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Top-level Functions
Utility Functions



Load a model via its shortcut link, the name of an installed model package, a unicode path or a Path-like object. spaCy will try resolving the load argument in this order. If a model is loaded from a shortcut link or package name, spaCy will assume it's a Python package and import it and call the model's own load() method. If a model is loaded from a path, spaCy will assume it's a data directory, read the language and pipeline settings off the meta.json and initialize the Language class. The data will be loaded in via Language.from_disk.


nlp = spacy.load("en") # shortcut link
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") # package
nlp = spacy.load("/path/to/en") # unicode path
nlp = spacy.load(Path("/path/to/en")) # pathlib Path

nlp = spacy.load("en", disable=["parser", "tagger"])
Name Type Description
name unicode / Path Model to load, i.e. shortcut link, package name or path.
disable list Names of pipeline components to disable.
RETURNS Language A Language object with the loaded model.

Essentially, spacy.load() is a convenience wrapper that reads the language ID and pipeline components from a model's meta.json, initializes the Language class, loads in the model data and returns it.

### Abstract example
cls = util.get_lang_class(lang)         #  get language for ID, e.g. 'en'
nlp = cls()                             #  initialise the language
for name in pipeline: component = nlp.create_pipe(name)   #  create each pipeline component nlp.add_pipe(component)             #  add component to pipeline
nlp.from_disk(model_data_path)          #  load in model data

As of spaCy 2.0, the path keyword argument is deprecated. spaCy will also raise an error if no model could be loaded and never just return an empty Language object. If you need a blank language, you can use the new function spacy.blank() or import the class explicitly, e.g. from spacy.lang.en import English.

- nlp = spacy.load("en", path="/model")
+ nlp = spacy.load("/model")


Create a blank model of a given language class. This function is the twin of spacy.load().


nlp_en = spacy.blank("en")
nlp_de = spacy.blank("de")
Name Type Description
name unicode ISO code of the language class to load.
disable list Names of pipeline components to disable.
RETURNS Language An empty Language object of the appropriate subclass.


The same as the info command. Pretty-print information about your installation, models and local setup from within spaCy. To get the model meta data as a dictionary instead, you can use the meta attribute on your nlp object with a loaded model, e.g. nlp.meta.


spacy.info("de", markdown=True)
Name Type Description
model unicode A model, i.e. shortcut link, package name or path (optional).
markdown bool Print information as Markdown.


Get a description for a given POS tag, dependency label or entity type. For a list of available terms, see glossary.py.


# Nationalities or religious or political groups

doc = nlp(u"Hello world")
for word in doc:
   print(word.text, word.tag_, spacy.explain(word.tag_))
# Hello UH interjection
# world NN noun, singular or mass
Name Type Description
term unicode Term to explain.
RETURNS unicode The explanation, or None if not found in the glossary.


Allocate data and perform operations on GPU, if available. If data has already been allocated on CPU, it will not be moved. Ideally, this function should be called right after importing spaCy and before loading any models.


import spacy
activated = spacy.prefer_gpu()
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
Name Type Description
RETURNS bool Whether the GPU was activated.


Allocate data and perform operations on GPU. Will raise an error if no GPU is available. If data has already been allocated on CPU, it will not be moved. Ideally, this function should be called right after importing spaCy and before loading any models.


import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
Name Type Description
RETURNS bool True


As of v2.0, spaCy comes with a built-in visualization suite. For more info and examples, see the usage guide on visualizing spaCy.


Serve a dependency parse tree or named entity visualization to view it in your browser. Will run a simple web server.


import spacy
from spacy import displacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc1 = nlp(u"This is a sentence.")
doc2 = nlp(u"This is another sentence.")
displacy.serve([doc1, doc2], style="dep")
Name Type Description Default
docs list, Doc, Span Document(s) to visualize.
style unicode Visualization style, 'dep' or 'ent'. 'dep'
page bool Render markup as full HTML page. True
minify bool Minify HTML markup. False
options dict Visualizer-specific options, e.g. colors. {}
manual bool Don't parse Doc and instead, expect a dict or list of dicts. See here for formats and examples. False
port int Port to serve visualization. 5000
host unicode Host to serve visualization. ''


Render a dependency parse tree or named entity visualization.


import spacy
from spacy import displacy
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
doc = nlp(u"This is a sentence.")
html = displacy.render(doc, style="dep")
Name Type Description Default
docs list, Doc, Span Document(s) to visualize.
style unicode Visualization style, 'dep' or 'ent'. 'dep'
page bool Render markup as full HTML page. False
minify bool Minify HTML markup. False
jupyter bool Explicitly enable "Jupyter mode" to return markup ready to be rendered in a notebook. detected automatically
options dict Visualizer-specific options, e.g. colors. {}
manual bool Don't parse Doc and instead, expect a dict or list of dicts. See here for formats and examples. False
RETURNS unicode Rendered HTML markup.

Visualizer options

The options argument lets you specify additional settings for each visualizer. If a setting is not present in the options, the default value will be used.

Dependency Visualizer options


options = {"compact": True, "color": "blue"}
displacy.serve(doc, style="dep", options=options)
Name Type Description Default
fine_grained bool Use fine-grained part-of-speech tags (Token.tag_) instead of coarse-grained tags (Token.pos_). False
collapse_punct bool Attach punctuation to tokens. Can make the parse more readable, as it prevents long arcs to attach punctuation. True
collapse_phrases bool Merge noun phrases into one token. False
compact bool "Compact mode" with square arrows that takes up less space. False
color unicode Text color (HEX, RGB or color names). '#000000'
bg unicode Background color (HEX, RGB or color names). '#ffffff'
font unicode Font name or font family for all text. 'Arial'
offset_x int Spacing on left side of the SVG in px. 50
arrow_stroke int Width of arrow path in px. 2
arrow_width int Width of arrow head in px. 10 / 8 (compact)
arrow_spacing int Spacing between arrows in px to avoid overlaps. 20 / 12 (compact)
word_spacing int Vertical spacing between words and arcs in px. 45
distance int Distance between words in px. 175 / 150 (compact)

Named Entity Visualizer options


options = {"ents": ["PERSON", "ORG", "PRODUCT"],
           "colors": {"ORG": "yellow"}}
displacy.serve(doc, style="ent", options=options)
Name Type Description Default
ents list Entity types to highlight (None for all types). None
colors dict Color overrides. Entity types in uppercase should be mapped to color names or values. {}

By default, displaCy comes with colors for all entity types supported by spaCy. If you're using custom entity types, you can use the colors setting to add your own colors for them.

Utility functions

spaCy comes with a small collection of utility functions located in spacy/util.py. Because utility functions are mostly intended for internal use within spaCy, their behavior may change with future releases. The functions documented on this page should be safe to use and we'll try to ensure backwards compatibility. However, we recommend having additional tests in place if your application depends on any of spaCy's utilities.


Get path to the data directory where spaCy looks for models. Defaults to spacy/data.

Name Type Description
require_exists bool Only return path if it exists, otherwise return None.
RETURNS Path / None Data path or None.


Set custom path to the data directory where spaCy looks for models.


# PosixPath('/custom/path')
Name Type Description
path unicode / Path Path to new data directory.


Import and load a Language class. Allows lazy-loading language data and importing languages using the two-letter language code. To add a language code for a custom language class, you can use the set_lang_class helper.


for lang_id in ["en", "de"]:
    lang_class = util.get_lang_class(lang_id)
    lang = lang_class()
    tokenizer = lang.Defaults.create_tokenizer()
Name Type Description
lang unicode Two-letter language code, e.g. 'en'.
RETURNS Language Language class.


Set a custom Language class name that can be loaded via get_lang_class. If your model uses a custom language, this is required so that spaCy can load the correct class from the two-letter language code.


from spacy.lang.xy import CustomLanguage

util.set_lang_class('xy', CustomLanguage)
lang_class = util.get_lang_class('xy')
nlp = lang_class()
Name Type Description
name unicode Two-letter language code, e.g. 'en'.
cls Language The language class, e.g. English.

util.lang_class_is_loaded (#util.lang_class_is_loaded tag="function" new="2.1")

Check whether a Language class is already loaded. Language classes are loaded lazily, to avoid expensive setup code associated with the language data.


lang_cls = util.get_lang_class("en")
assert util.lang_class_is_loaded("en") is True
assert util.lang_class_is_loaded("de") is False
Name Type Description
name unicode Two-letter language code, e.g. 'en'.
RETURNS bool Whether the class has been loaded.


Load a model from a shortcut link, package or data path. If called with a shortcut link or package name, spaCy will assume the model is a Python package and import and call its load() method. If called with a path, spaCy will assume it's a data directory, read the language and pipeline settings from the meta.json and initialize a Language class. The model data will then be loaded in via Language.from_disk().


nlp = util.load_model("en")
nlp = util.load_model("en_core_web_sm", disable=["ner"])
nlp = util.load_model("/path/to/data")
Name Type Description
name unicode Package name, shortcut link or model path.
**overrides - Specific overrides, like pipeline components to disable.
RETURNS Language Language class with the loaded model.


Load a model from a data directory path. Creates the Language class and pipeline based on the directory's meta.json and then calls from_disk() with the path. This function also makes it easy to test a new model that you haven't packaged yet.


nlp = load_model_from_path("/path/to/data")
Name Type Description
model_path unicode Path to model data directory.
meta dict Model meta data. If False, spaCy will try to load the meta from a meta.json in the same directory.
**overrides - Specific overrides, like pipeline components to disable.
RETURNS Language Language class with the loaded model.


A helper function to use in the load() method of a model package's __init__.py.


from spacy.util import load_model_from_init_py

def load(**overrides):
    return load_model_from_init_py(__file__, **overrides)
Name Type Description
init_file unicode Path to model's __init__.py, i.e. __file__.
**overrides - Specific overrides, like pipeline components to disable.
RETURNS Language Language class with the loaded model.


Get a model's meta.json from a directory path and validate its contents.


meta = util.get_model_meta("/path/to/model")
Name Type Description
path unicode / Path Path to model directory.
RETURNS dict The model's meta data.


Check if string maps to a package installed via pip. Mainly used to validate model packages.


util.is_package("en_core_web_sm") # True
util.is_package("xyz") # False
Name Type Description
name unicode Name of package.
RETURNS bool True if installed package, False if not.


Get path to an installed package. Mainly used to resolve the location of model packages. Currently imports the package to find its path.


# /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/en_core_web_sm
Name Type Description
package_name unicode Name of installed package.
RETURNS Path Path to model package directory.


Check if user is running spaCy from a Jupyter notebook by detecting the IPython kernel. Mainly used for the displacy visualizer.


html = "<h1>Hello world!</h1>"
if util.is_in_jupyter():
    from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
Name Type Description
RETURNS bool True if in Jupyter, False if not.


Update, validate and overwrite tokenizer exceptions. Used to combine global exceptions with custom, language-specific exceptions. Will raise an error if key doesn't match ORTH values.


BASE =  {"a.": [{ORTH: "a."}], ":)": [{ORTH: ":)"}]}
NEW = {"a.": [{ORTH: "a.", LEMMA: "all"}]}
exceptions = util.update_exc(BASE, NEW)
# {"a.": [{ORTH: "a.", LEMMA: "all"}], ":)": [{ORTH: ":)"}]}
Name Type Description
base_exceptions dict Base tokenizer exceptions.
*addition_dicts dicts Exception dictionaries to add to the base exceptions, in order.
RETURNS dict Combined tokenizer exceptions.


Compile a sequence of prefix rules into a regex object.


prefixes = ("§", "%", "=", r"\+")
prefix_regex = util.compile_prefix_regex(prefixes)
nlp.tokenizer.prefix_search = prefix_regex.search
Name Type Description
entries tuple The prefix rules, e.g. lang.punctuation.TOKENIZER_PREFIXES.
RETURNS regex The regex object. to be used for Tokenizer.prefix_search.


Compile a sequence of suffix rules into a regex object.


suffixes = ("'s", "'S", r"(?<=[0-9])\+")
suffix_regex = util.compile_suffix_regex(suffixes)
nlp.tokenizer.suffix_search = suffix_regex.search
Name Type Description
entries tuple The suffix rules, e.g. lang.punctuation.TOKENIZER_SUFFIXES.
RETURNS regex The regex object. to be used for Tokenizer.suffix_search.


Compile a sequence of infix rules into a regex object.


infixes = ("…", "-", "—", r"(?<=[0-9])[+\-\*^](?=[0-9-])")
infix_regex = util.compile_infix_regex(infixes)
nlp.tokenizer.infix_finditer = infix_regex.finditer
Name Type Description
entries tuple The infix rules, e.g. lang.punctuation.TOKENIZER_INFIXES.
RETURNS regex The regex object. to be used for Tokenizer.infix_finditer.


Iterate over batches of items. size may be an iterator, so that batch-size can vary on each step.


batches = minibatch(train_data)
for batch in batches:
    texts, annotations = zip(*batch)
    nlp.update(texts, annotations)
Name Type Description
items iterable The items to batch up.
size int / iterable The batch size(s). Use util.compounding or util.decaying or for an infinite series of compounding or decaying values.
YIELDS list The batches.


Yield an infinite series of compounding values. Each time the generator is called, a value is produced by multiplying the previous value by the compound rate.


sizes = compounding(1., 10., 1.5)
assert next(sizes) == 1.
assert next(sizes) == 1. * 1.5
assert next(sizes) == 1.5 * 1.5
Name Type Description
start int / float The first value.
stop int / float The maximum value.
compound int / float The compounding factor.
YIELDS int Compounding values.


Yield an infinite series of linearly decaying values.


sizes = decaying(1., 10., 0.001)
assert next(sizes) == 1.
assert next(sizes) == 1. - 0.001
assert next(sizes) == 0.999 - 0.001
Name Type Description
start int / float The first value.
end int / float The maximum value.
decay int / float The decaying factor.
YIELDS int The decaying values.


Shuffle an iterator. This works by holding bufsize items back and yielding them sometime later. Obviously, this is not unbiased but should be good enough for batching. Larger buffsize means less bias.


values = range(1000)
shuffled = itershuffle(values)
Name Type Description
iterable iterable Iterator to shuffle.
buffsize int Items to hold back.
YIELDS iterable The shuffled iterator.

Compatibility functions

All Python code is written in an intersection of Python 2 and Python 3. This is easy in Cython, but somewhat ugly in Python. Logic that deals with Python or platform compatibility only lives in spacy.compat. To distinguish them from the builtin functions, replacement functions are suffixed with an underscore, e.g. unicode_.


from spacy.compat import unicode_

compatible_unicode = unicode_("hello world")
Name Python 2 Python 3
compat.bytes_ str bytes
compat.unicode_ unicode str
compat.basestring_ basestring str
compat.input_ raw_input input
compat.path2str str(path) with .decode('utf8') str(path)


Check if a specific configuration of Python version and operating system matches the user's setup. Mostly used to display targeted error messages.


from spacy.compat import is_config

if is_config(python2=True, windows=True):
    print("You are using Python 2 on Windows.")
Name Type Description
python2 bool spaCy is executed with Python 2.x.
python3 bool spaCy is executed with Python 3.x.
windows bool spaCy is executed on Windows.
linux bool spaCy is executed on Linux.
osx bool spaCy is executed on OS X or macOS.
RETURNS bool Whether the specified configuration matches the user's platform.