add test for #4248, clean up test * Improve efficiency of special cases handling * Use PhraseMatcher instead of Matcher * Improve efficiency of merging/splitting special cases in document * Process merge/splits in one pass without repeated token shifting * Merge in place if no splits * Update error message number * Remove UD script modifications Only used for timing/testing, should be a separate PR * Remove final traces of UD script modifications * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Add missing loop for match ID set in search loop * Remove cruft in matching loop for partial matches There was a bit of unnecessary code left over from FlashText in the matching loop to handle partial token matches, which we don't have with PhraseMatcher. * Replace dict trie with MapStruct trie * Fix how match ID hash is stored/added * Update fix for match ID vocab * Switch from map_get_unless_missing to map_get * Switch from numpy array to Token.get_struct_attr Access token attributes directly in Doc instead of making a copy of the relevant values in a numpy array. Add unsatisfactory warning for hash collision with reserved terminal hash key. (Ideally it would change the reserved terminal hash and redo the whole trie, but for now, I'm hoping there won't be collisions.) * Restructure imports to export find_matches * Implement full remove() Remove unnecessary trie paths and free unused maps. Parallel to Matcher, raise KeyError when attempting to remove a match ID that has not been added. * Switch to PhraseMatcher.find_matches * Switch to local cdef functions for span filtering * Switch special case reload threshold to variable Refer to variable instead of hard-coded threshold * Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil Move as much of the special case retokenization to nogil as possible. * Rewrap sort as stdsort for OS X * Rewrap stdsort with specific types * Switch to qsort * Fix merge * Improve cmp functions * Fix realloc * Fix realloc again * Initialize span struct while retokenizing * Temporarily skip retokenizing * Revert "Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil" This reverts commit 0b7e52c797cd8ff1548f214bd4186ebb3a7ce8b1. * Revert "Switch to qsort" This reverts commit a98d71a942fc9bca531cf5eb05cf89fa88153b60. * Fix specials check while caching * Modify URL test with emoticons The multiple suffix tests result in the emoticon `:>`, which is now retokenized into one token as a special case after the suffixes are split off. * Refactor _apply_special_cases() * Use cdef ints for span info used in multiple spots * Modify _filter_special_spans() to prefer earlier Parallel to #4414, modify _filter_special_spans() so that the earlier span is preferred for overlapping spans of the same length. * Replace MatchStruct with Entity Replace MatchStruct with Entity since the existing Entity struct is nearly identical. * Replace Entity with more general SpanC * Replace MatchStruct with SpanC * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update azure-pipelines.yml * Revert "Update azure-pipelines.yml" This reverts commit ed1060cf59e5895b5fe92ad5b894fd1078ec4c49. * Use latest wasabi * Reorganise install_requires * add dframcy to universe.json (#4580) * Update universe.json [ci skip] * Fix multiprocessing for as_tuples=True (#4582) * Fix conllu script (#4579) * force extensions to avoid clash between example scripts * fix arg order and default file encoding * add example config for conllu script * newline * move extension definitions to main function * few more encodings fixes * Add load_from_docbin example [ci skip] TODO: upload the file somewhere * Update * Add warnings about 3.8 (resolves #4593) [ci skip] * Fixed typo: Added space between "recognize" and "various" (#4600) * Fix DocBin.merge() example (#4599) * Replace function registries with catalogue (#4584) * Replace functions registries with catalogue * Update * Fix test * Revert unrelated flag [ci skip] * Bugfix/dep matcher issue 4590 (#4601) * add contributor agreement for prilopes * add test for issue #4590 * fix on_match params for DependencyMacther (#4590) * Minor updates to language example sentences (#4608) * Add punctuation to Spanish example sentences * Combine multilanguage examples for lang xx * Add punctuation to nb examples * Always realloc to a larger size Avoid potential (unlikely) edge case and cymem error seen in #4604. * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update debug-data for GoldCorpus / Example * Ignore None label in misaligned NER data
2019-11-13 23:24:35 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_validate_special_case(tokenizer, text, tokens):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
tokenizer.add_special_case(text, tokens)
Add Lemmatizer and simplify related components (#5848) * Add Lemmatizer and simplify related components * Add `Lemmatizer` pipe with `lookup` and `rule` modes using the `Lookups` tables. * Reduce `Tagger` to a simple tagger that sets `Token.tag` (no pos or lemma) * Reduce `Morphology` to only keep track of morph tags (no tag map, lemmatizer, or morph rules) * Remove lemmatizer from `Vocab` * Adjust many many tests Differences: * No default lookup lemmas * No special treatment of TAG in `from_array` and similar required * Easier to modify labels in a `Tagger` * No extra strings added from morphology / tag map * Fix test * Initial fix for Lemmatizer config/serialization * Adjust init test to be more generic * Adjust init test to force empty Lookups * Add simple cache to rule-based lemmatizer * Convert language-specific lemmatizers Convert language-specific lemmatizers to component lemmatizers. Remove previous lemmatizer class. * Fix French and Polish lemmatizers * Remove outdated UPOS conversions * Update Russian lemmatizer init in tests * Add minimal init/run tests for custom lemmatizers * Add option to overwrite existing lemmas * Update mode setting, lookup loading, and caching * Make `mode` an immutable property * Only enforce strict `load_lookups` for known supported modes * Move caching into individual `_lemmatize` methods * Implement strict when lang is not found in lookups * Fix tables/lookups in make_lemmatizer * Reallow provided lookups and allow for stricter checks * Add lookups asset to all Lemmatizer pipe tests * Rename lookups in lemmatizer init test * Clean up merge * Refactor lookup table loading * Add helper from `load_lemmatizer_lookups` that loads required and optional lookups tables based on settings provided by a config. Additional slight refactor of lookups: * Add `Lookups.set_table` to set a table from a provided `Table` * Reorder class definitions to be able to specify type as `Table` * Move registry assets into test methods * Refactor lookups tables config Use class methods within `Lemmatizer` to provide the config for particular modes and to load the lookups from a config. * Add pipe and score to lemmatizer * Simplify Tagger.score * Add missing import * Clean up imports and auto-format * Remove unused kwarg * Tidy up and auto-format * Update docstrings for Lemmatizer Update docstrings for Lemmatizer. Additionally modify `is_base_form` API to take `Token` instead of individual features. * Update docstrings * Remove tag map values from Tagger.add_label * Update API docs * Fix relative link in Lemmatizer API docs
2020-08-07 16:27:13 +03:00
"text,tokens", [("lorem", [{"orth": "lo", "norm": "LO"}, {"orth": "rem"}])]
2017-01-13 03:34:14 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_add_special_case_tag(text, tokens):
Add Lemmatizer and simplify related components (#5848) * Add Lemmatizer and simplify related components * Add `Lemmatizer` pipe with `lookup` and `rule` modes using the `Lookups` tables. * Reduce `Tagger` to a simple tagger that sets `Token.tag` (no pos or lemma) * Reduce `Morphology` to only keep track of morph tags (no tag map, lemmatizer, or morph rules) * Remove lemmatizer from `Vocab` * Adjust many many tests Differences: * No default lookup lemmas * No special treatment of TAG in `from_array` and similar required * Easier to modify labels in a `Tagger` * No extra strings added from morphology / tag map * Fix test * Initial fix for Lemmatizer config/serialization * Adjust init test to be more generic * Adjust init test to force empty Lookups * Add simple cache to rule-based lemmatizer * Convert language-specific lemmatizers Convert language-specific lemmatizers to component lemmatizers. Remove previous lemmatizer class. * Fix French and Polish lemmatizers * Remove outdated UPOS conversions * Update Russian lemmatizer init in tests * Add minimal init/run tests for custom lemmatizers * Add option to overwrite existing lemmas * Update mode setting, lookup loading, and caching * Make `mode` an immutable property * Only enforce strict `load_lookups` for known supported modes * Move caching into individual `_lemmatize` methods * Implement strict when lang is not found in lookups * Fix tables/lookups in make_lemmatizer * Reallow provided lookups and allow for stricter checks * Add lookups asset to all Lemmatizer pipe tests * Rename lookups in lemmatizer init test * Clean up merge * Refactor lookup table loading * Add helper from `load_lemmatizer_lookups` that loads required and optional lookups tables based on settings provided by a config. Additional slight refactor of lookups: * Add `Lookups.set_table` to set a table from a provided `Table` * Reorder class definitions to be able to specify type as `Table` * Move registry assets into test methods * Refactor lookups tables config Use class methods within `Lemmatizer` to provide the config for particular modes and to load the lookups from a config. * Add pipe and score to lemmatizer * Simplify Tagger.score * Add missing import * Clean up imports and auto-format * Remove unused kwarg * Tidy up and auto-format * Update docstrings for Lemmatizer Update docstrings for Lemmatizer. Additionally modify `is_base_form` API to take `Token` instead of individual features. * Update docstrings * Remove tag map values from Tagger.add_label * Update API docs * Fix relative link in Lemmatizer API docs
2020-08-07 16:27:13 +03:00
vocab = Vocab()
2017-01-13 03:34:14 +03:00
tokenizer = Tokenizer(vocab, {}, None, None, None)
tokenizer.add_special_case(text, tokens)
doc = tokenizer(text)
assert doc[0].text == tokens[0]["orth"]
Add Lemmatizer and simplify related components (#5848) * Add Lemmatizer and simplify related components * Add `Lemmatizer` pipe with `lookup` and `rule` modes using the `Lookups` tables. * Reduce `Tagger` to a simple tagger that sets `Token.tag` (no pos or lemma) * Reduce `Morphology` to only keep track of morph tags (no tag map, lemmatizer, or morph rules) * Remove lemmatizer from `Vocab` * Adjust many many tests Differences: * No default lookup lemmas * No special treatment of TAG in `from_array` and similar required * Easier to modify labels in a `Tagger` * No extra strings added from morphology / tag map * Fix test * Initial fix for Lemmatizer config/serialization * Adjust init test to be more generic * Adjust init test to force empty Lookups * Add simple cache to rule-based lemmatizer * Convert language-specific lemmatizers Convert language-specific lemmatizers to component lemmatizers. Remove previous lemmatizer class. * Fix French and Polish lemmatizers * Remove outdated UPOS conversions * Update Russian lemmatizer init in tests * Add minimal init/run tests for custom lemmatizers * Add option to overwrite existing lemmas * Update mode setting, lookup loading, and caching * Make `mode` an immutable property * Only enforce strict `load_lookups` for known supported modes * Move caching into individual `_lemmatize` methods * Implement strict when lang is not found in lookups * Fix tables/lookups in make_lemmatizer * Reallow provided lookups and allow for stricter checks * Add lookups asset to all Lemmatizer pipe tests * Rename lookups in lemmatizer init test * Clean up merge * Refactor lookup table loading * Add helper from `load_lemmatizer_lookups` that loads required and optional lookups tables based on settings provided by a config. Additional slight refactor of lookups: * Add `Lookups.set_table` to set a table from a provided `Table` * Reorder class definitions to be able to specify type as `Table` * Move registry assets into test methods * Refactor lookups tables config Use class methods within `Lemmatizer` to provide the config for particular modes and to load the lookups from a config. * Add pipe and score to lemmatizer * Simplify Tagger.score * Add missing import * Clean up imports and auto-format * Remove unused kwarg * Tidy up and auto-format * Update docstrings for Lemmatizer Update docstrings for Lemmatizer. Additionally modify `is_base_form` API to take `Token` instead of individual features. * Update docstrings * Remove tag map values from Tagger.add_label * Update API docs * Fix relative link in Lemmatizer API docs
2020-08-07 16:27:13 +03:00
assert doc[0].norm_ == tokens[0]["norm"]
assert doc[1].text == tokens[1]["orth"]
Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases (#4259) * Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases Handle tokenizer special cases more generally by using the Matcher internally to match special cases after the affix/token_match tokenization is complete. Instead of only matching special cases while processing balanced or nearly balanced prefixes and suffixes, this recognizes special cases in a wider range of contexts: * Allows arbitrary numbers of prefixes/affixes around special cases * Allows special cases separated by infixes Existing tests/settings that couldn't be preserved as before: * The emoticon '")' is no longer a supported special case * The emoticon ':)' in "example:)" is a false positive again When merged with #4258 (or the relevant cache bugfix), the affix and token_match properties should be modified to flush and reload all special cases to use the updated internal tokenization with the Matcher. * Remove accidentally added test case * Really remove accidentally added test * Reload special cases when necessary Reload special cases when affixes or token_match are modified. Skip reloading during initialization. * Update error code number * Fix offset and whitespace in Matcher special cases * Fix offset bugs when merging and splitting tokens * Set final whitespace on final token in inserted special case * Improve cache flushing in tokenizer * Separate cache and specials memory (temporarily) * Flush cache when adding special cases * Repeated `self._cache = PreshMap()` and `self._specials = PreshMap()` are necessary due to this bug: * Remove reinitialized PreshMaps on cache flush * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Use special Matcher only for cases with affixes * Reinsert specials cache checks during normal tokenization for special cases as much as possible * Additionally include specials cache checks while splitting on infixes * Since the special Matcher needs consistent affix-only tokenization for the special cases themselves, introduce the argument `with_special_cases` in order to do tokenization with or without specials cache checks * After normal tokenization, postprocess with special cases Matcher for special cases containing affixes * Replace PhraseMatcher with Aho-Corasick Replace PhraseMatcher with the Aho-Corasick algorithm over numpy arrays of the hash values for the relevant attribute. The implementation is based on FlashText. The speed should be similar to the previous PhraseMatcher. It is now possible to easily remove match IDs and matches don't go missing with large keyword lists / vocabularies. Fixes #4308. * Restore support for pickling * Fix internal keyword add/remove for numpy arrays * Add test for #4248, clean up test * Improve efficiency of special cases handling * Use PhraseMatcher instead of Matcher * Improve efficiency of merging/splitting special cases in document * Process merge/splits in one pass without repeated token shifting * Merge in place if no splits * Update error message number * Remove UD script modifications Only used for timing/testing, should be a separate PR * Remove final traces of UD script modifications * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Add missing loop for match ID set in search loop * Remove cruft in matching loop for partial matches There was a bit of unnecessary code left over from FlashText in the matching loop to handle partial token matches, which we don't have with PhraseMatcher. * Replace dict trie with MapStruct trie * Fix how match ID hash is stored/added * Update fix for match ID vocab * Switch from map_get_unless_missing to map_get * Switch from numpy array to Token.get_struct_attr Access token attributes directly in Doc instead of making a copy of the relevant values in a numpy array. Add unsatisfactory warning for hash collision with reserved terminal hash key. (Ideally it would change the reserved terminal hash and redo the whole trie, but for now, I'm hoping there won't be collisions.) * Restructure imports to export find_matches * Implement full remove() Remove unnecessary trie paths and free unused maps. Parallel to Matcher, raise KeyError when attempting to remove a match ID that has not been added. * Switch to PhraseMatcher.find_matches * Switch to local cdef functions for span filtering * Switch special case reload threshold to variable Refer to variable instead of hard-coded threshold * Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil Move as much of the special case retokenization to nogil as possible. * Rewrap sort as stdsort for OS X * Rewrap stdsort with specific types * Switch to qsort * Fix merge * Improve cmp functions * Fix realloc * Fix realloc again * Initialize span struct while retokenizing * Temporarily skip retokenizing * Revert "Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil" This reverts commit 0b7e52c797cd8ff1548f214bd4186ebb3a7ce8b1. * Revert "Switch to qsort" This reverts commit a98d71a942fc9bca531cf5eb05cf89fa88153b60. * Fix specials check while caching * Modify URL test with emoticons The multiple suffix tests result in the emoticon `:>`, which is now retokenized into one token as a special case after the suffixes are split off. * Refactor _apply_special_cases() * Use cdef ints for span info used in multiple spots * Modify _filter_special_spans() to prefer earlier Parallel to #4414, modify _filter_special_spans() so that the earlier span is preferred for overlapping spans of the same length. * Replace MatchStruct with Entity Replace MatchStruct with Entity since the existing Entity struct is nearly identical. * Replace Entity with more general SpanC * Replace MatchStruct with SpanC * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update azure-pipelines.yml * Revert "Update azure-pipelines.yml" This reverts commit ed1060cf59e5895b5fe92ad5b894fd1078ec4c49. * Use latest wasabi * Reorganise install_requires * add dframcy to universe.json (#4580) * Update universe.json [ci skip] * Fix multiprocessing for as_tuples=True (#4582) * Fix conllu script (#4579) * force extensions to avoid clash between example scripts * fix arg order and default file encoding * add example config for conllu script * newline * move extension definitions to main function * few more encodings fixes * Add load_from_docbin example [ci skip] TODO: upload the file somewhere * Update * Add warnings about 3.8 (resolves #4593) [ci skip] * Fixed typo: Added space between "recognize" and "various" (#4600) * Fix DocBin.merge() example (#4599) * Replace function registries with catalogue (#4584) * Replace functions registries with catalogue * Update * Fix test * Revert unrelated flag [ci skip] * Bugfix/dep matcher issue 4590 (#4601) * add contributor agreement for prilopes * add test for issue #4590 * fix on_match params for DependencyMacther (#4590) * Minor updates to language example sentences (#4608) * Add punctuation to Spanish example sentences * Combine multilanguage examples for lang xx * Add punctuation to nb examples * Always realloc to a larger size Avoid potential (unlikely) edge case and cymem error seen in #4604. * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update debug-data for GoldCorpus / Example * Ignore None label in misaligned NER data
2019-11-13 23:24:35 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_special_cases_with_affixes(tokenizer):
text = '(((_SPECIAL_ A/B, A/B-A/B")'
tokenizer.add_special_case("_SPECIAL_", [{"orth": "_SPECIAL_"}])
tokenizer.add_special_case("A/B", [{"orth": "A/B"}])
doc = tokenizer(text)
2020-02-18 17:38:18 +03:00
assert [token.text for token in doc] == [
Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases (#4259) * Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases Handle tokenizer special cases more generally by using the Matcher internally to match special cases after the affix/token_match tokenization is complete. Instead of only matching special cases while processing balanced or nearly balanced prefixes and suffixes, this recognizes special cases in a wider range of contexts: * Allows arbitrary numbers of prefixes/affixes around special cases * Allows special cases separated by infixes Existing tests/settings that couldn't be preserved as before: * The emoticon '")' is no longer a supported special case * The emoticon ':)' in "example:)" is a false positive again When merged with #4258 (or the relevant cache bugfix), the affix and token_match properties should be modified to flush and reload all special cases to use the updated internal tokenization with the Matcher. * Remove accidentally added test case * Really remove accidentally added test * Reload special cases when necessary Reload special cases when affixes or token_match are modified. Skip reloading during initialization. * Update error code number * Fix offset and whitespace in Matcher special cases * Fix offset bugs when merging and splitting tokens * Set final whitespace on final token in inserted special case * Improve cache flushing in tokenizer * Separate cache and specials memory (temporarily) * Flush cache when adding special cases * Repeated `self._cache = PreshMap()` and `self._specials = PreshMap()` are necessary due to this bug: * Remove reinitialized PreshMaps on cache flush * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Use special Matcher only for cases with affixes * Reinsert specials cache checks during normal tokenization for special cases as much as possible * Additionally include specials cache checks while splitting on infixes * Since the special Matcher needs consistent affix-only tokenization for the special cases themselves, introduce the argument `with_special_cases` in order to do tokenization with or without specials cache checks * After normal tokenization, postprocess with special cases Matcher for special cases containing affixes * Replace PhraseMatcher with Aho-Corasick Replace PhraseMatcher with the Aho-Corasick algorithm over numpy arrays of the hash values for the relevant attribute. The implementation is based on FlashText. The speed should be similar to the previous PhraseMatcher. It is now possible to easily remove match IDs and matches don't go missing with large keyword lists / vocabularies. Fixes #4308. * Restore support for pickling * Fix internal keyword add/remove for numpy arrays * Add test for #4248, clean up test * Improve efficiency of special cases handling * Use PhraseMatcher instead of Matcher * Improve efficiency of merging/splitting special cases in document * Process merge/splits in one pass without repeated token shifting * Merge in place if no splits * Update error message number * Remove UD script modifications Only used for timing/testing, should be a separate PR * Remove final traces of UD script modifications * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Add missing loop for match ID set in search loop * Remove cruft in matching loop for partial matches There was a bit of unnecessary code left over from FlashText in the matching loop to handle partial token matches, which we don't have with PhraseMatcher. * Replace dict trie with MapStruct trie * Fix how match ID hash is stored/added * Update fix for match ID vocab * Switch from map_get_unless_missing to map_get * Switch from numpy array to Token.get_struct_attr Access token attributes directly in Doc instead of making a copy of the relevant values in a numpy array. Add unsatisfactory warning for hash collision with reserved terminal hash key. (Ideally it would change the reserved terminal hash and redo the whole trie, but for now, I'm hoping there won't be collisions.) * Restructure imports to export find_matches * Implement full remove() Remove unnecessary trie paths and free unused maps. Parallel to Matcher, raise KeyError when attempting to remove a match ID that has not been added. * Switch to PhraseMatcher.find_matches * Switch to local cdef functions for span filtering * Switch special case reload threshold to variable Refer to variable instead of hard-coded threshold * Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil Move as much of the special case retokenization to nogil as possible. * Rewrap sort as stdsort for OS X * Rewrap stdsort with specific types * Switch to qsort * Fix merge * Improve cmp functions * Fix realloc * Fix realloc again * Initialize span struct while retokenizing * Temporarily skip retokenizing * Revert "Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil" This reverts commit 0b7e52c797cd8ff1548f214bd4186ebb3a7ce8b1. * Revert "Switch to qsort" This reverts commit a98d71a942fc9bca531cf5eb05cf89fa88153b60. * Fix specials check while caching * Modify URL test with emoticons The multiple suffix tests result in the emoticon `:>`, which is now retokenized into one token as a special case after the suffixes are split off. * Refactor _apply_special_cases() * Use cdef ints for span info used in multiple spots * Modify _filter_special_spans() to prefer earlier Parallel to #4414, modify _filter_special_spans() so that the earlier span is preferred for overlapping spans of the same length. * Replace MatchStruct with Entity Replace MatchStruct with Entity since the existing Entity struct is nearly identical. * Replace Entity with more general SpanC * Replace MatchStruct with SpanC * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update azure-pipelines.yml * Revert "Update azure-pipelines.yml" This reverts commit ed1060cf59e5895b5fe92ad5b894fd1078ec4c49. * Use latest wasabi * Reorganise install_requires * add dframcy to universe.json (#4580) * Update universe.json [ci skip] * Fix multiprocessing for as_tuples=True (#4582) * Fix conllu script (#4579) * force extensions to avoid clash between example scripts * fix arg order and default file encoding * add example config for conllu script * newline * move extension definitions to main function * few more encodings fixes * Add load_from_docbin example [ci skip] TODO: upload the file somewhere * Update * Add warnings about 3.8 (resolves #4593) [ci skip] * Fixed typo: Added space between "recognize" and "various" (#4600) * Fix DocBin.merge() example (#4599) * Replace function registries with catalogue (#4584) * Replace functions registries with catalogue * Update * Fix test * Revert unrelated flag [ci skip] * Bugfix/dep matcher issue 4590 (#4601) * add contributor agreement for prilopes * add test for issue #4590 * fix on_match params for DependencyMacther (#4590) * Minor updates to language example sentences (#4608) * Add punctuation to Spanish example sentences * Combine multilanguage examples for lang xx * Add punctuation to nb examples * Always realloc to a larger size Avoid potential (unlikely) edge case and cymem error seen in #4604. * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update debug-data for GoldCorpus / Example * Ignore None label in misaligned NER data
2019-11-13 23:24:35 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_special_cases_with_affixes_preserve_spacy():
tokenizer = English().tokenizer
# reset all special cases
tokenizer.rules = {}
# in-place modification (only merges)
text = "''a'' "
tokenizer.add_special_case("''", [{"ORTH": "''"}])
assert tokenizer(text).text == text
# not in-place (splits and merges)
tokenizer.add_special_case("ab", [{"ORTH": "a"}, {"ORTH": "b"}])
text = "ab ab ab ''ab ab'' ab'' ''ab"
assert tokenizer(text).text == text
Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases (#4259) * Generalize handling of tokenizer special cases Handle tokenizer special cases more generally by using the Matcher internally to match special cases after the affix/token_match tokenization is complete. Instead of only matching special cases while processing balanced or nearly balanced prefixes and suffixes, this recognizes special cases in a wider range of contexts: * Allows arbitrary numbers of prefixes/affixes around special cases * Allows special cases separated by infixes Existing tests/settings that couldn't be preserved as before: * The emoticon '")' is no longer a supported special case * The emoticon ':)' in "example:)" is a false positive again When merged with #4258 (or the relevant cache bugfix), the affix and token_match properties should be modified to flush and reload all special cases to use the updated internal tokenization with the Matcher. * Remove accidentally added test case * Really remove accidentally added test * Reload special cases when necessary Reload special cases when affixes or token_match are modified. Skip reloading during initialization. * Update error code number * Fix offset and whitespace in Matcher special cases * Fix offset bugs when merging and splitting tokens * Set final whitespace on final token in inserted special case * Improve cache flushing in tokenizer * Separate cache and specials memory (temporarily) * Flush cache when adding special cases * Repeated `self._cache = PreshMap()` and `self._specials = PreshMap()` are necessary due to this bug: * Remove reinitialized PreshMaps on cache flush * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Use special Matcher only for cases with affixes * Reinsert specials cache checks during normal tokenization for special cases as much as possible * Additionally include specials cache checks while splitting on infixes * Since the special Matcher needs consistent affix-only tokenization for the special cases themselves, introduce the argument `with_special_cases` in order to do tokenization with or without specials cache checks * After normal tokenization, postprocess with special cases Matcher for special cases containing affixes * Replace PhraseMatcher with Aho-Corasick Replace PhraseMatcher with the Aho-Corasick algorithm over numpy arrays of the hash values for the relevant attribute. The implementation is based on FlashText. The speed should be similar to the previous PhraseMatcher. It is now possible to easily remove match IDs and matches don't go missing with large keyword lists / vocabularies. Fixes #4308. * Restore support for pickling * Fix internal keyword add/remove for numpy arrays * Add test for #4248, clean up test * Improve efficiency of special cases handling * Use PhraseMatcher instead of Matcher * Improve efficiency of merging/splitting special cases in document * Process merge/splits in one pass without repeated token shifting * Merge in place if no splits * Update error message number * Remove UD script modifications Only used for timing/testing, should be a separate PR * Remove final traces of UD script modifications * Update UD bin scripts * Update imports for `bin/` * Add all currently supported languages * Update subtok merger for new Matcher validation * Modify blinded check to look at tokens instead of lemmas (for corpora with tokens but not lemmas like Telugu) * Add missing loop for match ID set in search loop * Remove cruft in matching loop for partial matches There was a bit of unnecessary code left over from FlashText in the matching loop to handle partial token matches, which we don't have with PhraseMatcher. * Replace dict trie with MapStruct trie * Fix how match ID hash is stored/added * Update fix for match ID vocab * Switch from map_get_unless_missing to map_get * Switch from numpy array to Token.get_struct_attr Access token attributes directly in Doc instead of making a copy of the relevant values in a numpy array. Add unsatisfactory warning for hash collision with reserved terminal hash key. (Ideally it would change the reserved terminal hash and redo the whole trie, but for now, I'm hoping there won't be collisions.) * Restructure imports to export find_matches * Implement full remove() Remove unnecessary trie paths and free unused maps. Parallel to Matcher, raise KeyError when attempting to remove a match ID that has not been added. * Switch to PhraseMatcher.find_matches * Switch to local cdef functions for span filtering * Switch special case reload threshold to variable Refer to variable instead of hard-coded threshold * Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil Move as much of the special case retokenization to nogil as possible. * Rewrap sort as stdsort for OS X * Rewrap stdsort with specific types * Switch to qsort * Fix merge * Improve cmp functions * Fix realloc * Fix realloc again * Initialize span struct while retokenizing * Temporarily skip retokenizing * Revert "Move more of special case retokenize to cdef nogil" This reverts commit 0b7e52c797cd8ff1548f214bd4186ebb3a7ce8b1. * Revert "Switch to qsort" This reverts commit a98d71a942fc9bca531cf5eb05cf89fa88153b60. * Fix specials check while caching * Modify URL test with emoticons The multiple suffix tests result in the emoticon `:>`, which is now retokenized into one token as a special case after the suffixes are split off. * Refactor _apply_special_cases() * Use cdef ints for span info used in multiple spots * Modify _filter_special_spans() to prefer earlier Parallel to #4414, modify _filter_special_spans() so that the earlier span is preferred for overlapping spans of the same length. * Replace MatchStruct with Entity Replace MatchStruct with Entity since the existing Entity struct is nearly identical. * Replace Entity with more general SpanC * Replace MatchStruct with SpanC * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update azure-pipelines.yml * Revert "Update azure-pipelines.yml" This reverts commit ed1060cf59e5895b5fe92ad5b894fd1078ec4c49. * Use latest wasabi * Reorganise install_requires * add dframcy to universe.json (#4580) * Update universe.json [ci skip] * Fix multiprocessing for as_tuples=True (#4582) * Fix conllu script (#4579) * force extensions to avoid clash between example scripts * fix arg order and default file encoding * add example config for conllu script * newline * move extension definitions to main function * few more encodings fixes * Add load_from_docbin example [ci skip] TODO: upload the file somewhere * Update * Add warnings about 3.8 (resolves #4593) [ci skip] * Fixed typo: Added space between "recognize" and "various" (#4600) * Fix DocBin.merge() example (#4599) * Replace function registries with catalogue (#4584) * Replace functions registries with catalogue * Update * Fix test * Revert unrelated flag [ci skip] * Bugfix/dep matcher issue 4590 (#4601) * add contributor agreement for prilopes * add test for issue #4590 * fix on_match params for DependencyMacther (#4590) * Minor updates to language example sentences (#4608) * Add punctuation to Spanish example sentences * Combine multilanguage examples for lang xx * Add punctuation to nb examples * Always realloc to a larger size Avoid potential (unlikely) edge case and cymem error seen in #4604. * Add error in debug-data if no dev docs are available (see #4575) * Update debug-data for GoldCorpus / Example * Ignore None label in misaligned NER data
2019-11-13 23:24:35 +03:00
def test_tokenizer_special_cases_with_period(tokenizer):
text = "_SPECIAL_."
tokenizer.add_special_case("_SPECIAL_", [{"orth": "_SPECIAL_"}])
doc = tokenizer(text)
assert [token.text for token in doc] == ["_SPECIAL_", "."]
def test_tokenizer_special_cases_idx(tokenizer):
text = "the _ID'X_"
tokenizer.add_special_case("_ID'X_", [{"orth": "_ID"}, {"orth": "'X_"}])
doc = tokenizer(text)
assert doc[1].idx == 4
assert doc[2].idx == 7
def test_tokenizer_special_cases_spaces(tokenizer):
assert [t.text for t in tokenizer("a b c")] == ["a", "b", "c"]
tokenizer.add_special_case("a b c", [{"ORTH": "a b c"}])
assert [t.text for t in tokenizer("a b c")] == ["a b c"]
def test_tokenizer_flush_cache(en_vocab):
suffix_re = re.compile(r"[\.]$")
tokenizer = Tokenizer(
assert [t.text for t in tokenizer("a.")] == ["a", "."]
tokenizer.suffix_search = None
assert [t.text for t in tokenizer("a.")] == ["a."]
def test_tokenizer_flush_specials(en_vocab):
suffix_re = re.compile(r"[\.]$")
rules = {"a a": [{"ORTH": "a a"}]}
tokenizer1 = Tokenizer(
assert [t.text for t in tokenizer1("a a.")] == ["a a", "."]
tokenizer1.rules = {}
assert [t.text for t in tokenizer1("a a.")] == ["a", "a", "."]
def test_tokenizer_prefix_suffix_overlap_lookbehind(en_vocab):
# the prefix and suffix matches overlap in the suffix lookbehind
2021-11-05 11:56:26 +03:00
prefixes = ["a(?=.)"]
suffixes = [r"(?<=\w)\.", r"(?<=a)\d+\."]
prefix_re = compile_prefix_regex(prefixes)
suffix_re = compile_suffix_regex(suffixes)
tokenizer = Tokenizer(
tokens = [t.text for t in tokenizer("a10.")]
assert tokens == ["a", "10", "."]
explain_tokens = [t[1] for t in tokenizer.explain("a10.")]
assert tokens == explain_tokens
def test_tokenizer_infix_prefix(en_vocab):
# the prefix and suffix matches overlap in the suffix lookbehind
infixes = ["±"]
suffixes = ["%"]
infix_re = compile_infix_regex(infixes)
suffix_re = compile_suffix_regex(suffixes)
tokenizer = Tokenizer(
tokens = [t.text for t in tokenizer("±10%")]
assert tokens == ["±10", "%"]
explain_tokens = [t[1] for t in tokenizer.explain("±10%")]
assert tokens == explain_tokens
def test_issue10086(en_tokenizer):
"""Test special case works when part of infix substring."""
text = "No--don't see"
# without heuristics: do n't
en_tokenizer.faster_heuristics = False
doc = en_tokenizer(text)
assert "n't" in [w.text for w in doc]
assert "do" in [w.text for w in doc]
# with (default) heuristics: don't
en_tokenizer.faster_heuristics = True
doc = en_tokenizer(text)
assert "don't" in [w.text for w in doc]
def test_tokenizer_initial_special_case_explain(en_vocab):
tokenizer = Tokenizer(
"id": [{"ORTH": "i"}, {"ORTH": "d"}],
tokens = [t.text for t in tokenizer("id")]
explain_tokens = [t[1] for t in tokenizer.explain("id")]
assert tokens == explain_tokens