2020-07-02 15:39:45 +02:00

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Matcher Match sequences of tokens, based on pattern rules class spacy/matcher/matcher.pyx


Create the rule-based Matcher. If validate=True is set, all patterns added to the matcher will be validated against a JSON schema and a MatchPatternError is raised if problems are found. Those can include incorrect types (e.g. a string where an integer is expected) or unexpected property names.


from spacy.matcher import Matcher
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
Name Type Description
vocab Vocab The vocabulary object, which must be shared with the documents the matcher will operate on.
validate 2.1 bool Validate all patterns added to this matcher.
RETURNS Matcher The newly constructed object.


Find all token sequences matching the supplied patterns on the Doc or Span.


from spacy.matcher import Matcher

matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
pattern = [{"LOWER": "hello"}, {"LOWER": "world"}]
matcher.add("HelloWorld", [pattern])
doc = nlp("hello world!")
matches = matcher(doc)
Name Type Description
doclike Doc/Span The Doc or Span to match over.
RETURNS list A list of (match_id, start, end) tuples, describing the matches. A match tuple describes a span doc[start:end]. The match_id is the ID of the added match pattern.


Match a stream of documents, yielding them in turn.


from spacy.matcher import Matcher
matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
for doc in matcher.pipe(docs, batch_size=50):
Name Type Description
docs iterable A stream of documents.
batch_size int The number of documents to accumulate into a working set.
return_matches 2.1 bool Yield the match lists along with the docs, making results (doc, matches) tuples.
as_tuples bool Interpret the input stream as (doc, context) tuples, and yield (result, context) tuples out. If both return_matches and as_tuples are True, the output will be a sequence of ((doc, matches), context) tuples.
YIELDS Doc Documents, in order.


Get the number of rules added to the matcher. Note that this only returns the number of rules (identical with the number of IDs), not the number of individual patterns.


matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
assert len(matcher) == 0
matcher.add("Rule", [[{"ORTH": "test"}]])
assert len(matcher) == 1
Name Type Description
RETURNS int The number of rules.


Check whether the matcher contains rules for a match ID.


matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
assert "Rule" not in matcher
matcher.add("Rule", [[{'ORTH': 'test'}]])
assert "Rule" in matcher
Name Type Description
key str The match ID.
RETURNS bool Whether the matcher contains rules for this match ID.


Add a rule to the matcher, consisting of an ID key, one or more patterns, and a callback function to act on the matches. The callback function will receive the arguments matcher, doc, i and matches. If a pattern already exists for the given ID, the patterns will be extended. An on_match callback will be overwritten.


def on_match(matcher, doc, id, matches):
    print('Matched!', matches)

matcher = Matcher(nlp.vocab)
patterns = [
   [{"LOWER": "hello"}, {"LOWER": "world"}],
   [{"ORTH": "Google"}, {"ORTH": "Maps"}]
matcher.add("TEST_PATTERNS", patterns)
doc = nlp("HELLO WORLD on Google Maps.")
matches = matcher(doc)

As of spaCy v3.0, Matcher.add takes a list of patterns as the second argument (instead of a variable number of arguments). The on_match callback becomes an optional keyword argument.

patterns = [[{"TEXT": "Google"}, {"TEXT": "Now"}], [{"TEXT": "GoogleNow"}]]
- matcher.add("GoogleNow", on_match, *patterns)
+ matcher.add("GoogleNow", patterns, on_match=on_match)
Name Type Description
match_id str An ID for the thing you're matching.
patterns list Match pattern. A pattern consists of a list of dicts, where each dict describes a token.
on_match callable or None Callback function to act on matches. Takes the arguments matcher, doc, i and matches.


Remove a rule from the matcher. A KeyError is raised if the match ID does not exist.


matcher.add("Rule", [[{"ORTH": "test"}]])
assert "Rule" in matcher
assert "Rule" not in matcher
Name Type Description
key str The ID of the match rule.


Retrieve the pattern stored for a key. Returns the rule as an (on_match, patterns) tuple containing the callback and available patterns.


matcher.add("Rule", [[{"ORTH": "test"}]])
on_match, patterns = matcher.get("Rule")
Name Type Description
key str The ID of the match rule.
RETURNS tuple The rule, as an (on_match, patterns) tuple.