
165 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import plac
import collections
import random
import cytoolz
import numpy
from keras.layers import Sequential, LSTM, Dense, Embedding, Dropout
from keras.wrappers import Bidirectional
from keras import model_from_json
import cPickle as pickle
import spacy
class SentimentAnalyser(object):
def load(cls, path, nlp):
with (path / 'config.json').open() as file_:
model = model_from_json(
with (path / 'model').open('rb') as file_:
lstm_weights = pickle.load(file_)
embeddings = get_embeddings(nlp.vocab)
model.set_weights([embeddings] + lstm_weights)
return cls(model)
def __init__(self, model):
self._model = model
def __call__(self, doc):
X = get_features([doc], self.max_length)
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y = self._model.predict(X)
self.set_sentiment(doc, y)
def pipe(self, docs, batch_size=1000, n_threads=2):
for minibatch in cytoolz.partition_all(batch_size, docs):
Xs = get_features(minibatch, self.max_length)
ys = self._model.predict(Xs)
for i, doc in enumerate(minibatch):
doc.user_data['sentiment'] = ys[i]
def set_sentiment(self, doc, y):
doc.sentiment = float(y[0])
# Sentiment has a native slot for a single float.
# For arbitrary data storage, there's:
# doc.user_data['my_data'] = y
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def get_features(docs, max_length):
Xs = numpy.zeros(len(docs), max_length, dtype='int32')
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
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for j, token in enumerate(doc[:max_length]):
Xs[i, j] = token.rank if token.has_vector else 0
return Xs
def train(train_texts, train_labels, dev_texts, dev_labels,
lstm_shape, lstm_settings, lstm_optimizer, batch_size=100, nb_epoch=5):
nlp = spacy.load('en', parser=False, tagger=False, entity=False)
embeddings = get_embeddings(nlp.vocab)
model = compile_lstm(embeddings, lstm_shape, lstm_settings)
train_X = get_features(nlp.pipe(train_texts), lstm_shape['max_length'])
dev_X = get_features(nlp.pipe(dev_texts), lstm_shape['max_length']), train_labels, dev_X, dev_labels,
nb_epoch=nb_epoch, batch_size=batch_size)
return model
def compile_lstm(embeddings, shape, settings):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(shape['nr_class'], activation='sigmoid'))
return model
def get_embeddings(vocab):
max_rank = max(lex.rank for lex in vocab if lex.has_vector)
vectors = numpy.ndarray((max_rank+1, vocab.vectors_length), dtype='float32')
for lex in vocab:
if lex.has_vector:
vectors[lex.rank] = lex.vector
return vectors
def demonstrate_runtime(model_dir, texts):
'''Demonstrate runtime usage of the custom sentiment model with spaCy.
Here we return a dictionary mapping entities to the average sentiment of the
documents they occurred in.
def create_pipeline(nlp):
This could be a lambda, but named functions are easier to read in Python.
return [nlp.tagger, nlp.entity, SentimentAnalyser.load(model_dir, nlp)]
nlp = spacy.load('en', create_pipeline=create_pipeline)
entity_sentiments = collections.Counter(float)
for doc in nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=1000, n_threads=4):
for ent in doc.ents:
entity_sentiments[ent.text] += doc.sentiment
return entity_sentiments
def read_data(data_dir, limit=0):
examples = []
for subdir, label in (('pos', 1), ('neg', 0)):
for filename in (data_dir / subdir).iterdir():
with as file_:
text =
examples.append((text, label))
if limit >= 1:
examples = examples[:limit]
return zip(*examples) # Unzips into two lists
language=("The language to train", "positional", None, str, ['en','de', 'zh']),
train_loc=("Location of training file or directory"),
dev_loc=("Location of development file or directory"),
model_dir=("Location of output model directory",),
is_runtime=("Demonstrate run-time usage", "flag", "r", bool),
nr_hidden=("Number of hidden units", "flag", "H", int),
max_length=("Maximum sentence length", "flag", "L", int),
dropout=("Dropout", "flag", "d", float),
nr_epoch=("Number of training epochs", "flag", "i", int),
batch_size=("Size of minibatches for training LSTM", "flag", "b", int),
nr_examples=("Limit to N examples", "flag", "n", int)
def main(model_dir, train_dir, dev_dir,
nr_hidden=64, max_length=100, # Shape
dropout=0.5, # General NN config
nb_epoch=5, batch_size=100, nr_examples=-1): # Training params
if is_runtime:
dev_texts, dev_labels = read_data(dev_dir)
demonstrate_runtime(model_dir, dev_texts)
train_texts, train_labels = read_data(train_dir, limit=nr_examples)
dev_texts, dev_labels = read_data(dev_dir)
lstm = train(train_texts, train_labels, dev_texts, dev_labels,
{'nr_hidden': nr_hidden, 'max_length': max_length},
{'dropout': 0.5},
nb_epoch=nb_epoch, batch_size=batch_size)
weights = lstm.get_weights()
with (model_dir / 'model').open('wb') as file_:
pickle.dump(file_, weights[1:])
if __name__ == '__main__':