Ines Montani e597110d31
💫 Update website (#3285)
<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the title. -->

## Description

The new website is implemented using [Gatsby]( with [Remark]( and [MDX]( This allows authoring content in **straightforward Markdown** without the usual limitations. Standard elements can be overwritten with powerful [React]( components and wherever Markdown syntax isn't enough, JSX components can be used. Hopefully, this update will also make it much easier to contribute to the docs. Once this PR is merged, I'll implement auto-deployment via [Netlify]( on a specific branch (to avoid building the website on every PR). There's a bunch of other cool stuff that the new setup will allow us to do – including writing front-end tests, service workers, offline support, implementing a search and so on.

This PR also includes various new docs pages and content.
Resolves #3270. Resolves #3222. Resolves #2947. Resolves #2837.

### Types of change

## Checklist
<!--- Before you submit the PR, go over this checklist and make sure you can
tick off all the boxes. [] -> [x] -->
- [x] I have submitted the spaCy Contributor Agreement.
- [x] I ran the tests, and all new and existing tests passed.
- [x] My changes don't require a change to the documentation, or if they do, I've added all required information.
2019-02-17 19:31:19 +01:00

6.2 KiB

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StringStore class spacy/strings.pyx

Look up strings by 64-bit hashes. As of v2.0, spaCy uses hash values instead of integer IDs. This ensures that strings always map to the same ID, even from different StringStores.


Create the StringStore.


from spacy.strings import StringStore
stringstore = StringStore([u"apple", u"orange"])
Name Type Description
strings iterable A sequence of unicode strings to add to the store.
RETURNS StringStore The newly constructed object.


Get the number of strings in the store.


stringstore = StringStore([u"apple", u"orange"])
assert len(stringstore) == 2
Name Type Description
RETURNS int The number of strings in the store.


Retrieve a string from a given hash, or vice versa.


stringstore = StringStore([u"apple", u"orange"])
apple_hash = stringstore[u"apple"]
assert apple_hash == 8566208034543834098
assert stringstore[apple_hash] == u"apple"
Name Type Description
string_or_id bytes, unicode or uint64 The value to encode.
RETURNS unicode or int The value to be retrieved.


Check whether a string is in the store.


stringstore = StringStore([u"apple", u"orange"])
assert u"apple" in stringstore
assert not u"cherry" in stringstore
Name Type Description
string unicode The string to check.
RETURNS bool Whether the store contains the string.


Iterate over the strings in the store, in order. Note that a newly initialized store will always include an empty string '' at position 0.


stringstore = StringStore([u"apple", u"orange"])
all_strings = [s for s in stringstore]
assert all_strings == [u"apple", u"orange"]
Name Type Description
YIELDS unicode A string in the store.


Add a string to the StringStore.


stringstore = StringStore([u"apple", u"orange"])
banana_hash = stringstore.add(u"banana")
assert len(stringstore) == 3
assert banana_hash == 2525716904149915114
assert stringstore[banana_hash] == u"banana"
assert stringstore[u"banana"] == banana_hash
Name Type Description
string unicode The string to add.
RETURNS uint64 The string's hash value.


Save the current state to a directory.


Name Type Description
path unicode / Path A path to a directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects.


Loads state from a directory. Modifies the object in place and returns it.


from spacy.strings import StringStore
stringstore = StringStore().from_disk("/path/to/strings")
Name Type Description
path unicode / Path A path to a directory. Paths may be either strings or Path-like objects.
RETURNS StringStore The modified StringStore object.


Serialize the current state to a binary string.


store_bytes = stringstore.to_bytes()
Name Type Description
**exclude - Named attributes to prevent from being serialized.
RETURNS bytes The serialized form of the StringStore object.


Load state from a binary string.


fron spacy.strings import StringStore
store_bytes = stringstore.to_bytes()
new_store = StringStore().from_bytes(store_bytes)
Name Type Description
bytes_data bytes The data to load from.
**exclude - Named attributes to prevent from being loaded.
RETURNS StringStore The StringStore object.



Get a 64-bit hash for a given string.


from spacy.strings import hash_string
assert hash_string(u"apple") == 8566208034543834098
Name Type Description
string unicode The string to hash.
RETURNS uint64 The hash.