| `words` | `List[str]` | List of gold-standard tokens. |
| `lemmas` | `List[str]` | List of lemmas. |
| `spaces` | `List[bool]` | List of boolean values indicating whether the corresponding tokens is followed by a space or not. |
| `tags` | `List[str]` | List of fine-grained [POS tags](/usage/linguistic-features#pos-tagging). |
| `pos` | `List[str]` | List of coarse-grained [POS tags](/usage/linguistic-features#pos-tagging). |
| `morphs` | `List[str]` | List of [morphological features](/usage/linguistic-features#rule-based-morphology). |
| `sent_starts` | `List[bool]` | List of boolean values indicating whether each token is the first of a sentence or not. |
| `deps` | `List[str]` | List of string values indicating the [dependency relation](/usage/linguistic-features#dependency-parse) of a token to its head. |
| `heads` | `List[int]` | List of integer values indicating the dependency head of each token, referring to the absolute index of each token in the text. |
| `entities` | `List[str]` | Option 1: List of [BILUO tags](#biluo) per token of the format `"{action}-{label}"`, or `None` for unannotated tokens. |
| `entities` | `List[Tuple[int, int, str]]` | Option 2: List of `"(start, end, label)"` tuples defining all entities in the text. |
| `cats` | `Dict[str, float]` | Dictionary of `label`/`value` pairs indicating how relevant a certain [text category](/api/textcategorizer) is for the text. |
| `links` | `Dict[(int, int), Dict]` | Dictionary of `offset`/`dict` pairs defining [named entity links](/usage/linguistic-features#entity-linking). The character offsets are linked to a dictionary of relevant knowledge base IDs. |
<Infoboxvariant="warning"title="Important notes and caveats">
example = Example.from_dict(doc, {"entities": biluo_tags})
# Training data for an entity recognizer (option 2)
doc = nlp("Laura flew to Silicon Valley.")
entity_tuples = [
(0, 5, "PERSON"),
(14, 28, "LOC"),
example = Example.from_dict(doc, {"entities": entity_tuples})
# Training data for text categorization
doc = nlp("I'm pretty happy about that!")
example = Example.from_dict(doc, {"cats": {"POSITIVE": 1.0, "NEGATIVE": 0.0}})
# Training data for an Entity Linking component
doc = nlp("Russ Cochran his reprints include EC Comics.")
example = Example.from_dict(doc, {"links": {(0, 12): {"Q7381115": 1.0, "Q2146908": 0.0}}})
#### Hierachical structure {#dict-hierarch}
Internally, a more hierarchical dictionary structure is used to store
gold-standard annotations. Its format is similar to the structure described in
the previous section, but there are two main sections `token_annotation` and
`doc_annotation`, and the keys for token annotations should be uppercase
[`Token` attributes](/api/token#attributes) such as "ORTH" and "TAG".
### Hierarchical dictionary
"text": string, # Raw text.
"token_annotation": {
"ORTH": List[string], # List of gold tokens.
"LEMMA": List[string], # List of lemmas.
"SPACY": List[bool], # List of boolean values indicating whether the corresponding tokens is followed by a space or not.
"TAG": List[string], # List of fine-grained [POS tags](/usage/linguistic-features#pos-tagging).
"POS": List[string], # List of coarse-grained [POS tags](/usage/linguistic-features#pos-tagging).
"MORPH": List[string], # List of [morphological features](/usage/linguistic-features#rule-based-morphology).
"SENT_START": List[bool], # List of boolean values indicating whether each token is the first of a sentence or not.
"DEP": List[string], # List of string values indicating the [dependency relation](/usage/linguistic-features#dependency-parse) of a token to its head.
"HEAD": List[int], # List of integer values indicating the dependency head of each token, referring to the absolute index of each token in the text.
"doc_annotation": {
"entities": List[(int, int, string)], # List of [BILUO tags](#biluo) per token of the format `"{action}-{label}"`, or `None` for unannotated tokens.
"cats": Dict[str, float], # Dictionary of `label:value` pairs indicating how relevant a certain [category](/api/textcategorizer) is for the text.
"links": Dict[(int, int), Dict], # Dictionary of `offset:dict` pairs defining [named entity links](/usage/linguistic-features#entity-linking). The charachter offsets are linked to a dictionary of relevant knowledge base IDs.
There are a few caveats to take into account:
- Any values for sentence starts will be ignored if there are annotations for
dependency relations.
- If the dictionary contains values for "text" and "ORTH", but not "SPACY", the
latter are inferred automatically. If "ORTH" is not provided either, the
| `text` | str | The raw input text. Is not required if `tokens` available. |
| `tokens` | list | Optional tokenization, one string per token. |
### Example
{"text": "Can I ask where you work now and what you do, and if you enjoy it?"}
{"text": "They may just pull out of the Seattle market completely, at least until they have autonomous vehicles."}
{"text": "My cynical view on this is that it will never be free to the public. Reason: what would be the draw of joining the military? Right now their selling point is free Healthcare and Education. Ironically both are run horribly and most, that I've talked to, come out wishing they never went in."}
<!-- TODO: once we know how we want to implement "starter config" workflow or outputting a full default config for the user, update this section with the command -->