* move nlp processing for el pipe to batch training instead of preprocessing
* adding dev eval back in, and limit in articles instead of entities
* use pipe whenever possible
* few more small doc changes
* access dev data through generator
* tqdm description
* small fixes
* update documentation
* fix overflow error on windows
* more documentation & logging fixes
* md fix
* 3 different limit parameters to play with execution time
* bug fixes directory locations
* small fixes
* exclude dev test articles from prior probabilities stats
* small fixes
* filtering wikidata entities, removing numeric and meta items
* adding aliases from wikidata also to the KB
* fix adding WD aliases
* adding also new aliases to previously added entities
* fixing comma's
* small doc fixes
* adding subclassof filtering
* append alias functionality in KB
* prevent appending the same entity-alias pair
* fix for appending WD aliases
* remove date filter
* remove unnecessary import
* small corrections and reformatting
* remove WD aliases for now (too slow)
* removing numeric entities from training and evaluation
* small fixes
* shortcut during prediction if there is only one candidate
* add counts and fscore logging, remove FP NER from evaluation
* fix entity_linker.predict to take docs instead of single sentences
* remove enumeration sentences from the WP dataset
* entity_linker.update to process full doc instead of single sentence
* spelling corrections and dump locations in readme
* NLP IO fix
* reading KB is unnecessary at the end of the pipeline
* small logging fix
* remove empty files