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277 lines
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# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import numpy
from collections import OrderedDict
import msgpack
import msgpack_numpy
cimport numpy as np
from thinc.neural.util import get_array_module
from thinc.neural._classes.model import Model
from .strings cimport StringStore
from .compat import basestring_, path2str
from . import util
cdef class Vectors:
"""Store, save and load word vectors.
Vectors data is kept in the vectors.data attribute, which should be an
instance of numpy.ndarray (for CPU vectors) or cupy.ndarray
(for GPU vectors). `vectors.key2row` is a dictionary mapping word hashes to
rows in the vectors.data table. The array `vectors.keys` keeps the keys in
order, such that `keys[vectors.key2row[key]] == key`.
cdef public object data
cdef readonly StringStore strings
cdef public object key2row
cdef public object keys
cdef public int i
def __init__(self, strings, width=0, data=None):
"""Create a new vector store. To keep the vector table empty, pass
`width=0`. You can also create the vector table and add vectors one by
one, or set the vector values directly on initialisation.
strings (StringStore or list): List of strings or StringStore that maps
strings to hash values, and vice versa.
width (int): Number of dimensions.
data (numpy.ndarray): The vector data.
RETURNS (Vectors): The newly created object.
if isinstance(strings, StringStore):
self.strings = strings
self.strings = StringStore()
for string in strings:
if data is not None:
self.data = numpy.asarray(data, dtype='f')
self.data = numpy.zeros((len(self.strings), width), dtype='f')
self.i = 0
self.key2row = {}
self.keys = numpy.zeros((self.data.shape[0],), dtype='uint64')
for i, string in enumerate(self.strings):
if i >= self.data.shape[0]:
self.add(self.strings[string], self.data[i])
def __reduce__(self):
return (Vectors, (self.strings, self.data))
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get a vector by key. If key is a string, it is hashed to an integer
ID using the vectors.strings table. If the integer key is not found in
the table, a KeyError is raised.
key (unicode / int): The key to get the vector for.
RETURNS (numpy.ndarray): The vector for the key.
if isinstance(key, basestring):
key = self.strings[key]
i = self.key2row[key]
if i is None:
raise KeyError(key)
return self.data[i]
def __setitem__(self, key, vector):
"""Set a vector for the given key. If key is a string, it is hashed
to an integer ID using the vectors.strings table.
key (unicode / int): The key to set the vector for.
vector (numpy.ndarray): The vector to set.
if isinstance(key, basestring):
key = self.strings.add(key)
i = self.key2row[key]
self.data[i] = vector
def __iter__(self):
"""Yield vectors from the table.
YIELDS (numpy.ndarray): A vector.
yield from self.data
def __len__(self):
"""Return the number of vectors that have been assigned.
RETURNS (int): The number of vectors in the data.
return self.i
def __contains__(self, key):
"""Check whether a key has a vector entry in the table.
key (unicode / int): The key to check.
RETURNS (bool): Whether the key has a vector entry.
if isinstance(key, basestring_):
key = self.strings[key]
return key in self.key2row
def add(self, key, vector=None):
"""Add a key to the table, optionally setting a vector value as well.
key (unicode / int): The key to add.
vector (numpy.ndarray): An optional vector to add.
if isinstance(key, basestring_):
key = self.strings.add(key)
if key not in self.key2row:
i = self.i
if i >= self.keys.shape[0]:
self.data.resize((self.data.shape[0]*2, self.data.shape[1]))
self.key2row[key] = self.i
self.keys[self.i] = key
self.i += 1
i = self.key2row[key]
if vector is not None:
self.data[i] = vector
return i
def items(self):
"""Iterate over `(string key, vector)` pairs, in order.
YIELDS (tuple): A key/vector pair.
for i, key in enumerate(self.keys):
string = self.strings[key]
yield string, self.data[i]
def shape(self):
"""Get `(rows, dims)` tuples of number of rows and number of dimensions
in the vector table.
RETURNS (tuple): A `(rows, dims)` pair.
return self.data.shape
def most_similar(self, key):
# TODO: implement
raise NotImplementedError
def from_glove(self, path):
"""Load GloVe vectors from a directory. Assumes binary format,
that the vocab is in a vocab.txt, and that vectors are named
vectors.{size}.[fd].bin, e.g. vectors.128.f.bin for 128d float32
vectors, vectors.300.d.bin for 300d float64 (double) vectors, etc.
By default GloVe outputs 64-bit vectors.
path (unicode / Path): The path to load the GloVe vectors from.
path = util.ensure_path(path)
for name in path.iterdir():
if name.parts[-1].startswith('vectors'):
_, dims, dtype, _2 = name.parts[-1].split('.')
self.width = int(dims)
raise IOError("Expected file named e.g. vectors.128.f.bin")
bin_loc = path / 'vectors.{dims}.{dtype}.bin'.format(dims=dims,
with bin_loc.open('rb') as file_:
self.data = numpy.fromfile(file_, dtype='float64')
self.data = numpy.ascontiguousarray(self.data, dtype='float32')
n = 0
with (path / 'vocab.txt').open('r') as file_:
for line in file_:
n += 1
if (self.data.size % self.width) == 0:
def to_disk(self, path, **exclude):
"""Save the current state to a directory.
path (unicode / Path): A path to a directory, which will be created if
it doesn't exists. Either a string or a Path-like object.
xp = get_array_module(self.data)
if xp is numpy:
save_array = lambda arr, file_: xp.save(file_, arr,
save_array = lambda arr, file_: xp.save(file_, arr)
serializers = OrderedDict((
('vectors', lambda p: save_array(self.data, p.open('wb'))),
('keys', lambda p: xp.save(p.open('wb'), self.keys))
return util.to_disk(path, serializers, exclude)
def from_disk(self, path, **exclude):
"""Loads state from a directory. Modifies the object in place and
returns it.
path (unicode / Path): Directory path, string or Path-like object.
RETURNS (Vectors): The modified object.
def load_keys(path):
if path.exists():
self.keys = numpy.load(path2str(path))
for i, key in enumerate(self.keys):
self.keys[i] = key
self.key2row[key] = i
def load_vectors(path):
xp = Model.ops.xp
if path.exists():
self.data = xp.load(path)
serializers = OrderedDict((
('keys', load_keys),
('vectors', load_vectors),
util.from_disk(path, serializers, exclude)
return self
def to_bytes(self, **exclude):
"""Serialize the current state to a binary string.
**exclude: Named attributes to prevent from being serialized.
RETURNS (bytes): The serialized form of the `Vectors` object.
def serialize_weights():
if hasattr(self.data, 'to_bytes'):
return self.data.to_bytes()
return msgpack.dumps(self.data)
serializers = OrderedDict((
('keys', lambda: msgpack.dumps(self.keys)),
('vectors', serialize_weights)
return util.to_bytes(serializers, exclude)
def from_bytes(self, data, **exclude):
"""Load state from a binary string.
data (bytes): The data to load from.
**exclude: Named attributes to prevent from being loaded.
RETURNS (Vectors): The `Vectors` object.
def deserialize_weights(b):
if hasattr(self.data, 'from_bytes'):
self.data = msgpack.loads(b)
def load_keys(keys):
for i, key in enumerate(keys):
self.keys[i] = key
self.key2row[key] = i
deserializers = OrderedDict((
('keys', lambda b: load_keys(msgpack.loads(b))),
('vectors', deserialize_weights)
util.from_bytes(data, deserializers, exclude)
return self