<!-- TODO: once we know how we want to implement "starter config" workflow or outputting a full default config for the user, update this section with the command -->
| `lang` | str | The language code to use. | `null` |
| `pipeline` | `List[str]` | Names of pipeline components in order. Should correspond to sections in the `[components]` block, e.g. `[components.ner]`. See docs on [defining components](/usage/training#config-components). | `[]` |
| `load_vocab_data` | bool | Whether to load additional lexeme and vocab data from [`spacy-lookups-data`](https://github.com/explosion/spacy-lookups-data) if available. | `true` |
| `before_creation` | callable | Optional [callback](/usage/training#custom-code-nlp-callbacks) to modify `Language` subclass before it's initialized. | `null` |
| `after_creation` | callable | Optional [callback](/usage/training#custom-code-nlp-callbacks) to modify `nlp` object right after it's initialized. | `null` |
| `after_pipeline_creation` | callable | Optional [callback](/usage/training#custom-code-nlp-callbacks) to modify `nlp` object after the pipeline components have been added. | `null` |
| `tokenizer` | callable | The tokenizer to use. | [`Tokenizer`](/api/tokenizer) |
### components {#config-components tag="section"}
> #### Example
> ```ini
> [components.textcat]
> factory = "textcat"
> labels = ["POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE"]
> [components.textcat.model]
> @architectures = "spacy.TextCatBOW.v1"
> exclusive_classes = false
> ngram_size = 1
> no_output_layer = false
> ```
This section includes definitions of the
[pipeline components](/usage/processing-pipelines) and their models, if
available. Components in this section can be referenced in the `pipeline` of the
`[nlp]` block. Component blocks need to specify either a `factory` (named
function to use to create component) or a `source` (name of path of pretrained
model to copy components from). See the docs on
[defining pipeline components](/usage/training#config-components) for details.
### paths, system {#config-variables tag="variables"}
These sections define variables that can be referenced across the other sections
as variables. For example `${paths:train}` uses the value of `train` defined in
the block `[paths]`. If your config includes custom registered functions that
need paths, you can define them here. All config values can also be
[overwritten](/usage/training#config-overrides) on the CLI when you run
[`spacy train`](/api/cli#train), which is especially relevant for data paths
that you don't want to hard-code in your config file.
| `seed` | int | The random seed. | `${system:seed}` |
| `dropout` | float | The dropout rate. | `0.1` |
| `accumulate_gradient` | int | Whether to divide the batch up into substeps. | `1` |
| `init_tok2vec` | str | Optional path to pretrained tok2vec weights created with [`spacy pretrain`](/api/cli#pretrain). | `${paths:init_tok2vec}` |
| `raw_text` | str | | `${paths:raw}` |
| `vectors` | str | | `null` |
| `patience` | int | How many steps to continue without improvement in evaluation score. | `1600` |
| `max_epochs` | int | Maximum number of epochs to train for. | `0` |
| `max_steps` | int | Maximum number of update steps to train for. | `20000` |
| `eval_frequency` | int | How often to evaluate during training (steps). | `200` |
| `score_weights` | `Dict[str, float]` | Score names shown in metrics mapped to their weight towards the final weighted score. See [here](/usage/training#metrics) for details. | `{}` |
| `frozen_components` | `List[str]` | Pipeline component names that are "frozen" and shouldn't be updated during training. See [here](/usage/training#config-components) for details. | `[]` |
| `train_corpus` | callable | Callable that takes the current `nlp` object and yields [`Example`](/api/example) objects. | [`Corpus`](/api/corpus) |
| `dev_corpus` | callable | Callable that takes the current `nlp` object and yields [`Example`](/api/example) objects. | [`Corpus`](/api/corpus) |
| `batcher` | callable | Callable that takes an iterator of [`Doc`](/api/doc) objects and yields batches of `Doc`s. | [`batch_by_words`](/api/top-level#batch_by_words) |
| `optimizer` | [`Optimizer`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-optimizers) | The optimizer. The learning rate schedule and other settings can be configured as part of the optimizer. | [`Adam`](https://thinc.ai/docs/api-optimizers#adam) |
| `words` | `List[str]` | List of gold-standard tokens. |
| `lemmas` | `List[str]` | List of lemmas. |
| `spaces` | `List[bool]` | List of boolean values indicating whether the corresponding tokens is followed by a space or not. |
| `tags` | `List[str]` | List of fine-grained [POS tags](/usage/linguistic-features#pos-tagging). |
| `pos` | `List[str]` | List of coarse-grained [POS tags](/usage/linguistic-features#pos-tagging). |
| `morphs` | `List[str]` | List of [morphological features](/usage/linguistic-features#rule-based-morphology). |
| `sent_starts` | `List[bool]` | List of boolean values indicating whether each token is the first of a sentence or not. |
| `deps` | `List[str]` | List of string values indicating the [dependency relation](/usage/linguistic-features#dependency-parse) of a token to its head. |
| `heads` | `List[int]` | List of integer values indicating the dependency head of each token, referring to the absolute index of each token in the text. |
| `entities` | `List[str]` | **Option 1:** List of [BILUO tags](/usage/linguistic-features#accessing-ner) per token of the format `"{action}-{label}"`, or `None` for unannotated tokens. |
| `cats` | `Dict[str, float]` | Dictionary of `label`/`value` pairs indicating how relevant a certain [text category](/api/textcategorizer) is for the text. |
| `links` | `Dict[(int, int), Dict]` | Dictionary of `offset`/`dict` pairs defining [named entity links](/usage/linguistic-features#entity-linking). The character offsets are linked to a dictionary of relevant knowledge base IDs. |
| `text` | str | The raw input text. Is not required if `tokens` available. |
| `tokens` | list | Optional tokenization, one string per token. |
### Example
{"text": "Can I ask where you work now and what you do, and if you enjoy it?"}
{"text": "They may just pull out of the Seattle market completely, at least until they have autonomous vehicles."}
{"text": "My cynical view on this is that it will never be free to the public. Reason: what would be the draw of joining the military? Right now their selling point is free Healthcare and Education. Ironically both are run horribly and most, that I've talked to, come out wishing they never went in."}