mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 02:48:04 +03:00
Feature toggle_pipes (#5378)
* make disable_pipes deprecated in favour of the new toggle_pipes * rewrite disable_pipes statements * update documentation * remove bin/wiki_entity_linking folder * one more fix * remove deprecated link to documentation * few more doc fixes * add note about name change to the docs * restore original disable_pipes * small fixes * fix typo * fix error number to W096 * rename to select_pipes * also make changes to the documentation Co-authored-by: Matthew Honnibal <honnibal+gh@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
## Entity Linking with Wikipedia and Wikidata
### Step 1: Create a Knowledge Base (KB) and training data
Run `wikidata_pretrain_kb.py`
* This takes as input the locations of a **Wikipedia and a Wikidata dump**, and produces a **KB directory** + **training file**
* WikiData: get `latest-all.json.bz2` from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/
* Wikipedia: get `enwiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2` from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/ (or for any other language)
* You can set the filtering parameters for KB construction:
* `max_per_alias` (`-a`): (max) number of candidate entities in the KB per alias/synonym
* `min_freq` (`-f`): threshold of number of times an entity should occur in the corpus to be included in the KB
* `min_pair` (`-c`): threshold of number of times an entity+alias combination should occur in the corpus to be included in the KB
* Further parameters to set:
* `descriptions_from_wikipedia` (`-wp`): whether to parse descriptions from Wikipedia (`True`) or Wikidata (`False`)
* `entity_vector_length` (`-v`): length of the pre-trained entity description vectors
* `lang` (`-la`): language for which to fetch Wikidata information (as the dump contains all languages)
Quick testing and rerunning:
* When trying out the pipeline for a quick test, set `limit_prior` (`-lp`), `limit_train` (`-lt`) and/or `limit_wd` (`-lw`) to read only parts of the dumps instead of everything.
* e.g. set `-lt 20000 -lp 2000 -lw 3000 -f 1`
* If you only want to (re)run certain parts of the pipeline, just remove the corresponding files and they will be recalculated or reparsed.
### Step 2: Train an Entity Linking model
Run `wikidata_train_entity_linker.py`
* This takes the **KB directory** produced by Step 1, and trains an **Entity Linking model**
* Specify the output directory (`-o`) in which the final, trained model will be saved
* You can set the learning parameters for the EL training:
* `epochs` (`-e`): number of training iterations
* `dropout` (`-p`): dropout rate
* `lr` (`-n`): learning rate
* `l2` (`-r`): L2 regularization
* Specify the number of training and dev testing articles with `train_articles` (`-t`) and `dev_articles` (`-d`) respectively
* If not specified, the full dataset will be processed - this may take a LONG time !
* Further parameters to set:
* `labels_discard` (`-l`): NER label types to discard during training
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
TRAINING_DATA_FILE = "gold_entities.jsonl"
KB_FILE = "kb"
KB_MODEL_DIR = "nlp_kb"
PRIOR_PROB_PATH = "prior_prob.csv"
ENTITY_DEFS_PATH = "entity_defs.csv"
ENTITY_FREQ_PATH = "entity_freq.csv"
ENTITY_ALIAS_PATH = "entity_alias.csv"
ENTITY_DESCR_PATH = "entity_descriptions.csv"
LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s'
@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Metrics(object):
true_pos = 0
false_pos = 0
false_neg = 0
def update_results(self, true_entity, candidate):
candidate_is_correct = true_entity == candidate
# Assume that we have no labeled negatives in the data (i.e. cases where true_entity is "NIL")
# Therefore, if candidate_is_correct then we have a true positive and never a true negative.
self.true_pos += candidate_is_correct
self.false_neg += not candidate_is_correct
if candidate and candidate not in {"", "NIL"}:
# A wrong prediction (e.g. Q42 != Q3) counts both as a FP as well as a FN.
self.false_pos += not candidate_is_correct
def calculate_precision(self):
if self.true_pos == 0:
return 0.0
return self.true_pos / (self.true_pos + self.false_pos)
def calculate_recall(self):
if self.true_pos == 0:
return 0.0
return self.true_pos / (self.true_pos + self.false_neg)
def calculate_fscore(self):
p = self.calculate_precision()
r = self.calculate_recall()
if p + r == 0:
return 0.0
return 2 * p * r / (p + r)
class EvaluationResults(object):
def __init__(self):
self.metrics = Metrics()
self.metrics_by_label = defaultdict(Metrics)
def update_metrics(self, ent_label, true_entity, candidate):
self.metrics.update_results(true_entity, candidate)
self.metrics_by_label[ent_label].update_results(true_entity, candidate)
def report_metrics(self, model_name):
model_str = model_name.title()
recall = self.metrics.calculate_recall()
precision = self.metrics.calculate_precision()
fscore = self.metrics.calculate_fscore()
return (
"{}: ".format(model_str)
+ "F-score = {} | ".format(round(fscore, 3))
+ "Recall = {} | ".format(round(recall, 3))
+ "Precision = {} | ".format(round(precision, 3))
+ "F-score by label = {}".format(
{k: v.calculate_fscore() for k, v in sorted(self.metrics_by_label.items())}
class BaselineResults(object):
def __init__(self):
self.random = EvaluationResults()
self.prior = EvaluationResults()
self.oracle = EvaluationResults()
def report_performance(self, model):
results = getattr(self, model)
return results.report_metrics(model)
def update_baselines(
self.oracle.update_metrics(ent_label, true_entity, oracle_candidate)
self.prior.update_metrics(ent_label, true_entity, prior_candidate)
self.random.update_metrics(ent_label, true_entity, random_candidate)
def measure_performance(dev_data, kb, el_pipe, baseline=True, context=True, dev_limit=None):
counts = dict()
baseline_results = BaselineResults()
context_results = EvaluationResults()
combo_results = EvaluationResults()
for doc, gold in tqdm(dev_data, total=dev_limit, leave=False, desc='Processing dev data'):
if len(doc) > 0:
correct_ents = dict()
for entity, kb_dict in gold.links.items():
start, end = entity
for gold_kb, value in kb_dict.items():
if value:
# only evaluating on positive examples
offset = _offset(start, end)
correct_ents[offset] = gold_kb
if baseline:
_add_baseline(baseline_results, counts, doc, correct_ents, kb)
if context:
# using only context
el_pipe.cfg["incl_context"] = True
el_pipe.cfg["incl_prior"] = False
_add_eval_result(context_results, doc, correct_ents, el_pipe)
# measuring combined accuracy (prior + context)
el_pipe.cfg["incl_context"] = True
el_pipe.cfg["incl_prior"] = True
_add_eval_result(combo_results, doc, correct_ents, el_pipe)
if baseline:
logger.info("Counts: {}".format({k: v for k, v in sorted(counts.items())}))
if context:
logger.info(context_results.report_metrics("context only"))
logger.info(combo_results.report_metrics("context and prior"))
def _add_eval_result(results, doc, correct_ents, el_pipe):
Evaluate the ent.kb_id_ annotations against the gold standard.
Only evaluate entities that overlap between gold and NER, to isolate the performance of the NEL.
doc = el_pipe(doc)
for ent in doc.ents:
ent_label = ent.label_
start = ent.start_char
end = ent.end_char
offset = _offset(start, end)
gold_entity = correct_ents.get(offset, None)
# the gold annotations are not complete so we can't evaluate missing annotations as 'wrong'
if gold_entity is not None:
pred_entity = ent.kb_id_
results.update_metrics(ent_label, gold_entity, pred_entity)
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Error assessing accuracy " + str(e))
def _add_baseline(baseline_results, counts, doc, correct_ents, kb):
Measure 3 performance baselines: random selection, prior probabilities, and 'oracle' prediction for upper bound.
Only evaluate entities that overlap between gold and NER, to isolate the performance of the NEL.
for ent in doc.ents:
ent_label = ent.label_
start = ent.start_char
end = ent.end_char
offset = _offset(start, end)
gold_entity = correct_ents.get(offset, None)
# the gold annotations are not complete so we can't evaluate missing annotations as 'wrong'
if gold_entity is not None:
candidates = kb.get_candidates(ent.text)
oracle_candidate = ""
prior_candidate = ""
random_candidate = ""
if candidates:
scores = []
for c in candidates:
if c.entity_ == gold_entity:
oracle_candidate = c.entity_
best_index = scores.index(max(scores))
prior_candidate = candidates[best_index].entity_
random_candidate = random.choice(candidates).entity_
current_count = counts.get(ent_label, 0)
counts[ent_label] = current_count+1
def _offset(start, end):
return "{}_{}".format(start, end)
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from spacy.kb import KnowledgeBase
from bin.wiki_entity_linking.train_descriptions import EntityEncoder
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import wiki_io as io
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def create_kb(
# Create the knowledge base from Wikidata entries
kb = KnowledgeBase(vocab=nlp.vocab, entity_vector_length=entity_vector_length)
entity_list, filtered_title_to_id = _define_entities(nlp, kb, entity_def_path, entity_descr_path, min_entity_freq, entity_freq_path, entity_vector_length)
_define_aliases(kb, entity_alias_path, entity_list, filtered_title_to_id, max_entities_per_alias, min_occ, prior_prob_path)
return kb
def _define_entities(nlp, kb, entity_def_path, entity_descr_path, min_entity_freq, entity_freq_path, entity_vector_length):
# read the mappings from file
title_to_id = io.read_title_to_id(entity_def_path)
id_to_descr = io.read_id_to_descr(entity_descr_path)
# check the length of the nlp vectors
if "vectors" in nlp.meta and nlp.vocab.vectors.size:
input_dim = nlp.vocab.vectors_length
logger.info("Loaded pretrained vectors of size %s" % input_dim)
raise ValueError(
"The `nlp` object should have access to pretrained word vectors, "
" cf. https://spacy.io/usage/models#languages."
logger.info("Filtering entities with fewer than {} mentions or no description".format(min_entity_freq))
entity_frequencies = io.read_entity_to_count(entity_freq_path)
# filter the entities for in the KB by frequency, because there's just too much data (8M entities) otherwise
filtered_title_to_id, entity_list, description_list, frequency_list = get_filtered_entities(
logger.info("Kept {} entities from the set of {}".format(len(description_list), len(title_to_id.keys())))
logger.info("Training entity encoder")
encoder = EntityEncoder(nlp, input_dim, entity_vector_length)
encoder.train(description_list=description_list, to_print=True)
logger.info("Getting entity embeddings")
embeddings = encoder.apply_encoder(description_list)
logger.info("Adding {} entities".format(len(entity_list)))
entity_list=entity_list, freq_list=frequency_list, vector_list=embeddings
return entity_list, filtered_title_to_id
def _define_aliases(kb, entity_alias_path, entity_list, filtered_title_to_id, max_entities_per_alias, min_occ, prior_prob_path):
logger.info("Adding aliases from Wikipedia and Wikidata")
def get_filtered_entities(title_to_id, id_to_descr, entity_frequencies,
min_entity_freq: int = 10):
filtered_title_to_id = dict()
entity_list = []
description_list = []
frequency_list = []
for title, entity in title_to_id.items():
freq = entity_frequencies.get(title, 0)
desc = id_to_descr.get(entity, None)
if desc and freq > min_entity_freq:
filtered_title_to_id[title] = entity
return filtered_title_to_id, entity_list, description_list, frequency_list
def _add_aliases(kb, entity_list, title_to_id, max_entities_per_alias, min_occ, prior_prob_path):
wp_titles = title_to_id.keys()
# adding aliases with prior probabilities
# we can read this file sequentially, it's sorted by alias, and then by count
logger.info("Adding WP aliases")
with prior_prob_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as prior_file:
# skip header
line = prior_file.readline()
previous_alias = None
total_count = 0
counts = []
entities = []
while line:
splits = line.replace("\n", "").split(sep="|")
new_alias = splits[0]
count = int(splits[1])
entity = splits[2]
if new_alias != previous_alias and previous_alias:
# done reading the previous alias --> output
if len(entities) > 0:
selected_entities = []
prior_probs = []
for ent_count, ent_string in zip(counts, entities):
if ent_string in wp_titles:
wd_id = title_to_id[ent_string]
p_entity_givenalias = ent_count / total_count
if selected_entities:
except ValueError as e:
total_count = 0
counts = []
entities = []
total_count += count
if len(entities) < max_entities_per_alias and count >= min_occ:
previous_alias = new_alias
line = prior_file.readline()
def read_kb(nlp, kb_file):
kb = KnowledgeBase(vocab=nlp.vocab)
return kb
@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
from random import shuffle
import logging
import numpy as np
from thinc.api import Model, chain, CosineDistance, Linear
from spacy.util import create_default_optimizer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EntityEncoder:
Train the embeddings of entity descriptions to fit a fixed-size entity vector (e.g. 64D).
This entity vector will be stored in the KB, for further downstream use in the entity model.
DROP = 0
# Set min. acceptable loss to avoid a 'mean of empty slice' warning by numpy
MIN_LOSS = 0.01
# Reasonable default to stop training when things are not improving
def __init__(self, nlp, input_dim, desc_width, epochs=5):
self.nlp = nlp
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.desc_width = desc_width
self.epochs = epochs
self.distance = CosineDistance(ignore_zeros=True, normalize=False)
def apply_encoder(self, description_list):
if self.encoder is None:
raise ValueError("Can not apply encoder before training it")
batch_size = 100000
start = 0
stop = min(batch_size, len(description_list))
encodings = []
while start < len(description_list):
docs = list(self.nlp.pipe(description_list[start:stop]))
doc_embeddings = [self._get_doc_embedding(doc) for doc in docs]
enc = self.encoder(np.asarray(doc_embeddings))
start = start + batch_size
stop = min(stop + batch_size, len(description_list))
logger.info("Encoded: {} entities".format(stop))
return encodings
def train(self, description_list, to_print=False):
processed, loss = self._train_model(description_list)
if to_print:
"Trained entity descriptions on {} ".format(processed) +
"(non-unique) descriptions across {} ".format(self.epochs) +
logger.info("Final loss: {}".format(loss))
def _train_model(self, description_list):
best_loss = 1.0
iter_since_best = 0
self._build_network(self.input_dim, self.desc_width)
processed = 0
loss = 1
# copy this list so that shuffling does not affect other functions
descriptions = description_list.copy()
to_continue = True
for i in range(self.epochs):
batch_nr = 0
start = 0
stop = min(self.BATCH_SIZE, len(descriptions))
while to_continue and start < len(descriptions):
batch = []
for descr in descriptions[start:stop]:
doc = self.nlp(descr)
doc_vector = self._get_doc_embedding(doc)
loss = self._update(batch)
if batch_nr % 25 == 0:
logger.info("loss: {} ".format(loss))
processed += len(batch)
# in general, continue training if we haven't reached our ideal min yet
to_continue = loss > self.MIN_LOSS
# store the best loss and track how long it's been
if loss < best_loss:
best_loss = loss
iter_since_best = 0
iter_since_best += 1
# stop learning if we haven't seen improvement since the last few iterations
if iter_since_best > self.MAX_NO_IMPROVEMENT:
to_continue = False
batch_nr += 1
start = start + self.BATCH_SIZE
stop = min(stop + self.BATCH_SIZE, len(descriptions))
return processed, loss
def _get_doc_embedding(doc):
indices = np.zeros((len(doc),), dtype="i")
for i, word in enumerate(doc):
if word.orth in doc.vocab.vectors.key2row:
indices[i] = doc.vocab.vectors.key2row[word.orth]
indices[i] = 0
word_vectors = doc.vocab.vectors.data[indices]
doc_vector = np.mean(word_vectors, axis=0)
return doc_vector
def _build_network(self, orig_width, hidden_with):
with Model.define_operators({">>": chain}):
# very simple encoder-decoder model
self.encoder = Linear(hidden_with, orig_width)
# TODO: removed the zero_init here - is oK?
self.model = self.encoder >> Linear(orig_width, hidden_with)
self.sgd = create_default_optimizer()
def _update(self, vectors):
truths = self.model.ops.asarray(vectors)
predictions, bp_model = self.model.begin_update(
truths, drop=self.DROP
d_scores, loss = self.distance(predictions, truths)
bp_model(d_scores, sgd=self.sgd)
return loss / len(vectors)
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
import csv
# min() needed to prevent error on windows, cf https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52404416/
csv.field_size_limit(min(sys.maxsize, 2147483646))
""" This class provides reading/writing methods for temp files """
# Entity definition: WP title -> WD ID #
def write_title_to_id(entity_def_output, title_to_id):
with entity_def_output.open("w", encoding="utf8") as id_file:
id_file.write("WP_title" + "|" + "WD_id" + "\n")
for title, qid in title_to_id.items():
id_file.write(title + "|" + str(qid) + "\n")
def read_title_to_id(entity_def_output):
title_to_id = dict()
with entity_def_output.open("r", encoding="utf8") as id_file:
csvreader = csv.reader(id_file, delimiter="|")
# skip header
for row in csvreader:
title_to_id[row[0]] = row[1]
return title_to_id
# Entity aliases from WD: WD ID -> WD alias #
def write_id_to_alias(entity_alias_path, id_to_alias):
with entity_alias_path.open("w", encoding="utf8") as alias_file:
alias_file.write("WD_id" + "|" + "alias" + "\n")
for qid, alias_list in id_to_alias.items():
for alias in alias_list:
alias_file.write(str(qid) + "|" + alias + "\n")
def read_id_to_alias(entity_alias_path):
id_to_alias = dict()
with entity_alias_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as alias_file:
csvreader = csv.reader(alias_file, delimiter="|")
# skip header
for row in csvreader:
qid = row[0]
alias = row[1]
alias_list = id_to_alias.get(qid, [])
id_to_alias[qid] = alias_list
return id_to_alias
def read_alias_to_id_generator(entity_alias_path):
""" Read (aliases, qid) tuples """
with entity_alias_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as alias_file:
csvreader = csv.reader(alias_file, delimiter="|")
# skip header
for row in csvreader:
qid = row[0]
alias = row[1]
yield alias, qid
# Entity descriptions from WD: WD ID -> WD alias #
def write_id_to_descr(entity_descr_output, id_to_descr):
with entity_descr_output.open("w", encoding="utf8") as descr_file:
descr_file.write("WD_id" + "|" + "description" + "\n")
for qid, descr in id_to_descr.items():
descr_file.write(str(qid) + "|" + descr + "\n")
def read_id_to_descr(entity_desc_path):
id_to_desc = dict()
with entity_desc_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as descr_file:
csvreader = csv.reader(descr_file, delimiter="|")
# skip header
for row in csvreader:
id_to_desc[row[0]] = row[1]
return id_to_desc
# Entity counts from WP: WP title -> count #
def write_entity_to_count(prior_prob_input, count_output):
# Write entity counts for quick access later
entity_to_count = dict()
total_count = 0
with prior_prob_input.open("r", encoding="utf8") as prior_file:
# skip header
line = prior_file.readline()
while line:
splits = line.replace("\n", "").split(sep="|")
# alias = splits[0]
count = int(splits[1])
entity = splits[2]
current_count = entity_to_count.get(entity, 0)
entity_to_count[entity] = current_count + count
total_count += count
line = prior_file.readline()
with count_output.open("w", encoding="utf8") as entity_file:
entity_file.write("entity" + "|" + "count" + "\n")
for entity, count in entity_to_count.items():
entity_file.write(entity + "|" + str(count) + "\n")
def read_entity_to_count(count_input):
entity_to_count = dict()
with count_input.open("r", encoding="utf8") as csvfile:
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter="|")
# skip header
for row in csvreader:
entity_to_count[row[0]] = int(row[1])
return entity_to_count
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# List of meta pages in Wikidata, should be kept out of the Knowledge base
# TODO: add more cases from non-English WP's
# List of prefixes that refer to Wikipedia "file" pages
WP_FILE_NAMESPACE = ["Bestand", "File"]
# List of prefixes that refer to Wikipedia "category" pages
WP_CATEGORY_NAMESPACE = ["Kategori", "Category", "Categorie"]
# List of prefixes that refer to Wikipedia "meta" pages
# these will/should be matched ignoring case
+ [
"Gadget definition",
"MediaWiki talk",
"Overleg gebruiker",
"Template talk",
"User talk",
"Wikipedia talk",
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
"""Script to process Wikipedia and Wikidata dumps and create a knowledge base (KB)
with specific parameters. Intermediate files are written to disk.
Running the full pipeline on a standard laptop, may take up to 13 hours of processing.
Use the -p, -d and -s options to speed up processing using the intermediate files
from a previous run.
For the Wikidata dump: get the latest-all.json.bz2 from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/
For the Wikipedia dump: get enwiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2
from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import plac
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import wikipedia_processor as wp, wikidata_processor as wd
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import wiki_io as io
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import kb_creator
import spacy
from bin.wiki_entity_linking.kb_creator import read_kb
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
wd_json=("Path to the downloaded WikiData JSON dump.", "positional", None, Path),
wp_xml=("Path to the downloaded Wikipedia XML dump.", "positional", None, Path),
output_dir=("Output directory", "positional", None, Path),
model=("Model name or path, should include pretrained vectors.", "positional", None, str),
max_per_alias=("Max. # entities per alias (default 10)", "option", "a", int),
min_freq=("Min. count of an entity in the corpus (default 20)", "option", "f", int),
min_pair=("Min. count of entity-alias pairs (default 5)", "option", "c", int),
entity_vector_length=("Length of entity vectors (default 64)", "option", "v", int),
loc_prior_prob=("Location to file with prior probabilities", "option", "p", Path),
loc_entity_defs=("Location to file with entity definitions", "option", "d", Path),
loc_entity_desc=("Location to file with entity descriptions", "option", "s", Path),
descr_from_wp=("Flag for using descriptions from WP instead of WD (default False)", "flag", "wp"),
limit_prior=("Threshold to limit lines read from WP for prior probabilities", "option", "lp", int),
limit_train=("Threshold to limit lines read from WP for training set", "option", "lt", int),
limit_wd=("Threshold to limit lines read from WD", "option", "lw", int),
lang=("Optional language for which to get Wikidata titles. Defaults to 'en'", "option", "la", str),
def main(
entity_defs_path = loc_entity_defs if loc_entity_defs else output_dir / ENTITY_DEFS_PATH
entity_alias_path = loc_entity_alias if loc_entity_alias else output_dir / ENTITY_ALIAS_PATH
entity_descr_path = loc_entity_desc if loc_entity_desc else output_dir / ENTITY_DESCR_PATH
entity_freq_path = output_dir / ENTITY_FREQ_PATH
prior_prob_path = loc_prior_prob if loc_prior_prob else output_dir / PRIOR_PROB_PATH
training_entities_path = output_dir / TRAINING_DATA_FILE
kb_path = output_dir / KB_FILE
logger.info("Creating KB with Wikipedia and WikiData")
# STEP 0: set up IO
if not output_dir.exists():
# STEP 1: Load the NLP object
logger.info("STEP 1: Loading NLP model {}".format(model))
nlp = spacy.load(model)
# check the length of the nlp vectors
if "vectors" not in nlp.meta or not nlp.vocab.vectors.size:
raise ValueError(
"The `nlp` object should have access to pretrained word vectors, "
" cf. https://spacy.io/usage/models#languages."
# STEP 2: create prior probabilities from WP
if not prior_prob_path.exists():
# It takes about 2h to process 1000M lines of Wikipedia XML dump
logger.info("STEP 2: Writing prior probabilities to {}".format(prior_prob_path))
if limit_prior is not None:
logger.warning("Warning: reading only {} lines of Wikipedia dump".format(limit_prior))
wp.read_prior_probs(wp_xml, prior_prob_path, limit=limit_prior)
logger.info("STEP 2: Reading prior probabilities from {}".format(prior_prob_path))
# STEP 3: calculate entity frequencies
if not entity_freq_path.exists():
logger.info("STEP 3: Calculating and writing entity frequencies to {}".format(entity_freq_path))
io.write_entity_to_count(prior_prob_path, entity_freq_path)
logger.info("STEP 3: Reading entity frequencies from {}".format(entity_freq_path))
# STEP 4: reading definitions and (possibly) descriptions from WikiData or from file
if (not entity_defs_path.exists()) or (not descr_from_wp and not entity_descr_path.exists()):
# It takes about 10h to process 55M lines of Wikidata JSON dump
logger.info("STEP 4: Parsing and writing Wikidata entity definitions to {}".format(entity_defs_path))
if limit_wd is not None:
logger.warning("Warning: reading only {} lines of Wikidata dump".format(limit_wd))
title_to_id, id_to_descr, id_to_alias = wd.read_wikidata_entities_json(
parse_descr=(not descr_from_wp),
io.write_title_to_id(entity_defs_path, title_to_id)
logger.info("STEP 4b: Writing Wikidata entity aliases to {}".format(entity_alias_path))
io.write_id_to_alias(entity_alias_path, id_to_alias)
if not descr_from_wp:
logger.info("STEP 4c: Writing Wikidata entity descriptions to {}".format(entity_descr_path))
io.write_id_to_descr(entity_descr_path, id_to_descr)
logger.info("STEP 4: Reading entity definitions from {}".format(entity_defs_path))
logger.info("STEP 4b: Reading entity aliases from {}".format(entity_alias_path))
if not descr_from_wp:
logger.info("STEP 4c: Reading entity descriptions from {}".format(entity_descr_path))
# STEP 5: Getting gold entities from Wikipedia
if (not training_entities_path.exists()) or (descr_from_wp and not entity_descr_path.exists()):
logger.info("STEP 5: Parsing and writing Wikipedia gold entities to {}".format(training_entities_path))
if limit_train is not None:
logger.warning("Warning: reading only {} lines of Wikipedia dump".format(limit_train))
wp.create_training_and_desc(wp_xml, entity_defs_path, entity_descr_path,
training_entities_path, descr_from_wp, limit_train)
if descr_from_wp:
logger.info("STEP 5b: Parsing and writing Wikipedia descriptions to {}".format(entity_descr_path))
logger.info("STEP 5: Reading gold entities from {}".format(training_entities_path))
if descr_from_wp:
logger.info("STEP 5b: Reading entity descriptions from {}".format(entity_descr_path))
# STEP 6: creating the actual KB
# It takes ca. 30 minutes to pretrain the entity embeddings
if not kb_path.exists():
logger.info("STEP 6: Creating the KB at {}".format(kb_path))
kb = kb_creator.create_kb(
logger.info("kb entities: {}".format(kb.get_size_entities()))
logger.info("kb aliases: {}".format(kb.get_size_aliases()))
nlp.to_disk(output_dir / KB_MODEL_DIR)
logger.info("STEP 6: KB already exists at {}".format(kb_path))
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT)
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import bz2
import json
import logging
from bin.wiki_entity_linking.wiki_namespaces import WD_META_ITEMS
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def read_wikidata_entities_json(wikidata_file, limit=None, to_print=False, lang="en", parse_descr=True):
# Read the JSON wiki data and parse out the entities. Takes about 7-10h to parse 55M lines.
# get latest-all.json.bz2 from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/
site_filter = '{}wiki'.format(lang)
# filter: currently defined as OR: one hit suffices to be removed from further processing
exclude_list = WD_META_ITEMS
# punctuation
exclude_list.extend(["Q1383557", "Q10617810"])
# letters etc
exclude_list.extend(["Q188725", "Q19776628", "Q3841820", "Q17907810", "Q9788", "Q9398093"])
neg_prop_filter = {
'P31': exclude_list, # instance of
'P279': exclude_list # subclass
title_to_id = dict()
id_to_descr = dict()
id_to_alias = dict()
# parse appropriate fields - depending on what we need in the KB
parse_properties = False
parse_sitelinks = True
parse_labels = False
parse_aliases = True
parse_claims = True
with bz2.open(wikidata_file, mode='rb') as file:
for cnt, line in enumerate(file):
if limit and cnt >= limit:
if cnt % 500000 == 0 and cnt > 0:
logger.info("processed {} lines of WikiData JSON dump".format(cnt))
clean_line = line.strip()
if clean_line.endswith(b","):
clean_line = clean_line[:-1]
if len(clean_line) > 1:
obj = json.loads(clean_line)
entry_type = obj["type"]
if entry_type == "item":
keep = True
claims = obj["claims"]
if parse_claims:
for prop, value_set in neg_prop_filter.items():
claim_property = claims.get(prop, None)
if claim_property:
for cp in claim_property:
cp_id = (
.get("datavalue", {})
.get("value", {})
cp_rank = cp["rank"]
if cp_rank != "deprecated" and cp_id in value_set:
keep = False
if keep:
unique_id = obj["id"]
if to_print:
print("ID:", unique_id)
print("type:", entry_type)
# parsing all properties that refer to other entities
if parse_properties:
for prop, claim_property in claims.items():
cp_dicts = [
for cp in claim_property
if cp["mainsnak"].get("datavalue")
cp_values = [
for cp_dict in cp_dicts
if isinstance(cp_dict, dict)
if cp_dict.get("id") is not None
if cp_values:
if to_print:
print("prop:", prop, cp_values)
found_link = False
if parse_sitelinks:
site_value = obj["sitelinks"].get(site_filter, None)
if site_value:
site = site_value["title"]
if to_print:
print(site_filter, ":", site)
title_to_id[site] = unique_id
found_link = True
if parse_labels:
labels = obj["labels"]
if labels:
lang_label = labels.get(lang, None)
if lang_label:
if to_print:
"label (" + lang + "):", lang_label["value"]
if found_link and parse_descr:
descriptions = obj["descriptions"]
if descriptions:
lang_descr = descriptions.get(lang, None)
if lang_descr:
if to_print:
"description (" + lang + "):",
id_to_descr[unique_id] = lang_descr["value"]
if parse_aliases:
aliases = obj["aliases"]
if aliases:
lang_aliases = aliases.get(lang, None)
if lang_aliases:
for item in lang_aliases:
if to_print:
"alias (" + lang + "):", item["value"]
alias_list = id_to_alias.get(unique_id, [])
id_to_alias[unique_id] = alias_list
if to_print:
# log final number of lines processed
logger.info("Finished. Processed {} lines of WikiData JSON dump".format(cnt))
return title_to_id, id_to_descr, id_to_alias
@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
"""Script that takes a previously created Knowledge Base and trains an entity linking
pipeline. The provided KB directory should hold the kb, the original nlp object and
its vocab used to create the KB, and a few auxiliary files such as the entity definitions,
as created by the script `wikidata_create_kb`.
For the Wikipedia dump: get enwiki-latest-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2
from https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import random
import logging
import spacy
from pathlib import Path
import plac
from tqdm import tqdm
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import wikipedia_processor
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import (
from bin.wiki_entity_linking.entity_linker_evaluation import measure_performance
from bin.wiki_entity_linking.kb_creator import read_kb
from spacy.util import minibatch, compounding
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
dir_kb=("Directory with KB, NLP and related files", "positional", None, Path),
output_dir=("Output directory", "option", "o", Path),
loc_training=("Location to training data", "option", "k", Path),
epochs=("Number of training iterations (default 10)", "option", "e", int),
dropout=("Dropout to prevent overfitting (default 0.5)", "option", "p", float),
lr=("Learning rate (default 0.005)", "option", "n", float),
l2=("L2 regularization", "option", "r", float),
train_articles=("# training articles (default 90% of all)", "option", "t", int),
dev_articles=("# dev test articles (default 10% of all)", "option", "d", int),
labels_discard=("NER labels to discard (default None)", "option", "l", str),
def main(
if not output_dir:
"No output dir specified so no results will be written, are you sure about this ?"
logger.info("Creating Entity Linker with Wikipedia and WikiData")
output_dir = Path(output_dir) if output_dir else dir_kb
training_path = loc_training if loc_training else dir_kb / TRAINING_DATA_FILE
nlp_dir = dir_kb / KB_MODEL_DIR
kb_path = dir_kb / KB_FILE
nlp_output_dir = output_dir / OUTPUT_MODEL_DIR
# STEP 0: set up IO
if not output_dir.exists():
# STEP 1 : load the NLP object
logger.info("STEP 1a: Loading model from {}".format(nlp_dir))
nlp = spacy.load(nlp_dir)
"Original NLP pipeline has following pipeline components: {}".format(
# check that there is a NER component in the pipeline
if "ner" not in nlp.pipe_names:
raise ValueError("The `nlp` object should have a pretrained `ner` component.")
logger.info("STEP 1b: Loading KB from {}".format(kb_path))
kb = read_kb(nlp, kb_path)
# STEP 2: read the training dataset previously created from WP
logger.info("STEP 2: Reading training & dev dataset from {}".format(training_path))
train_indices, dev_indices = wikipedia_processor.read_training_indices(
"Training set has {} articles, limit set to roughly {} articles per epoch".format(
len(train_indices), train_articles if train_articles else "all"
"Dev set has {} articles, limit set to rougly {} articles for evaluation".format(
len(dev_indices), dev_articles if dev_articles else "all"
if dev_articles:
dev_indices = dev_indices[0:dev_articles]
# STEP 3: create and train an entity linking pipe
"STEP 3: Creating and training an Entity Linking pipe for {} epochs".format(
if labels_discard:
labels_discard = [x.strip() for x in labels_discard.split(",")]
"Discarding {} NER types: {}".format(len(labels_discard), labels_discard)
labels_discard = []
el_pipe = nlp.create_pipe(
"pretrained_vectors": nlp.vocab.vectors,
"labels_discard": labels_discard,
nlp.add_pipe(el_pipe, last=True)
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != "entity_linker"]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train Entity Linking
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
optimizer.learn_rate = lr
optimizer.L2 = l2
logger.info("Dev Baseline Accuracies:")
dev_data = wikipedia_processor.read_el_docs_golds(
dev_data, kb, el_pipe, baseline=True, context=False, dev_limit=len(dev_indices)
for itn in range(epochs):
losses = {}
batches = minibatch(train_indices, size=compounding(8.0, 128.0, 1.001))
batchnr = 0
articles_processed = 0
# we either process the whole training file, or just a part each epoch
bar_total = len(train_indices)
if train_articles:
bar_total = train_articles
with tqdm(total=bar_total, leave=False, desc=f"Epoch {itn}") as pbar:
for batch in batches:
if not train_articles or articles_processed < train_articles:
with nlp.disable_pipes("entity_linker"):
train_batch = wikipedia_processor.read_el_docs_golds(
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes):
batchnr += 1
articles_processed += len(docs)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error updating batch:" + str(e))
if batchnr > 0:
"Epoch {} trained on {} articles, train loss {}".format(
itn, articles_processed, round(losses["entity_linker"] / batchnr, 2)
# re-read the dev_data (data is returned as a generator)
dev_data = wikipedia_processor.read_el_docs_golds(
if output_dir:
# STEP 4: write the NLP pipeline (now including an EL model) to file
"Final NLP pipeline has following pipeline components: {}".format(
logger.info("STEP 4: Writing trained NLP to {}".format(nlp_output_dir))
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=LOG_FORMAT)
@ -1,565 +0,0 @@
# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import re
import bz2
import logging
import random
import json
from spacy.gold import GoldParse
from bin.wiki_entity_linking import wiki_io as io
from bin.wiki_entity_linking.wiki_namespaces import (
Process a Wikipedia dump to calculate entity frequencies and prior probabilities in combination with certain mentions.
Write these results to file for downstream KB and training data generation.
Process Wikipedia interlinks to generate a training dataset for the EL algorithm.
ENTITY_FILE = "gold_entities.csv"
map_alias_to_link = dict()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
title_regex = re.compile(r"(?<=<title>).*(?=</title>)")
id_regex = re.compile(r"(?<=<id>)\d*(?=</id>)")
text_regex = re.compile(r"(?<=<text xml:space=\"preserve\">).*(?=</text)")
info_regex = re.compile(r"{[^{]*?}")
html_regex = re.compile(r"<!--[^-]*-->")
ref_regex = re.compile(r"<ref.*?>") # non-greedy
ref_2_regex = re.compile(r"</ref.*?>") # non-greedy
# find the links
link_regex = re.compile(r"\[\[[^\[\]]*\]\]")
# match on interwiki links, e.g. `en:` or `:fr:`
ns_regex = r":?" + "[a-z][a-z]" + ":"
# match on Namespace: optionally preceded by a :
ns_regex += "|" + ":?" + ns + ":"
ns_regex = re.compile(ns_regex, re.IGNORECASE)
files = r""
files += "\[\[" + f + ":[^[\]]+]]" + "|"
files = files[0 : len(files) - 1]
file_regex = re.compile(files)
cats = r""
cats += "\[\[" + c + ":[^\[]*]]" + "|"
cats = cats[0 : len(cats) - 1]
category_regex = re.compile(cats)
def read_prior_probs(wikipedia_input, prior_prob_output, limit=None):
Read the XML wikipedia data and parse out intra-wiki links to estimate prior probabilities.
The full file takes about 2-3h to parse 1100M lines.
It works relatively fast because it runs line by line, irrelevant of which article the intrawiki is from,
though dev test articles are excluded in order not to get an artificially strong baseline.
cnt = 0
read_id = False
current_article_id = None
with bz2.open(wikipedia_input, mode="rb") as file:
line = file.readline()
while line and (not limit or cnt < limit):
if cnt % 25000000 == 0 and cnt > 0:
logger.info("processed {} lines of Wikipedia XML dump".format(cnt))
clean_line = line.strip().decode("utf-8")
# we attempt at reading the article's ID (but not the revision or contributor ID)
if "<revision>" in clean_line or "<contributor>" in clean_line:
read_id = False
if "<page>" in clean_line:
read_id = True
if read_id:
ids = id_regex.search(clean_line)
if ids:
current_article_id = ids[0]
# only processing prior probabilities from true training (non-dev) articles
if not is_dev(current_article_id):
aliases, entities, normalizations = get_wp_links(clean_line)
for alias, entity, norm in zip(aliases, entities, normalizations):
alias, entity, normalize_alias=norm, normalize_entity=True
line = file.readline()
cnt += 1
logger.info("processed {} lines of Wikipedia XML dump".format(cnt))
logger.info("Finished. processed {} lines of Wikipedia XML dump".format(cnt))
# write all aliases and their entities and count occurrences to file
with prior_prob_output.open("w", encoding="utf8") as outputfile:
outputfile.write("alias" + "|" + "count" + "|" + "entity" + "\n")
for alias, alias_dict in sorted(map_alias_to_link.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
s_dict = sorted(alias_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for entity, count in s_dict:
outputfile.write(alias + "|" + str(count) + "|" + entity + "\n")
def _store_alias(alias, entity, normalize_alias=False, normalize_entity=True):
alias = alias.strip()
entity = entity.strip()
# remove everything after # as this is not part of the title but refers to a specific paragraph
if normalize_entity:
# wikipedia titles are always capitalized
entity = _capitalize_first(entity.split("#")[0])
if normalize_alias:
alias = alias.split("#")[0]
if alias and entity:
alias_dict = map_alias_to_link.get(alias, dict())
entity_count = alias_dict.get(entity, 0)
alias_dict[entity] = entity_count + 1
map_alias_to_link[alias] = alias_dict
def get_wp_links(text):
aliases = []
entities = []
normalizations = []
matches = link_regex.findall(text)
for match in matches:
match = match[2:][:-2].replace("_", " ").strip()
if ns_regex.match(match):
pass # ignore the entity if it points to a "meta" page
# this is a simple [[link]], with the alias the same as the mention
elif "|" not in match:
# in wiki format, the link is written as [[entity|alias]]
splits = match.split("|")
entity = splits[0].strip()
alias = splits[1].strip()
# specific wiki format [[alias (specification)|]]
if len(alias) == 0 and "(" in entity:
alias = entity.split("(")[0]
return aliases, entities, normalizations
def _capitalize_first(text):
if not text:
return None
result = text[0].capitalize()
if len(result) > 0:
result += text[1:]
return result
def create_training_and_desc(
wp_input, def_input, desc_output, training_output, parse_desc, limit=None
wp_to_id = io.read_title_to_id(def_input)
wp_input, wp_to_id, desc_output, training_output, parse_desc, limit
def _process_wikipedia_texts(
wikipedia_input, wp_to_id, output, training_output, parse_descriptions, limit=None
Read the XML wikipedia data to parse out training data:
raw text data + positive instances
read_ids = set()
with output.open("a", encoding="utf8") as descr_file, training_output.open(
"w", encoding="utf8"
) as entity_file:
if parse_descriptions:
_write_training_description(descr_file, "WD_id", "description")
with bz2.open(wikipedia_input, mode="rb") as file:
article_count = 0
article_text = ""
article_title = None
article_id = None
reading_text = False
reading_revision = False
for line in file:
clean_line = line.strip().decode("utf-8")
if clean_line == "<revision>":
reading_revision = True
elif clean_line == "</revision>":
reading_revision = False
# Start reading new page
if clean_line == "<page>":
article_text = ""
article_title = None
article_id = None
# finished reading this page
elif clean_line == "</page>":
if article_id:
clean_text, entities = _process_wp_text(
article_title, article_text, wp_to_id
if clean_text is not None and entities is not None:
entity_file, article_id, clean_text, entities
if article_title in wp_to_id and parse_descriptions:
description = " ".join(
clean_text[:1000].split(" ")[:-1]
descr_file, wp_to_id[article_title], description
article_count += 1
if article_count % 10000 == 0 and article_count > 0:
"Processed {} articles".format(article_count)
if limit and article_count >= limit:
article_text = ""
article_title = None
article_id = None
reading_text = False
reading_revision = False
# start reading text within a page
if "<text" in clean_line:
reading_text = True
if reading_text:
article_text += " " + clean_line
# stop reading text within a page (we assume a new page doesn't start on the same line)
if "</text" in clean_line:
reading_text = False
# read the ID of this article (outside the revision portion of the document)
if not reading_revision:
ids = id_regex.search(clean_line)
if ids:
article_id = ids[0]
if article_id in read_ids:
"Found duplicate article ID", article_id, clean_line
) # This should never happen ...
# read the title of this article (outside the revision portion of the document)
if not reading_revision:
titles = title_regex.search(clean_line)
if titles:
article_title = titles[0].strip()
logger.info("Finished. Processed {} articles".format(article_count))
def _process_wp_text(article_title, article_text, wp_to_id):
# ignore meta Wikipedia pages
if ns_regex.match(article_title):
return None, None
# remove the text tags
text_search = text_regex.search(article_text)
if text_search is None:
return None, None
text = text_search.group(0)
# stop processing if this is a redirect page
if text.startswith("#REDIRECT"):
return None, None
# get the raw text without markup etc, keeping only interwiki links
clean_text, entities = _remove_links(_get_clean_wp_text(text), wp_to_id)
return clean_text, entities
def _get_clean_wp_text(article_text):
clean_text = article_text.strip()
# remove bolding & italic markup
clean_text = clean_text.replace("'''", "")
clean_text = clean_text.replace("''", "")
# remove nested {{info}} statements by removing the inner/smallest ones first and iterating
try_again = True
previous_length = len(clean_text)
while try_again:
clean_text = info_regex.sub(
"", clean_text
) # non-greedy match excluding a nested {
if len(clean_text) < previous_length:
try_again = True
try_again = False
previous_length = len(clean_text)
# remove HTML comments
clean_text = html_regex.sub("", clean_text)
# remove Category and File statements
clean_text = category_regex.sub("", clean_text)
clean_text = file_regex.sub("", clean_text)
# remove multiple =
while "==" in clean_text:
clean_text = clean_text.replace("==", "=")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(". =", ".")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(" = ", ". ")
clean_text = clean_text.replace("= ", ".")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(" =", "")
# remove refs (non-greedy match)
clean_text = ref_regex.sub("", clean_text)
clean_text = ref_2_regex.sub("", clean_text)
# remove additional wikiformatting
clean_text = re.sub(r"<blockquote>", "", clean_text)
clean_text = re.sub(r"</blockquote>", "", clean_text)
# change special characters back to normal ones
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r"<", "<")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r">", ">")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r""", '"')
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r"&nbsp;", " ")
clean_text = clean_text.replace(r"&", "&")
# remove multiple spaces
while " " in clean_text:
clean_text = clean_text.replace(" ", " ")
return clean_text.strip()
def _remove_links(clean_text, wp_to_id):
# read the text char by char to get the right offsets for the interwiki links
entities = []
final_text = ""
open_read = 0
reading_text = True
reading_entity = False
reading_mention = False
reading_special_case = False
entity_buffer = ""
mention_buffer = ""
for index, letter in enumerate(clean_text):
if letter == "[":
open_read += 1
elif letter == "]":
open_read -= 1
elif letter == "|":
if reading_text:
final_text += letter
# switch from reading entity to mention in the [[entity|mention]] pattern
elif reading_entity:
reading_text = False
reading_entity = False
reading_mention = True
reading_special_case = True
if reading_entity:
entity_buffer += letter
elif reading_mention:
mention_buffer += letter
elif reading_text:
final_text += letter
raise ValueError("Not sure at point", clean_text[index - 2 : index + 2])
if open_read > 2:
reading_special_case = True
if open_read == 2 and reading_text:
reading_text = False
reading_entity = True
reading_mention = False
# we just finished reading an entity
if open_read == 0 and not reading_text:
if "#" in entity_buffer or entity_buffer.startswith(":"):
reading_special_case = True
# Ignore cases with nested structures like File: handles etc
if not reading_special_case:
if not mention_buffer:
mention_buffer = entity_buffer
start = len(final_text)
end = start + len(mention_buffer)
qid = wp_to_id.get(entity_buffer, None)
if qid:
entities.append((mention_buffer, qid, start, end))
final_text += mention_buffer
entity_buffer = ""
mention_buffer = ""
reading_text = True
reading_entity = False
reading_mention = False
reading_special_case = False
return final_text, entities
def _write_training_description(outputfile, qid, description):
if description is not None:
line = str(qid) + "|" + description + "\n"
def _write_training_entities(outputfile, article_id, clean_text, entities):
entities_data = [
{"alias": ent[0], "entity": ent[1], "start": ent[2], "end": ent[3]}
for ent in entities
line = (
"article_id": article_id,
"clean_text": clean_text,
"entities": entities_data,
+ "\n"
def read_training_indices(entity_file_path):
""" This method creates two lists of indices into the training file: one with indices for the
training examples, and one for the dev examples."""
train_indices = []
dev_indices = []
with entity_file_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as file:
for i, line in enumerate(file):
example = json.loads(line)
article_id = example["article_id"]
clean_text = example["clean_text"]
if is_valid_article(clean_text):
if is_dev(article_id):
return train_indices, dev_indices
def read_el_docs_golds(nlp, entity_file_path, dev, line_ids, kb, labels_discard=None):
""" This method provides training/dev examples that correspond to the entity annotations found by the nlp object.
For training, it will include both positive and negative examples by using the candidate generator from the kb.
For testing (kb=None), it will include all positive examples only."""
if not labels_discard:
labels_discard = []
texts = []
entities_list = []
with entity_file_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as file:
for i, line in enumerate(file):
if i in line_ids:
example = json.loads(line)
article_id = example["article_id"]
clean_text = example["clean_text"]
entities = example["entities"]
if dev != is_dev(article_id) or not is_valid_article(clean_text):
docs = nlp.pipe(texts, batch_size=50)
for doc, entities in zip(docs, entities_list):
gold = _get_gold_parse(doc, entities, dev=dev, kb=kb, labels_discard=labels_discard)
if gold and len(gold.links) > 0:
yield doc, gold
def _get_gold_parse(doc, entities, dev, kb, labels_discard):
gold_entities = {}
tagged_ent_positions = {
(ent.start_char, ent.end_char): ent
for ent in doc.ents
if ent.label_ not in labels_discard
for entity in entities:
entity_id = entity["entity"]
alias = entity["alias"]
start = entity["start"]
end = entity["end"]
candidate_ids = []
if kb and not dev:
candidates = kb.get_candidates(alias)
candidate_ids = [cand.entity_ for cand in candidates]
tagged_ent = tagged_ent_positions.get((start, end), None)
if tagged_ent:
# TODO: check that alias == doc.text[start:end]
should_add_ent = (dev or entity_id in candidate_ids) and is_valid_sentence(
if should_add_ent:
value_by_id = {entity_id: 1.0}
if not dev:
{kb_id: 0.0 for kb_id in candidate_ids if kb_id != entity_id}
gold_entities[(start, end)] = value_by_id
return GoldParse(doc, links=gold_entities)
def is_dev(article_id):
if not article_id:
return False
return article_id.endswith("3")
def is_valid_article(doc_text):
# custom length cut-off
return 10 < len(doc_text) < 30000
def is_valid_sentence(sent_text):
if not 10 < len(sent_text) < 3000:
# custom length cut-off
return False
if sent_text.strip().startswith("*") or sent_text.strip().startswith("#"):
# remove 'enumeration' sentences (occurs often on Wikipedia)
return False
return True
@ -129,10 +129,7 @@ def train_textcat(nlp, n_texts, n_iter=10):
train_data = list(zip(train_texts, [{"cats": cats} for cats in train_cats]))
# get names of other pipes to disable them during training
pipe_exceptions = ["textcat", "trf_wordpiecer", "trf_tok2vec"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train textcat
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="textcat"): # only train textcat
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
print("Training the model...")
@ -62,11 +62,8 @@ def main(model_name, unlabelled_loc):
optimizer.b1 = 0.0
optimizer.b2 = 0.0
# get names of other pipes to disable them during training
pipe_exceptions = ["ner", "trf_wordpiecer", "trf_tok2vec"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
sizes = compounding(1.0, 4.0, 1.001)
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes):
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="ner"):
for itn in range(n_iter):
@ -5,16 +5,17 @@ from spacy.gold import docs_to_json
import srsly
import sys
model=("Model name. Defaults to 'en'.", "option", "m", str),
input_file=("Input file (jsonl)", "positional", None, Path),
output_dir=("Output directory", "positional", None, Path),
n_texts=("Number of texts to convert", "option", "t", int),
def convert(model='en', input_file=None, output_dir=None, n_texts=0):
def convert(model="en", input_file=None, output_dir=None, n_texts=0):
# Load model with tokenizer + sentencizer only
nlp = spacy.load(model)
sentencizer = nlp.create_pipe("sentencizer")
nlp.add_pipe(sentencizer, first=True)
@ -49,5 +50,6 @@ def convert(model='en', input_file=None, output_dir=None, n_texts=0):
srsly.write_json(output_dir / input_file.with_suffix(".json"), [docs_to_json(docs)])
if __name__ == "__main__":
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def main(kb_path, vocab_path=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=50):
kb_ids = nlp.get_pipe("entity_linker").kb.get_entity_strings()
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
with nlp.disable_pipes("entity_linker"):
with nlp.select_pipes(disable="entity_linker"):
doc = nlp(text)
annotation_clean = annotation
for offset, kb_id_dict in annotation["links"].items():
@ -112,10 +112,7 @@ def main(kb_path, vocab_path=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=50):
annotation_clean["links"][offset] = new_dict
TRAIN_DOCS.append((doc, annotation_clean))
# get names of other pipes to disable them during training
pipe_exceptions = ["entity_linker", "trf_wordpiecer", "trf_tok2vec"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train entity linker
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="entity_linker"): # only train entity linker
# reset and initialize the weights randomly
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
@ -124,9 +124,7 @@ def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=15):
for dep in annotations.get("deps", []):
pipe_exceptions = ["parser", "trf_wordpiecer", "trf_tok2vec"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train parser
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="parser"): # only train parser
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(n_iter):
@ -55,10 +55,7 @@ def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=100):
print("Add label", ent[2])
# get names of other pipes to disable them during training
pipe_exceptions = ["simple_ner"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train NER
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="ner"): # only train NER
# reset and initialize the weights randomly – but only if we're
# training a new model
if model is None:
@ -94,10 +94,8 @@ def main(model=None, new_model_name="animal", output_dir=None, n_iter=30):
optimizer = nlp.resume_training()
move_names = list(ner.move_names)
# get names of other pipes to disable them during training
pipe_exceptions = ["ner", "trf_wordpiecer", "trf_tok2vec"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train NER
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="ner"): # only train NER
sizes = compounding(1.0, 4.0, 1.001)
# batch up the examples using spaCy's minibatch
for itn in range(n_iter):
@ -64,10 +64,7 @@ def main(model=None, output_dir=None, n_iter=15):
for dep in annotations.get("deps", []):
# get names of other pipes to disable them during training
pipe_exceptions = ["parser", "trf_wordpiecer", "trf_tok2vec"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train parser
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="parser"): # only train parser
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for itn in range(n_iter):
@ -68,10 +68,7 @@ def main(config_path, output_dir=None, n_iter=20, n_texts=2000, init_tok2vec=Non
ex = Example.from_gold(gold, doc=doc)
# get names of other pipes to disable them during training
pipe_exceptions = ["textcat", "trf_wordpiecer", "trf_tok2vec"]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe not in pipe_exceptions]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes): # only train textcat
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="textcat"): # only train textcat
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
if init_tok2vec is not None:
with init_tok2vec.open("rb") as file_:
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def train(
msg.text(f"Loading vectors from model '{vectors}'")
_load_vectors(nlp, vectors)
nlp.disable_pipes([p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p not in pipeline])
nlp.select_pipes(disable=[p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p not in pipeline])
for pipe in pipeline:
# first, create the model.
# Bit of a hack after the refactor to get the vectors into a default config
@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ def train(
msg.text(f"Extending component from base model '{pipe}'")
disabled_pipes = nlp.disable_pipes(
[p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p not in pipeline]
disabled_pipes = nlp.select_pipes(
disable=[p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p not in pipeline]
msg.text(f"Starting with blank model '{lang}'")
@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ class Warnings(object):
"string \"Field1=Value1,Value2|Field2=Value3\".")
# TODO: fix numbering after merging develop into master
W096 = ("The method 'disable_pipes' has become deprecated - use 'select_pipes' "
W097 = ("No Model config was provided to create the '{name}' component, "
"and no default configuration could be found either.")
W098 = ("No Model config was provided to create the '{name}' component, "
@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ class Errors(object):
E007 = ("'{name}' already exists in pipeline. Existing names: {opts}")
E008 = ("Some current components would be lost when restoring previous "
"pipeline state. If you added components after calling "
"`nlp.disable_pipes()`, you should remove them explicitly with "
"`nlp.select_pipes()`, you should remove them explicitly with "
"`nlp.remove_pipe()` before the pipeline is restored. Names of "
"the new components: {names}")
E009 = ("The `update` method expects same number of docs and golds, but "
@ -546,6 +548,13 @@ class Errors(object):
"token itself.")
# TODO: fix numbering after merging develop into master
E991 = ("The function 'select_pipes' should be called with either a "
"'disable' argument to list the names of the pipe components "
"that should be disabled, or with an 'enable' argument that "
"specifies which pipes should not be disabled.")
E992 = ("The function `select_pipes` was called with `enable`={enable} "
"and `disable`={disable} but that information is conflicting "
"for the `nlp` pipeline with components {names}.")
E993 = ("The config for 'nlp' should include either a key 'name' to "
"refer to an existing model by name or path, or a key 'lang' "
"to create a new blank model.")
@ -511,11 +511,37 @@ class Language(object):
of the block. Otherwise, a DisabledPipes object is returned, that has
a `.restore()` method you can use to undo your changes.
DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/language#disable_pipes
This method has been deprecated since 3.0
warnings.warn(Warnings.W096, DeprecationWarning)
if len(names) == 1 and isinstance(names[0], (list, tuple)):
names = names[0] # support list of names instead of spread
return DisabledPipes(self, *names)
return DisabledPipes(self, names)
def select_pipes(self, disable=None, enable=None):
"""Disable one or more pipeline components. If used as a context
manager, the pipeline will be restored to the initial state at the end
of the block. Otherwise, a DisabledPipes object is returned, that has
a `.restore()` method you can use to undo your changes.
disable (str or iterable): The name(s) of the pipes to disable
enable (str or iterable): The name(s) of the pipes to enable - all others will be disabled
DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/language#select_pipes
if enable is None and disable is None:
raise ValueError(Errors.E991)
if disable is not None and isinstance(disable, str):
disable = [disable]
if enable is not None:
if isinstance(enable, str):
enable = [enable]
to_disable = [pipe for pipe in self.pipe_names if pipe not in enable]
# raise an error if the enable and disable keywords are not consistent
if disable is not None and disable != to_disable:
raise ValueError(Errors.E992.format(enable=enable, disable=disable, names=self.pipe_names))
disable = to_disable
return DisabledPipes(self, disable)
def make_doc(self, text):
return self.tokenizer(text)
@ -1117,7 +1143,7 @@ def _fix_pretrained_vectors_name(nlp):
class DisabledPipes(list):
"""Manager for temporary pipeline disabling."""
def __init__(self, nlp, *names):
def __init__(self, nlp, names):
self.nlp = nlp
self.names = names
# Important! Not deep copy -- we just want the container (but we also
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class EntityRuler(object):
except ValueError:
subsequent_pipes = []
with self.nlp.disable_pipes(subsequent_pipes):
with self.nlp.select_pipes(disable=subsequent_pipes):
token_patterns = []
phrase_pattern_labels = []
phrase_pattern_texts = []
@ -88,7 +88,16 @@ def test_remove_pipe(nlp, name):
def test_disable_pipes_method(nlp, name):
nlp.add_pipe(new_pipe, name=name)
assert nlp.has_pipe(name)
disabled = nlp.disable_pipes(name)
disabled = nlp.select_pipes(disable=name)
assert not nlp.has_pipe(name)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ["my_component"])
def test_enable_pipes_method(nlp, name):
nlp.add_pipe(new_pipe, name=name)
assert nlp.has_pipe(name)
disabled = nlp.select_pipes(enable=[])
assert not nlp.has_pipe(name)
@ -97,19 +106,57 @@ def test_disable_pipes_method(nlp, name):
def test_disable_pipes_context(nlp, name):
nlp.add_pipe(new_pipe, name=name)
assert nlp.has_pipe(name)
with nlp.disable_pipes(name):
with nlp.select_pipes(disable=name):
assert not nlp.has_pipe(name)
assert nlp.has_pipe(name)
def test_disable_pipes_list_arg(nlp):
def test_select_pipes_list_arg(nlp):
for name in ["c1", "c2", "c3"]:
nlp.add_pipe(new_pipe, name=name)
assert nlp.has_pipe(name)
with nlp.disable_pipes(["c1", "c2"]):
with nlp.select_pipes(disable=["c1", "c2"]):
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c1")
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c2")
assert nlp.has_pipe("c3")
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="c3"):
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c1")
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c2")
assert nlp.has_pipe("c3")
with nlp.select_pipes(enable=["c1", "c2"], disable="c3"):
assert nlp.has_pipe("c1")
assert nlp.has_pipe("c2")
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c3")
with nlp.select_pipes(enable=[]):
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c1")
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c2")
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c3")
with nlp.select_pipes(enable=["c1", "c2", "c3"], disable=[]):
assert nlp.has_pipe("c1")
assert nlp.has_pipe("c2")
assert nlp.has_pipe("c3")
with nlp.select_pipes(disable=["c1", "c2", "c3"], enable=[]):
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c1")
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c2")
assert not nlp.has_pipe("c3")
def test_select_pipes_errors(nlp):
for name in ["c1", "c2", "c3"]:
nlp.add_pipe(new_pipe, name=name)
assert nlp.has_pipe(name)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
nlp.select_pipes(enable=["c1", "c2"], disable=["c1"])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
nlp.select_pipes(enable=["c1", "c2"], disable=[])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
nlp.select_pipes(enable=[], disable=["c3"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("n_pipes", [100])
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def test_issue3611():
nlp.add_pipe(textcat, last=True)
# training the network
with nlp.disable_pipes([p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p != "textcat"]):
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="textcat"):
optimizer = nlp.begin_training(X=x_train, Y=y_train)
for i in range(3):
losses = {}
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def test_issue4030():
nlp.add_pipe(textcat, last=True)
# training the network
with nlp.disable_pipes([p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p != "textcat"]):
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="textcat"):
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for i in range(3):
losses = {}
@ -314,45 +314,47 @@ component function.
| `name` | unicode | Name of the component to remove. |
| **RETURNS** | tuple | A `(name, component)` tuple of the removed component. |
## Language.disable_pipes {#disable_pipes tag="contextmanager, method" new="2"}
## Language.select_pipes {#select_pipes tag="contextmanager, method" new="3"}
Disable one or more pipeline components. If used as a context manager, the
pipeline will be restored to the initial state at the end of the block.
Otherwise, a `DisabledPipes` object is returned, that has a `.restore()` method
you can use to undo your changes.
You can specify either `disable` (as a list or string), or `enable`. In the
latter case, all components not in the `enable` list, will be disabled.
> #### Example
> ```python
> # New API as of v2.2.2
> with nlp.disable_pipes(["tagger", "parser"]):
> # New API as of v3.0
> with nlp.select_pipes(disable=["tagger", "parser"]):
> nlp.begin_training()
> with nlp.disable_pipes("tagger", "parser"):
> with nlp.select_pipes(enable="ner"):
> nlp.begin_training()
> disabled = nlp.disable_pipes("tagger", "parser")
> disabled = nlp.select_pipes(disable=["tagger", "parser"])
> nlp.begin_training()
> disabled.restore()
> ```
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `disabled` <Tag variant="new">2.2.2</Tag> | list | Names of pipeline components to disable. |
| `*disabled` | unicode | Names of pipeline components to disable. |
| **RETURNS** | `DisabledPipes` | The disabled pipes that can be restored by calling the object's `.restore()` method. |
| Name | Type | Description |
| ----------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `disable` | list | Names of pipeline components to disable. |
| `disable` | unicode | Name of pipeline component to disable. |
| `enable` | list | Names of pipeline components that will not be disabled. |
| `enable` | unicode | Name of pipeline component that will not be disabled. |
| **RETURNS** | `DisabledPipes` | The disabled pipes that can be restored by calling the object's `.restore()` method. |
<Infobox title="Changed in v2.2.2" variant="warning">
As of spaCy v2.2.2, the `Language.disable_pipes` method can also take a list of
component names as its first argument (instead of a variable number of
arguments). This is especially useful if you're generating the component names
to disable programmatically. The new syntax will become the default in the
<Infobox title="Changed in v3.0" variant="warning">
As of spaCy v3.0, the `disable_pipes` method has been renamed to `select_pipes`:
- disabled = nlp.disable_pipes("tagger", "parser")
+ disabled = nlp.disable_pipes(["tagger", "parser"])
- nlp.disable_pipes(["tagger", "parser"])
+ nlp.select_pipes(disable=["tagger", "parser"])
@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ for doc in nlp.pipe(texts, disable=["tagger", "parser"]):
If you need to **execute more code** with components disabled – e.g. to reset
the weights or update only some components during training – you can use the
[`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes) contextmanager. At the end of
[`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes) contextmanager. At the end of
the `with` block, the disabled pipeline components will be restored
automatically. Alternatively, `disable_pipes` returns an object that lets you
automatically. Alternatively, `select_pipes` returns an object that lets you
call its `restore()` method to restore the disabled components when needed. This
can be useful if you want to prevent unnecessary code indentation of large
@ -262,16 +262,26 @@ blocks.
### Disable for block
# 1. Use as a contextmanager
with nlp.disable_pipes("tagger", "parser"):
with nlp.select_pipes(disable=["tagger", "parser"]):
doc = nlp("I won't be tagged and parsed")
doc = nlp("I will be tagged and parsed")
# 2. Restore manually
disabled = nlp.disable_pipes("ner")
disabled = nlp.select_pipes(disable="ner")
doc = nlp("I won't have named entities")
If you want to disable all pipes except for one or a few, you can use the `enable`
keyword. Just like the `disable` keyword, it takes a list of pipe names, or a string
defining just one pipe.
# Enable only the parser
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="parser"):
doc = nlp("I will only be parsed")
Finally, you can also use the [`remove_pipe`](/api/language#remove_pipe) method
to remove pipeline components from an existing pipeline, the
[`rename_pipe`](/api/language#rename_pipe) method to rename them, or the
@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ pipeline component, **make sure that the pipeline component runs** when you
create the pattern. For example, to match on `POS` or `LEMMA`, the pattern `Doc`
objects need to have part-of-speech tags set by the `tagger`. You can either
call the `nlp` object on your pattern texts instead of `nlp.make_doc`, or use
[`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes) to disable components
[`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes) to disable components
@ -1121,8 +1121,7 @@ while adding the phrase patterns.
entityruler = EntityRuler(nlp)
patterns = [{"label": "TEST", "pattern": str(i)} for i in range(100000)]
other_pipes = [p for p in nlp.pipe_names if p != "tagger"]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes):
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="tagger"):
@ -647,8 +647,7 @@ import random
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
train_data = [("Uber blew through $1 million", {"entities": [(0, 4, "ORG")]})]
other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != "ner"]
with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes):
with nlp.select_pipes(enable="ner"):
optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
for i in range(10):
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/examples/training/train_ner.py
you're using a blank model, don't forget to add the entity recognizer to the
pipeline. If you're using an existing model, make sure to disable all other
pipeline components during training using
[`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes). This way, you'll only be
[`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes). This way, you'll only be
training the entity recognizer.
2. **Shuffle and loop over** the examples. For each example, **update the
model** by calling [`nlp.update`](/api/language#update), which steps through
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ referred to as the "catastrophic forgetting" problem.
you're using a blank model, don't forget to add the entity recognizer to the
pipeline. If you're using an existing model, make sure to disable all other
pipeline components during training using
[`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes). This way, you'll only be
[`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes). This way, you'll only be
training the entity recognizer.
2. **Add the new entity label** to the entity recognizer using the
[`add_label`](/api/entityrecognizer#add_label) method. You can access the
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/examples/training/train_parser.py
you're using a blank model, don't forget to add the parser to the pipeline.
If you're using an existing model, make sure to disable all other pipeline
components during training using
[`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes). This way, you'll only be
[`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes). This way, you'll only be
training the parser.
2. **Add the dependency labels** to the parser using the
[`add_label`](/api/dependencyparser#add_label) method. If you're starting off
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/examples/training/train_tagger.py
you're using a blank model, don't forget to add the tagger to the pipeline.
If you're using an existing model, make sure to disable all other pipeline
components during training using
[`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes). This way, you'll only be
[`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes). This way, you'll only be
training the tagger.
2. **Add the tag map** to the tagger using the
[`add_label`](/api/tagger#add_label) method. The first argument is the new
@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/examples/training/train_intent_pa
you're using a blank model, don't forget to add the custom parser to the
pipeline. If you're using an existing model, make sure to **remove the old
parser** from the pipeline, and disable all other pipeline components during
training using [`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes). This way,
training using [`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes). This way,
you'll only be training the parser.
3. **Add the dependency labels** to the parser using the
[`add_label`](/api/dependencyparser#add_label) method.
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/examples/training/train_textcat.p
[`spacy.blank`](/api/top-level#spacy.blank) with the ID of your language. If
you're using an existing model, make sure to disable all other pipeline
components during training using
[`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes). This way, you'll only be
[`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes). This way, you'll only be
training the text classifier.
2. **Add the text classifier** to the pipeline, and add the labels you want to
train – for example, `POSITIVE`.
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/tree/master/examples/training/train_entity_li
pipeline including also a component for
[named entity recognition](/usage/training#ner). If you're using a model with
additional components, make sure to disable all other pipeline components
during training using [`nlp.disable_pipes`](/api/language#disable_pipes).
during training using [`nlp.select_pipes`](/api/language#select_pipes).
This way, you'll only be training the entity linker.
2. **Shuffle and loop over** the examples. For each example, **update the
model** by calling [`nlp.update`](/api/language#update), which steps through
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