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synced 2025-03-08 21:35:50 +03:00
Add and update `score` methods, provided `scores`, and default weights `default_score_weights` for pipeline components. * `scores` provides all top-level keys returned by `score` (merely informative, similar to `assigns`). * `default_score_weights` provides the default weights for a default config. * The keys from `default_score_weights` determine which values will be shown in the `spacy train` output, so keys with weight `0.0` will be displayed but not counted toward the overall score.
344 lines
13 KiB
344 lines
13 KiB
# cython: infer_types=True, profile=True, binding=True
import numpy
import srsly
from thinc.api import Model, set_dropout_rate, SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy, Config
import warnings
from ..tokens.doc cimport Doc
from ..morphology cimport Morphology
from ..vocab cimport Vocab
from .pipe import Pipe, deserialize_config
from ..language import Language
from ..attrs import POS, ID
from ..parts_of_speech import X
from ..errors import Errors, TempErrors, Warnings
from ..scorer import Scorer
from .. import util
default_model_config = """
@architectures = "spacy.Tagger.v1"
@architectures = "spacy.HashEmbedCNN.v1"
pretrained_vectors = null
width = 96
depth = 4
embed_size = 2000
window_size = 1
maxout_pieces = 3
subword_features = true
dropout = null
DEFAULT_TAGGER_MODEL = Config().from_str(default_model_config)["model"]
default_config={"model": DEFAULT_TAGGER_MODEL, "set_morphology": False},
scores=["tag_acc", "pos_acc", "lemma_acc"],
default_score_weights={"tag_acc": 1.0},
def make_tagger(nlp: Language, name: str, model: Model, set_morphology: bool):
return Tagger(nlp.vocab, model, name, set_morphology=set_morphology)
class Tagger(Pipe):
"""Pipeline component for part-of-speech tagging.
DOCS: https://spacy.io/api/tagger
def __init__(self, vocab, model, name="tagger", *, set_morphology=False):
self.vocab = vocab
self.model = model
self.name = name
self._rehearsal_model = None
cfg = {"set_morphology": set_morphology}
self.cfg = dict(sorted(cfg.items()))
def labels(self):
return tuple(self.vocab.morphology.tag_names)
def __call__(self, doc):
tags = self.predict([doc])
self.set_annotations([doc], tags)
return doc
def pipe(self, stream, batch_size=128):
for docs in util.minibatch(stream, size=batch_size):
tag_ids = self.predict(docs)
self.set_annotations(docs, tag_ids)
yield from docs
def predict(self, docs):
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
n_labels = len(self.labels)
guesses = [self.model.ops.alloc((0, n_labels)) for doc in docs]
assert len(guesses) == len(docs)
return guesses
scores = self.model.predict(docs)
assert len(scores) == len(docs), (len(scores), len(docs))
guesses = self._scores2guesses(scores)
assert len(guesses) == len(docs)
return guesses
def _scores2guesses(self, scores):
guesses = []
for doc_scores in scores:
doc_guesses = doc_scores.argmax(axis=1)
if not isinstance(doc_guesses, numpy.ndarray):
doc_guesses = doc_guesses.get()
return guesses
def set_annotations(self, docs, batch_tag_ids):
if isinstance(docs, Doc):
docs = [docs]
cdef Doc doc
cdef int idx = 0
cdef Vocab vocab = self.vocab
assign_morphology = self.cfg.get("set_morphology", True)
for i, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc_tag_ids = batch_tag_ids[i]
if hasattr(doc_tag_ids, "get"):
doc_tag_ids = doc_tag_ids.get()
for j, tag_id in enumerate(doc_tag_ids):
# Don't clobber preset POS tags
if doc.c[j].tag == 0:
if doc.c[j].pos == 0 and assign_morphology:
# Don't clobber preset lemmas
lemma = doc.c[j].lemma
vocab.morphology.assign_tag_id(&doc.c[j], tag_id)
if lemma != 0 and lemma != doc.c[j].lex.orth:
doc.c[j].lemma = lemma
doc.c[j].tag = self.vocab.strings[self.labels[tag_id]]
idx += 1
doc.is_tagged = True
def update(self, examples, *, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None, set_annotations=False):
if losses is None:
losses = {}
losses.setdefault(self.name, 0.0)
if not any(len(eg.predicted) if eg.predicted else 0 for eg in examples):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
except AttributeError:
types = set([type(eg) for eg in examples])
raise TypeError(Errors.E978.format(name="Tagger", method="update", types=types))
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
tag_scores, bp_tag_scores = self.model.begin_update(
[eg.predicted for eg in examples])
for sc in tag_scores:
if self.model.ops.xp.isnan(sc.sum()):
raise ValueError("nan value in scores")
loss, d_tag_scores = self.get_loss(examples, tag_scores)
if sgd not in (None, False):
losses[self.name] += loss
if set_annotations:
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
self.set_annotations(docs, self._scores2guesses(tag_scores))
return losses
def rehearse(self, examples, drop=0., sgd=None, losses=None):
"""Perform a 'rehearsal' update, where we try to match the output of
an initial model.
docs = [eg.predicted for eg in examples]
except AttributeError:
types = set([type(eg) for eg in examples])
raise TypeError(Errors.E978.format(name="Tagger", method="rehearse", types=types))
if self._rehearsal_model is None:
if not any(len(doc) for doc in docs):
# Handle cases where there are no tokens in any docs.
set_dropout_rate(self.model, drop)
guesses, backprop = self.model.begin_update(docs)
target = self._rehearsal_model(examples)
gradient = guesses - target
if losses is not None:
losses.setdefault(self.name, 0.0)
losses[self.name] += (gradient**2).sum()
def get_loss(self, examples, scores):
loss_func = SequenceCategoricalCrossentropy(names=self.labels, normalize=False)
truths = [eg.get_aligned("tag", as_string=True) for eg in examples]
d_scores, loss = loss_func(scores, truths)
if self.model.ops.xp.isnan(loss):
raise ValueError("nan value when computing loss")
return float(loss), d_scores
def begin_training(self, get_examples=lambda: [], pipeline=None, sgd=None):
lemma_tables = ["lemma_rules", "lemma_index", "lemma_exc", "lemma_lookup"]
if not any(table in self.vocab.lookups for table in lemma_tables):
lexeme_norms = self.vocab.lookups.get_table("lexeme_norm", {})
if len(lexeme_norms) == 0 and self.vocab.lang in util.LEXEME_NORM_LANGS:
langs = ", ".join(util.LEXEME_NORM_LANGS)
warnings.warn(Warnings.W033.format(model="part-of-speech tagger", langs=langs))
orig_tag_map = dict(self.vocab.morphology.tag_map)
new_tag_map = {}
for example in get_examples():
y = example.y
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(Errors.E978.format(name="Tagger", method="begin_training", types=type(example)))
for token in y:
tag = token.tag_
if tag in orig_tag_map:
new_tag_map[tag] = orig_tag_map[tag]
new_tag_map[tag] = {POS: X}
cdef Vocab vocab = self.vocab
if new_tag_map:
if "_SP" in orig_tag_map:
new_tag_map["_SP"] = orig_tag_map["_SP"]
doc_sample = [Doc(self.vocab, words=["hello", "world"])]
if pipeline is not None:
for name, component in pipeline:
if component is self:
if hasattr(component, "pipe"):
doc_sample = list(component.pipe(doc_sample))
doc_sample = [component(doc) for doc in doc_sample]
# Get batch of example docs, example outputs to call begin_training().
# This lets the model infer shapes.
if sgd is None:
sgd = self.create_optimizer()
return sgd
def add_label(self, label, values=None):
if not isinstance(label, str):
raise ValueError(Errors.E187)
if label in self.labels:
return 0
if self.model.has_dim("nO"):
# Here's how the model resizing will work, once the
# neuron-to-tag mapping is no longer controlled by
# the Morphology class, which sorts the tag names.
# The sorting makes adding labels difficult.
# smaller = self.model._layers[-1]
# larger = Softmax(len(self.labels)+1, smaller.nI)
# copy_array(larger.W[:smaller.nO], smaller.W)
# copy_array(larger.b[:smaller.nO], smaller.b)
# self.model._layers[-1] = larger
raise ValueError(TempErrors.T003)
tag_map = dict(self.vocab.morphology.tag_map)
if values is None:
values = {POS: "X"}
tag_map[label] = values
return 1
def use_params(self, params):
with self.model.use_params(params):
def score(self, examples, **kwargs):
scores = {}
scores.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "tag", **kwargs))
scores.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "pos", **kwargs))
scores.update(Scorer.score_token_attr(examples, "lemma", **kwargs))
return scores
def to_bytes(self, exclude=tuple()):
serialize = {}
serialize["model"] = self.model.to_bytes
serialize["vocab"] = self.vocab.to_bytes
serialize["cfg"] = lambda: srsly.json_dumps(self.cfg)
tag_map = dict(sorted(self.vocab.morphology.tag_map.items()))
serialize["tag_map"] = lambda: srsly.msgpack_dumps(tag_map)
morph_rules = dict(self.vocab.morphology.exc)
serialize["morph_rules"] = lambda: srsly.msgpack_dumps(morph_rules)
return util.to_bytes(serialize, exclude)
def from_bytes(self, bytes_data, exclude=tuple()):
def load_model(b):
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149)
def load_tag_map(b):
tag_map = srsly.msgpack_loads(b)
def load_morph_rules(b):
morph_rules = srsly.msgpack_loads(b)
self.vocab.morphology = Morphology(self.vocab.strings, dict(),
deserialize = {
"vocab": lambda b: self.vocab.from_bytes(b),
"tag_map": load_tag_map,
"morph_rules": load_morph_rules,
"cfg": lambda b: self.cfg.update(srsly.json_loads(b)),
"model": lambda b: load_model(b),
util.from_bytes(bytes_data, deserialize, exclude)
return self
def to_disk(self, path, exclude=tuple()):
tag_map = dict(sorted(self.vocab.morphology.tag_map.items()))
morph_rules = dict(self.vocab.morphology.exc)
serialize = {
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.to_disk(p),
"tag_map": lambda p: srsly.write_msgpack(p, tag_map),
"morph_rules": lambda p: srsly.write_msgpack(p, morph_rules),
"model": lambda p: self.model.to_disk(p),
"cfg": lambda p: srsly.write_json(p, self.cfg),
util.to_disk(path, serialize, exclude)
def from_disk(self, path, exclude=tuple()):
def load_model(p):
with p.open("rb") as file_:
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(Errors.E149)
def load_tag_map(p):
tag_map = srsly.read_msgpack(p)
def load_morph_rules(p):
morph_rules = srsly.read_msgpack(p)
self.vocab.morphology = Morphology(self.vocab.strings, dict(),
deserialize = {
"vocab": lambda p: self.vocab.from_disk(p),
"cfg": lambda p: self.cfg.update(deserialize_config(p)),
"tag_map": load_tag_map,
"morph_rules": load_morph_rules,
"model": load_model,
util.from_disk(path, deserialize, exclude)
return self