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Saving and Loading |
import Serialization101 from 'usage/101/_serialization.md'
In spaCy v2.0, the API for saving and loading has changed to only use the four methods listed above consistently across objects and classes. For an overview of the changes, see this table and the notes on migrating.
Serializing the pipeline
When serializing the pipeline, keep in mind that this will only save out the binary data for the individual components to allow spaCy to restore them – not the entire objects. This is a good thing, because it makes serialization safe. But it also means that you have to take care of storing the language name and pipeline component names as well, and restoring them separately before you can load in the data.
Saving the model meta
attribute is a JSON-serializable dictionary and contains all model meta information, like the language and pipeline, but also author and license information.
### Serialize
bytes_data = nlp.to_bytes()
lang = nlp.meta["lang"] # "en"
pipeline = nlp.meta["pipeline"] # ["tagger", "parser", "ner"]
### Deserialize
nlp = spacy.blank(lang)
for pipe_name in pipeline:
pipe = nlp.create_pipe(pipe_name)
This is also how spaCy does it under the hood when loading a model: it loads the
model's meta.json
containing the language and pipeline information,
initializes the language class, creates and adds the pipeline components and
then loads in the binary data. You can read more about this process
Serializing Doc objects efficiently
If you're working with lots of data, you'll probably need to pass analyses
between machines, either to use something like Dask or
Spark, or even just to save out work to disk. Often
it's sufficient to use the Doc.to_array
functionality for
this, and just serialize the numpy arrays – but other times you want a more
general way to save and restore Doc
The DocBin
class makes it easy to serialize and deserialize a
collection of Doc
objects together, and is much more efficient than calling
on each individual Doc
object. You can
also control what data gets saved, and you can merge pallets together for easy
map/reduce-style processing.
### {highlight="4,8,9,13,14"}
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import DocBin
doc_bin = DocBin(attrs=["LEMMA", "ENT_IOB", "ENT_TYPE"], store_user_data=True)
texts = ["Some text", "Lots of texts...", "..."]
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
for doc in nlp.pipe(texts):
bytes_data = doc_bin.to_bytes()
# Deserialize later, e.g. in a new process
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
doc_bin = DocBin().from_bytes(bytes_data)
docs = list(doc_bin.get_docs(nlp.vocab))
If store_user_data
is set to True
, the Doc.user_data
will be serialized as
well, which includes the values of
extension attributes (if
they're serializable with msgpack).
Including the Doc.user_data
and extension attributes will only serialize the
values of the attributes. To restore the values and access them via the
property, you need to register the global attribute on the Doc
docs = list(doc_bin.get_docs(nlp.vocab))
Doc.set_extension("my_custom_attr", default=None)
print([doc._.my_custom_attr for doc in docs])
Using Pickle
doc = nlp("This is a text.") data = pickle.dumps(doc)
When pickling spaCy's objects like the Doc
or the
, keep in mind that they all require
the shared Vocab
(which includes the string to hash mappings,
label schemes and optional vectors). This means that their pickled
representations can become very large, especially if you have word vectors
loaded, because it won't only include the object itself, but also the entire
shared vocab it depends on.
If you need to pickle multiple objects, try to pickle them together instead
of separately. For instance, instead of pickling all pipeline components, pickle
the entire pipeline once. And instead of pickling several Doc
separately, pickle a list of Doc
objects. Since they all share a reference to
the same Vocab
object, it will only be included once.
### Pickling objects with shared data {highlight="8-9"}
doc1 = nlp("Hello world")
doc2 = nlp("This is a test")
doc1_data = pickle.dumps(doc1)
doc2_data = pickle.dumps(doc2)
print(len(doc1_data) + len(doc2_data)) # 6636116 😞
doc_data = pickle.dumps([doc1, doc2])
print(len(doc_data)) # 3319761 😃
Pickling Token
and Span
objects isn't supported. They're only views of the
and can't exist on their own. Pickling them would always mean pulling in
the parent document and its vocabulary, which has practically no advantage over
pickling the parent Doc
- data = pickle.dumps(doc[10:20])
+ data = pickle.dumps(doc)
If you really only need a span – for example, a particular sentence – you can
use Span.as_doc
to make a copy of it and convert it to a
object. However, note that this will not let you recover contextual
information from outside the span.
+ span_doc = doc[10:20].as_doc()
data = pickle.dumps(span_doc)
Implementing serialization methods
When you call nlp.to_disk
or load a model package, spaCy will
iterate over the components in the pipeline, check if they expose a to_disk
method and if so, call it with the path to the model directory plus
the string name of the component. For example, if you're calling
, the data for the named entity recognizer will be saved
in /path/ner
If you're using custom pipeline components that depend on external data – for
example, model weights or terminology lists – you can take advantage of spaCy's
built-in component serialization by making your custom component expose its own
and from_disk
or to_bytes
and from_bytes
methods. When an nlp
object with the component in its pipeline is saved or loaded, the component will
then be able to serialize and deserialize itself. The following example shows a
custom component that keeps arbitrary JSON-serializable data, allows the user to
add to that data and saves and loads the data to and from a JSON file.
Real-world example
To see custom serialization methods in action, check out the new
component and its source. Patterns added to the component will be saved to a.jsonl
file if the pipeline is serialized to disk, and to a bytestring if the pipeline is serialized to bytes. This allows saving out a model with a rule-based entity recognizer and including all rules with the model data.
### {highlight="15-19,21-26"}
class CustomComponent(object):
name = "my_component"
def __init__(self):
self.data = []
def __call__(self, doc):
# Do something to the doc here
return doc
def add(self, data):
# Add something to the component's data
def to_disk(self, path, **kwargs):
# This will receive the directory path + /my_component
data_path = path / "data.json"
with data_path.open("w", encoding="utf8") as f:
def from_disk(self, path, **cfg):
# This will receive the directory path + /my_component
data_path = path / "data.json"
with data_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as f:
self.data = json.loads(f)
return self
After adding the component to the pipeline and adding some data to it, we can
serialize the nlp
object to a directory, which will call the custom
component's to_disk
### {highlight="2-4"}
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
my_component = CustomComponent()
my_component.add({"hello": "world"})
The contents of the directory would then look like this.
converted the data to a JSON string and saved it to a
file data.json
in its subdirectory:
### Directory structure {highlight="2-3"}
└── /path/to/model
├── my_component # data serialized by "my_component"
| └── data.json
├── ner # data for "ner" component
├── parser # data for "parser" component
├── tagger # data for "tagger" component
├── vocab # model vocabulary
├── meta.json # model meta.json with name, language and pipeline
└── tokenizer # tokenization rules
When you load the data back in, spaCy will call the custom component's
method with the given file path, and the component can then load the
contents of data.json
, convert them to a Python object and restore the
component state. The same works for other types of data, of course – for
instance, you could add a
wrapper for a model
trained with a different library like TensorFlow or PyTorch and make spaCy load
its weights automatically when you load the model package.
When you load a model from disk, spaCy will check the "pipeline"
in the
model's meta.json
and look up the component name in the internal factories. To
make sure spaCy knows how to initialize "my_component"
, you'll need to add it
to the factories:
from spacy.language import Language
Language.factories["my_component"] = lambda nlp, **cfg: CustomComponent()
For more details, see the documentation on adding factories or use entry points to make your extension package expose your custom components to spaCy automatically.
Using entry points
Entry points let you expose parts of a Python package you write to other Python
packages. This lets one application easily customize the behavior of another, by
exposing an entry point in its setup.py
. For a quick and fun intro to entry
points in Python, check out
this excellent blog post.
spaCy can load custom function from several different entry points to add
pipeline component factories, language classes and other settings. To make spaCy
use your entry points, your package needs to expose them and it needs to be
installed in the same environment – that's it.
Entry point | Description |
spacy_factories |
Group of entry points for pipeline component factories to add to Language.factories , keyed by component name. |
spacy_languages |
Group of entry points for custom Language subclasses, keyed by language shortcut. |
spacy_lookups 2.2 |
Group of entry points for custom Lookups , including lemmatizer data. Used by spaCy's spacy-lookups-data package. |
spacy_displacy_colors 2.2 |
Group of entry points of custom label colors for the displaCy visualizer. The key name doesn't matter, but it should point to a dict of labels and color values. Useful for custom models that predict different entity types. |
Custom components via entry points
When you load a model, spaCy will generally use the model's meta.json
to set
up the language class and construct the pipeline. The pipeline is specified as a
list of strings, e.g. "pipeline": ["tagger", "paser", "ner"]
. For each of
those strings, spaCy will call nlp.create_pipe
and look up the name in the
built-in factories.
If your model wanted to specify its own custom components, you usually have to
write to Language.factories
before loading the model.
pipe = nlp.create_pipe("custom_component") # fails 👎
Language.factories["custom_component"] = CustomComponentFactory
pipe = nlp.create_pipe("custom_component") # works 👍
This is inconvenient and usually required shipping a bunch of component
initialization code with the model. Using entry points, model packages and
extension packages can now define their own "spacy_factories"
, which will be
added to the built-in factories when the Language
class is initialized. If a
package in the same environment exposes spaCy entry points, all of this happens
automatically and no further user action is required.
To stick with the theme of
this entry points blog post,
consider the following custom spaCy extension which is initialized with the
shared nlp
object and will print a snake when it's called as a pipeline
Package directory structure
├── snek.py # the extension code └── setup.py # setup file for pip installation
### snek.py
snek = """
--..,_ _,.--.
`'.'. .'`__ o `;__.
'.'. .'.'` '---'` `
class SnekFactory(object):
def __init__(self, nlp, **cfg):
self.nlp = nlp
def __call__(self, doc):
return doc
Since it's a very complex and sophisticated module, you want to split it off
into its own package so you can version it and upload it to PyPi. You also want
your custom model to be able to define "pipeline": ["snek"]
in its
. For that, you need to be able to tell spaCy where to find the
factory for "snek"
. If you don't do this, spaCy will raise an error when you
try to load the model because there's no built-in "snek"
factory. To add an
entry to the factories, you can now expose it in your setup.py
via the
### setup.py {highlight="5-7"}
from setuptools import setup
"spacy_factories": ["snek = snek:SnekFactory"]
The entry point definition tells spaCy that the name snek
can be found in the
module snek
(i.e. snek.py
) as SnekFactory
. The same package can expose
multiple entry points. To make them available to spaCy, all you need to do is
install the package:
$ python setup.py develop
spaCy is now able to create the pipeline component 'snek'
>>> from spacy.lang.en import English
>>> nlp = English()
>>> snek = nlp.create_pipe("snek") # this now works! 🐍🎉
>>> nlp.add_pipe(snek)
>>> doc = nlp("I am snek")
--..,_ _,.--.
`'.'. .'`__ o `;__.
'.'. .'.'` '---'` `
Arguably, this gets even more exciting when you train your en_core_snek_sm
model. To make sure snek
is installed with the model, you can add it to the
model's setup.py
. You can then tell spaCy to construct the model pipeline with
the snek
component by setting "pipeline": ["snek"]
in the meta.json
{ "lang": "en", "name": "core_snek_sm", "version": "1.0.0", + "pipeline": ["snek"] }
In theory, the entry point mechanism also lets you overwrite built-in factories – including the tokenizer. By default, spaCy will output a warning in these cases, to prevent accidental overwrites and unintended results.
Advanced components with settings
The **cfg
keyword arguments that the factory receives are passed down all the
way from spacy.load
. This means that the factory can respond to custom
settings defined when loading the model – for example, the style of the snake to
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_snek_sm", snek_style="cute")
SNEKS = {"basic": snek, "cute": cute_snek} # collection of sneks
class SnekFactory(object):
def __init__(self, nlp, **cfg):
self.nlp = nlp
self.snek_style = cfg.get("snek_style", "basic")
self.snek = SNEKS[self.snek_style]
def __call__(self, doc):
return doc
The factory can also implement other pipeline component like to_disk
for serialization, or even update
to make the component trainable.
If a component exposes a from_disk
method and is included in a model's
pipeline, spaCy will call it on load. This lets you ship custom data with your
model. When you save out a model using nlp.to_disk
and the component exposes a
method, it will be called with the disk path.
def to_disk(self, path, **kwargs):
snek_path = path / "snek.txt"
with snek_path.open("w", encoding="utf8") as snek_file:
def from_disk(self, path, **cfg):
snek_path = path / "snek.txt"
with snek_path.open("r", encoding="utf8") as snek_file:
self.snek = snek_file.read()
return self
The above example will serialize the current snake in a snek.txt
in the model
data directory. When a model using the snek
component is loaded, it will open
the snek.txt
and make it available to the component.
Custom language classes via entry points
To stay with the theme of the previous example and
this blog post on entry points,
let's imagine you wanted to implement your own SnekLanguage
class for your
custom model – but you don't necessarily want to modify spaCy's code to
add a language. In your package, you could then
implement the following:
### snek.py
from spacy.language import Language
from spacy.attrs import LANG
class SnekDefaults(Language.Defaults):
lex_attr_getters = dict(Language.Defaults.lex_attr_getters)
lex_attr_getters[LANG] = lambda text: "snk"
class SnekLanguage(Language):
lang = "snk"
Defaults = SnekDefaults
# Some custom snek language stuff here
Alongside the spacy_factories
, there's also an entry point option for
, which maps language codes to language-specific Language
### setup.py
from setuptools import setup
"spacy_factories": ["snek = snek:SnekFactory"],
+ "spacy_languages": ["snk = snek:SnekLanguage"]
In spaCy, you can then load the custom sk
language and it will be resolved to
via the custom entry point. This is especially relevant for model
packages, which could then specify "lang": "snk"
in their meta.json
spaCy raising an error because the language is not available in the core
{ - "lang": "en", + "lang": "snk", "name": "core_snek_sm", "version": "1.0.0", "pipeline": ["snek"] }
from spacy.util import get_lang_class
SnekLanguage = get_lang_class("snk")
nlp = SnekLanguage()
Custom displaCy colors via entry points
If you're training a named entity recognition model for a custom domain, you may
end up training different labels that don't have pre-defined colors in the
visualizer. The spacy_displacy_colors
entry point lets you define a dictionary of entity labels mapped to their color
values. It's added to the pre-defined colors and can also overwrite existing
Domain-specific NER labels
Good examples of models with domain-specific label schemes are scispaCy and Blackstone.
### snek.py
displacy_colors = {"SNEK": "#3dff74", "HUMAN": "#cfc5ff"}
Given the above colors, the entry point can be defined as follows. Entry points
need to have a name, so we use the key colors
. However, the name doesn't
matter and whatever is defined in the entry point group will be used.
### setup.py
from setuptools import setup
+ "spacy_displacy_colors": ["colors = snek:displacy_colors"]
After installing the package, the the custom colors will be used when
visualizing text with displacy
. Whenever the label SNEK
is assigned, it will
be displayed in #3dff74
import DisplaCyEntSnekHtml from 'images/displacy-ent-snek.html'