mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 21:34:12 +03:00
TODO: log warning for missing meta data in spacy.link, as this affects the Language class returned by spacy.load()
199 lines
5.5 KiB
199 lines
5.5 KiB
# coding: utf8
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
import os
import io
import json
import re
import os.path
import pathlib
import sys
import six
import textwrap
from .attrs import TAG, HEAD, DEP, ENT_IOB, ENT_TYPE
except NameError:
basestring = str
_data_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'data'
def set_lang_class(name, cls):
LANGUAGES[name] = cls
def get_lang_class(name):
lang = re.split('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', name, 1)[0]
if lang not in LANGUAGES:
raise RuntimeError('Language not supported: %s' % lang)
return LANGUAGES[lang]
def get_data_path(require_exists=True):
if not require_exists:
return _data_path
return _data_path if _data_path.exists() else None
def set_data_path(path):
global _data_path
if isinstance(path, basestring):
path = pathlib.Path(path)
_data_path = path
def or_(val1, val2):
if val1 is not None:
return val1
elif callable(val2):
return val2()
return val2
def match_best_version(target_name, target_version, path):
path = path if not isinstance(path, basestring) else pathlib.Path(path)
if path is None or not path.exists():
return None
matches = []
for data_name in path.iterdir():
name, version = split_data_name(data_name.parts[-1])
if name == target_name and constraint_match(target_version, version):
matches.append((tuple(float(v) for v in version.split('.')), data_name))
if matches:
return pathlib.Path(max(matches)[1])
return None
def split_data_name(name):
return name.split('-', 1) if '-' in name else (name, '')
def constraint_match(constraint_string, version):
# From http://github.com/spacy-io/sputnik
if not constraint_string:
return True
constraints = [c.strip() for c in constraint_string.split(',') if c.strip()]
for c in constraints:
if not re.match(r'[><=][=]?\d+(\.\d+)*', c):
raise ValueError('invalid constraint: %s' % c)
return all(semver.match(version, c) for c in constraints)
def read_regex(path):
path = path if not isinstance(path, basestring) else pathlib.Path(path)
with path.open() as file_:
entries = file_.read().split('\n')
expression = '|'.join(['^' + re.escape(piece) for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
def compile_prefix_regex(entries):
if '(' in entries:
# Handle deprecated data
expression = '|'.join(['^' + re.escape(piece) for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
expression = '|'.join(['^' + piece for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
def compile_suffix_regex(entries):
expression = '|'.join([piece + '$' for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
def compile_infix_regex(entries):
expression = '|'.join([piece for piece in entries if piece.strip()])
return re.compile(expression)
def normalize_slice(length, start, stop, step=None):
if not (step is None or step == 1):
raise ValueError("Stepped slices not supported in Span objects."
"Try: list(tokens)[start:stop:step] instead.")
if start is None:
start = 0
elif start < 0:
start += length
start = min(length, max(0, start))
if stop is None:
stop = length
elif stop < 0:
stop += length
stop = min(length, max(start, stop))
assert 0 <= start <= stop <= length
return start, stop
def utf8open(loc, mode='r'):
return io.open(loc, mode, encoding='utf8')
def check_renamed_kwargs(renamed, kwargs):
for old, new in renamed.items():
if old in kwargs:
raise TypeError("Keyword argument %s now renamed to %s" % (old, new))
def parse_package_meta(package_path, package, on_error=False):
location = os.path.join(str(package_path), package, 'meta.json')
if not os.path.isfile(location) and on_error:
with io.open(location, encoding='utf8') as f:
meta = json.load(f)
return meta
return False
def print_msg(*text, **kwargs):
"""Print formatted message. Each positional argument is rendered as newline-
separated paragraph. If kwarg 'title' exist, title is printed above the text
and highlighted (using ANSI escape sequences manually to avoid unnecessary
message = '\n\n'.join([_wrap_text(t) for t in text])
tpl_msg = '\n{msg}\n'
tpl_title = '\n\033[93m{msg}\033[0m'
if 'title' in kwargs and kwargs['title']:
title = _wrap_text(kwargs['title'])
def _wrap_text(text):
"""Wrap text at given width using textwrap module. Indent should consist of
spaces. Its length is deducted from wrap width to ensure exact wrapping."""
wrap_max = 80
indent = ' '
wrap_width = wrap_max - len(indent)
return textwrap.fill(text, width=wrap_width, initial_indent=indent,
subsequent_indent=indent, break_long_words=False,
def sys_exit(*messages, **kwargs):
"""Performs SystemExit. For modules used from the command line, like
download and link. To print message, use the same arguments as for
if messages:
print_msg(*messages, **kwargs)