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synced 2025-03-27 21:34:12 +03:00
* Add a `spacy evaluate speed` subcommand This subcommand reports the mean batch performance of a model on a data set with a 95% confidence interval. For reliability, it first performs some warmup rounds. Then it will measure performance on batches with randomly shuffled documents. To avoid having too many spaCy commands, `speed` is a subcommand of `evaluate` and accuracy evaluation is moved to its own `evaluate accuracy` subcommand. * Fix import cycle * Restore `spacy evaluate`, make `spacy benchmark speed` an alias * Add documentation for `spacy benchmark` * CREATES -> PRINTS * WPS -> words/s * Disable formatting of benchmark speed arguments * Fail with an error message when trying to speed bench empty corpus * Make it clearer that `benchmark accuracy` is a replacement for `evaluate` * Fix docstring webpage reference * tests: check `evaluate` output against `benchmark accuracy`
229 lines
8.1 KiB
229 lines
8.1 KiB
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any, Union
from wasabi import Printer
from pathlib import Path
import re
import srsly
from thinc.api import fix_random_seed
from ..training import Corpus
from ..tokens import Doc
from ._util import app, Arg, Opt, setup_gpu, import_code, benchmark_cli
from ..scorer import Scorer
from .. import util
from .. import displacy
def evaluate_cli(
# fmt: off
model: str = Arg(..., help="Model name or path"),
data_path: Path = Arg(..., help="Location of binary evaluation data in .spacy format", exists=True),
output: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--output", "-o", help="Output JSON file for metrics", dir_okay=False),
code_path: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--code", "-c", help="Path to Python file with additional code (registered functions) to be imported"),
use_gpu: int = Opt(-1, "--gpu-id", "-g", help="GPU ID or -1 for CPU"),
gold_preproc: bool = Opt(False, "--gold-preproc", "-G", help="Use gold preprocessing"),
displacy_path: Optional[Path] = Opt(None, "--displacy-path", "-dp", help="Directory to output rendered parses as HTML", exists=True, file_okay=False),
displacy_limit: int = Opt(25, "--displacy-limit", "-dl", help="Limit of parses to render as HTML"),
# fmt: on
Evaluate a trained pipeline. Expects a loadable spaCy pipeline and evaluation
data in the binary .spacy format. The --gold-preproc option sets up the
evaluation examples with gold-standard sentences and tokens for the
predictions. Gold preprocessing helps the annotations align to the
tokenization, and may result in sequences of more consistent length. However,
it may reduce runtime accuracy due to train/test skew. To render a sample of
dependency parses in a HTML file, set as output directory as the
displacy_path argument.
DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/cli#benchmark-accuracy
def evaluate(
model: str,
data_path: Path,
output: Optional[Path] = None,
use_gpu: int = -1,
gold_preproc: bool = False,
displacy_path: Optional[Path] = None,
displacy_limit: int = 25,
silent: bool = True,
spans_key: str = "sc",
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
msg = Printer(no_print=silent, pretty=not silent)
setup_gpu(use_gpu, silent=silent)
data_path = util.ensure_path(data_path)
output_path = util.ensure_path(output)
displacy_path = util.ensure_path(displacy_path)
if not data_path.exists():
msg.fail("Evaluation data not found", data_path, exits=1)
if displacy_path and not displacy_path.exists():
msg.fail("Visualization output directory not found", displacy_path, exits=1)
corpus = Corpus(data_path, gold_preproc=gold_preproc)
nlp = util.load_model(model)
dev_dataset = list(corpus(nlp))
scores = nlp.evaluate(dev_dataset)
metrics = {
"TOK": "token_acc",
"TAG": "tag_acc",
"POS": "pos_acc",
"MORPH": "morph_acc",
"LEMMA": "lemma_acc",
"UAS": "dep_uas",
"LAS": "dep_las",
"NER P": "ents_p",
"NER R": "ents_r",
"NER F": "ents_f",
"TEXTCAT": "cats_score",
"SENT P": "sents_p",
"SENT R": "sents_r",
"SENT F": "sents_f",
"SPAN P": f"spans_{spans_key}_p",
"SPAN R": f"spans_{spans_key}_r",
"SPAN F": f"spans_{spans_key}_f",
"SPEED": "speed",
results = {}
data = {}
for metric, key in metrics.items():
if key in scores:
if key == "cats_score":
metric = metric + " (" + scores.get("cats_score_desc", "unk") + ")"
if isinstance(scores[key], (int, float)):
if key == "speed":
results[metric] = f"{scores[key]:.0f}"
results[metric] = f"{scores[key]*100:.2f}"
results[metric] = "-"
data[re.sub(r"[\s/]", "_", key.lower())] = scores[key]
msg.table(results, title="Results")
data = handle_scores_per_type(scores, data, spans_key=spans_key, silent=silent)
if displacy_path:
factory_names = [nlp.get_pipe_meta(pipe).factory for pipe in nlp.pipe_names]
docs = list(nlp.pipe(ex.reference.text for ex in dev_dataset[:displacy_limit]))
render_deps = "parser" in factory_names
render_ents = "ner" in factory_names
msg.good(f"Generated {displacy_limit} parses as HTML", displacy_path)
if output_path is not None:
srsly.write_json(output_path, data)
msg.good(f"Saved results to {output_path}")
return data
def handle_scores_per_type(
scores: Dict[str, Any],
data: Dict[str, Any] = {},
spans_key: str = "sc",
silent: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
msg = Printer(no_print=silent, pretty=not silent)
if "morph_per_feat" in scores:
if scores["morph_per_feat"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["morph_per_feat"], "MORPH", "feat")
data["morph_per_feat"] = scores["morph_per_feat"]
if "dep_las_per_type" in scores:
if scores["dep_las_per_type"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["dep_las_per_type"], "LAS", "type")
data["dep_las_per_type"] = scores["dep_las_per_type"]
if "ents_per_type" in scores:
if scores["ents_per_type"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["ents_per_type"], "NER", "type")
data["ents_per_type"] = scores["ents_per_type"]
if f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type" in scores:
if scores[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"]:
msg, scores[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"], "SPANS", "type"
data[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"] = scores[f"spans_{spans_key}_per_type"]
if "cats_f_per_type" in scores:
if scores["cats_f_per_type"]:
print_prf_per_type(msg, scores["cats_f_per_type"], "Textcat F", "label")
data["cats_f_per_type"] = scores["cats_f_per_type"]
if "cats_auc_per_type" in scores:
if scores["cats_auc_per_type"]:
print_textcats_auc_per_cat(msg, scores["cats_auc_per_type"])
data["cats_auc_per_type"] = scores["cats_auc_per_type"]
return scores
def render_parses(
docs: List[Doc],
output_path: Path,
model_name: str = "",
limit: int = 250,
deps: bool = True,
ents: bool = True,
docs[0].user_data["title"] = model_name
if ents:
html = displacy.render(docs[:limit], style="ent", page=True)
with (output_path / "entities.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_:
if deps:
html = displacy.render(
docs[:limit], style="dep", page=True, options={"compact": True}
with (output_path / "parses.html").open("w", encoding="utf8") as file_:
def print_prf_per_type(
msg: Printer, scores: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]], name: str, type: str
) -> None:
data = []
for key, value in scores.items():
row = [key]
for k in ("p", "r", "f"):
v = value[k]
row.append(f"{v * 100:.2f}" if isinstance(v, (int, float)) else v)
header=("", "P", "R", "F"),
aligns=("l", "r", "r", "r"),
title=f"{name} (per {type})",
def print_textcats_auc_per_cat(
msg: Printer, scores: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]
) -> None:
(k, f"{v:.2f}" if isinstance(v, (float, int)) else v)
for k, v in scores.items()
header=("", "ROC AUC"),
aligns=("l", "r"),
title="Textcat ROC AUC (per label)",