2019-05-23 15:37:05 +02:00

404 lines
17 KiB

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import datetime
from os import listdir
import numpy as np
import random
from random import shuffle
from thinc.neural._classes.convolution import ExtractWindow
from examples.pipeline.wiki_entity_linking import run_el, training_set_creator, kb_creator
from spacy._ml import SpacyVectors, create_default_optimizer, zero_init, logistic
from thinc.api import chain, concatenate, flatten_add_lengths, clone, with_flatten
from thinc.v2v import Model, Maxout, Affine, ReLu
from thinc.t2v import Pooling, mean_pool, sum_pool
from thinc.t2t import ParametricAttention
from thinc.misc import Residual
from thinc.misc import LayerNorm as LN
from spacy.matcher import PhraseMatcher
from spacy.tokens import Doc
""" TODO: this code needs to be implemented in pipes.pyx"""
class EL_Model:
EPS = 0.0000000005
CUTOFF = 0.5
DOC_CUTOFF = 300 # number of characters from the doc context
INPUT_DIM = 300 # dimension of pre-trained vectors
HIDDEN_1_WIDTH = 32 # 10
HIDDEN_2_WIDTH = 32 # 6
DESC_WIDTH = 64 # 4
DROP = 0.1
name = "entity_linker"
def __init__(self, kb, nlp):
run_el._prepare_pipeline(nlp, kb)
self.nlp = nlp
self.kb = kb
def train_model(self, training_dir, entity_descr_output, trainlimit=None, devlimit=None, to_print=True):
# raise errors instead of runtime warnings in case of int/float overflow
train_ent, train_gold, train_desc, train_art, train_art_texts, train_sent, train_sent_texts = \
self._get_training_data(training_dir, entity_descr_output, False, trainlimit, to_print=False)
# inspect data
for entity in train_ent:
print("entity", entity)
print("gold", train_gold[entity])
print("desc", train_desc[entity])
print("sentence ID", train_sent[entity])
print("sentence text", train_sent_texts[train_sent[entity]])
print("article ID", train_art[entity])
print("article text", train_art_texts[train_art[entity]])
train_pos_entities = [k for k,v in train_gold.items() if v]
train_neg_entities = [k for k,v in train_gold.items() if not v]
train_pos_count = len(train_pos_entities)
train_neg_count = len(train_neg_entities)
if to_print:
print("Upsampling, original training instances pos/neg:", train_pos_count, train_neg_count)
# upsample positives to 50-50 distribution
while train_pos_count < train_neg_count:
train_pos_count += 1
# upsample negatives to 50-50 distribution
while train_neg_count < train_pos_count:
train_neg_count += 1
dev_ent, dev_gold, dev_desc, dev_art, dev_art_texts, dev_sent, dev_sent_texts = \
self._get_training_data(training_dir, entity_descr_output, True, devlimit, to_print=False)
dev_pos_count = len([g for g in dev_gold.values() if g])
dev_neg_count = len([g for g in dev_gold.values() if not g])
if to_print:
print("Training on", len(train_ent), "entities in", len(train_art_texts), "articles")
print("Training instances pos/neg:", train_pos_count, train_neg_count)
print("Dev test on", len(dev_ent), "entities in", len(dev_art_texts), "articles")
print("Dev instances pos/neg:", dev_pos_count, dev_neg_count)
print(" CUTOFF", self.CUTOFF)
print(" DOC_CUTOFF", self.DOC_CUTOFF)
print(" INPUT_DIM", self.INPUT_DIM)
print(" HIDDEN_1_WIDTH", self.HIDDEN_1_WIDTH)
print(" DESC_WIDTH", self.DESC_WIDTH)
print(" HIDDEN_2_WIDTH", self.HIDDEN_2_WIDTH)
print(" DROP", self.DROP)
self._test_dev(dev_ent, dev_gold, dev_desc, dev_art, dev_art_texts, print_string="dev_random", calc_random=True)
self._test_dev(dev_ent, dev_gold, dev_desc, dev_art, dev_art_texts, print_string="dev_pre", avg=True)
start = 0
stop = min(self.BATCH_SIZE, len(train_ent))
processed = 0
while start < len(train_ent):
next_batch = train_ent[start:stop]
golds = [train_gold[e] for e in next_batch]
descs = [train_desc[e] for e in next_batch]
articles = [train_art_texts[train_art[e]] for e in next_batch]
self.update(entities=next_batch, golds=golds, descs=descs, texts=articles)
self._test_dev(dev_ent, dev_gold, dev_desc, dev_art, dev_art_texts, print_string="dev_inter", avg=True)
processed += len(next_batch)
start = start + self.BATCH_SIZE
stop = min(stop + self.BATCH_SIZE, len(train_ent))
if to_print:
print("Trained on", processed, "entities in total")
def _test_dev(self, entities, gold_by_entity, desc_by_entity, article_by_entity, texts_by_id, print_string, avg=True, calc_random=False):
golds = [gold_by_entity[e] for e in entities]
if calc_random:
predictions = self._predict_random(entities=entities)
desc_docs = self.nlp.pipe([desc_by_entity[e] for e in entities])
article_docs = self.nlp.pipe([texts_by_id[article_by_entity[e]] for e in entities])
predictions = self._predict(entities=entities, article_docs=article_docs, desc_docs=desc_docs, avg=avg)
# TODO: combine with prior probability
p, r, f, acc = run_el.evaluate(predictions, golds, to_print=False, times_hundred=False)
loss, gradient = self.get_loss(self.model.ops.asarray(predictions), self.model.ops.asarray(golds))
print("p/r/F/acc/loss", print_string, round(p, 1), round(r, 1), round(f, 1), round(acc, 2), round(loss, 5))
return loss, p, r, f
def _predict(self, entities, article_docs, desc_docs, avg=True, apply_threshold=True):
if avg:
with self.article_encoder.use_params(self.sgd_article.averages) \
and self.desc_encoder.use_params(self.sgd_entity.averages):
doc_encodings = self.article_encoder(article_docs)
desc_encodings = self.desc_encoder(desc_docs)
doc_encodings = self.article_encoder(article_docs)
desc_encodings = self.desc_encoder(desc_docs)
concat_encodings = [list(desc_encodings[i]) + list(doc_encodings[i]) for i in range(len(entities))]
np_array_list = np.asarray(concat_encodings)
if avg:
with self.model.use_params(self.sgd.averages):
predictions = self.model(np_array_list)
predictions = self.model(np_array_list)
predictions = self.model.ops.flatten(predictions)
predictions = [float(p) for p in predictions]
if apply_threshold:
predictions = [float(1.0) if p > self.CUTOFF else float(0.0) for p in predictions]
return predictions
def _predict_random(self, entities, apply_threshold=True):
if not apply_threshold:
return [float(random.uniform(0, 1)) for e in entities]
return [float(1.0) if random.uniform(0, 1) > self.CUTOFF else float(0.0) for e in entities]
def _build_cnn(self, in_width, desc_width, article_width, hidden_1_width, hidden_2_width):
with Model.define_operators({">>": chain, "|": concatenate, "**": clone}):
self.desc_encoder = self._encoder(in_width=in_width, hidden_with=hidden_1_width, end_width=desc_width)
self.article_encoder = self._encoder(in_width=in_width, hidden_with=hidden_1_width, end_width=article_width)
in_width = desc_width + article_width
out_width = hidden_2_width
self.model = Affine(out_width, in_width) \
>> LN(Maxout(out_width, out_width)) \
>> Affine(1, out_width) \
>> logistic
def _encoder(in_width, hidden_with, end_width):
conv_depth = 2
cnn_maxout_pieces = 3
with Model.define_operators({">>": chain}):
convolution = Residual((ExtractWindow(nW=1) >> LN(Maxout(hidden_with, hidden_with * 3, pieces=cnn_maxout_pieces))))
encoder = SpacyVectors \
>> with_flatten(LN(Maxout(hidden_with, in_width)) >> convolution ** conv_depth, pad=conv_depth) \
>> flatten_add_lengths \
>> ParametricAttention(hidden_with)\
>> Pooling(mean_pool) \
>> Residual(zero_init(Maxout(hidden_with, hidden_with))) \
>> zero_init(Affine(end_width, hidden_with, drop_factor=0.0))
# TODO: ReLu or LN(Maxout) ?
# sum_pool or mean_pool ?
return encoder
def _begin_training(self):
self.sgd_article = create_default_optimizer(self.article_encoder.ops)
self.sgd_entity = create_default_optimizer(self.desc_encoder.ops)
self.sgd = create_default_optimizer(self.model.ops)
def get_loss(predictions, golds):
d_scores = (predictions - golds)
gradient = d_scores.mean()
loss = (d_scores ** 2).mean()
return loss, gradient
def update(self, entities, golds, descs, texts):
golds = self.model.ops.asarray(golds)
desc_docs = self.nlp.pipe(descs)
article_docs = self.nlp.pipe(texts)
doc_encodings, bp_doc = self.article_encoder.begin_update(article_docs, drop=self.DROP)
desc_encodings, bp_entity = self.desc_encoder.begin_update(desc_docs, drop=self.DROP)
concat_encodings = [list(desc_encodings[i]) + list(doc_encodings[i]) for i in range(len(entities))]
predictions, bp_model = self.model.begin_update(np.asarray(concat_encodings), drop=self.DROP)
predictions = self.model.ops.flatten(predictions)
# print("entities", entities)
# print("predictions", predictions)
# print("golds", golds)
loss, gradient = self.get_loss(predictions, golds)
if self.PRINT_TRAIN:
print("loss train", round(loss, 5))
gradient = float(gradient)
# print("gradient", gradient)
# print("loss", loss)
model_gradient = bp_model(gradient, sgd=self.sgd)
# print("model_gradient", model_gradient)
# concat = desc + doc, but doc is the same within this function (TODO: multiple docs/articles)
doc_gradient = model_gradient[0][self.DESC_WIDTH:]
entity_gradients = list()
for x in model_gradient:
# print("doc_gradient", doc_gradient)
# print("entity_gradients", entity_gradients)
bp_doc([doc_gradient], sgd=self.sgd_article)
bp_entity(entity_gradients, sgd=self.sgd_entity)
def _get_training_data(self, training_dir, entity_descr_output, dev, limit, to_print):
id_to_descr = kb_creator._get_id_to_description(entity_descr_output)
correct_entries, incorrect_entries = training_set_creator.read_training_entities(training_output=training_dir,
local_vectors = list() # TODO: local vectors
entities = set()
gold_by_entity = dict()
desc_by_entity = dict()
article_by_entity = dict()
text_by_article = dict()
sentence_by_entity = dict()
text_by_sentence = dict()
cnt = 0
next_entity_nr = 1
next_sent_nr = 1
files = listdir(training_dir)
for f in files:
if not limit or cnt < limit:
if dev == run_el.is_dev(f):
article_id = f.replace(".txt", "")
if cnt % 500 == 0 and to_print:
print(, "processed", cnt, "files in the training dataset")
cnt += 1
# parse the article text
with open(os.path.join(training_dir, f), mode="r", encoding='utf8') as file:
text =
article_doc = self.nlp(text)
truncated_text = text[0:min(self.DOC_CUTOFF, len(text))]
text_by_article[article_id] = truncated_text
# process all positive and negative entities, collect all relevant mentions in this article
article_terms = set()
entities_by_mention = dict()
for mention, entity_pos in correct_entries[article_id].items():
descr = id_to_descr.get(entity_pos)
if descr:
entity = "E_" + str(next_entity_nr) + "_" + article_id + "_" + mention
next_entity_nr += 1
gold_by_entity[entity] = 1
desc_by_entity[entity] = descr
mention_entities = entities_by_mention.get(mention, set())
entities_by_mention[mention] = mention_entities
for mention, entity_negs in incorrect_entries[article_id].items():
for entity_neg in entity_negs:
descr = id_to_descr.get(entity_neg)
if descr:
entity = "E_" + str(next_entity_nr) + "_" + article_id + "_" + mention
next_entity_nr += 1
gold_by_entity[entity] = 0
desc_by_entity[entity] = descr
mention_entities = entities_by_mention.get(mention, set())
entities_by_mention[mention] = mention_entities
# find all matches in the doc for the mentions
# TODO: fix this - doesn't look like all entities are found
matcher = PhraseMatcher(self.nlp.vocab)
patterns = list(self.nlp.tokenizer.pipe(article_terms))
matcher.add("TerminologyList", None, *patterns)
matches = matcher(article_doc)
# store sentences
sentence_to_id = dict()
for match_id, start, end in matches:
span = article_doc[start:end]
sent_text = span.sent
sent_nr = sentence_to_id.get(sent_text, None)
if sent_nr is None:
sent_nr = "S_" + str(next_sent_nr) + article_id
next_sent_nr += 1
text_by_sentence[sent_nr] = sent_text
sentence_to_id[sent_text] = sent_nr
mention_entities = entities_by_mention[span.text]
for entity in mention_entities:
sentence_by_entity[entity] = sent_nr
article_by_entity[entity] = article_id
# remove entities that didn't have all data
gold_by_entity = {k: v for k, v in gold_by_entity.items() if k in entities}
desc_by_entity = {k: v for k, v in desc_by_entity.items() if k in entities}
article_by_entity = {k: v for k, v in article_by_entity.items() if k in entities}
text_by_article = {k: v for k, v in text_by_article.items() if k in article_by_entity.values()}
sentence_by_entity = {k: v for k, v in sentence_by_entity.items() if k in entities}
text_by_sentence = {k: v for k, v in text_by_sentence.items() if k in sentence_by_entity.values()}
if to_print:
print("Processed", cnt, "training articles, dev=" + str(dev))
return list(entities), gold_by_entity, desc_by_entity, article_by_entity, text_by_article, sentence_by_entity, text_by_sentence